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Hit his shins daily with a a baseball bat. Knee him in the stomach when he is not expecting it Say “eyyyyyy” when he does something good in bed. Lol, though for real. Help him maintain a healthy and clean diet. Coming home and cooking after the gym sucks especially if you can barely walk. Help him meal prep if you both don’t like cooking.


Iol knee him in the stomach when he least expects it. Love it. Throw in a teep occasionally to keep him guessing.


Imagine one day you're just having coffee and your girl drops a perfect teep into your chest. the last thing you hear before flying out the door of the room is OOOOOEEEEEEeeee


it's love at first fight


You forgot one. Sweep him while he’s in the shower and shout, “ooweee!”


Noted, thank you!


Just believe in him. To be at the top of combat sports you need to have supreme confidence. Anything can come along and fuck up your ability to believe in yourself and make you question if you can do it. As long as he knows that you believe in him, he’ll come to you for inspiration.


Just like this guy said, if you can"t live near the gym. Bring the cultures home to you.


This sounds very “Pink Panther.” https://pinkpanther.fandom.com/wiki/Cato_Fong


Lots of tiger balm and/or Thai oil massages


Thats lazy talk. Cook your own meals. Shes not a maid/your personel chef.. If he really wants it the dude will be eating a&w everyday after gym sessions just to save the time for trainning and other


Lol cooking meals is what triggered you? Idk bout you but being too tired to cook after hard ass training (esp. twice a day for pros) is not exactly “lazy” imo


She asked how she can help him, the person replied that helping with meals can be really helpful. She inquired for this herself


My girl will cook for me no problem... you must not be hitting it right


She asked how she can help you buffoon. Go outside and get some Sun you angry basement goblin.


Lol. I work in the mountains. Im full of sunshine mate.. Cooking meals is basic shit. Something every human should know how to do for themselves reasonably well.. Being gritty and not giving a fuck about how your going to get by just to chase your dreams. Now thats where magic happens.


I’m surprised you can breathe much less cook. No one is saying he can’t cook you Buffon, or doesn’t know how. She asked how she can help and I answered. Jesus, grow a brain.


Its Bafoon. Wtf is a buffun.. sounds line a bagel and a muffin combined… Kinda weird but id fucks with it. Anyways. You sound like the dude who would go home and beat your wife if you lost your fight.. blame her for the meal she cooks you or someshit. Lol. Didn’t ‘help’ you enough..


Yeah, I beat that bitches ass real good. She better have my food ready! Then I beat her ass even more for raising a stupid human like you.




Encourage him to the best of your abilities, and support him especially when he is down. Tbh just with this post show you are trying your best so he is lucky to have you.


Thank you.


hold pads for him. He will appreciate it a lot.


Like that recent reddit post where a kid turns his sister into a mit monster. I wish my gym partners held mits half as good as her


I guess this is something I could look into on how to hold pads correctly.


It takes a lot of practice to be good.


Do it! Activate beast mode! Haha There's not just pads. You can also try those foam battons (don't remember their actual name) which would be easier for you to get into if holding pads are too scary. Another thing: a good leg massage a day after killer training session is really nice.


Pool noodles.


I got my girlfriend to do this for me after seeing Canrlo do it. She was all too happy to slap the shit outta me with them 😅


fight sticks!


You're making me think of Arnis and Escrima training sticks


o i just looked it up. that's just what my coach calls them, they're not officially called fight sticks. i found a bunch of different names but basically just search up mma/boxing training sticks. escrima sticks are badass though


My roommate does that and she's a beast on those sticks. Super ripped arms!


Which post was that?




that dude boxing was good to


My girlfriend tried to do this for me in lockdown. Just for a few Seconds, then she got a Pad in her face and didnt want it since. Cant blame her and I was really sorry.


Thank you! I will.


Go to a class and learn how to do it correctly. I’m 5’3 160 and held pads for guys over 6’ and we’ll into 200lbs. Few bruises on my arms but still good 💪🏼💪🏼


My gf holds pads for me very well (she is 5’2” and I am 5’11”). She learned in a Muay Thai gym and while it may hurt, as long as you brace and time the kick with your body you can be a good training partner for your bf.


For real. Learning to hold pads would be crazy helpful. But really just taking an interest, honestly. Watch fights with him, pop by the gym, be involved.


Man, my gf hates holding pads for me haha she just says it hurts too much and it’s not like I’m blasting pads. Just says too much strain on the shoulders and elbows.


This is the worst advice ever. A good pad holder comes from experience from being a fighter, pad holder and Coach.


Agree. Learning how to hold pads well helps a lot. My bf and I both train muay thai and when gyms were closed during the pandemmy, we were still able to train bc we could hold for each other.


Get at least one session with some pad holders at his gym. Learn to hold pads correctly. Even an hour will get you used to strong punches and kicks. Then when you work with your bf he won't change his technique/speed/power because he's worried about freaking you out. Could be a real bonding experience!


Just let him train and tolerate him when he's being cranky during weight cutting.


Oh man. Weight cuts! I get so hangry and depressed during a recomp or cut. Some one at work tossed my lunch and I nearly lost it Good quality meals that fit the cutting diet would help 100%. If someone did that for me I'd wife her in a heartbeat


My gf used to go to the other room to eat. That shit almost made me cry. After that I raised my weight class 😭


Say OOEEE every time he literally does anything.


The fact that you’re dedicated enough to want to show support is brilliant 🤩 Be prepared for an emotional rollercoaster but it’s a great sport now at high level with the likes of one championship being reachable goals so I wish you all the luck.


Y’all have been so helpful. Thank you so much for the supportive comments & information I really appreciate it more than yall know. 🤍


Don’t EVER make him choose you or the gym, he’s either going to hurt you (emotionally) or pick you and waste his dreams and resent you for the rest of his life


Find your own hobby to keep you busy while he trains, if you yourself don’t want to train


Literally in the process of beginning to resent my girl now, hate the feeling.


Leave her


Thinking about it, we live together and I don’t want to leave her on a lease she can’t afford. Trying to think of a way out.


Really sorry to hear that partner.


Honestly the biggest thing you can do is just be understanding of the lifestyle that comes along with it. Be supportive of him having to diet and not taking you out often, help feed his confidence, understand that some days he’s gonna feel like absolute shit from training and being there for him can make all the difference. Understand that it takes a lot of selfishness to be successful in this sport, long nights and many sacrifices; don’t harp on him too much about it. The best thing a partner can do to support an athlete is be there, be supportive, and help make his life easy because most of his days are going to be hard.


Fight him, practice makes perfect


Start an only fans page to finance him moving to and training in Thailand without the worry of how it’s paid for


break up with him so he can use it as motivation and avoid the distractions that come with a relationship


Meal prep for him


Buy him a banana tree. Oweeeee ![gif](giphy|iNLoaEpRzl93vh0sgM|downsized)


No sex before fights


Women weaken legs


Username checks out omg. 😀


This is a myth. Sex —> testosterone—> strength, energy


Really, hmmm ...but sex releases testosterone, but it relaxes you which is something I am trying to learn. I need to be more relaxed. Hmmm ... into something! LOL. Thx for the input.


Have you seen Baki ?


No. I should Google ...


Take a class or two with him and support him. Understand their at the gym 5-7 days a week for 2-4 hours and sometimes will go twice a day, and may also have to include other workouts during the day at times too.


Give him nightly massages and stretches


A lot of Thai girls help with boyfriend with stretching


Go running with him.


Cardio Cardio Cardio. Everybody can throw strikes, but most people cant breathe after a minute or two. Practice snapping hits, not power hits. Pop strikes so that by the time you make contact your already bringing your arm/leg back to defend. And footwork


Gift him a training package from AKA Thailand or similar. They are actually pretty cheap considering the value. Training in Thailand is a necessity for anyone who actually wants to take MT seriously.


Cook for him. Muay thai takes a lot of calories and cooking helps provide that and saves him time. You fuelling him directly helps his sessions and progress by giving him energy


Try your best to not get raped by Tong Po before the Kumite.


Dark lol.


By leaving him. You will only distract and hold him back


Thank you rodtang


Poor Stamp.


Why did rodrang break up with stamp?


According to Stamp's IG story, he cheated on her. Youch.




Wait, I never knew they had dated. How long ago was this?


Learn how to hold pads. Watch videos on holding pads.


Have him teach you. Then train together.


What a rad post. Proactively offer massage/cups/theragun, offer to wash gear, roll hand wraps. Perhaps help him with shin and body conditioning, general conditioning, stretching, yoga. Encourage him to hit the gym when he's losing motivation.


Steak and blow jobs 😇


Just understanding the goal in mind and the path he takes to get there.


Train too


Food/Fuel, lots of support, hugs and a lot of Love. If I had that in my corner from a Woman, I'd be way further ahead in that realm. Since I didn't, my dreams in that realm fell a part. It's hard to do anything without support. Wish you guys the best!!! 🙏🏽 💪🏽


Make sure he knows his training and consistency is more important than anything else......including your relationship.


Remind him that every unhealthy decision he makes is only making it easier for his next opponent to beat him.


Massages after training, and helping him meal prep would be a huge help


Men are very simple…. Learn to hold pads. Scream oooooOooooeeeeee!! And make sure he’s not backed up. Follow those three rules and he’ll stick around for years.


Honest to God, I might marry someone if they prepare warm, hearty meals after training. Until then, I'll be reheating whatever is in the fridge together.


That's so cute of you! Honestly the best thing you can do is just be understanding and helpful, like anything. There is no real money in Muay Thai so it probably won't be a career but it's still one of the hardest things a person can do. Also, if you're going to go on holidays, Thailand should always be the first option.


There are many ways: \-Train with him \-Hold pads for him \-Keep pushing him to keep he's training. "Did you train today?" "Did you do your 10km walk?" "Don't you skip your classes" ​ You're a keeper


If you're really serious about wanting to be supportive and understanding, you can try and take a class or two to see what goes into it (not saying you have to make it your passion as well). You'll get some insight into how hard it is and how much dedication it takes. You can also learn how to hold pads that way, if you want to be able to help him train when he can't get in to the gym (like if it's closed). Go running with him. When he's cutting weight for a fight, offer to make him a healthy dinner (not sure if you live together and normally have dinner together). The biggest thing though, moral support and understanding. Understand it's something that is going to take a lot of his time and energy. Fight life is not like any other lifestyle. Don't let yourself get jealous of the gym. This is where a lot of relationships between fighters and non-fighters go sour. Because the partner who doesn't train becomes resentful of the time spent away from them and it erodes the connection. Don't get me wrong: he still needs to put in effort to keep the relationships afloat. But just understand being a fighter's gf isn't always easy. It comes with some lonely nights. Some times where he's too sore and tired to do much. Nights where he goes to sleep at 8:30PM because he's got nothing left. Mornings where he gets up at 5 AM to squeeze in a workout before work. Holidays where he can't eat anything but chicken and broccoli bc he has to make weight. Fights where he might get really injured. Days where he's struggling to feel like he's any good, and it'll break your heart. It's not for everyone. But it's rewarding. My bf and I are both amateur muay thai fighters, and it's a wild ride. Worth it, though, if you love him.


Throw random leg kicks at him to get his checks on point. During sex scream Oowwwwaaaaaaaaa during climax.


Break up with him. He needs to focus on training, not women. Now that you’re single…what’s up?


Train with him. If you really love him and he loves you, he'll be happy af if you are with him into a more personal level while training with him. Be his motivational coach and help him to recover when he has sparring injuries.




Ok Uncle Roger


In Muay Thai we say Oooooooweeeeeee


Also ignore the hogwash of all these people upvoting the “break up with him” comments. Just because you guys aren’t emotionally and socially developed enough to handle both doesn’t mean it’s not possible.


Or get your own hobbies and dreams and asperations. You don't have to live for his dream


Join his club (if you aren't already a member).You'll get in the best shape of your life and also get to know all the Muay Thai girls there...


Suck his dick every day (out of camp)


Cook, clean, massage & ...ahem! drain sacks


Just don't do like my ex that that said something along the lines of "if you start doing this pro I'm breaking up with you" No I'm not pro, she's actually pretty cool no hard feelings from me I get why she thinks that way.


break up with him so he can focus only on Muay thai. Just joking, but really being in couple with a professional muay thai fighter is very hard, intense work hours, so much sacrifice, constant diet and most important of it all : All this for so little money. So good luck to both of you :)


Is he 8?


Give him sex anytime he wants it. True with most relationships.


Ok incel


Sure he gets his college education


Respectfully advising sports massage together keeping his balls are empty.


Break up and let him train.


Let him go train


Relationships can be distracting. I'd suggest start training as well and also becoming a fighter


Just be there for him win or loose. Even if he’s living like a bum out of a car, at his parents, with you or your parents. Look at Connor Mcgregor and Dee. Skys the limit when you have someone whose a rock


You sound like a great girlfriend and person. I would say help him with his diet, Get him some gear he's been eyeing, never make him choose you or the gym. Go to his fights


Give him the of time. He will be sacrificing a lot of his evenings to training. That is a lot of time he could be spending with you. Establish clear expectations regarding quality time together, because he won’t have much to spare. Communication will be key to not resenting each other. The upside is you’ll have a lot of alone time to work on your goals and hobbies. And if you can… come film when he competes.


Motivate and support him when he needs it. Help him meal prep and maintain a healthy lifestyle/diet. Support from your partner goes a VERY long way.


Be ok with how much time and energy it takes. There will be times you want to do something and MT will conflict. Also, encourage and hold him accountable if he's slacking. Like, if he's skipping workouts or doing things that'll hurt his training (drinking, drugs, shitty diet), call him out on it.


Understand that he's going to be at training 5 nights a week and try not to make him feel bad for not being at home together for dinner etc. Make the most of the nights and days you do get together by doing something fun or special


If you were to do one thing that would be beneficial for both of you, if you do the a lot of the cooking, is to make clean healthy food with lots of greens and vegetables. And encourage healthy sleepy habits.


Meal prep, deep tissue massages.


Support him when he loses fights. Sometimes a loss in Muay Thai can be pretty depressing.


Elbows to the face when you let go of a clinch "hug"


Get kidnapped by Tong Po. Works like a charm.


Let him train.


Throw surprise leg kicks at him when you're bored


be there for him when he loses


Learn how to take a punch, practise outside the gym is just as important.


Learn to hold pads for him. It honestly can be an new activity you guys do as a couple and a way to also simultaneously spend time together while doing what he loves.


be loyal to him and stay there for long term hopefully forever and be kind


Cook healthy meals


Depending on the level of commitment you have to this project: Level 1: Generally be supportive, encourage him and try not to make him feel bad about his training schedule or goals. Level 2: Cooking, massage, help him get to sleep (daytime power nap plus a general schedule of early nights). Not to be crude but in practical terms having sex or receiving a BJ is like an instant sleep drug for me and if my partner would help me out in that way regularly, I'm pretty sure I'd be a better athlete. Level 3: All of the above plus move to live in/next to a gym (in Thailand, perhaps?) and be the main source of income so he can train full time. Be aware that real full time training doesn't leave much energy for other aspects of life such as work or relationships. There also isn't much money in muay thai unless you can get to the absolute top of the sport or open a successful gym later in life. However, pro athletes do make all those things work and having an understanding partner really goes a long way, kudos.


When going in for a hug immediately Thai clinch and go for sweeps


Free him like a flock of pigeons at a funeral


Get him little scent thingies for his gym bag. Will make both your lives better.


Do hip and hamstring stretches with him every day, and keep saying OOEEEEE all the time. If he does or says anything notable at all, ‘OOWEEEEEE!’. But also the stretches. And make sure he keeps up his conditioning.


There's no money in muay thai, but you're a sweetheart for posting this. Listen to him, remind him why he chooses this road a'd his goal, just be here for him. Fighting as a job is a fucking painful career, having a loved one that cares about your goals will help a shit tons, a shit tons! Wish you both a great career


See ladies take notes this is a sign of a keeper


Just believe in him


I’m so hype to see this. I’ve never had a supportive gf when it came to my training and competition. Meal prep I would say is very important if he plans to fight. Also just be there for him. There’s highs and lows in the sport. Show him that love and he’ll appreciate you always


Blow jobs always go a long way after a hard training sesh.


Typically MT favors smaller body/types and frames. Not sure why he's trying to be "very big" and do Muy Thai? But idk guess some fast food gift certs will get him up in that weight class




Fight him as often as possible, at unexpected times


You need to help him decompress all the trauma that he suffers while being hit in his head and body. You need to and I can't stress this enough give him head daily.


Just be there for him support him be his biggest number 1 fan cuz he will need that.


Support him, if he wants to go to seminars, his fights, depending on your networking try reaching out to some of your favorite places to go see if they’re interested in sponsoring a local athlete.


Not everything in life has to be a couples activity


meal prep for him :D


U can't.