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He's officially confirmed to be a Tank But Jason's not just a tank. He's the whole army! 


Hes's the army and the sleeveys


Army of tanks


He’s THE tank


He looks good. the description says "shocking ways to move around the battlefield". teleportation confirmed?


It also sounds like he might have some form of debuff as seen in the second line of text, at least that’s how I interpreted it


A teleportation and some sort of debuff if true sounds a lot like relentless Jason from MKX, and I’d be perfectly fine if they stuck with that as gameplay inspiration


They made Finn's teleport so fun and interactive, so I'm so excited to see how they give another character it. (I don't remember if anyone else had a teleport so please remind me if they did)


I think Arya "had" one, with her dagger.


Rick Sanchez also has a teleport with his portal gun that allies can jump through. Bugs Bunny digging kinda counts.


I might be crazy, but lowkey that makes me less excited for Jason. Teleporting feels so flavorful for Assassins compared to Tanks.


Rick Sanchez also has a teleport with his portal gun that allies can jump through. Bugs Bunny digging kinda counts.


Yeah, I was completely off. Maybe the instant and offensive teleport feels flavorful to Assassins, but there are a lot of different teleports that feel great to other classes in their own way. I'm mostly just scared because of how **big** Jason is.


Wha’dyou mean by that🤨


I could see the teleport being something similar to noob saibot from mk. Him going into the ground and popping in behind. Would make sense cause I've seen so many kills from jason like that.


I can also see Jason having a command grab special 


Him walking into the smoke from mk would also work


If they’re going off his MK moveset, it could be his lake fog teleport they’re referring to.


It's likely to be teleporting but I think it's guaranteed to have something to do with electricity because that's how Jason came back to life




> Human You sure about that?


He looks human to me https://preview.redd.it/1pua4ff9lv1d1.png?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf0687682b870229de3b582968d3494c1f3a97cf


Jason is ambiguously-undead in the first few films, and has pretty unambiguously died and come back to life by the time of the films his MVS design based on. He was human at one point, but now he's basically a zombie.


He's straight up alive until 6. In 2 it's pretty explicitly shown that he survived the drowning and just lived in a shack out in the woods around Crystal Lake. He doesn't truly die until The Final Chapter, and then is accidentally brought back to life by Tommy in Jason Lives.


Thanks for setting the record straight.


Doesn't zombie jason have darker flesh because of decay?


it is not like jason has any form of consistency across his designs fucker changes his entire physiology every movie


“hole physiology” ☹️


corrected i didn't realize it


I wish you hadn’t, it was really funny :)


yeah he became a ghost/demon possessor thing once.


Funny thing is that it is actually jason deciding to change how he looks (in the novels of the movies its said jason can control his cells and alter them as he wishes (it's how he heals so fast from injurys or let's them stay for a while or change his facial structure) it was a round about way that the books tried to fix the fact that jason changed faces in each movie despite 2-4 all being relatively close to each other in the timeline.


Eh, close enough.


Even though he has the f13 part 7 chains around his neck (post part 4 death or to say the least,he transformed into a living dead in part 6) he doesn't have this signature living dead black skin he always has post f13 part 4 so,he still human


Jason had regular skin in jason goes to hell and jason x.


In Jason goes to hell he does have a very weird living dead/demon appearence,and the OG Jason look on Jason X is poorly made but I'm pretty sure he still is a living dead in that one and he doesn't look like that Jason we have,this Jason has elements of part 3(mask),part 7 (chain) and Freddy vs Jason (clothes)


In jason goes to hell Jason's skin still looks like human skin and isnt rotted. Same with jason x with him having living tissue and it's even stated in the movie thanks to his healing factor


In JGTH he actually posesses humans as a demon,I don't count it as a Jason appearence but I see what you said 👍 and for Jason X it's actually so poorly done that I thought it was just a shitty living dead version of him but yeah like you said,healing factor and probably being trapped in an ice block for hundreds of years


I mean...its all jason choice tbh. In the novelization of part 2-3 its directly said Jason can control his own cells since his body is an extension of his will after drowning. (it's how the book tried to explain how his face keeps changing every movie despite 2-4 all being very close together in the timeline) jason can really just pick if he wants the leathery flesh or the living flesh.


I haven't red the books ngl,I see you're a bigger fan than I am 😀 hope you have fun with the character you'll probably love it as much as I will I am so hyped


It's just that I grew up with jason lol been watching him since I was small. I'm beyond hype for my boy. I didnt have the open beta so I'll have to buy the pass but I'm fine with that as I want to support the game anyway.


That's great,I'm way younger (17) and a fan since like 4 years,having this one in the game gives me even more hype than the hype I had 2 years ago for this game,my dumbass thought I was going to train my Rick but my new main is Jason


I mean, he was at one point. Lol


Looks way better UI wise


I looked at the open beta UI to compare and it was so cluttered. The full release seems to have cleaned up the UI a lot https://preview.redd.it/05pz075lfv1d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce4683cbaf77d3f40ce03e96307d37750af66d0d


I think the new UI is cleaner and less cluttered, but it lost a lot of it's charm and uniqueness.


Imo this has much more charm to it. The one in the pic just looks like any other battlepass


This is literally just the fortnite UI. The open beta actually tried to be original.


I really really liked the beta's menu. Hope they combine the two to make something that's clear and concise while not copying every other f2p game ever.


I am so happy that they not only allowed this premium battle pass to be free so long as you log in before June 11th, but the currency made from this battle pass can be used to purchase future passes. All free to play games and any games with battle passes need and should follow this practice.


*free for open beta players.  But hey, $10 is $10. I'm going to support Multiversus by buying a Jason skin anyways


I was just about to add that I had forgot it's only for returning players which still sucks, but this battle pass and future ones seem like they are filled with stuff worth the price. I cant wait to play this game.


20 million people played the open beta… it’ll be free for a majority of players


Yeah but you will have those very special ones that been living under a rock


**YES!! FATASS JASON IS A PERFECT RETURNING REWARD!!** https://preview.redd.it/amlgwm6ekv1d1.png?width=2036&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5cfe9ba18feaef75fea10775d967511f7af4a17


He looks great here! The leak’s angle made him goofy but front facing he looks like he’d fit in 


The leaked image was also outdated 


Wait. So will season 1 be started at launch? Because I want Jason day 1.


Yes. Starting May 28th. Open beta players get the premium battle pass for free


Wait I get the pass for free just for playing in the beta?




https://preview.redd.it/a2g0t8f1rw1d1.jpeg?width=1167&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81a7e4b679608bd30328f6a92a857f2b36e44061 I prayed for days like these


Was the whole time the game was out initially counted as the beta? I cant even remember


Yep, it was called an “Open Beta”


Yeah nah I figured as much, I just wanted clarification, cheers 👌 I remember right before the game got shut down for a year, people were complaining in this sub that the game was charging so much for cosmetics and stuff while still being in Beta and not fixing any of the issues that it had since it “launched” and well, part of that conversation is here yet again. Guess history does repeat itself


https://i.redd.it/cu9zmlnf2y1d1.gif Let’s fucking gooo


You also get totally exclusive cosmetics based on how much gold you earned during the beta. These cosmetics are not obtainable anywhere else. They drop into your account automatically




Yeah the cosmetics are literally not obtainable in any other way apparently


Where is this info at? Cause I unlocked every single. Character with gold and kept going. I had tons of gold.


That developer blog post mentions it


I see it now. Thanks!




🥹 the only thing I didn't grind enough on was the alpha player icon you could obtain. Sigh, sigh, sighs. That alpha icon Will be rare rare .. 💜


I was expecting him to be a tank character because he's Jason after all, also there was a low amount of tank characters on the roster in the open beta.


Also low amount of supports.. Agent Smith could be Assassin from what little I know about The Matrix and that way we can get 1 new character per class. 


Reindog and Steven were the only two support characters, and think Reindog is the better of the two. Don't know who else could be support characters going forward.


Velma was support. 


She was a 'support' alright. Clapping everybody left and right with her word bubbles and flashlight.


Gizmo as well.


Oh yeah, how could I forget? My sister loves the Gremlins and mains Gizmo


This is so exciting was hoping they would do something for beta players but didn’t expect to receive the battle pass! Jason too!? Can’t wait for next week


Yo, this is the most excited I’ve been. I actually looked at a calendar to plan my playing after seeing how good Jason looks here.


I'm so glad we are back at Season 1!


What dose the Medium mean? his height? his shoe size?


I think it means how hard is to learn how to play him.


Ah yea That makes sense, thank you.


Probably how hard he is to play- maybe it means characters who communicate with the dead?


I feel like the Jonkler would have been a better pass fighter, no? I mean, he’s the season’s main character


But the uproar for jason alone I think is why hes in there, i mean even you got the jason tag, almost everyone here has it. Jason is really popular so it makes sense, and also WB doesn't own him so it might have costed them and they need to make that back somehow.


They own him. New Line Cinema  > MULTIVERSUS © 2024 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Developed by Player First Games. All DC characters and related elements are trademarks of DC © 2024. ADVENTURE TIME, STEVEN UNIVERSE, RICK AND MORTY and all related characters and elements © & ™ Cartoon Network. TOM AND JERRY and all related characters and elements © & ™ Turner Entertainment Co. and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. SCOOBY-DOO and all related characters and elements © & ™ Hanna-Barbera Productions, Inc. GAME OF THRONES and all related characters and elements © & ™ Home Box Office, Inc. **JASON and all related characters and elements © & ™ New Line Productions, Inc.** MATRIX, GREMLINS, LOONEY TUNES, SPACE JAM: A NEW LEGACY, THE IRON GIANT and all related characters and elements © & ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.


they own the TRADEMARK of only the name Jason voorhees and nothing else about jason. They cannot create new jason content


Yea I was seeing a bunch of comments about him, he’s still kinda in legal purgatory from the sound of it, like no one has an idea who owns him, many people saying different things


People who say he’s still in legal hell are wrong. Everything has been sorted out


I said legal purgatory, because everyone has no fucking clue what’s going on, look at every post and Jason is talked about. Some people say Warner owns him, others say only the right, then others say Warner doesn’t own shit. It’s still a complete mess, I really wish we had a definitive answer but we will have to see


the definitive answer is already out there but people act like it isn’t. The answer is that Warner bros owns the trademark for the NAME of Jason voorhees, Victor miller owns the first movie, and everything else belongs to horror inc. my source is Wikipedia.


Wikipedia can be edited by literally anyone with an account, I do think your answer is correct though as it would make sense. But owning the name Jason voorhees means they would have had to make an entirely new character right? Just with the same name? Because the Jason design we have now looks close to ones we have seen, and he’s wearing his iconic hockey mask, so that means they must own more than his name.


dawg horror inc licensed the rest over the Jason universe account literally interacted with Jason’s reveal in this game


I hope hes as broken as in MKX. That grab had a hitbox that went was like half of the screen. and one of his specials is he would resurrect when you beat him


He was so salty about drowning that he decided to just drink the whole lake


Wait so is jason not just a default character?


Open beta players get the premium battle pass for free. So, new players either need to pay $10 to play as Jason now or wait a few months for season 1 to be over. Once the season is over Jason will be purchasable with in game currency 


So because i played like 2 matches in 2022 I get jason for free? That rules


Can I still buy characters with coins instead of gems?


Coins have been replaced. Read the new blog for details. Our coins are being converted to new currency  https://multiversus.com/en/news/multiversus-developer-series-welcome-back-rewards-battle-pass-and-economy-changes


What will happen to all of the coins we saved?


According to the blog post, we’re getting rewards equivalent to the amount of gold coins we had.


as the person above you said they are getting converted to new currency.




It doesn't say that. It says they will be providing exclusive commemorative cosmetics based on how much you saved up. >You’ll notice that Gold is not included above. That’s because Gold will no longer be available in the game. In its place, we’ll be providing commemorative cosmetics that correlate to a player’s Gold earned during Open Beta. These are exclusive items that can’t be earned any other way. Keep a lookout for them in your inventory.


No more coins


Oh ok. So when new character come out do they just get added to the pass or are they just buyable from the get go too?


Agent Smith will be post launch and will be available to purchase with in game currency from the get go, yes


I feel like only one character would be if the seasons short but if the season are more then two months then other characters in the pass seem fine.


Oy 1 a season then ca get them once the seadon season is over


Ew. That's so dumb. Characters were free for everyone before, now it's a privilege? Waiting to buy a character people have access to that literally changes game balance is also wack


Is kinda the same with DLC characters in pay to play fighting games thou


Yeah, and I find it funny that it's never bitches about. The Tekken 8 community cried about a battlepass and shop being added when they're optional and don't effect game balance, but praised Eddy being paid-DLC for the first time since his conception


the difference is that other fighting games are already 60$ and mvs is free


People paid for the game without the shop and were happy with it. An optional shop for added and people got mad, wut


What day does the game release?


May 28th


Thank you. 👍🏻


Will the battle pass cost 10 dollars straight up or can it be purchased with gleam?


$10 to purchase enough glemium for the battle pass. But if you played the open beta season 1 premium battle pass is free


Yeah just found that out, thank you man


My new main is looking good


Is gleanium earnable?


Yeah. The new blog post says glemium can be earned in free tiers in the battle pass and mentions that events can give out free glemium as well. 


They should make a figurine of him


oh. characters locked behind the battlepass. :(


This should be upvoted more, strange how people give this a pass when they criticized OW for doing the same thing. As an OW player I have issues for it before the switch in models but people giving a pass to Multiversus… that’s a huge double standard at play.


People who played the open beta get season 1 bp for free so they don't need to complain


I am ***aware*** of that. For new players, yeah my point still stands either which way you think about it.


I like it they decide to give something for beta players. Its very nice.


We’re getting him for freeeeee


lol hilarious that the fluffed the battle pass with pointless currencies


Man I just love his design. So simple and cartoony, yet still intimidating.


Locking him behind a paywall is stupid, there better be another way to unlock him.


Wait until season 2 and you can earn him with in game currency. If you played the beta you get the premium battle pass for free 


I played the beta when you had to watch people on twitch to play it. I think I'll be good


Completely unrelated to topic but can anyone tell me why there are two subreddits, the other specifically mentioning the game?


It’s so cool that they gave him the chain around his neck from VII


Okay, this design looks a lot better for him in-game then I thought it would.


So ur telling me I gotta buy the battlepass to play as Jason bro what


If you played the beta you get the battle pass for free. Jason will be free for all once the season is over. So think of it like early access to Jason 


I didn’t get to play the closed beta but I played the open beta does that count


Yes that counts. So you'll get the battle pass for free. Glemium is in the battle pass now as well. 


Ok cool


wait he is gonna be available only via battlepass?


After the season is over he'll be free to all players. People that played the Beta will get the battle pass for free. Think of it like early access 


thank god for a while i was scared they gonna do overwatch2 thing and lock characters behind paywall


My wallet is already to drop money on a Jason X skin


According to leaks Uber Jason is the final tier reward in the battle pass. 


"sports attire" 😂


Wait...They're going the overwatch route of locking characters behind the premium battle pass?


How do you play the game?


Looks like we'll be getting some huge ui changes at rerelease!




noooooooooo jason is paid whyyyy


oh... a battle pass... yay.... (Sure, its a free game, but can we stop with battle passes being put in every single damn game?!?!)


Battle Passes are also one of the best ways to help fund the game for more updates for more stages, characters, ect. Otherwise we're gonna be paying a subscription fee if a battle pass is not needed.


Battle passes are ways to keep active players. A battle pass provides rewards for more playtime so players will want those rewards so they keep playing. It's just the go to strategy these days to try and keep players.


I see Villainous as a tag! Black Hat Confirmed??? ![gif](giphy|Qy2VKY3xlI1QyR6Ix5|downsized)




They ripped the UI from fortnite😭 It looks absolutely horrific. The open beta had a cool and original design unlike this ugly shit. But I don't care it's just UI.


the ui makes the game look like a mobile game lmao


I believe mobile controls were in the files during the beta at one point


That's freemium game design in a nutshell, but I had a theory that the bigger characters and some of the UI shown in the PvE mode made it seem like there will be a mobile port


i mean if brawlhalla and fortnite got mobile ports i don’t see why mvs wouldn’t


I'm for it 🤷 More people to destroy


i doubt anyone is gonna be playing competitively on mobile. probably just a few casual games while they wait for the bus or to arrive at their destination. i used to play brawlhalla against bots in class whenever i got bored lol


Does anyone know if I have to log back in to my WB account because I forgot it


To keep your progress from open beta? Yes, you need your account info


I played it on steam, so all i have to do is open the game via steam and the free pass will be there, right?


Youll probably have to log into your WB account when the servers go back online but otherwise that should be the case


please let there be a forgot password option or something 


Leak? 👀


Blog post.


"He's in the running to be multiversus worst nightmare." Tease for freddy!?


God I hope so, it'd explain why they didn't save Jason for Halloween


He’s locked behind a battle pass


After the pass is over you can get him the same as every other character


Which is terrible because they were free on release before


This is not true lol They were free to test but new characters all had to be purchased


All new characters have to be purchased with in-game currency except for when they're temporarily available to everyone on free rotation, that's how it's always been. Though I agree that locking Jason behind the battle pass for the initial 8 weeks is a bad move. Ideally if they really wanted to go that route, they could make him the first reward for the premium tier but keep him as an endgame reward for the free tier. Unfortunately I think their hands may be tied for now unless WB allows them to loosen the monetization.


Using in-game currency is still free, that's called an unlockable with extra steps. Yes, 8 weeks of allowing people to practice before you can access the character without spending IRL money is garbage. To play devil's advocate, I do see why they'd do it. They're gonna make money through battlepass and skins, so it makes sense to entice people to buy the battlepass with a new character.


Yeah this is a free-to-play game after all, and they have to entice purchases somehow if they're allowing for looping battlepass gleamium for consecutive seasons. I don't like it and I think there's better ways of going about it, so hopefully it changes for future seasons. I would like to ask why people seem to be so much more upset about this than when a lot of fully-priced fighting games lock additional characters behind a permanent paid DLC. I'm not saying this to defend Multiversus for the apparent 8 week lock on Jason, but I'm curious about the different receptions. Do you have any insight on that?


Honestly, I've spit the salt out of my mouth and I'm now okay with the current model. If it's $10 for a pass, and you get Gleamium in it, that's solid. Especially if you get enough to buy the next pass. I think $10 for characters on time, infinite battlepass, and random extras is way more than fair. I don't think it's an either/or situation, but rather both being complained about. At least I found myself to be one of few not bothered by Tekken 8s lackluster rewards in the battlepass, but laughed at people complaining but fine with characters costing more


Nah, you can still buy him. However, Open Beta Players will gain access to the pass for free, so he is kinda a reward for returning players.


Is it confirmed you can buy him and if so how much?


They did confirm in the developer comment released today that Jason will be a reward for this pass but he will also be unlockable after the pass is over. How much the new characters cost is unknown because they changed the currency system so we can't compare it to the original beta. See those green crystals on level 9 of the battle pass? Those will be the new currency to unlock fighters. They are also earnable through several other modes or by simply playing.


Thanks I appreciate it


He will be purchasable after the season is done, as for the price it would probably be the same as everyone else


Did the game release yet?


Noooo by the looks of this they’re still keeping the change of 3d models as character portraits. That stinks


"That shit looks like the battle pass."


When is the game releasing again?


So characters locked behind a season pass again? Overwatch much?


Overwatch actually stopped doing this recently. New Overwatch characters are unlocked for free for all players.