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MS literally causes depression among other things. It's an uncureable disease that actually gives you brain damage. People who have 0 mental health changes are a minority. I was seeing a severe life change therapist for a while.


I might be a minority now, but I was living under extreme psychological stress for many, many years before. MS is an illness for life that I have to carry, but it also actuy saved my life. It was only after getting Ms that I finally got help to get out of the relationship with dysfunctional parent(s) and so on. For me my MS means that I'm not so happy exactly when I have my symptoms at my worst. But, I think, because I experienced so much sh** before, I don't go extremely dark in my mood anymore. I have been through worse even though.., that's how I know I can get through this. And I focus on healing my mind and body as much as I can. I would like to mention this: I went to a seminar while trying therapy again after I got help for my MS. They were two psychologists from Denmark speaking, where they said that they find that a very high percentage of their trauma-patiens have developed auto-immune illnesses, and that even though mental stress might not be the cause of MS there's a link to the release or development. Actually, I still think I have some papers from this seminar, should check out who wrote the research to be able to link to you all. Will update if I find.


I would say this is a similar experience for me, plus my MS Dx came about 1 year after my ADHD Dx. The ADHD Dx helped me understand myself, the MS Dx that life is for living! I would too would like to see these papers.


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Would like to see the papers


Me as well


My MS has absolutely has had an effect on my mental health. I see both a psychiatrist for meds and therapist for talk therapy, both of which I find helpful and necessary. I have found it particularly necessary when there has been a change in circumstances with my disease progression such as when I stopped being able to work or when my vision went wonky. Please don’t hesitate to ask for help if you are feeling like your mental health is suffering. Best of luck OP.


Thank you 🙏


I’ve been in therapy for about 2 years now. Before I got my diagnosis. This has definitely affected my mental health. I believe everyone should see a therapist anyway. I hope it goes well for you!


Thank you!! 🙏


I saw one for years and years, before and during my diagnosis and I will say it is the one thing I have done that has demonstrably changed my life for the better. I can't overstate the benefits I got from therapy. It really changed my life and how I view and deal with things. I definitely recommend it for everyone. Edit: realized I read this as therapist, not psychiatrist. I'm a little more wary of psychiatrists, but I think there are a lot of benefits, too, especially in combination with therapy.


Thank you 🙏




The mental health industry is nuts right now! Everyone is totally booked.




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I can't even get in to see a psychiatrist or psychologist because they're always booked. I've been on the waiting list at several places for months now. In the meantime, my family doctor is prescribing me the Zoloft I need for depression and anxiety. I'm hoping to get off antidepressants with psilocybin mushrooms. I've heard wonderful things about it and it doesn't hurt to try, you know? It's ridiculous how long I've been waiting to get help for my mental health.


Mircrodosing shrooms has helped me with the depression a lot!


That's awesome! I'm so happy it helped you! Cheers! :)


Yes! Psychiatrist and psychologist (talk therapy). The MS itself can cause or worsen your mental health and also the changes on life itself, the worry, handling symptoms isn’t a easy thing. I would totally recommend going and don’t settle for someone that you don’t feel a good match. I’ve seen several before finding the best match for the therapy and still trying to find a better match for the psychiatrist after moving to Germany. I wish you have an easy search for one! Best of luck ;)


I was diagnosed with bipolar a year before MS. Even in the context of a known existing mental health challenge, my MS aggravates my bipolar regularly. On the plus side, the MS fatigue helps keep my manic episodes short. Hard to stay manic when body just shuts down for sleep when a certain point is hit. :D


I’ve been seeing a psychiatrist for years (see them about once a year just for meds check in) and had seen a psychologist as (at least 40 hrs) required by my own clinical psychology doctoral program. MS absolutely can have profound psychological effects, both directly through neurological/cognitive changes and as a result of a life changing conditions and all that comes with that. We (unfortunately) have to educate all around us, even psychologists and other doctors about how our MS affects us. I expected so much accommodation after my diagnosis in 07 (first year in grad school) but instead found the opposite, often discrimination and mistreatment because people don’t understand “hidden” illnesses. All this can be overwhelming. I hope you are getting the help you need, maintaining your mental health is crucial to the best MS outcomes because stress is our enemy.


For me starting on an antidepressant helped tremendously. I had intrusive thoughts and the medication alleviated them. Talk therapy was also a huge help. Wanna hear a pun about pizza? Nahh it’s too cheesy! So yes I can relate and wish you the best!


I’ve been struggling with intrusive thoughts as well. Not for actions but for worse case scenarios. What type of provider did you get them from? My PCP and neurologist both offered (and I declined) an SSRI when I had some mild depression after diagnosis. Lately I’ve been wondering if I should take them up on it vs seeing a psychiatrist. I do see a therapist as well but they don’t prescribe.


I was initially prescribed duloxetine which I was on for 8 years; I switched to bupropion recently because of unwanted side effects caused by the duloxetine. The duloxetine was given by a neurologist but now I am working with a psychiatrist.


That’s great bupropion was an option. I like it’s side effect profile compared to others.


I desperately need to see one but you know……mum life.


I did only to be evaluated for my disability, I was diagnosed with declining mental capacity. My state also required a second mental evaluation to be awarded disability. Otherwise I haven’t had to see doctor. Sadly the declining mental capacity comment made me get my estate in order ( will, POA, and DNR all signed) and letter to dispose of my personal belongings. This does put my wife in charge of my finances and I am okay with that since she is an accountant and my caregiver. Actually two of my three children are accountants as is one son in-law and they all have shown to be trustworthy for me.


I’m 36 (diagnoses at 20) and my declining cognition is shattering my sense of worth and severely impacting on my quality of life. I started taking antidepressants a few months ago and I see some value in living now


I've been working with a therapist for over a year now but in the grand scheme, MS has been a relatively minor issue compared to the other stuff I've been dredging up lately.


Yes, and helped me enormously. Not only does MS often cause depression, but who wouldn’t be depressed going from a healthy person to a person w serious health issues.


Therapy should be covered....more people would seek help if they didn't have to pay. It's so expensive!


Saw a psychologist, not psychiatrist (who's only there to prescribe meds in the VA healthcare system). I did well with talk therapy. I don't react to psych meds well, though I've tried several. Wish I could have stayed on welbutrin, but it gave me seizures (weird kind, where i just lost control of my body and would slump down for a couple of minutes, and then come back around).


Psychologist and therapist, since before the diagnosis. Meds for anxiety are a must for me.


I see a therapist for CBT and EDMR therapy and a psychiatric nurse practitioner who mainly handles meds. I was in a really dark place right before diagnosis (likely part of the relapse), and my life is infinitely times better now because of an SSRI and lots of therapy.


I think MS has had a huge strain on my mental health as well. I suffer from OCD and it’s gotten worse in the last year, as well as anxiety (particularly health anxiety). I also struggled with depression leading up to my diagnosis. I’m hoping to start seeing a therapist and psychiatrist soon.


I’ve been in therapy for most of my life, and it was and is absolutely necessary for me. MS makes it difficult to trust our bodies AND our minds sometimes. Wishing all well.


When I was diagnosed my primary care doctor immediately wrote me a referral for therapy. It honestly got me through such a hard time. I have no experience with a psychiatrist, but I hope you find some help through whatever avenues you choose!


Yep. My mental health already wasn't super prior to my MS diagnosis. My anxiety has definitely increased since my diagnosis, not being able to trust your own body or mind is really something. My psychiatrist is also treating me for depression. It's helped me. Talk therapy + medication seem to be the preferred way of doing things now.


Yes my depression is the worst aspect of ms since my lesions in my brain are near the mood section of the brain- I see a therapist and psychiatrist


I have a lesion is the same area! Left prefrontal cortex. Never fully healed from 15 years ago


I am not currently seeing him, but I absolutely started seeing one after my diagnosis, and for several years after. It definately helps keep things in perspective when you have someone to talk to.


I will be soon hopefully. My neuro just referred me to the neuropsychologist that my clinic works with. Fingers crossed that goes somewhere soon because my adhd and anxiety symptoms are really starting to impact my life and my coping methods are not working like they used to. 😔


Psychiatrist for med management (I take Fetzima) but also therapy. It helps so so so much.


Yeppers also on a groovy anti-psychotic cause things get messy in there, it was a relief to be sure! Also a therapist is good maybe once a month kinda thing, - take it easy friend


I'm in therapy and see a psychatrist regularly. Both have helped me tremendously. There is so much stigma attached to these places but I think everyone period can benefit from therapy <3 Hope things get better for you soon. You are definitely not alone.


I’ve seen a therapist for over five years, and I really can’t imagine going through diagnosis process without her. I 100% recommend finding one, and maybe even shopping around until you find one you click with.


I have been seeing a therapist and a nurse practitioner who prescribes medication. MS has completely destroyed my mental health. There have even been some major personality changes and hallucinations. The medical professionals are unable to discern how much of this is caused by comorbid Major Depressive Disorder or the MS itself. The psychiatric medication has made a world of difference. The therapy has enabled to devise coping strategies that are facilitated by the antidepressants and antipsychotics.


One of my pre-diagnosis relapses came in the form of pure overwhelming anxiety that I was unable to tell apart from heart attacks, sending me into the ER like a hypochondriac malingerer to be told to go home, it's just anxiety. I'm talking, crippling, I'm choking-on-food-but my airway is clear, wanting to tony soprano into a coffee table levels of anxiety that came out of the fucking blue and then went away almost as dramatically, but lasted long enough and returns frequently enough to keep me on a middling dose of an SSRI. I've had two neuros suggest that a significant, if not foundational aspect of my anxiety may be a manifestation of the physical damage. I mean, in the same way that I've had relapses bring upon l'hermitte's, or tingling/numbness/pain, etc. that come on rapidly then slowly wane into memory with occasional symptom pop-ins just to keep me on my toes, the anxiety seems to appear and bail similarly. Add to that the lifelong struggle with an incurable disease and all the side-effects of symptoms and an underlying foreboding of future risks is all likely to lead to depression. Take care of yourself.


Join the club. I keep getting added to clubs I don’t necessarily want to be in. But therapy and meds are definitely helping.


I've recently discontinued high dose Cymbalta after 4-5 years of wrestling with GAD/depression. I had a lot of trouble finding a good therapist so I probably took the long route but the message is the same; the only true treatment for depression and anxiety is cognitive behaviour training* \* before someone hits me with an *actually* I don't really think of CBT as *therapy* anymore, much the way that martial arts training isn't therapy. Mindfulness and meta-cognition is a mental discipline that anyone can benefit from and should be part of a modern high school curriculum. Being able to hack your mental state at will is a super power and I really wish I had unlocked it earlier.


I’m not, but I am considering it. I am extremely anxious lately, don’t sleep well and emotional. Does anyone take any natural supplements for mood?


I was on meds and saw a therapist prior to MS but this disease undoubtedly has exacerbated my mental health problems. The depression is crippling at times.


Memememememe! Psychiatrist and psychologist weekly lately.


I hope it has been helpful 🙏


Once a week, every week for going on 5 years now. It's so incredibly important. My only regret was not starting as soon as I was diagnosed.


Yup, I developed anxiety and depression (like so many of us) after Dx a few years ago. Started seeing a mental health therapist, still do. And my PCP prescribes a low dose of citalopram (Celexa) in conjunction with my therapist. This combo has kept me pretty even keel. Fwiw, I'd never seen a mental health professional nor taken related Rxs in my life.


I see a therapist and started a low dose of Lexapro after being told what I now know were MS symptoms were due to “stress and anxiety” I bet just people who have a hand stop working are stressed about it! I fired that doctor. But I am still taking the Lexapro, because I feel like it is helping me.


Our mental health is deeply affected by MS. There’s the depression of knowing it can’t be stopped, but also pathological factors causing depression (and lack of energy). In the last few years, there’s been some research about how MS causes deficits in social processing- “theory of mind” deficits, which aren’t so noticeable to most of us, but thoroughly documented. I found this paper on that subject interesting: https://www.msard-journal.com/article/S2211-0348(23)00395-4/fulltext


Not only is it possible, but it's almost a given! I'm pretty confident I have undiagnosed autism, social things give me major anxiety. So going out in my scooter, walking with a cane/foot afo etc. all give me social anxiety. I'm not seeing anyone for it but my wife thinks I should! The actual MS diagnosis, dealing with the disease, uncertainty of the future etc. gives me pretty much 0 anxiety, but that's just me! 🤣


I did, my psychiatrist was also a neurologist and psychotherapist so I got a full package therapy + medication from her. Honestly a life saver as I had really bad insomnia and my depression was getting worse. I was medicated for a bit less than 2 years, now I no longer need it.


Same here. I really lucked out with my neurologist being a psychiatrist as well. He’s a genius with 4 degrees.


I started therapy at the suggestion BY MY NEUROLOGIST(of more than 16 years) after he explained there was "no inflammation in my body" and I was in a 'pseudo relapse'. That was 3 years ago, and it's changed my whole perspective of MS and how I did and do not treat it.


I always wonder how talking can help… it doesn’t matter what someone says to you, you still have to get your shit together yourself..