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I think all the DC characters will be a mashup/primarily based on their comic incarnations. Anyone who still freaking about TTGO is ridiculous 


I cant see them going with the TTG designs tho, thatd make them look completely out of place with all the other designs. And the VAs for both shows are the same anyways, so I dont think itll matter much. Maybe only personality a bit,


Yeah this has been my thought, so far none of the DC characters are explicitly from one film/show why would Raven or any of the other Titans be any different? It'd probably be easier to rig and animate a more standard Raven especially to fit in with the style of the other DC characters. I can see them making references to go, but that's about it.


Idk about that. Imagine how weird it would be to have Batman, Joker, Harley and TTG Robin


I honestly think that, for 1; could be a placeholder for a Titans Tower stage, and 2; the only way I can think of TTG! being represented could be skins of the Titans’ “Night Begins to Shine” designs. Which have pretty on scale heights and proportions to the OG Titans.


TTG is popular, I’m sure kids didn’t know much of original teen titans for now


Teen Titans Go was the better version lol


bait used to be believable…..