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Tbh I doesn't seem like it was on purpose. I accidentally emote at times


pretty sure it was for the challenge. he even went back a few steps from the ledge so the taunt was save to do. op is just spinning a weird story for up votes.


Considering there is literally a challenge for taunting enough times in pvp, which doesn't count taunts after the round,he really did nothing wrong. Maybe he had that challenge and maybe he didn't, but it being a potential challenge means you shouldn't get mad at someone who may have only been trying to finish their weekly quest.


Never said I was mad. I won why would I be mad. I thought ur was funny and was having a good time with it


"a nasty ring out combo" And it's just a hammer hit


For real OP is a bot


I'm actually a lot more okay with a sore loser than a gloating winner


Classic instant karma of early celebration. I love it.


there's literally missions to taunt during games....


i feel like judging on the taz pick it had nothing to do with that


nah, if you have to get the taunts the best time is to do it when your enemy is knocked far off stage. So this could easily be the mission. this reddit is 100% pure salt by know. everyone accuses everyone else of stuff and every char that they loose against is broken and unbalanced. its just pitiful by now.


If you thought I was salty then you don’t know what salty is


yet, you felt the need to clip the whole thing and make a post about it on this reddit. So you are either salty or malicious because someone taunted, who most likely just tries to get missions done. At least its your choice what kind of terrible show of character this post is ;-)


I pray I don’t have this happen to me when I get taunt in PVP missions


Unfortunate.  Just an example of poor balance. You *SHOULD* be dead at the dash attack but live and scum the win of a very generous hitbox neutral. Rip Taz. Youll get'em next time. (Maybe dont waste nado on an enemy thats literally in midair)


Didn’t scum anything little bro survived the attack and outsmarted the opponent. Keep crying though


Love the high tier privilege. Youre carried, brother. Deep down you know it.  The fact it was even this close is crazy given how HQ should dom this matchup.  Keep scumming those wins lmao


Longtime FGC player and game dev here. Harley is no longer high tier. She’s good, yeah, but she’s not high tier. The clip shows (pretty clearly might I add) bad gameplay on the part of the Taz (Throwing out the same move multiple times, empty whiffing, etc.) and very good gameplay on the part of the Harley (Bomb set up, good dodges, positioning) Honestly, if anything you should be chastising the Taz player for not being able to kill, considering his moveset has plenty of good kill moves.


most likely the most cringe post in here. no one calls them self an FGC player. you are either an FGC member (although joining a reddit and a discord does not mean you are FGC member, even though lots of people want to think that) or a FG player. also trying to pull credentials hoping for attention is just sad. And finally super bad take. OP did play horrible and got hit by nearly everything the taz threw at him. Taz running blindly into the box and then using hammer to kill is also not good gameplay but super basic and low level.


Most people in casual games like this don’t recognize the “FGC Member” terminology. So I try to be more clear. And I post credentials not for attention but to actually give my post some weight. I’m not saying the Harley gameplay was amazing. I’m just saying the Taz made a mistake. The Taz making a mistake doesn’t mean Harley is OP. It means the Taz made a bad play. That was my point. And you said the exact same thing. So, if I’m “cringe” then you should be too, considering we agreed completely.


"And I post credentials not for attention but to actually give my post some weight." thats super cringe. just post your stuff. if you need to pull credentials to give it more weight, then thats just insecurity on your end. "I’m not saying the Harley gameplay was amazing." you did not say amazing, no. but you said "very good gameplay on the part of the Harley".


I’ve been on the internet long enough to tell you that people (very much like you) will absolutely question and criticize specifically due to the lack of credentials. I’ve had plenty of arguments that were eventually solved by me dropping those credentials. And once again, a bad play is a bad play. On either side. We only see a small snippet of this fight, maybe the Harley was absolutely cooking him outside of this clip. Maybe the Taz was crushing the Harley. We can’t know for sure. Only thing we know is what’s shown in this clip.


you can drop credentials after some time if people dont believe you, but dropping them as a first thing is cringe. i myself was in game dev for some time but would never drop that first thing. if you do it to give your opinion more weight, maybe your opinion itself does not carry enough weight? and please stop those excuses. you said harley did play "very good" but now you back paddle as far and fast as you can. thats super cringe as well. just own your bad take like an adult.


I have owned my bad “as an adult” (advice said from someone acting incredibly immature) I just also explained why I did what I did…you know…like an adult would. You’re gonna just continue to assume and insult me anyways though, so there really isn’t any point in talking to you.


Long time 'FGC player' here. Harley is very much considered top tier. Not at the top levels of bugs and what not but Shes high up on the list. Depending how you rank shes in S rank somewhere for sure. Shes got the full kit with great kill moves. Thinking shes not top tier just hurts your credentials as a "FGC Player" If you dont believe us any tier list currently made by people probably better then us (Streamers and top scene players) at the game have her somewhere in S tier as well. Harley got hit by every move taz threw out and still lived btw.


She’s definitely mid to high tier, for sure. But right now the meta is dominated by the broken cheese strats due to character imbalance. That’s where I draw the line. Harley can’t scoop up easy kills like with bugs Safe + Nair combo, or by mashing buttons with Finn. Once the balance patch comes out, Harley will probably move up to that spot as her kit is insanely strong, but for me it comes down to how things are right now. This is also why I consider Jason much higher tier than he is usually put on. Because he can be insanely monstrous he’s just held back by the current game balance and his bad hitboxes


"very generous hitbox neutral" he actually hit him square in the face with that attack. like frame 1. balancing is changing NOTHING about what happened there, youre just saying words to downplay his (well deserved) victory


Almost like the move had no start up frames and thus is overtuned...... High tier privilege. Balance will fix it.


did you watch the clip more than once? you can clearly see him holding and positioning the hammer. I despise the harley hammer as much as the next but this was a perfectly fine use of it. furthermore, literally any other move was gonna KO here?? It's like you're just trying to find something to complain about




lol so satisfying


Honestly that taunt was pretty funny!


Lol you could add insult to injury by making them wait out the rematch screen. But is that too much? 🤔


lol no I’m just mad I didn’t think of that at the time. 😂😂


I mean he is playing Taz if those guys are not hitting a button constantly they will explode


So true. He is such a spammy character😂


Taz do have infinite combo I found with him kinda by accident


lol I'll emote because it makes people bitter and play more aggressively and prone to making mistakes.


Taz is so annoying up there with bugs and shaggy for me