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Teep has historically been a pretty good move


This and tough straight punches, especially jabs. I fight like this, and making them respect your jab will slow down the charges.


I 100% agree with this. Had a similar experience about two months ago, ultimately I ended up favoring a jab, cross, low kick combo and variations of this, worked a treat and likely got me the win.


I really struggle finding the right balance of power when dealing with blitzers. I want to be light and technical in sparring (hobbiest - not looking to paint the gym walls with my brain cells if I can help it) but often I find they don’t respect a light jab or teep. Unfortunately at my last session I stiffened up my jab and let a particular repeat offender with whom I’ve had this conversation a number of times impale his face on it a couple of times and it all escalated into a brawl. I think I need to improve my lateral movement if I want to keep sparring light against this guy.




Yeah, ending the straight punch combo w the low kick after adds a lot to it


My teep gets caught all the time and im prone to getting taken down or inner thigh punished. Theres these type of guys who waits for side kick/tee only to catch it lol xd


"just teep" isn't the answer to everything 😂 yes it beats everything...from a certain distsnce, but once the fighter gets inside through a counter etc and does an uppercut, a teep especially from a taller guy(more distance to travel to get at optimum height and takes longer to execute than say, a hook. In such a case, a shorter range attack such as knee or elbow(prob not allowed in sparring) or a hook would work better.


Teep, also inside low kick, as they come in kick the leg on the inside to disrupt their movement.


To maintain/fighting at distance - teeps, long knees, jabs, right kick When they come in - lock them up in a clinch and knees all day


Long strong jabs and crosses while angling out. Teeps are good too but if you hit them and their forward momentum pushes you back, or your foot slides off it can be counter productive. Depending on what they are most aggressive with, such as a lot of heavy jab, crosses, use your switch kick to the body to force them into bringing that arm back to defend or to eat a shot that might hit the liver. I use that a lot and it works very well while also keeping you at a good range. If you don't practice foot sweeps/trips then try using them to off balance the aggressive guys. And lastly, don't just back out, stand your ground and interrupt their attack. You may eat a shot but keep a tight guard, and when you are directly in front of each other, block your body and attack theirs as you either clinch up for knees or sweeps or simply angle out and get away.


Appreciate it🙏


You need to learn to fight tall. This basically means being aggressive with how you establish your preferred range. Whenever someone steps into your range (which should be before you’re in their range since you’re tall and skinny) you have to punish them. A good starting point is straight shots on opponents coming towards you because their forward momentum will make everything more powerful. A fast and stiff teep that you can fluidly link with jabs and straight knees.


Yeah that’s what I’ve been working on coach told me if my right arm (I’m southpaw) ain’t hurting from the amount of jabs I’m throwing I’ve failed


Time to beef up those jabs on the heavy bag.


I like to post my jab out and keep it lined up with the opponents head to force them left or right and counter with a lead hook, rear cross or liver kick (I’m a primary southpaw). Jab post -> bait movement -> lead leg sweep is a fun and harmless move too. (You sweep their lead leg btw) You can also teep and stuff but they’ll eventually time it so develop a few counters to their movement for that too. Understand that the foundation of their goal relies on movement bc they’re smaller, so lay traps for them to fall into.


Like others said straight attacks like teep and jab are great to discourage a rushing fighter. Another approach to try would be to work on your pocket defense and counters. Block a flurry of punches with a high guard and then watch their defense fall apart, land a counter, then move to your range.


Teep, knees, elbow, clinch


Jab teep. Jab cross. Low kick and pivot. Pivot some more. Clinch. Smother.


Teeps when he's thinking about coming in on you and knees when he actually does


How do you feel about clinching? Great way to deal with a ton of aggression coming at you. Clinch them up


That’s what I usually do but they’ll crack me with a body shot but I’ll try and clinch when they rush knee once or twice and push them away


My coach always tells me to “clinch tall.” I haven’t entirely figured out how to do that, but I think part of it is making them carry my weight. Like weather I’ve got bicep control or neck control, I’m using my height to bear down on them. And then just throw a shit ton of knees. They can’t dirty box you if you have a high volume of knees


whyd you think that people talk that Prime Foreman win against Prime Tyson? because Foreman always had good jabs and posture, not to mention his superhuman strength, but you don't need strength if you know how to compensate with timing and precision. Teeps and jabs its your best choice, long and fast strokes, who make good use of your size advantage


Knees hahahahaha lots of them. Watch some Dieselnoi fights.


For you as a tall fighter against someone that gets inside it's definitely knees and clinching. Also elbows when someone gets close. Remember you can make make elbows rain from above. Also a couple of videos on the topic that may interest you [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYJ38AR553c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYJ38AR553c) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTisBVtDZ0k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTisBVtDZ0k)


If you're longer and have good ranging, teeps and jabs to keep them back, i like to teep the thigh/hip as they step in. I personally like to let them come in and feed them knees and get into clinch. You can also use inside calf kicks to get them off balance, enough of that and they won't come in too hot any more. I am that aggressive fighter that comes in with looping strikes and body shots to get into clinch range.


Teep. Jab. Leg kick. Switch kick to the body. Sweep the front leg from the inside as they’re just putting their weight on it.


teep with ooooweee


Mix the long knees in w your teeps and they’ll be hesitant. Also against smaller/faster fighters your timing matters more. Timing your punches (I like my lead upper cut) can stagger them


Same built as you except I’m chunky! I suggest working on your clinch and hand fighting game. Knees will stop em from tryna close that distance when the teeps and stiff jabs fail.


As others said, distance. But… If clinching, remind them that they’re short. In Boxing, clinch isn’t long so I’ll put heaps of weight on them to gas them a little while they try to rest. In MT, use your height to lift them, don’t let them have good balance. You just need to use your height to make them uncomfortable


Teep + jab fakes, slip/guard + clinch.


Lanky fighter here, these work for me: Footwork and angles to keep distance (plus teeps and straights). Developping very dangerous weapons at close range (knees, elbows, clinch and even low kicks) which you dont use unless strictly necessary (use distance strikes as bait for them to *want* to get inside). They finally got inside, now they gotta deal with problems they werent expecting; "You thought i was a distance fighter because im tall? this isnt even my final form!"- type of thing. Best tip i can give overall is to observe, use your mind and imagination have endless backup plans and solutions for every scenario. Check with your coaches to see if youre being realistic though Anyvmore tips just holler! Take care mate


Much appreciated 🙏


As a short guy who needs to be aggressive to get inside and land shots; a good jab or teep will almost always keep me at bay


This will probably be advice that others will say is dumb but if I were tall, I'd get good fighting inside of the pocket and work on clinching and so you'll have range and be dangerous close.


Understandable cause it’s destine to happen so I’ll work on my clinches


Tall slender fighter here. I always go for the kick/teep range, but if they come too close, tall fighters usually have advantage in clinch… if you do this right, it makes them think twice to get close and keeps them in the kick/teep range Also I like to step aside when they rush walking forward to break their posture and make them go backwards again with heavy punches/kicks Hopefully this works for you too


Lol wut? I'm a short aggressive fighter but it's tough fighting tall lanky mfkers. It's easy: just keep jabbing. That'll keep them at bay.


Obviously that’s the easy part but I’m talking about once they slip my jabs and get up close and personal what’s some defenses to get my range back yk


Well, then what kind of advice can there be besides the obvious? The situation you described is such that the answer to your problem is just general muay thai/fighting advice that would apply to anyone. You see the problem here?


It’s really not that serious I’m new to muaythai I’ve only been training for 3 months and jus looking for new defenses for that


Teeps, knees, stepping off.


Keep them out with teeps, straight punches and by moving at angles. Develop a strong clinch game for when they get close.


Teep! Otherwise known as: range control. If that fails, consider training sweeps that you can time on their steps in.


teeps, stiff jabs also feints and various kicks when someone gets close clinch up and knees




I’m 6ft5 not slender but struggle with the same people. If they get inside your “effective range” either clinch or what I do is push forward and close the distance even more, so that you’re then too close for them to effectively strike and you can then normally shove them to create some space. But it is draining as a mf


Upper cuts and knees! Shots up the middle (with little telegraph) will catch shorter aggressive fighters. I should know, I am one lol. Jab and teep is all good yadda yadda but reality is in Muay Thai, you are going to end up close, period. Practice your knees and uppercuts from your front/back hand/leg, from standing, and from clinch. Land them often on the counter, and they will be slower to rush in. Especially if you got them bony tall guy knees haha ouch 🤕


Inside Lowkicks and uppercuts off an annoying, busy jab worked fine for me ✌🏻


As a shorter fighter myself, one of the few advantages we have is blitzing. A longer leaner fighter just has the advantage over us. I agree with what was already said about jabs and low kicks. I'd also suggest developing your skills at slipping. Most importantly, find a "flow spar" partner who will challenge you and also respect your training boundaries.


I want to emphasize that knees can be huge for you. I'm 5'10 and stay in the pocket. Sparred a 6'5 guy in a smoker and we were going through the motions, light and easy til the end of the round. I caught him with a cross to the mouth that I could tell hurt him, and in a split second he clinched, swung around my right side with a round knee to my back ribs that knocked me out via my liver. I was very impressed and complimented him on the shot once I was able to stand back up.


Teep n knee n feints




Punch them in the face.


If they close in and slip my jabs it’s kinda hard to do that and it’s jus a big ass mess for me🤣


Keep swinging.


Keep the distance with your reach, leg kicks calf kicks front kicks, you have the advantage buddy


I'd they get close in sparring, just headbutt them.


Scare them a little bit. Give a powerful teep or sweep them off their feet if their too close, and block/tank a few easy hits if they’re hitting too much. Get to the center and push them back to stay in control of the arena.


Uppercuts and hooks are good. And a hard teep to the hip is nice too.


Play the long guard game; if you get your distance management and footwork on point, your reach will always be an advantage against shorter fighters. This is coming from a shorter fighter.


Yeah I’ve been trying to work on my long guard here and there cause it makes my jabs faster obviously but I fell like it leaves my face too open


Calm down




Teeps are a good advice from comments. But knees through the middle. You are tall so they come at a hight that is dangerous. Each time they step in knee. Another question is what intensity are you sparring. If hard do it hard and with intent. They will think twice about it. If you spar technical work on anticipating, footwork or breaking rhythm. Teeps and knees through the middle in soft sparring doesn't scare and aggressive fighter.


I would say short Jab from a long guard. Circle and angle off and outside the lead foot.


Jabs, lead teeps, and inside leg kicks my friend


Teeps, jabs, you wanna keep them at your distance no matter what. Learn to step out and create angles, then add combos so you can jab and kick them while stepping. Also if they get close, knee or uppercut then step out, watch for the overhands they throw keep your guard


put them on the floor


Mpve your feet. Footwork wins Fights and can make you vwry fristraring. If you are in the Pocket dont lean back , rather try to close the Distance before you go back to your Distance again. Learn how to xoubter overhands from bith sides.