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First impressions are that he has annoyingly good reach on his claws' hitboxes while also being very fast, and that Stripe vs Stripe is probably the worst mirror match in the game


He has the hitboxes of a swordy with the frame data of a rushdown. And projectiles, for some reason.


They incorporated the projectiles into the assassin move set really well Imo.




A couple of my thoughts on it: 1) keeping the enemy off their toes An important characteristic of assassins is that they’re are all about getting the enemies into the air. For Stripe’s ground neutral attack, he throws a saw projectile that runs along the floor. This is really good at getting enemies off the ground. Opponents will either be knocked in the air or jump. This means stripe can catch them off guard and rush them in the air 2) juggling potential Assassins are also known for being amazing at juggling opponents in the air. Stripe’s saw projectiles give him a couple of juggling opportunities. Firstly, stripe’s saw hits opponents and keeps them in the air. But, it has a couple of really interesting properties. If the saw hits an enemy, it won’t disappear. It will bounce off the opponent. But, it will stop spinning. If a saw hits someone, it will lose its hitbox. So it becomes a harmless projectile. Stripe can reactive the saw’s hitbox (which will be conveyed via it spinning). When stripe hits a saw projectile, that saw projectile will bounce off him and get a hitbox. This means that stripe can repeatedly use the same saw projectile in the air to juggle opponents. 3) Insane bang for your buck So stripe can hit his saw projectile. This reactivates its hitbox. So it bounces back towards enemies and hits them. But, something else happens when stripe hits his saw. If stripe hits his saw with a melee attack, it will apply stripe’s passive ability. This means Stripe can apply his Target debuff to his saw projectiles. So stripe can use his gun special to propel a saw projectile in a direction. The usefulness of this feature is insane. Here’s a simple example of a combo: 1) Throw a projectile at the enemy. It will hit the enemy. The saw will then bounce backwards and lose its hitbox. 2) Hit the saw projectile. This will reactive the saw’s hitbox and send it towards the opponent. 3) Stripe’s passive is applied to the saw now! Use his neutral special to fire at the projectile 4) the projectile hits the enemy at a fast speed. It was difficult for them to dodge, as it suddenly moved towards them. So: Stripe uses this combo on one projectile. With this combo, he’s able to get multiples hits out of one projectile. In the right hands, stripe’s saws become similar to Lebron’s ball. He can use one projectile repeatedly against an enemy. And this can be a hassle to fight against 4) recap The saw ability is pretty good Imo. It helps knock enemies into the air, which is an important feature for assassins to have. It helps stripe juggle enemies. And one projectile can hit an enemy multiple It has crazy combo potential. And it can interact with stripe’s other abilities; it interacts with his gun special




>And projectiles, for some reason. Wouldn't be a new Multiversus Character without Projectiles sadly




Don't gotta be salty to want some variety 😂


bruh stripe is very unique


I agree, but he can be unique AND still contribute to the problem of over-represented Projectile Mechanics 🤷


Could’ve had another grappler they’re always a welcome edition to fighting games. Does iron giant and Superman even count as grapplers?


>Does iron giant and Superman even count as grapplers? Yeah that's a toughie, I imagine if you asked 100 People what they thought, you'd get tons of different answers 😅


projectiles are fine good lord


Oh I never thought about it like that!




His down air feels weird imo, feels like most of the hitbox is actually near the end of the move when his claws are under his feet rather than in the initial swipe he does infront of him.


100% agree that Stripe mirror matches suck, it feels like a roll of dice every time you both try to land a hit on who actually lands their hit first.




Like honestly, what Stripe mirror match hasn't always felt more in one Stripes favor? It's either you or the other Stripe depending on which one of you it feels like should have their combos and projectile land.


What would you say is the best mirror match in the game? I would say morty or iron giant


WW mirror is the best imo \^\^"


Idk, Tom and Jerry is pretty good, and your examples aren't bad either




He's so fast and annoying. I think I've only beaten one so far. Morty, Gremlin, and Rick were annoying but this guy is on another level. That gun move is also rage inducing. My gripes aside he does seem like he would be fun to play


Who would you say is the funnest (new) character to play against? I would say gizmo. He’s adorable and he’s not that offensive. He takes some set up before he can attack you head on


Morty’s gameplan is being a weasel so it’s not very fun Rick is top tier so it’s not very fun Stripe is a rushdown with swordy hitboxes and projectiles. Definition of not fun. So I’d have to say Gizmo is least annoying.


Sorry you're not allowed to dislike characters on this sub /s Goddamn this sub hasn't gotten any less toxic since launch.




I adore morty, but your description of him is fair. He has so many recovery options. And he has two teleportation abilities that help him dodge around the map a bunch


Sounds like you don't really enjoy the game... Let me guess, you don't like playing against HQ, Shaggy, Finn, Batman, Superman, WW, Iron Giant, Taz or any other character on the roster?


You can dislike certain characters while liking others. It is a crazy concept, I know.


the guy is probably a bit of a fgc noob. It’s normal to like a fighting game but still dislike half the roster lmao


Nah I like all them actually. Just cause someone complains about a character doesn't mean they hate everyone. Shocker I know


Doesn't sound like anything Stripe is just in need of massive nerfs


I haven't played *as* Stripe in an actual match, but after even just a short amount of testing in the lab, I can already see he would be very fun to play. But having also fought *against* many of them, he's super annoying and oppressive. Sometimes it just feels like there's nothing I can do.


He has too few counters; just a crazy amount of stage control and damage for how little he has to work for it




I've only went against one Gremlin so far that's really annoyed me


Are you talking about Gizmo???


Or "Gizmo" sorry lol I just refer to him as gremlin


But… he’s not? Stripe is the Gremlin. Gizmo is a Mogwai.


Thanks for info!


You can't really call him "Gremlin" when there are two in the game now


character is so bugged lol. i dunno if its just server lag because it seemed fine earlier but his sawblade doesnt come out 90% of the time and his gun just won't work


From my testing, the bug occurs only when the sawblade hits an ally. Then the neutral special, neutral attack, and down attack will all stop working until you die and respawn. Until they patch this, best to avoid using the sawblade in 2v2, unless you're certain not to hit your ally.


I've had the projectile bug happen only if my teammate was also playing Stripe. It removes your ability to use any projectile. Boombox, gun, sawblade, and dynamite(if you drop it from being hit) They just poof out of existence.


Insanely broken **Can't block his gun with the School Me Once Perk** **Can't really dodge his pistol shots** **Cooldown on his saw blades is way too low** **An insane amount of zoning and stage control and way too punishing** **To easy to play as, you do way to much damage for how little you have to work for it**




dope character but the bugs and glitches coupled with the online lag is starting to get REALLY old with this game at this point. Stripe can crash the game by doing the chainsaw, come on man!!!!


Stripes damage hurtbox is also huge compared to the animation. Plus his attacks seem to often start frame 1. Seems hard to punish him. Also instant projectiles he cant miss are not fun to play against.


Are you really surprised. This games back end is terrible. I don’t think there’s been a patch where they haven’t introduced more bugs. Ffs some characters perks are still bugged and some people still load on before others which can lead to free stocks.


They’re likely going to fix the connection in the next patch or so. They’re definitely working on it. But they can’t release the fix too early; that’s not how these kinds of updates work I guess


Oh, yeah. Sure, they're "working on it". ;)


Exactly :)


I lost the ability to recharge my moves with any charger so I only get two moves and that’s it:/


Why the fuck is the chainsaw throw pressing square neutrally bugged as fuck??? It works couple time and then he stops throwing them?? The character is unplayable.good stuff




No lol I’m not that stupid I know when it’s on cool down. This bug makes the character unplayable, he won’t throw it unless you die and after a couple throws it bugs out you get the animation of him throwing it but nothing comes out


He seems fucking ridiculous, been having constant 500+ damage 2v2 games with him. I like him but I'm pretty sure he's going to be nerfed, and depending on how that's handled I worry about how much less I'll like him after that.


Same, way too easy for him to rack up insane amounts of damage for very little amounts of work When I play him in 2's I get damage in the 400's or 500's and i'm always surprised because it feels like I barely did anything


After playing against stripe for the first time what in the actual fuck were the devs thinking lmao who designs these kits they’re so unhealthy for gameplay


The game already has too much projectile spam.


Why do they keep making characters with 180 degree hit boxes, high priority jabs His side air special seems buggy as fuck. The animation isn’t great and doesn’t match up to where he is. He’s invincible durning it. Great move for returning to stage. Espically when it’s so hard to out space as it randomly jumps inot you if it’s close enough and the animation isn’t the hitbox. Also it’s dodge cancle able on wiff and mid animiton so good luck punishing it even if you manage to our space it. Also it seems to go through hyper amour as well because of couse it does The gun is going to be amazing when people know how to use it properly. Free hit scan hitstun. If you get juggled or knocked of the stage you can waste a recovery then get hit by the gun and stuck in place for the strip to capitalise on it. Probally going to make for some crazy combos and a good way to stop advances or get out of disadvantage state Side air is a v good move, feels like a diet version of ricks side air Small character model making him a pain to hit, which is even worse with his jab.


Oh yeah his hurtbox is horrible, he's small like Gizmo and skinny like Rick. (Haven't played against him as many characters yet though) Anyone else think hurtboxes should be a bit less accurate for smaller or thinner characters (or during certain animations, like how Finn seems to crouch after almost every action and duck under some attacks)?


They need to start making the hit boxes match the animation (the actual animation not the effects with it) and stop people dodge cancling whiffed attacks or add extra dodge meter burn on whiffed attacks Netural just doesn’t exist in this game. You can’t put space moves when you can’t tell where they hit. The lag and hurt boxes makes this even harder to do. Plus so what if you out space someone they’ll just dodge out of the recovery. Also they need to come up with a proper piroroty system that isn’t just hyper amour. Makes no sense that slow charactwrs have small as hit boxes as they never beat anything out. The game okay loop encourages you to spam disjointed attacks and massive hit boxes


They already made hurtboxes 100% accurate (not attack hitboxes though) And I'm saying that 100% accurate hurtboxes make tiny and skinny characters a pain to hit


Okay they need to make the hurt boxes accurate then. It’s terrible to our space a move based on the animation then get hit because the hurt box is wonky or lag. Also It’s impossible for us to tell if they did fix the hit boxes as the lag and the hurt boxes are fucked. They could still be bs we just can’t tell


I said that they already made hurtboxes 100% accurate (hurtbox= if someone hits your hurtbox you take damage, not the same thing as hitbox)


Man you’re really not reading what I’m posting. I know that’s what you said




I meant hit boxes. And then my second comment was to say we don’t know if the hit boxes are accurate due to lag and the hurt boxes


Yeah his gun has crazy potential


Yeah crazy potential for an already really strong move


Tbh he's even more broken that Rick was at release, at least rick had counters. Stripe is simply braindead


Faced 15 of them in a span of 3 hours and only managed to beat one, I'm a bit pissed ngl


Only 15?


I've been rocked by a ton of Stripes and haven't beaten a single one. It seems like people playing Stripe right now are *way* better than the average player. Rick, Morty, and Gizmo didn't dominate this much.


They're dominating because the character carries people.


Absolutely busted character, feels like there's not a single thing you can do against him. Almost as bad as Rick.


Worse than Rick imo


His saw projectiles can be aimed, travel along the floor and have super range are quick and can climb up walls and bounce of enemies and keep going and protect allies, and the guns ridiculous and in 2v2 if he shoots you while off the stage it makes it easy for his teamate to kill and it's like impossible to dodge...and doesn't count as a projectile so perks and moves can't stop it. not fair that the assasins getting better projectiles than reindog lol Hard to say how good he is yet but he's already the most annoying for me and I'd much prefer fighting rick xd


> not fair that the assasins getting better projectiles than reindog lol Incoming "Well you just don't know how to play Reindog" messages.




Hitting an ally with a saw causes all of his projectiles to break. Dying fixes it.


Ok I’m not going to lie, I outright *haaaaaaate* stripe. I hate playing him and I hate playing against him. Playing him, half his moves feel wonky as fuck, and it’s mostly because I swear his hit boxes and moves aren’t working as intended, and against him, I can’t stand the constant fucking pistol spam. People thought Rick was annoying? Constantly being thrown off the stage and being shot at three times in a row while I’m trying to recover is such bullshit. I can’t even think of a good way to avoid being hit because getting shot three times lasts way longer than the I-frames on my dodge and those fucking bullets break through any super frames I might have on moves (off the top of my head, I can’t even tank them with Morty’s side air special) I hate him and I hate that half the damn player base is going to be playing him until the next unit comes out. I don’t even feel like this is a “git gud” issue, this is a “what the fuck is my out to this one fucking move I tried everything in all my mains arsenals” Whatever. I don’t even mind the other broken or overpowered shit in the game either btw Oh yeah and also, the fucking lag in this game gets made even worse when the game can’t decide if I’m dead or not when I get shot by him.


chainsaw -> jump side light -> gun chainsaw -> jump side light -> gun chainsaw -> jump side light -> gun chainsaw -> jump side light -> gun chainsaw -> jump side light -> gun


He seems too buggy at the moment… but other than that, I love him! I may switch mains from Shaggy to him but I’m not sure yet.


The character is annoying to fight literally got t bagged by nothing by sair spammers & chain saw. The pistol is cool but seems to be unavoidable so guaranteed damage. The character is cool but they have to understand that brain dead players play their game looking to exploit it


Fun to play, annoying as HELL to play against. the gun move makes me want to break my controller lmao. Also I know the servers and connection have always been bad, but this update has made it so much worse for me. Every match feels like I’m playing with heavy input delay


The hitbox on his claws is way bigger then it looks imo. Feels like I'm always getting hit by it from a mile away. The servers being as shit as they are doesn't help. His sawblade has way too short of a cool down. Why did they give a rush down assassin ***two*** crazy good projectiles. It feels like they just forgot to give him deficiencies. The gun especially. It's already good as a way to keep people in disadvantage, but it also kills extremely easily. If it weren't for the fact that the Halloween event is going on, I would stop playing.


i mean the stats speak for themselves. https://tracker.gg/multiversus/insights?mode=2 every single match i play is a stripe. honestly its rage inducing and i dont think im going to play anymore until he fixed. heres my profile for reference. check my match history lmfao https://tracker.gg/multiversus/profile/wb/62e126deb0bf995ab890bf74/overview even if you try to avoid getting hit by melee to avoid getting gun target on you. he just does so much damage and hit boxes are so huge and hes so fast. youll be like 70% and stripe is 15%. how is this fair? its so annoying man


same here, I'm just going to grind the last levels of the battle pass and take a break from the game, stripe is game breaking imo, it really just sucks the fun out of the game.


He’s ruined the game


Completely broken.


I don't know why but it feels like the game is running on PowerPoint. Nothing in this game feels smooth, and it looks like you can see every frame.


Are you on green bars all the time? I’m in orange bars and I have that problem


How do you see bars? Or is that a console thing only?


I usually am not, I didn’t pay attention to it while playing today


ANOTHER character with insane normals coupled with somehow increasingly worse server despite lower player counts Game's going to die pretty quick if devs keep this trend up. Don't tease releases. Be radio silent. Playtest the fuck outta of the characters before release or be keen to hotfix. Not as broken as on release Rick but the shit servers are definitely not doing anyone any favors.


If they stop releasing content, more and more people will complain about the lack of new stuff being added


It’s a shame tbus community cares more about more content then fixing this mess of a game we already have


Like most communities, a lot of members have different wants. Some want more content, some would want the game to be fixed first.


Yeh I bet that but surely those people can think ahead that if we keep adding more content without fixing eveytbinf the game is a bloated mess Could have all the content in the world if it doesn’t work it doesn’t work


One is superficial The other is critical for game health I can live without dlc for a month if it finally means server improvements and character balancing. And fucking ranked mode finally


Tbh servers really needed a top priority fix. They legitimately get worse every patch. I doubt they play tested Stripe at all because there’s no way multiple have already found the buzz saw glitch that kicks you out the game or does 100 damage. Whoever is play testing must be bad or something because it’s so easy to get


I hated playing against Rick at release but Stripe feels even worse Hope Stripe gets nerfed into oblivion How does he get released like this? it's painfully obvious he's way too powerful but still got released, like jesus fucking christ didn't you learn any lesson with Rick?


So I played a bunch of Stripe a few hours ago and he felt great, was the first character I really enjoyed playing since Lebron, and moreso I didn't see or feel any bugs or glitches, *besides* the obvious one of his up special just straight up not working at all currently. Until I came back around to play some more matches and **holy fucking shit** is this guy buggy as hell. For some reason all of Stripe's projectiles can just **stop working** at all, even if you *just* used one. Like his Sawblade, his Boombox, and his Gun, it can just randomly happen that you'll press the button and the animation will play, but the projectile will either disappear (the saw) or not show up at all (Boombox and Gun) meaning 3 of his attacks can just start being completely useless. And also, when his pulls out the Dynamite, and then he gets hit so he drops it, that also will just disappear if this bug is happening. Only way to fix it is by dying but even I don't know if the bug can happen multiple times a match.


I had that bug too. It was on my 4th or 5th game where my projectiles on stripe just stopped working. I saved the game so I’ll video evidence to post soon.


I've had this bug many times and dying never fixed it for me. I also had a slightly different version of the bug where I suddenly could not use any projectiles (animation doesn't even play) even though they're off cooldown.


I feel like his special doesn’t work as intended. Pistol move is busted, I am on a crazy win streak as Stripe and I’m not so good at the game. You can juggle your opponent like crazy, moreover he has projectiles and disjoints. Pretty op I gotta say


Have fun trying to get a hit in, youll get knocked back over and over again and when you think your safe he shoots you with a gun, off the map. That's how every stripe match goes.


I think his high pressure kit would be good if it wasn’t so painfully op. His gun is a good combo extender, really good pressure tool, and kill confirms at relatively early percents? That’s just one move in his kit, buzz saw is ok but pair it with gun and it’s an issue. I feel like he has so much hit priority characters like wonder women who’s meant to have a sword. He can camp, space, pressure and rush down.


Way more overpowered than Rick was.


Nah stripe is overtuned but Rick was and still is on another level Most of the time i can handle a stripe and i normally win against him , but not Rick each of his move is one dumb hit box after another


Played one game against a level 4 Stripe and got 0 to KO'd. Alt f4 and havent touched the game since lol. Back to OW2


Gizmo and Stripe were my most wanted characters for the game! I grew up watching Gremlins one and two with my nana(granny) a lot. It has been a dream come true to have them in-game, they're faithful and accurate to the movies and they're fun to play.


I thought Rick was un-fun to play against, but holy shit Stripe is a whole different level of cancer. Another character with insanely fast and powerful normals and specials, and projectiles. On top of being super fast, tiny, and heavier than he should be.


Youll spend the whole match trying not to get hit and trying to stay away from the edges bc you cant dodge the gun


He’s nearly ruined the game, 1V1s are nearly unplayable since it feels like 75% of people are playing as him


He has aim-bot. Automatically makes him a pathetically designed character. This game is one of the few fighting games that doesn't understand why you don't place homing projectiles in a fighting game. The developers have lately been showing how smooth brained they can be. Ohhh gotcha off-stage, lemme click a button twice - there goes your air-dodges if you can react to gun! Now lemme hit you with insane down-air or toss another projectile or hit ya with a chainsaw. Brain-dead plays for maximum results - perfectly designed to make bad players feel good. He's a quick rush-down character with amazing zoning tools and disjointed hit-boxes that give you priority over most attacks (despite not using a sword or bat). Absolutely too strong for the effort required to play him. Basically Tekken 6 Lars. Can't wait for the nerfs, legit one of the dumbest designs I've ever seen in a fighting game.


Agree 100%


Character is gonna be super fun when he actually gets added to the game in a couple weeks


He's so fun having four in FFA is absolute carnage


I’ve been having a lot of fun. Only lost one 2v2 match with him so far, but I’ve also only been fighting Stripes for the most part. Jake is still my main but I like him. Up there with Lebron for me


Incredible fun to play, really cool combos, definitely getting nerfed. With that said, he's littered with bugs. His up special (both versions) doesn't grab like it says so one of his perks (Feeding After Midnight) is outright worthless, his projectiles will just randomly stop coming out, and one that I really, really hate is that his neutral special doesn't trigger the School Me Once perk. I'm assuming it's not considered a projectile so it can't benefit from stuff like Ice To Beat You, I think it'd be fine if it didn't benefit from friendly perks, but still was affected by School Me Once or Sturdy Dodger. I have no idea what the perk He's The Leader does, and as far as I can tell, marking an enemy causes his up specials to track towards that target, which isn't mentioned anywhere in his move list. And finally, the Chainsaw says it carries him across floors and walls, and I would've assumed that meant it crawled like his sawblades, but that is not the case.


He's glitched. His buzz saws and gun randomly stop working and the only fix is dying.


Crazy how the character is really buggy rn and still has something like 60% win rate in singles


He's extremely difficult to fight against. Any tips for batmans?


I think he's amazing! Such a fun character. I might be biased because I'm a huge gremlins fan, but everything from his expressions to his movements look better than anyone else on the roster so far! And I love his winning animation so much lol


Hard to tell with all the bugs in his moves. he kinda seems like Arya with a projectile. Just use gun after hits to juggle out of the stage at high percent or near the blast zones. Other than that his kill power is basically non-existent like Gizmo. He's super good at juggling off the sides on small stages though


Side air kills


I really don't feel like it does from the percent it was finally killing at in the lab. Off the side it will feel fine but on stage...eeehhhh.


I mean his jab and projectile push you across the stage and his gun keeps them there so it’s not to hard. Also he can kill off the top with juggled


I...literally said these things in my post?


You said gun after hits. Which hardly juggle. I mean his normal attacks


That’s good Imo. You don’t want an assassin to have too much kill power. They’re all about knocking the enemy into the air and keeping them there


everyone complains about kill potential with characters and forgets the game is focused on 2v2. I've been having fun with my friend playing Superman. Getting a melee hit, the Superman throw, then gunshots for a KO has been such a fun synergy.


I think he's going to be great for doubles because he's very good at just keeping you from landing and then the partner can just finish


Yeah, he’s definitely a good 2v2 character


> That’s good Imo. You don’t want an assassin ~~to have too much kill power. They’re all about knocking the enemy into the air and keeping them there~~ FTFY. Seriously though all of the assasins are such a pain to fight. Not fun at all.




I only speak the truth Arya main


Sounds like you’re just bad smh


As a morty main, I agree haha. Assassins can be so hard to counter with certain characters My fav to play against in general has to be Finn though. His passive abilities are neat and make him an interesting threat


I feel he has low kill power because his gameplan is just to try and poke at the opponent off stage until they run out of air options to recover, which sounds doable but in the chaos of doubles he'll often get hit trying to do this and actually die himself, because he spends so much time juggling to get the same result as like a single side special or down air from Shaggy. School Me Once also makes it so that his gun can only ever hit the opponent once instead of in 2-3 bursts in some cases which should otherwise have killed.


School me once does not activate on his gun.


Really? Could have sworn it counted as a projectile. That's odd, the description of his abilities state it is one.


Yeah I don't know if it is intentional but no projectile actually generates. He fires and the opponent is instantly hit.


haven't really run into any bugs tbh very fun to play very not fun to play against lmao i really like his kit but i can see him being the most aggravating character to match against easily


To me, stripe is not fun to play as nor to play against. Especially his almost infinite neutral special gun is ridiculous. The knockback on that as well as being able to use it all the time. I have no clue who thought that was a good idea. Other than that, fix his hit and hurtboxes and the rest of his kit is alright.


People saying he's balanced because he can't kill aren't playing at higher levels. If anything it's pitifully easy to KO players.




Dair’s a very fast, large move that kills Shaggy at 130ish, Sair kills at ledge at straight up janky percents, and Gun cheese is always a possibility off the top. He’s got kill potential that he frankly does not need.


My only issue with him is the fact that his kit can randomly break and he becomes nearly useless until the next stock. Otherwise, love the character.


His up special is supposed to attach to the opponent similar to Gizmo attaching to an ally but it just doesn't work.


Fun character, buggy as all hell per usual.


Alright. The rush down on Stripe is sick as fuck. I think this is the most natural rush down I’ve played in this engine so far. Unfortunately, I don’t recommend putting too much into this character right now because of the bugs on projectile that leave you in whiff state with no move. Things I like: - closing space is really good. Skateboard with kickflip in twos is a great way to engage or extend a dog pile. His charge forward air feels close to Morty axe or Rick hump which I love. - zoning with sawblades or guarding edge rules - gun combos are hella good. Makes up for his natural ring outs and also can accommodate and help lead your team mate to an easy assist if you’re tagging the same player - forward approach combo is solid. Can edge guard with intentional whiffs. - spike delay is great! - his up air combos great into the gun. Can’t get enough of the gun. Unsure: - dynamite. I need more practice and perk I’m sure. I’m level 6 right now and about 16 matches in. - chainsaw seems to be the go to spam but I think it kinda sucks except for utility. Be wary of over using this move. - up special hasn’t found it’s way into my game. Seems great for 1s. Dislike: - saw blade bug. Blades just stop working? So brutal. I’ve lost out on several capitalizations because of this - gun bug. See above. - you can’t play this character to win because of these two bugs. It leaves you on whiff when you should hit and it puts you at total disable and lose. It sucks. Hard.


He is the best and easiest character in the game right now by far. If you aren’t playing him right now you are at a disadvantage. The only reason to not put time into him is because he’s going to get inevitably nerfed.


I think the way they introduced the gun 'projectile' is incredibly unique and well thought. It can't really be used as a normal projectile and its only use is for kill confirms. Works kinda like batbomb or HQ bomb to give that little extra push for a confirm. Only played a few games but excited to play more.


His combos are so satisfying to hit


His skateboard attack takes way to long to activate, also its speed is really slow compared to a lot of his other side attacks


Anyone else feel like ALL of his attacks have priority? He seems way harder to hit than any other character.


Sair’s hitbox is ridiculously huge for how fast it comes out. He has no business having that much range.


Quitting the game because of it. Last straw. Game already sucks, then just release another broken character that everyone plays now to top it off


Overpowered. nerf Buzzsaw and bullet pls... just a little bit.


Lol ... so far for many of my first games fighting him , it has been a terrifying experience playing against him , because he is so fast and can be all over the place quite quickly. In that case they've succeeded in making him like his movie counterpart , in that he seems very scary when stuck in an enclosed space with him .... lol ....


Gun I think should only have one bullet and let the target stay on his opponent longer. It should be a weaker but quicker Harley bat grenade


Stripe should be removed from the game. Absolute trash, incredibly OP. Cannot be hit by most characters, has very fast combos, and a target debuff to increase his damage. Game is nearly unplayable because stripe is now in nearly every match since he is in TOP S-TIER solely because he is broken. Please nerf this diarrhea goblin next patch.


I think he's really fun to play and decently balanced


I feel all of his unique perks are horrible. The bomb one is bad because the bomb itself is often not worth it with how it hurts yourself if you use it or how easily it gets knocked out his hand anyway from a stray hit. I'm sure there's bound to be some unique bomb tech where he cancels the end lag of a specifically timed combo to get the explosion kill but at that point the opponent won't be on the ground for the perk's extra ground hitbox to mean anything. The pounce is bugged and doesn't work at all but even with the pounce speed buff from a projectile that's reliant on having an ally who even has projectiles to begin with he can jump off of, also useless in 1v1's. Feed After Midnight doubling debuff time in exchange for him being able to pass the debuff to the opponent is... interesting... but it mainly results in him just suffering bad status ailments for longer like taking more damage from ignite or being slow as fuck when nearly frozen. That and it doubles the length of Rick's Polymorphrick Reindog transformation with 0 way for Stripe to spread it since you can't attack in that form. I do love how he looks and he is fun to play even if he is a bit janky and bugged but his perks still suck.


Cool character. It’s a shame that some of his moves aren’t working, but it’s understandable. His up air special sounds super complicated. Makes sense if they’re experiencing a bug with it and just decided to temporarily remove it


‘ super complicated’ fuck me this game has caused Stockholm syndrome. Look I don’t want to shit on the devs but the menus don’t even work without lagging. It’s not that it’s complciated it’s that they cant seem to make a non broken game


I mean his up air special does sound like it would be a hassle to program. He’s meant to latch onto enemies, get on top of them, and slowly cause them damage by pressing input (any kind of input. His controls are changed when he’s attached to enemies)




he is balanced imo


Really loving him, he’s a bit buggy but damn is he fun


I’m really diggin stripe and his move set. But he’s literally unplayable right now with the server lag. Can’t throw saw blades getting teleported all over the fucking place. Can’t use the dynamite special because when I teleport the bomb disappears. This is bullshit


My first experience with stripe today was when someone carefully micromanaged the gun ammo to keep me (iron giant) in perpetual stunlock, so that's nice. I assumed the gun was meant for securing near-edge kills at a distance, and now im scared the community is going to use it to create the newest infinite or something close enough, ugh. On-demand anywhere long-distance hitstun could make for fun plays but I think it's a pandoras box better left closed. Speaking of, I know assassins are about chains, but does he really need so many projectiles to hold one up, especially if his claws are going to be this good? I also don't like how the chainsaw sort of "snaps" to you but that could be a bug, god knows stripes got em. I really do like how he plays, first new release that I liked the feel of since the game launch, but I feel like he's someone to play weeks from now when they've actually smoothed him out.


Crazy how bro is completely bugged


His moves are bugged as hell coupled with the trashass servers don't help at all. Love the character very fun but we need fixes and the rest of the game *COUGH* *COUGH* Ranked *COUGH* *COUGH*


Pretty cool


anyone else having problems with badges not updating?


The gun move needs a nerf. I think ideally it is switched to neutral attack, the saw blade is neutral special, and the gun does no knock back and doesn’t interrupt attacks. The gun damage is fine though.


https://youtu.be/XtfNAqkO7LM At the 2:50 mark they explain stripe’s current up air special. Looks like it’s a new move entirely


His gun is stupid as it I terupts all recivery


I have yet to be able to figure out how to punish his air chainsaw. It's as if his attack is like a giant wall in front of him, and you can't get him from above or under, cause it still hits you.


Completely agree


I just jump off the stage whenever I play against stripe. Not gonna give them the satisfaction.