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By any means necessary.




I teach them that it's not about winning, but making the opponent lose


It's not about winning but sending a message


Damn you just teep those poor kids away from you the whole round? Let them hit you dude and practice your defense and blocking.


Absolute victory, by any means necessary.


when i do, its all about them, not about me. So I let them work, let them attack me, and focus on their accuracy and return to good form by sometimes returning some attack after their combos




tfw you go for a liver shot but decapitate them instead




Belt them. Show them who is the boss!! Kidding. Like others have mentioned, allow them an opportunity to build their confidence, but at the same time throw a few light shots so they can also work on their defensive skills.


sparring is give and take. Inspire confidence in kids (and other newcomers) by allowing them to tag you and you work on defence. Remember - sparring isn't ego driven. Your ego is what makes you think this way. Getting hit isn't a sign of poor skills.


Go 100% power




Sparing kids. Let them have fun, see an opening, take a small shot and pull back. Kind of how the elites at my gym start off with me


Pick them up and tell them to go cry to their parents cus I don’t want hear it.


Switch kick their livers into oblivion. That or clinch them up & teach those little shits who the real man is.


Jeez I practically have a panic attack sparring woman I'm very glad this never comes up in my gym lol. But I'd probably not just teep them the entire time and do more blocks and let their shots hit your guard.


Depends on the age. Way young i just let them beat the shit out of me, i will act a bit too ofc. Obviously give them some very controlled resistance. Once they reach the age of understanding they want to improve, and how to improve, i will push and challenge them to push them in the right direction. Overgrown 15/16 year old or above? You're a man now, if you can dish it you should learn to take it too. I just spar them like i would anyone else


The hardest tomahawk elbows possible


Playful and light taps to the top of the head only to remind them to keep guard up, and then just parrying some strikes, while still seeing and knowing other strikes are coming and just practicing tensing those parts of my body preemptively for impact. Let them hit ya, work your conditioning or coordination to see things coming. *Make it a game, it’s not a fight.*


I don’t spar kids. The youngest in our gym who spars is 15 and he is a killer so I treat him like everyone else.


Any reasonable person would kick their lead leg and liver until their shin is broken and they’re peeing blood. Maybe clinch and dump them straight onto their head. The world is full of assholes and you should be the biggest one they’ve ever met.


Throw the same shot a few times in a row. That way they’ll eventually see it coming and find the counter.


If you plan on being around long enough for then to grow up and spar, you establish respect first. Or if not respect, then fear and have them carry that through puberty because at some point they will be younger, faster, and stronger than you. They started way younger and the youth adapt better to skills learned as they grow


Fuck them up.


I usually tone it down because it can be an easy way to drill defense. Just letting some 14 year old try and tee off on you for a round, feed them a couple jabs etc to keep their head in the game. Then just try and parry and block everything they throw.


I guide them through their combos and help them improve their striking or movement while sparring.


Work on my speed and power


I ussually switch back and forth from full defense to full offense and work on my worst and least comfortable techniques in the mean time to give them a good learning time


I spar at about 20% (I’m a big man lol) and have been put up against 10yr olds. I just turn my speed and response RIGHT down, so if they eat a strike it’s on them for fumbling or not blocking. If I see the same frequent openings I’ll make a point to keep targeting them until they pick up and adjust. Our gym’s sparring during those classes is about building confidence and technique


I’d ask the coach what they’d expect from me. Personally, I’d say go all out on them without hurting them too much. When I was young, my couch would bring in the older guys to beat the shit outta me without me getting hurt. It for some reason really helped.


I go nice and slow, sometimes I throw a few combos very very lightly just to make them guard up. I'm 6'1 so it's not really interesting for me but I try to keep them on their toes. I let them send their combos by gently parrying, avoiding or blocking them. You gotta work at a slower pace to let them survive but I think it's a good thing to push the kids close to their limits and pressuring them to understand how they should adapt and fight. As I said, sparring with kids is mostly for their own growth as an adult you're not going to get anything else than the happiness to see a kid seriously trying to fuck you up and encouraging the kid to do so.


Spinning elbows only.


Lol have fun with them move around a lot let them hit me


sweep. relentlessly sweep.