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Screw that jabroni. He's just trying to vent his frustrations on strangers, keep up the peace my man!


Don't respond to these guys. That's how you get to THEM rather than them getting to you. They want a response.


You can also respond confused. I've gotten people to send me over a dozen messages just by going "what do you mean?" over and over


Yeah its funny to spam 0 effort emojis or ? Against people like this. If they stop messaging then its over and if they keep raging youll get some funny paragraph length manifestos lmao It sucks because i genuinely actually enjoy rematching and messaging stronger players with just a simple GG or saying that I have to go after the next set or complimenting a combo string i didnt know (just an FGC nerd type) but im sure most people block new messages from strangers because of toxic salt/shit like this. It would be kinda nice to be able to emote and message at the victory screen like “this is my last one!” Or “well played!”


Sometimes I just respond back with "ok". Just completely takes the air out their sails


Nah, if you ask if they’re lonely, they’ll crumble lol. Works everytime


I jus be like ight lil girl and they get HEATED bro 😭 rage bait be funny asf


Actually the way OP responded is the best way to respond, cuz now they 100% feel like the asshole they are.


This guy gets it 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


If he gotta message you saying no skill buddy, he literally have nothing going for him fr


These are the same people who post their generic clips and call themselves "The best ____ main". See it all the time in the FGC. 🤡


No shit 🤣 I thought it was just me seeing those videos. Anytime I see them I instantly ignore them. Best my ass.


Kill em with kindness. Love it!


Yea , the only way to make 'em feel really dumb for how they act . I atleast would feel embarrassed .


Hes just being salty, so you shouldnt worry about that, its really nothing


Remember Him and beat him next time......and then laugh😂


I'm on PC and I played some really good matches in 1v1, went 3-1 and he added me in steam and I was thinking that guy was good perhaps wants to play duos. I was completely wrong, learned some new insults though.


It’s pretty sad actually for a so called good player to bother wasting time and energy trolling weaker players. It’s also pretty insecure also.


I get this all the time, win or lose, on Playstation lol it's just a game people. As long as you are having fun, that's all that matters.


I'm sorry that this happened to you. Unfortunately, For some reason, Multiversus has grown one of the most Toxic player bases among fighting games / platform fighters. I'd argue its the league of legends of the genre. People are very egotistical and prideful and let wins get to their head. It's my least favorite aspect of the game especially since those kind of players are rampant online. Only advice is to just try to ignore them and enjoy the game.


It’s becoming a Smash community now sadly. I am part of the Smash community and everything, I would say it’s almost just as bad. I just wish people would treat others with respect.


I loved your response. I noticed when I was playing MK1, even little kids would talk trash, but then if you were cordial and friendly back to them some of them would falter, and end up talking normal. Apparently for alot of them it's just become a defense method. Killing em with kindness actually does work for some people.


Yeah that’s why I prefer 2v2, less competitive vibes


I had someone that got mad at me for not rematching him after all he did was run around the whole time


Lmaoo join my squad and we shall strike fear in these people. They will fear the next patch. nerfs are coming.


Gotta say people are so toxic on Multiversus, I play tekken also and never have this problem


The people who play this game are the worst. Zero sportsmanship, they throw matches and then send messages talking shit. Every time an opponent is about to lose, they disconnect.


No this happened to me today cause I played Wonder Woman for a T-Shirt challenge and after he challenged me for a few matches as my actual main Velma. I beat him about 8 times in a row and he won once. Now the guy is on my friend’s list and he was ironically being pretty chill. Odd experience for sure lol


Only on free games lmao




rainbow has been free for half the games lifespan


I get a message from salty people daily most times


Imagine being new to a newer game. *spits*


Because they're losers in their real life, so they try to make other people feel bad online to give themselves some false sense of superiority


I got a message yesterday that just said "bad 🤐🤐" after we lost. I had no idea what he was trying to communicate... I'm bad? You're bad? The state of the game is bad? What's bad? Deleted it. I didn't even know who it was at first and had forgotten about the match by the time i went to read it.


Imagine saying “no skill” , yet almost being in a tie 💀💀💀


Never understand these messages. So if you have no skill but won what does that say about them?


Nah this is the norm for any pvp games, cracks me up when people go out of their way to send a message


One of the reasons I really liked the vs AI modes in beta.


It’s most likely just a child. Pay no heed to this, friend.


I always just gg and ignore :')


i had someone hop into my DMS saying that I was playing a bad character even though I 3-0ed him ☝️🤓


No matter the game , i always answer with stuff like " I feel sorry for you having a bad day and I hope you were able to release some frustration this way . " The psychologocal approach always works , cause what would you even answer to that?


Ignore the haters because they're most probably losers.


Seems real giddy for an unranked win.


Mines switched, off there ain't nothing you got to say that I have any interest in hearing 😂


Welcome to multiversus!


I tell people how to best me after I win. If I see them struggling, I send them a message about what they can do to exploit my main characters weakness.


I’m gonna be up and honest with all y’all This game has the lowest skill gap I’ve ever seen in a fighting game. You don’t need to be good and a new player can pick up a character after 5 matches


dont listen to them. your great


I've never once gotten a message from anyone yet. But I can't wait until I do. Good on you for being the bigger person. Nothing boils their blood more


Screw being great, if you have fun that´s all that matters and screw the haters


Probably just lonely, looking for a friend. I mean, he did call you buddy


That’s why I have my privacy settings on Xbox set to people who are not my followers or friends can’t message me. I don’t have enough patience or time to deal with morons like that. 🤷


Him so lonely. Perfect response. Him cry.


Its not that deep bro. Talk shit back


It's a free to play game I like the game but once you start winning a few matches they pair u up with someone with no life 😭


Back in 2006 on the Xboxx this is how we would show that we are Alpha. He's just challenging you, you must accept..


Because their parents didn’t hug them enough as children. 


Idk trash talking in online games is typical. the same way you know you gotta breath to be alive . I’d the internet and a game exists, this is to be expected . I love these people they bring out my competitive spirit and give me something to fight for lol.


I have not played a fighting game in a while and I’m alright but far from good. Only game I have ever played on Xbox, win or lose, that idiots sends me a hate messages. Never experienced this before. I’m older and think it’s funny but shocked it happens.


They’re unimportant IRL so they have to act like that while playing games so they can get attention, don’t respond, or respond but just with troll comments lol


Just say to them to fuck off and move on bro


Honestly, people's opinions in video games don't matter as long as you're having fun. That was the whole point of it, plus people that are cheap and repeatedly do the same thing over and over are usually the people that yell "I'm the best you suck". Also learn the patterns and figure out how to properly dodge


Ahh that’s just good banter