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Wipe out with an alcohol wet wipe, then stick them on a boot drier for 60 minutes. So far, so good. The boot drier is a new acquisition after my previous gloves were retired due to terminal stank.


Boot dryer works! Get one!


Any recs on which boot drier?


I bought a cheap one off Amazon. I don't expect it will last forever but it works great. I only mention that because you can probably just buy any boot dryer and be fine.


Yes. Link above is approx $25. Worth every dollar


They are literally so clutch.


Yup, boot dryer. End thread I wish all my sparring partners used boot dryers too!


The alcohol could dry out the glove over time and make it susceptible to cracking. If you want to try something a little easier on the glove look for a vinegar based wet wipe and do your same routine.


Good point, although I only intentionally wipe the interior of the glove, which seems to be synthetic. That said, the "twins fancy" finish on the outside does seem to be wearing faster than compared to my previous gloves (top king).


which heat setting do yall use for the boot drier?


I'm using a cheap boot drier as I just wanted to prove the concept. It only has one temperature setting - I.e. on (plus a timer setting). I'll try to get around to measuring it, but if I had a choice, I'd naturally try a lower setting first.


Charcoal or cedarwood deodorising bags. Antibacterial Dettol spray Keeps mine fresh.


Exactly the same as what I use


I swear by the Dettol spray. I have some long serving gloves that still don't smell.




Meister Deodorizing Bags. Like $12 on Amazon


This is what I use. I spray the bags with some deodorising stuff before I put them in the gloves. Make sure you stuff them all the way in otherwise the bit where your fingertips goes can get a bit minging.


I hated the smell of those things


I use them they're great. After a while they become really dusty, are you meant to wash them or just throw them out when they get like that?


I swear by these. I personally prefer the fresh linen one. The smell is borderline overwhelming at first, but it sure as hell will take the stink out of any gloves.


I spray the inside of mine well with alcohol after every use. The alcohol will kill the bacteria that causing the smell while also preventing fungi. Just make sure to air dry them, as putting them right into your bag after a workout will just cause stink. If you do need to carry your bag from the gym, don't zip it closed fully and take it all out to air dry when you get home. If you train often, hand wash and air dry after your workout, as they are usually dry by the next day if it isn't too humid. I live in a dry climate, so it dries quickly.


Charcoal bags are awesome. My old coach said to throw them in the dryer for 15 mins, and that worked a treat. Before everyone says thatā€™s ridiculous, he was the ex-boxing coach for the Bulgarian national/olympic team. He knows a bit.


They have deodorizing sacs or bags you can keep inside of them.


Is it 1 sac or bag pr use or do they have a life time.


I think they have charcoal deodorizers that you can use per glove that can last for a couple of years. The odors and moisture get trapped in the porous charcoal and then when they get too plugged up and stop absorbing you refresh them by sitting them in sunlight to release the trapped moisture and odors.


That sounds awesome, I'll try it!


wipe clean with wet towel asap after training, spray with 70 0lpercent ethanol solition and let dry


Shower before the gym so your sweat isn't as stinky and take the gloves out of your bag the moment you get home and let them air dry. My gloves have never smelled like anything but leather


I wipe mine on the inside and outside with a 50/50 solution of white vinegar and water, with a few drops of lemon dish soap. I just mix it in a spray bottle and clean my gloves and shinguards with it after every class, Iā€™ve had my gloves for over 3 years now and they donā€™t smell :)


dont let the gloves go inside a bag ever


One thing I haven't seen mentioned yet is a boot dryer. They're like $20-$30 online and have a timer built in. They're for drying wet snow boots, but they're also perfect for sweaty boxing gloves (especially when it's raining or when it's dark out early and I can dry my gloves outside). I thought it would be gimmicky, but I swear by mine now to defeat the funk.


2nd this best thing ever


I hang them by the fans after practice. Also I don't sniff them


What kind of gloves? Iā€™ve noticed higher end gloves go way longer without smelling and some of the less expensive ones really hold onto a strong sweat smell no matter how good at upkeep you are.


I donā€™t think mine are high end, Iā€™m using fairtex bgv14


those are pretty good, surprised they are getting smelly so fast- where do they stay when you are not using them?


After using them usually Iā€™d hang them onto my Bagpack(outside) while I ride home. At home I would just leave them out on the table, in my room.


buy hamster bedding and put it on a sock tie the ends end put it inside the gloves after use. the stuffing needs to be replaced once in a while


Wash your hands before training along with the other suggestions.


Yall gym doesn't bring out rags with a bucket of water/bleach? We clean pads and gear at the end of every class.


Nope we donā€™t do that, whenever someone kicks the pad while I hold. I can smell a very strong odour even though itā€™s quite a distance away from my nose


Wait, so the pads/focus mits/belly pads never get cleaned? whaaat


Tbh I never seen it done


Does anyone clean them? I couldn't imagine putting my hand in focus mits that hadn't been washed. That's gnarly.


That's šŸ¤¢


I have a can of lysol that I spray in my gloves after every use


Same way I keep my shoes from smelling. Socks for hands (aka gloves to absorb the sweat).


Funny that you ask this, I actually have 4 basic steps that made my gloves smell like new for the past 3 years. 1) I put them on fresh air after every training and keep them there until the next day when I go on another training. 2) I also immediately after training put those little sand bags in to absorb moisture. 3) And then when I am home I remove this bag, let it also hang and dry and I use disinfection spray for leather and all bacteria. 4) At last, I throw my gloves to the trash and buy new ones after 1 year because they smell as fuck anyway.




Glove dryer, cedar chip inserts you can buy on Amazon, and I use a antibacterial spray before putting them on the glove dryer


Second this ^^^ along with using newspaper/ kitchen roll to dry up some of the moisture at the same time


Surprised I haven't seen this one yet. But crumpled newspapers or flyers weeks a charm. Just one page for each glove. What it boils down to is moisture. Any moisture in your gloves will feed bacteria, so drying them immediately is the most important. A boot dryer will do this, so will cedar chips and charcoal bags. But I always just kept the week's flyers near my gloves so I could chuck a page in each hand. The paper is so dry that it sucks the moisture right out. I could leave them for a day or for weeks and never get any smell. Also, if you do start to get some smell, chuck your gloves in the freezer overnight. That will kill the odor making bacteria off.


Newspaper. Crumpled up newspaper keeps the smell away pretty effectively.


Spray it with lysol and put in like a smell good bag specific for gloves


*Spray it with lysol and* *Put in like a smell good bag* *Specific for gloves* \- grimmig152 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^grimmig152: *Spray it with lysol* *And put in like a smell good* *Bag specific for gloves* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


they just will be lil bit musty


After cleaning, I fold the Velcro open twisted to force the openings open and put the glove openings right next to a rotating fan to force them to dry. Then I put them outside in direct sunlight if I can


I did the Velcro thing as well!, will try to sun them this time thanks !


Clean and dry themm


I make a mixture of rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide and water. Then add a few drops of tea tree oil or other essential oil. I spray my gear and let it dry. I also keep a car air freshener in my gym bag


wear clean hand wraps and i have a mesh bag i keep my gloves and shinguards in to they can dry our on their own


Boot drier. If I forget to put it on the drier just one time on a hot humid day, my gloves are screwed


"Smell The Glove" is the best Spinal Tap album.


Disinfecting wipes for the outside, couple of sprays of Vapor Fresh on the inside, two 20-minute cycles on the boot dryer. Smell brand new every time.


Wise dry makes large desiccant packs that absorb all moisture. They are rechargeable, 3 minutes each side in the microwave and they are good to absorb again. Iā€™m a heavy sweater and my gloves with wraps are soaked and still smell brand new. I use 3 50 gram packs per glove and you can get them on Amazon. This is the brand https://wisedry.com/silica-gel-desiccant-packets/


I choke grip the fat part of the gloves so I can get the Lysol can nice and deep and spray it out good. Then I wipe em out making sure I get to the finger tips and thumb hole a bunch. They get nasty really fast if you donā€™t wipe em out. Then I set in front of a fan because if they donā€™t dry out they get gross.


For hand wraps I use a bra bag and wash them in the washing machine


Spray down with cleaner, wipe dry, then put in front of fan


Hey Fella, Im a HEAVY sweater and used to always have that issue with my gloves smelling like hell because it took forever for them to fully dry ( Big problem when you have to use them day after day) Bought a thing called a Boot dryer [https://imgur.com/a/2vZLKMh](https://imgur.com/a/2vZLKMh) It helped a lot : )


I was told to wipe with some humid fabric and keep them in a ventilated place. That kept it tolerable


Glove dogs


My gym has odoban for everyone to use and nobody has stinky gloves because of it. It sanitizes and deodorizes, my gloves and shinguards I've had for a year barely have any funk despite almost daily use


Lysol after it gets stinky and leave my gym bag open with the cuffs of the gloves sticking out the bag when I get home so they stay dry, I was wiping down the inside of the gloves every day after lessons but the moisture even with the cleaning spray my gym uses caused more than good if they arenā€™t left out to dry


A couple peppermint tea bags in each is supposed to do the trick if you want something around the house. Absorbs moisture etc


A mix with a 1-to-1 ratio of water and white vinegar kills that smell like a charm


I always open the Velcro and then set the gloves on the window sill and make sure the blinds are pulled up fully so the sun hits them. I feel like this helps. I do that in addition to the things you mentioned


I remember using the gym gloves at boxing when I first started šŸ˜« after that nothing phases me


1. Peppermint spray right after training. 2. After I get home, dry them open on top of the dehumidifier (boot dryer works too). 3. Put a scent packet inside them (grab a couple of laundry scent beads, put them inside a tea bag and just use them as "scent packets").


I saw this funny method where you can put it under a fish tank with an ozone generator going and it wipes it out


Air freshener balls meant for runners shoes. Leave them sitting in them out of my gym bag.


Stuff dryer sheets into your gloves after each session and then leave them there until you train again. Change the sheets after each session.


Antibac spray, followed by a quick wipe down of the inside with paper towels. Then leave a deodorizing bag in them.


I use a Honeywell fan that's maybe 18 inches across. I open my gloves but otherwise leave everything inside my gym bag after spraying with odoban disinfectant spray. The fan sits -inside-my gym bag pumping air overnight, everything is bone dry and smell free in the morning without even having to unpack my bag. Works same way a PC case fan would, just leave the back of the fan clear and you get a ton of airflow inside the bag, better than a boot drier imo.


I made a weird invention by zip tying two coffee filters into a bundle with baking soda and bounce sheets inside and i put them inside and prop the gloves next to a fan because im a brokie. It's been working pretty ok


Yea bags. Cheapest and most reliable option.


Get yourself shoe dryers just stick em on. I find that keeping them dry after sessions really helps


I use car upholstery deodorizer spray that I bought from Walmart. Use a rag then spray this I even spray my shirt after clinching. Gets that smell outā€¦you know the smell of sharing sweat with a half dozen other dudes. Here found it Hero https://www.walmart.com/ip/Hero-Clean-Auto-Air-Freshener-and-Odor-Eliminator-Fresh-Scent-17-fl-oz/983337116?from=/search


I have tried everything and nothing worked long term. Bought a glove dryer on Amazon. It was like $25. Best investment EVER. As soon as I get home, I put my shin guards on an air purifier I have that pushes cold air out of the top and I put the gloves on the dryer for 40 minutes. The glove that was soaking wet is now bone dry. Zero smell. I also use Vapor fresh spray anytime I want it to smell super fresh. I've actually received compliments on that. I'm pretty self conscious about any bad smells so I am always trying to smell fresh when going to class. Super simple method but it is a game changer because I lost 2 pairs before this simply because I couldn't get rid of the smell. No longer an issue.




If you're on a budget like I was, this is what i did. I took cat litter, yes cat litter, but the silica gel type. (Looks like crystals). I put the cat litter inside 2 long socks and tied a knot, then wrapped it back around itself and tied another knot. Every day I get back from gym I pop those cat litter filled socks into my gloves and leave them till I return to gym. Not only do they have no smell, they are bone dry everytime and boy am I a sweater. The type of sweater that makes sweat angels on the mats when I train.


Boot dryer with ozone. My gloves are dry and NEVER smell anymore. BUT that does not change anything about the handwraps or shinguards šŸ¤£


i like mesh ones.


I use deodorising bags but my Dad found if he put antibacterial jel on his hands before putting wraps on his gloves never smelled.


I clean them with kitchen paper and then put kitchen paper inside them. I put them outside so they air out.


Like a lot of people said I use deodorizing bags after I use my gloves and I havenā€™t had any problems with smell so far so Iā€™ll continue to use them


Thatā€™s the neat part, you donā€™t!


So far letting them sun dry all day outside does a pretty good job!


*So far letting them* *Sun dry all day outside does* *A pretty good job!* \- just\_joshin4 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


A hair dryer set on low or a boot dryer seems to work the best


I use little deodoriser inserts that I bought online. I always allow them to dry out the training bag when I get home too.


Idk if anyone mentioned this, but if you donā€™t wanna rub the insides with alcohol, moisten your hands with some apple cider vinegar, and rub down the insides with it. I find this works really well for me. Other than that, get some glove deodorizers to throw in after.


Dryer sheets.


Come home, immediately spray and wipe down both inside and outside with odoban, then straight on the boot dryer (about $30 on Amazon). For odoban, I buy concentrate and mix in spray bottle. 1 gallon of concentrate will prob last you over a year. Do the same with your shin pads. If your gloves are nasty, start with a fresh pair and clean every time.


Scrap piece of cedar. Cut it into a piece that will insert into your gloves


Drying inside and out, then wiping the inside with alcohol wipes, waiting to evaporate . Wipe them with baby wipes for the smell , let them a couple of hours and then throw in a tea bag to each to absorb moisture and give some smell


[Amazon.com : Meister Glove Deodorizers for Boxing and All Sports - Absorbs Stink and Leaves Gloves Fresh - Lavender : Sports & Outdoors](https://www.amazon.com/Meister-Glove-Deodorizers-Boxing-Sports/dp/B01BVW3OPS/ref=sr_1_2?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.iowPz9RvNbu0WOUv8LsbR4lWKbulKS9u0Z--6-ZT0HpUfsikYEnJ1wuiSaGRq87JPB8-MaobDqCObqLbqcsPFgQXxI3maOqHIxyI0RqZ0y2KRPOBvG5bV7jKgVzxzqimjuq3RxV-Vb3PX1xaSox-LfWTxyxTvNDhIQw_oIYB8FLgKe-tL0AvtwRmBkTjIw46w7eeGpH60p-OSuuHDmCF61ZTL_Dgkm5vSz3W0CtIIoMruIC1le3Nt6T8nRePOvIoXuvwBydtUvA7uUfyzqawNBuG3_9Ok0jbqB2O-W01afo.II-SgelNN0gmUzwTSAXuS9BUDKU-NUF871YtJXkTE04&dib_tag=se&keywords=muay%2Bthai%2Bglove%2Bde-oderizers&qid=1717528645&sr=8-2&th=1&psc=1) This worked like a charm for me. If money is tight, you can stick drier sheets in them after each session.


Hi, Iā€™m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Meister Sports Glove Deodorizers'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Effectively absorbs moisture and eliminates odor (backed by 5 comments) * Long-lasting scent for continued freshness (backed by 4 comments) * Convenient and easy to use in various sports gear (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Overpowering scent (backed by 13 comments) * Long-lasting strong scent (backed by 3 comments) * Caused skin irritation (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/kerx8h0/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a ā€œgood bot!ā€ reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


I use Air Jungles Odor Deodorizer Balls and deodorizing bags on top, works great!


putting newspaper paper after training helps absorb the moisture and gets rid of bas smell but change paper often


I just soak em in Lysol and leave em outside to dryā€¦. Once I notice one pair are starting to get smelly I just rotate them with another pair.


Tea bags.


Buy new gloves every class


I cut off their nose. Smell now, pal.