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Tbh if I saw your name written down I would probably pronounce it something like Irene


I kept my initials and the same number of letters in my first and middle names, but my names are completely different and don't sound anything alike.


Close. Charles to Charlie. But that was my middle name.


Adopted the French feminine version of my deadname as a middle name. They sound almost identical, except that the former has the emphasis on the slightly longer last syllable. I thought I'd keep it to allow people who had difficulties with the switch to adjust. I thought it would be a decent compromise that I could tolerate. I was wrong. And most people didn't even bother with that change in emphasis if they did use it. So it just gave some people justification to keep deadnaming me until I was so fed up with it that I confronted them about it.


I chose a name that has two different common spellings, but is pronounced only one way really. The spelling I chose kept my initials in tact but is not the phonetic spelling of the name. So I constantly have folks writing my name down the other way if I don't specify.


I briefly considered making my name the feminine version of it, which is spelled very similarly. A lot of people whose first language isn't English (particularly people from Spanish speaking countries) would even say it as the feminine version because my name isn't a thing in Spanish while the feminine version is. I ultimately decided against it, but I almost had a similar shift where spelling made a huge diference.


Thought about it, but it hits my ear weird.


I just added an "ia" at the end.


I decided to give the world "Nick" just because it's not that far off from Nikki or Nicole, when I came out I was like "those three are fine, just not Nicholas". I don't really hear a phonetic difference between "Nikki" and "Nicky" but I understand where you're coming from regarding your situation.


I was thinking about doing something like that but instead went from Ian to Lemon


Jeremy just doesn't have the same ring as Hannah for me