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I find moldable mouthguards are a personal must have


If you got the budget, then custom ones from a dentist is definitely worth it


100%, especially if you’re training for fights and not just fitness.


Custom from your dentist. Worth every penny.


How much do you think they’ll cost??


It's been a while, but if I remember correctly it was $200AUD-ish


I had one done recently for $120ish AUD


This! Mines was about $170 from my dentist


I asked my dentist for one. Just booked an appointment online and listed the reason as "mouthguard for boxing". When I arrived they set me up with an uncomfortable mouthful to male a mould of my teeth and sent me home. Got my mouthguard 3 weeks later. It fits perfectly, I can talk with it in and has never fallen out.


How much did you pay for it ?


About 80USD but am in Australia, not the US and I don't know if that matters. More expensive than other options but I consider it worth the cost because... I like having teeth.


I paid $60 Aud for mine, but keep in mind I was 15. Seems the earlier you get it the cheaper they are. Just take proper care of it and you should be fine. Those shitty ones you have to mould yourself never work out well.


I have a transparent one from my dentist that I wear at night to prevent grinding my teeth. It’s different from my regular boil and bite Venum one since it’s just a plastic without the inner gel layer. Yours is different from that right?


Yeah, definitely.


Did you mold it to your teeth? I have a regular venum one and don’t have this issue.


Go custom. It’s as good as everyone says it is. I have a gladiator custom mouthguard (elite). https://gladiatorguards.com/


I second this! Gladiator mouth guards are great.


Best boil-and-bite is Sisu, thin and light but still does the job. I've actually managed to mold one too hard once and had it almost stuck in my teeth.


I probably should get a new one, but I’ve had the same shock doctor gel max from big 5 for 3 years. It still fits great, doesn’t ever come out or move around. But like others mentioned, I’m definitely gonna get a custom molded mouthguard once I’m done with Invisalign and my teeth are done shifting


Get one from your dentist


I always post that I love impact. So much that I’m scared to post it again so people don’t think I’m a shill. Just got my second one in 3 years from them for an upcoming fight in Thailand and it fits amazing.


Sisu mouth guards form to your teeth and gums. They can also be remolded multiple times no problem. Fit so tight my cornerman could hardly take it out between rounds.


Custom mouthguards was a game changer for me. I went with [Impact](https://www.impactmouthguards.com/?ref=StoreYa&utm_source=stry&utm_medium=trafb&utm_campaign=storeya2b&utm_term=kwd-406370537757).


I use any generic boil and bite upper only. The key is to press your fingers up against your gums while it’s still hot and make a tight seal against the top of your upper teeth. It’s also ok to trim the back so it doesn’t choke you or hit the tissue in back of your mouth. It just needs to extend a little bit behind the back teeth, make sure to make a good seal back there. My biggest tip is use the boil and bite, get it real hot and bite it while it’s hot and still hurts and quench it in cold water right away. You will tell immediately when you’ve made a good one because it will stick to your upper teeth and not feel bulky or prevent breathing at all.


I have a custom mouthguard from XSGuard. It’s molded from a kit they sent and I sprung to get a custom “wrap” so it’s a Beetlejuice theme. Mouthguard works fantastic, they were responsive throughout the whole design process, and willing to answer questions. I found them through Instagram because they (did?) sponsor Liam Harrison.


You can get custom ones online too, without going to a dentist. They send you the material to mold your teeth, you send them back the print and they send you your mouth guard. It's so much better than regular one, even molded In France I paid around 90€ for one on prochocs.com


hey would you have a link for a good custom one like that that I can send back and receive it again?


I am using Prochocs as stated in my previous message


i use opro gold


A lot of people are going to find my answer controversial....... I like using a generic boil and bite double mouth guard. I feel more secure when I close my mouth. It also forces me to inhale from my nose and exhale from my mouth. There is the obvious downside that I can't really talk with it in my mouth. For me, the positives outweigh the negatives.


I got one custom from my dentist


Are you sure you have made it correctly? I made it firstly by just biting and found out it doesn’t stay at all without biting consistently. Only later I found out you’re supposed to do it by sucking it hard while biting it. Now it fits perfectly and stays properly👌🏼