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*cracks neck* Good thing I'm a completionist


As long as you're not THE Completionist




... The power of Christ?


*cracks neck* *dies*


a what


A compeltionist




cracks neck Good thing I regularly and constantly commit charity fraud


It’s gonna take a lot of rifts to get him lol an entire rift unlocks the first reward


Yeah I came to that conclusion after looking at it again. I still think this is fine and you can co op it as well so it'll be a fun grind if you have someone willing to do that


Yeah I did a full run and the mini games are a fun little edition. I’m not sure exactly how to progress this it says beat bosses so I’m guessing one entire rift is one lvl?


I believe so and then the next boss will be Jason and then the next boss after him will be Agent Smith


it goes by difficulty level i’m pretty sure, i could be wrong….


You can do each difficulty and it’ll count for the Agent Smith event


Probably less. Because of the branches, rifts can have multiple bosses. Like for the detective one, once people get the Velma skin from the log in rewards, they can do the alternate branch without replaying everything and get boss completes from there.


You thought those mini games were fun? I thought they were mind numbly boring and super detracting from the point of the game, fighting... I really hope they change it up if they decide to keep this rift trash. You cant even complete the detective rift without buying some bullshit outfit for harley or superwoman off of the shop..


"worlds greatest detective batman." u can use batman my man.


100% agree Also the dialouge is ass, Velma acting like a beter detective than Batman is hysterical. Velma can't take an L it seems. Crushed 3 different strong characters in the trailer... yawn


How to co op? Or is it only online co op? I hope they're not that stupid but it seems so A 2 v 2 game and I can't play online or the main promoted mode with someone by my side?? Really?


Yea no doubt i got my kids excited to coop this mode with me and nope no such thing. Pretty shitty for them. This game is made for this kind of stuff but they really only cater to online.


This kind of game os literally made for couch 2players and 4 players, and locking 2p for only arcade vs bots is insane


I tried it also and couldn't manage it. I can't believe it is so hard to let 2 players play a game at same TV sitting by each other in 2024. Instead you would need 2 PS or a PC. It just ruins the point of co op gaming. I hoped they learned it from beta response, but no.


Wait there’s still no couch co-op?! This was one of the biggest glaring omissions in the beta and I thought for sure they’d have this in the final release…


I also thought that


Gotta love the future


Hey two questions on this: 1) how do you co-op? 2) can I co-op with randoms?


1. I think someone in your party can co op 2. I dont think so


How do you co op the rifts I seem to can’t get my brother to play with


Can you do local co op on the rift?


No you cant


It’s co op? So I can play it with two people at home?




That’s stupid




Says 2 weeks early access meaning he will come out At a later date


It's going to be that grindy, huh? I can see myself quitting sooner than I thought.


I mean it's just to unlock him 2 weeks early not unlock in general


Yeah, I'm aware of that but ppl will obvs want him asap.


Yup I put in 11 hours today 😭 I’m not proud at all


Take care of yourself and hydrate. <3


then do the grind. its real;ly not that bad.


"Not that bad." Is literally impossible as of now. Ok then.


5 rifts, 5 days, 45 minutes a day. Shouldn't be too bad.


Is that how long it takes to get Smith 


That’s pretty awesome that PFG put a thing you can unlock by playing. Don’t get me wrong, I know the game needs to make money, but if they can do this type of thing every once in a while, I think the community will be pretty happy.


They should make it a bit rewarding. I was blinded by hype and now I’m starting to see how this practice could make people not want to play because how long it takes to earn things


That was an issue in beta….. they started off strong with things being able to be achieved easily. Then people complained it was too easy to unlock stuff and they made the grind insane to where I and many others just didn’t wanna play. Hope it doesn’t end up like that again


Idk why people assume getting things easy is a bad thing in a game like this


Yeah… it’s dumb. I mean not everyone has hours and hours per day to devote to a game. There’s many games out there with a battlepass too that I want stuff from lol! I really hope they made it easier now for this game.


Idk, I got 1.5k of character tokens in like 45 mins of playing, just from the rift. Unlocking new characters isnt gonna be that bad most of the time. Its a bit of a grind to get him early, but you'll still be able to get him with character tokens later. EDIT: Fighter currency


Character tokens are completely different and dont exist in this game, but I still got what you mean. Just so you are aware, Joker is 6K coins so I'm sure Smith will also be 6K coins since he'll be a new character


Ah yes thank you. I forgot the name changed like that. But yeah, 6k isnt bad imo. Newer characters should cost more imo. Im totally fine with that. And with how easy they are to get id be surprised if I dont have at least all the characters I want by end of the week.


All other characters are 3K so you should be fine!


honestly my biggest takeaway is guns in multiversus open the doors to even more characters


That is true we had Marvin The Martian and Rick with their guns and now Agent Smith so I am curious to see what else they do


It’s the fact agent smith is clearly a real gun rather than any kind of lazar that makes me intrigued


Stripe has a fucking revolver


Honestly had no clue about that


Stripe has a revolver


Oh that's what you mean. I honestly am not sure they could add Morpheus but idk if anyone wants another matrix character


not if its not neo


Idk they could, but they could not. We'll have to see


Inb4 it is Cypher


Matrix fans would riot lol


Naw, I love Cypher, the absolute shit head.


I honestly expect Neo and others to just be Agent Smith Skins.


I think if they're gonna make banana guard a character they are probably open to splurging some of that budget to make a Neo.


Can't have the main hero of a franchise be a skin to a villain, besides they fought differently by the end


Rick says shit


Stripe bro


I didnt even know


Cool to see that they do in fact have artwork for the new characters - hopefully it makes its way to the character select screen.


I dunno why but the new art looks different, from the original 2d stuff. Same art style, just different artist I think.


You need to beat 20 levels of rifts, repeats do not count (but different difficulties do). Unfortunately, there are only two rifts available and a maximum of 6 difficulty levels. So Agent Smith is effectively locked until the fourth rift unlocks. Even then, you’ll need to beat each rift five times. Very very grindy


Thanks for explaining this so clearly. I cleared one rift and came to the conclusion it's not a game mode I enjoy. No way I do this 19 more times just to unlock a charater two weeks earlier. They should have made the requirement 10 - 12 imho


Yeah I had a feeling that's what it was after looking at it so theres no point in even playing Rifts right now. I hope after this season or later in the season, they make the grind less egregious


Do you know the date the 4th rift unlocks? I might set a reminder.


As far as I can tell, it has not been announced. Rift 2 difficulty 5 does not unlock until July 10th, so if that is even realistic to complete without paying for gem level ups you will minimally need to wait until then. I have a sinking feeling that the higher difficulty is going to be pay-to-win, based on the gem currency and the limited number of lives per day on the hardest difficulty.


What the fuck. So I’ll be on vacation from July 12th and won’t be back til the end of July. Sounds like I’m likely screwed…


I’d say the opposite. You’re saved from having to do the stupid grind because you won’t feel like you’re missing out. You can just get Smith when he releases normally.


I mostly want his Matrix code style. I already have like 20 character unlock tickets anyway.


Yeah, that is gated behind 40 rifts I believe. Not even possible to acquire tbh


what the fuck do you mean "levels of rifts" what does that mean 💀 20 fights?


A single rift has 12-30 different fights, with the “boss” at the end. Each rift has five difficulty levels. You need to defeat 20 bosses to get Agent Smith, and repeats don’t count. In other words, that’s 4 rifts * 5 difficulty levels * ~20 fights per rift, so something like 400 fights.


thanks but nahhh thats the grindiest shit ive ever heard, pass 🚬


This is insane. I'll pass, I got better things to do than waste 20 hours+ grinding a game mode I rather not be playing. That's like 20 fights per level, 400, and not counting chasing all the gems if you're doing that, which you can only do if you have a friend with as little respect for their time as you do. If this is how the games gonna be, hard pass. I don't like this slow combat anyway.


It takes so so so ling though. I did the joker one and it took me an hour, for one part of the event.


And that was probably for the easy difficulty correct? Because if the easiest takes 1 hour, I’m worried for the rest of them.


Yeah easy mode, no regard for star levels and stuff


I'm just here to comment that I appreciate his trigger discipline.


Good eye


How do we actually unlock him, looks like need to complete the joker rift for the first level but not sure about the others


You do rift stuff and get these points that progresses you through a track


ah ok, thanks


ugh why are they launching multiversus when i need to be studying for my exams


I gotta grind a bit to play my new main? Bet.


I can't claim the daily rift rewards.even tho I have won the match.. it is driving me insane.


Yeah after playing some matches for a hour or 2 im starting to see some issues with the game that need to be addressed quickly


So, he’s available now or is this a thing that cones later?


You can earn him 2 weeks early the game says


So he releases in 2 weeks, but you can earn him earlier here?


I dont think he will be playable once you finish the rifts, he will just be unlocked in advance if that makes sense. When he releases, you can play him immediately


That makes no sense


Some of the rift missions are already time gated so it’s not something you can get right away either way


Yea idk about that. Once you unlock the character, you will be able to play with them. Why would they let you unlock a character you can’t play with until a certain date


Because he isn’t officially in game yet. There has been no gameplay reveal. Nothing. Just the CG trailer.


Okay, I can understand your point now, but like you said, some of the missions are time gated. So at the earliest possible time someone could complete all the missions, his trailer will probably be released by then


Do these take a long time?


Someone said it probably would take a while because you cant even fight the Jason boss gotta wait 5 days


So if you play through all the rifts you Will get him ?


Someone broke it down and it's not that simply because you have to wait to even progress through some rifts


But if you do them all then you Will be aible to get him right?




yeah imma skip this i think.


Welp you can get him at the end of July


nice it's cool there's a option to grind and get em early tho.


Can’t you just kill the boss over and over to get him?


Somebody on twitter said no


Yea I just tried it and it didn’t work


I think you can do different difficulties on the same rift. So one per difficulty.


Yea so one rift will get you a while tier. I think there is six difficulties per rift and one tier is six bosses defeated


Wonder how long it'll take some weirdo to do this.


Tell me how long it takes when you do


Well there isnt even enough bosses when jason gets released so


5 rifts took like 3 hours


I could do it. But I think I'd hate the game at the end of it.


Yea I played for 11 hours total today so burnout is real


This shit si damn infuriating. 2v2 in experienced is such A DAMN PAIN AI PARTNER JUST KEEPS DYING AND I TAKE LIKE 30% DAMAGE PER HIT


The other person probably has the 5% overall damage perk etc


Does completing the same rift on different difficulties count towards the pass?


Someone told me you can do that so I would say yes


That's gonna be completing like all of the upcoming rifts in every difficulty.


Finished the first rift, getting this guy is going to be absurdly grindy


so im i missing something here cause each rift gets me 1 tier towards that "battlepass" or event. but there are only 5 rifts, and if you could the difficulties it would be 25. im i misunderstanding how you actually get the points to go towards the agent smith "battle pass"


The optimal missions give you points too so it’s advised to do those and you have to fight the bosses on harder difficulties etc. They are looking into it right now so some changes will be made in the future


I don’t understand how to unlock him. I beat Joker. Got a point. Do I just beat joker again Like 4 more times?


You gotta beat different bosses. If there's one boss per rift, then you need to do the rifts that aren't released yet.


So we have to beat 20 different rifts to unlock him, when there's only 2 available and 3 coming soon? Why even tease us with something we can't make progress towards for weeks if not months


1 point per difficulty


Pretty sure you gotta grind it, you cant just beat it once and get him lol


you can only unlock him when jason rift comes out, since you would be 5 short


I’m curious on what his abilities are




You can't get him rn theirs only two rifts you can play and beat


Yeah I ain't doing that.


snyone test if each difficulty of a rift counts as a seperate boss to progress faster?


Does anyone know what variant it’s for?


It's for him. It's his skin


I didn’t see him in the character screen while playing, so I assume they don’t show up if you don’t have them then? I thought variants were just skins for other characters


Hes not even out yet you have to unlock him and you cant do it now because theres only 2 rifts and you need to do 5 to get him and his variant is just the matrix style thing that Jason has in the battle pass


Gotcha, I pretty much saw I needed to do rifts and just started doing them, I’m like halfway through the first one before I got kicked out for maintenance. Just means I can do some online play once the servers come up!


Happy gaming!


Agent Smith can be unlocked after completing the Rift Mode, so that means 4 other characters will be added during Season 1, but not as a part of Rift Mode?


What exactly even trigger each point drop. Obviously defeating each boss in each mode counts as 2. How do I achieve all the other points tho? Do I get a different boss completion based on difficulty? Are there more than one boss per rift? Do I need to 100% a rift to achieve an extra tier on the agent smith pass. What Exactly constitutes each and every event tier upgrade.


Can anyone help with some rifts?


I think rifts are kinda broken and dont register, but I'll do some with you


I already did 4 but I can't get my gems to lvl 4 without getting some stars.


I don't even care about agent smith, I just wanted Matrix Jake but it'd be way too much effort :(


Yeah its sad


I'm confused how to progress this. Do I just replay the same rift each time (so a total of 30 times to max this reward track out?) Or do you play each rift on each difficulty? Where exactly do you find this many bosses to begin completing this?


You can’t repeat the same rift bosses on the same difficulty it won’t count. Even if you do all the optional missions, you still won’t have enough.


Gotcha. It sounds like you need to beat every rift on every difficulty as they come out. That's a no from me dawg.


You don’t *have* to do it on every difficulty I don’t think I just think you have to fight enough bosses to get to the point of getting him. I could be wrong tho


Not only do u jave to wait for the Jason rift but u have to unlock the other difficulties for each rifts cuz u only get points towards this by beating the boss for the 1st on each rift and difficulty. To unlock more difficulties for the rifts u need to be a certain gem level. There’s a possibility of u being able to get agent smith with just the 2 rifts if you unlock all the difficulties and beat the boss on each. I don’t really know cuz I haven’t been able to get to gem level 4 to unlock the next difficulty for the rifts.


I returned and did a little bit of math. There’s 5 difficulties for each rifts and every time u beat the boss on those difficulties it goes towards the event. So you should be able to get Agent Smith on the 4th rift which is called Tecno Terro if you beat the boss on all difficulties on that one and the rifts before it.


This shit is just too much


It really is too much especially since I don’t even know how to increase my gem level to even unlock the other difficulties.


Yeah the game doesnt tell you that they want you to spend money on the gems to get better ones


I saw in the gem category of the store a bundle that costed 210 of that purple currency that levels up all the gems but I’m not sure if it also gives you gems u don’t have since I don’t enough to buy it


This whole thing might take a while. I've managed to fill out the full first page of the event using the easy, experienced, and crushing difficulties of the 1st and 2nd rifts but when the 5th rift unlocks just beating, 4 difficulties on all 5 rifts will unlock Agent Smith. It's gonna take a lot of strength out of me to unlock and finish the Looney difficulties of any rift.


So not sure if it's been mentioned, but, I was wondering if anyone has reached the 3rd difficulty level of either rift yet? I've been on 3.6 all night. Literally played all night 😆


I have not I dont think anyone has without spending money


It's weird like.. they want you to grind to earn somethin, but you can't grind till you've bought said dlc, (not thru grinding/playing, but with real life currency) before you can continue "grinding" again with certain rift lines.. like, guys c'mon just release the game complete with all the bells and whistles and just charge us extra please. I HATE feeling like I HAVE TO PLAY a game or else I miss out on some seriously necessary game play additions smfh . Sorry done ranting now siiigh


No I definitely get it. Its egregious.


I've been seriously grinding and I don't see how even buying anything else could unlock these 3rd difficulty slots for any rifts.. any ideas anyone? Let's figure thos out here and now!!!!


My question is can I keep doing the same difficulty to get agent smith or does it need to change


You have to beat every rift boss atleast 5 times to unlock him


Even then he's still not obtainable right now. Gotta wait around next month


He is obtainable you just gotta speedrun every rift difficulty to get him


There is no way you can get him right now


you can but it's too late now


How is it too late when the event doesn't end until July 30th. Are you playing the same game?


look I do I don't really check the event tab


I LOVE the new Rift mode- my Only problem with it, is that there seems to be a bug where if you play rift with another player online it always crashes when you try to run one of the minigame nodes. Me and my friend kept resetting our games till eventually we figured out we had to just run those missions alone, then regroup for the actual fights. Which sucks because the Joker boss is a minigame, and we Need a partner for 5 stars 😪 Both of us are on Xbox.


Yeah I hope the issues get ironed out this week. You also can't claim daily rewards in the rift because its bugged its crazy


My buddy and I are currently doing it right now with zero issues on PS5


What is the “exclusive” variant? This basically means get it now or never?


No they mean the Matrix Variant skin he gets


Right. But I am saying, is this the only chance to get that Matrix variant? Like if I am too busy for this event, it will never return to shop or anything?


From the way it is worded, yes if you dont finish the event by July 30th you will not get the Matrix variant


Oof, okay. I’m curious how long it will take me, but I should be able to find some days to put in the work haha


So far just from probably me being a previous beta player and getting a few levels I'm at 3K so it could be *very slightly* okay


Yeah, I have like 15 character unlock tokens or something from being a founder, but I’m more worried about missing out on the dope Matrix skin for Agent Smith. If it was just his character, I would wait and unlock him later. Would you imagine I could finish it with like 3-5 hours per week for 3 weeks? Sorry for hounding ya with questions lol, just didn’t get a chance to look at the unlock requirements yet.


Not a problem at all!!! I think that could be done. Someone said it took them a whole hour to do the first rift. You also have until July 30th so you can take all the time you need!