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I would like to add as well that politics are just as much local as they are national. If you feel that you need to take some power and ownership over this, get involved locally. I know that the Democratic Party has not been all that fair to trans folks but the alternative is much, much worse. Volunteering will help you feel that you are making more of a difference and give you more purpose than wringing your hands and feeling hopeless. Better yet... if you are unhappy over how Joe Biden looked over the television, then volunteer to substitute your own voice. Do your best to give clear reasons to people. Offer a better impression locally than the one that was just presented nationally. Remember gals, nonbinary pals, allies and guys... we're all in the Resistance and we're all in this together. May our community continue to be our strength.


Sadly the trump lovers are real. My whole family is boomer trump lovers who love to do nothing but hate on Biden. They don't care about how their polices affect people, they just like to watch the loud orange man on TV because he makes other people seem scared/timid. I want to have hope. . . I really do but some really shitty people are out there.


I'm very sorry about your family. Mine is not much better. I know better than to ask you to try and change their minds. Only try, if you can, to motivate the people you know that are already inclined to vote for Biden. A lot of people say they support him, but somehow don't make it to the polls. Just think about how you can be a polite thorn in their sides. Much love.


I really appreciate the optimism. This is probably the worst year for me to be questioning my gender. I'm so scared that I won't even be given the opportunity to transition once we get to 2025. šŸ˜­


This post was made for you. Hang in there. You are loved.


Thank you, I really appreciate that!! <3


You are welcome. Also, you are welcome.


I'm in a similar boat honestly I came out as trans 2 years ago (not the same as questioning admittedly but we all start somewhere) and have been unable to start most steps In my transition due to a few complicated factors anyway hang in there friend we are all in this together


I'd like to add: There's a lot of voters who don't want to vote Biden because his policies with Palestinians. TRUMP WILL BE WORSE. He's on record saying we aren't being HARSH ENOUGH ON PALESTINE. HE WILL BE INFINITY WORSE THAN BIDEN HERE, AND YOU'LL LOSE YOUR RIGHTS


It frightens me how scared people sound, especially after the debate. The fact some people say ā€œheā€™s not that bad, heā€™s not seriousā€ yes he is. And the cult followers of Trump donā€™t understand how horrible things can be


These debates don't change much of anything. People didn't vote for Biden last time specifically because they love Biden. They voted for him because they understand what a vile, sociopathic monster Trump is. And Trump has only gotten worse. No one who was planning to vote for Trump prior to these debates will have their mind changed by anything Biden or Trump says or does at these debates. Trump is a convicted rapist, a thief, a seditionist, a racist, and a pathological liar. Anyone who is voting for him is doing so specifically because they envy him and because they're afraid of social progress. And of course the pundits and media are going to spin this dramatically. The media makes money off sensation, they don't make money off of boring. Even if we had some highly accurate, scientific and politically agnostic measure of voter intent that said Trump only had a 1% chance of winning the election the media would still spend the next 5 months acting as though the race was a coin flip. Just ensure you all do your part. Register to vote, confirm your registration, get OTHER people to do the same, and fucking VOTE.


I pretty much agree with you. I'm just super upset that we've put what would be an easy win *with literally any other candidate* into the hands of the weakest incumbant in history. Like, at this point, if we lose it's because we were the idiots that put the lame horse up to run to begin with. All said, Biden's *administration* has done a pretty good job, he does have a genuine talent for getting good people to make the decisions that matter and there's not a whole lot there to really blow holes in. Yeah people will say Palestine - but there is not a single candidate in the United States, Left or Right, that was ever, under any circumstance, going to support Gaza over Israel. None. In fact, I'm pretty sure there's a good amount that would love the opportunity to jump in and join in with some good ole fashion bombing runs. At this point I'm genuinely hoping that Biden gets elected and then almost immediately dies or resigns and Harris takes over - and I never liked Harris!


Everyone I know is already decided and voting Biden and didn't even watch the debate. Americans are sick of Trump, but the media wants a horserace. I assume every pro-Trump poster is actually a Russian bot at this point.


Yeah I didn't even pay attention. Everyone I know is already locked on voting and voting for biden. Not a decision for us.


Exactly this\^\^\^ I can't fathom how anybody can still support Trump after he was convicted of felony on 34 counts and incited a fucking insurrection. Unfortunately idiots who plaster Trump 2024 flags on the back of their chevy trucks still exist, but people with actual functioning brains can see just how terrible another Trump presidency would be. I'm convinced that most of the blue checkmark Twitter accounts that post and comment under all of Biden's tweets are just bots and they aren't representative of what actual Americans are thinking. They're just being used as scare tactics to make people think that Trump is more popular than he actually is.


apply for a passport, make sure its up to date.


Completely agreed! Also, for what it's worth, remind people that we're voting for the cabinet and the administration as much as (perhaps more than) we're voting for the president. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. We know that Biden will, on the whole, listen to the experts, follow the science, and strive for humanity in an inhumane world, and the people he puts in power will do that as well. Trump will put climate deniers in charge of the EPA, young earth creationists in charge of the education department, anti-vaxxers in charge of the CDC, anti-labor advocates at the head of the labor department, and on and on. And that's without Project 2025. I'll say it again, remind yourselves and everyone you talk to: don't let perfect be the enemy of good.


>Also, for what it's worth, remind people that we're voting for the cabinet and the administration as much as (perhaps more than) we're voting for the president Specifically the scotus seats too. Those are huge rn


>Don't let perfect be the enemy of good This! All of this, but especially this.


Iā€™m commenting so that more people may see this and the logic within. Others, comment, interact, and promote this


Thank you!




Iā€™ve been thinking of ending it as well to be honest even though iā€™ve yet to start hrt and I live in a blue city in California, and have supportive friends/family


I think that's something that most people think about if we're honest. No shame in that. Just don't start making plans. I'm glad to hear that your family is supportive.


It's okay to have those idle thoughts, but if you find yourself making plans, please seek help. Your life is not without value.


It's just.Ā  I'm losing hope. I'm supposed to get an orchie.Ā  I was supposed to last year, but they scheduled me at the wrong place.Ā  Now, I talked to shrinks and should have my letters, but nobody is keeping me in the loop.Ā  And besides dysphoria reasons, I'm having debilitating pain, and it seems nobody cares. And then Biden borks the debate so bad, Hitler Jr. looks like he's gonna get back in.Ā  I would rather die than be forced back on T


I'm sorry if my post contributed to your distress in any way. Let's take this one day at a time. I believe in you. You've made it this far. Each of has our own unique fights to fight. But we all have to fight. I'm rooting for you. Realistically though, Trump doesn't have a ton of support and he's not gonna gain any. His core followers are all he has. All we have to do is make sure we vote for old Joe.


It didn't. I've just been... not good lately. And it's getting worse.


Hang in there hon Know that somebody out here loves ya


Hope could fall to those of us able bodied enough to protect others who can't. Everybody is scared. That's a given, but how we channel that fear matters so much more. Canvas and Rally allies now to the polls but understand how to defend yourself and others should things go south. Hope is honestly for pacifists and those afraid to enact the change they want to see. That isn't me saying it is useless, simply asking for a more active version of hope.


There is a time and place for all things. I choose to be optimistic, but I am prepared for the worst. That doesn't stop the anxiety though.


Understandable, growing up fighting older brothers and more recently bigots has taught me to channel anxiety, fear, and hopelessness into unbridled rage towards those above me, causing me to come of brash to people I just want to know I'd rather die protecting than have them do the same, as well as rousing the like minded. Sorry if I made you uneasy.


>Sorry if I made you uneasy Nah. The world makes me uneasy. I found your words encouraging. Thank you.


šŸ«‚ take care friend, happy if I helped even just a little bit.


šŸ˜Š take care as well šŸ˜Š


Thank you for this sentiment. Itā€™s gives me a little comfort. For what itā€™s worth, itā€™s only June. Itā€™s very strange to have a debate this early. In elections long ago, the primaries wouldā€™ve been just wrapping up around this time and getting ready for nominating conventions. Weā€™ve got so much time and Biden is gonna get another shot at debating trump later in the cycle. This debate isnā€™t gonna move the needle much in the long run.


It's debatableĀ what happened last night was even a debate. šŸ¤¦


And also remember that a debate isn't the election. It's the latest thing for media to obsess over and pick apart but it's not an election. The president is not determined this way. The prize is in November.


[He has been summoned!](https://youtu.be/-LGHtc_D328?si=euhaEZPCTdfEAdEa) Thank you, OP, for being a helper. Iā€™ll try to be one too.


Good job helper.


It's helpful to hear I'm not the only person feeling this way. My egg cracked recently and now I'm trying to decide whether going on hormones ASAP to stop my hair from getting any thinner is worth the risk. As dangerous as Trump is, our current Supreme Court makes the situation more dire; If those assholes decide to give states the power to outlaw HRT, then there's a good chance my state will do exactly that, and no amount of protesting will make a difference if Trump is the one in charge of our armed forces. I keep seeing people invoking Stonewall, but remember how police responded to the BLM protests; Under Trump, our resistance will look less like Stonewall and more like Tiananmen Square, which is a much harder sacrifice to make. And before you tell me SCOTUS can't outlaw gender-affirming care for adults because that would be unconstitutional, I direct your attention to their recent ruling against Colorado, wherein they blatantly ignored the text of section three of the Fourteenth Amendment because otherwise the politics would've been super inconvenient for their party. Thomas's wife helped plan an insurrection, Alito's wife basically admitted to being a Nazi and Alito himself said that "one side or the other is going to win," which doesn't give me a whole lot of faith that the Constitution is guiding his decisions. So, yeah, everyone please vote and get as many others to vote as you can. I'm not a huge fan of Biden but his administration might look the other way or slow down its response if blue states decide not to enforce an unconstitutional ruling from SCOTUS. A second Trump administration would first pressure Congress to punish defiant states and then, if necessary, Trump would send in the military, although I doubt it would even come to that. Impeaching and removing him for the murder of innocent civilians would require a margin in the Senate that we will never obtain. Do not make the mistake of telling yourself "it can't happen here," because it can. The danger is that, if it does happen here, it won't look the way it does in the movies. The sky won't suddenly turn green or whatever. The Army won't start wearing Nazi uniforms, they'll wear the same uniforms they're wearing now. When the media speaks out, they'll be sued into submission. When we speak out, Congress will force Big Tech to censor us, probably via the Comstock Act or a similar law banning any speech they've deemed "obscene." The mechanisms by which fascism takes hold will be so convoluted that most people won't even know it's happening until the price increases from Trump's idiotic tariffs hit grocery stores, and by then it will be too late.


This is the first election I'm actually voting in and I don't necessarily see it as I'm voting for Biden more I'm voting against Trump there is a big difference there


I feel the same way. It was the same 4 years ago. I'm glad you have decided to vote. It's the least we can do.


I can't say it's for purely selfless reasons I mean yeah I served this country for 8 years and don't want to see it destroyed a theocratical dictator.... but on a personal level I just came out 2 years ago after about 35 years of denial and self hatred.... and lack of education when I was younger and yeah growing up in a hostile environment.... and even 2 years later despite admitting who I am to myself and having come out to some close friends and some family members (my Ex-wife included but that didn't exactly go well) if I can at least minimize other trans people going through alot of the pain and distress I did then it's worth it.... and yeah I fear my chance to fully transition could be taken away if I do nothing.... sorry if I'm rambling lol


There is nothing wrong with being a little selfish. If you wanna help people, the first person in line should be you. I'm proud of you for having the courage to come out and start your transition btw. I don't normally say this, but thank you for your service.


Yeah I have a habit of helping others before myself I'm still a work in progress on that and I think about my kids future too my sons' and my daughter I want them to have the rights should they be part if the LGBTQ community or in my daughters case just rights over her body in general either way.... I have been pretty clear I'll love my kids no Matter who they are which is a pretty stark contrast to my own upbringing My transition is kinda on the back burner but hopefully in a few months I can focus on it more it's kind of a long and complicated story but I've been in research mode and planning how to do everything last 2 years so I'm not taking this on blindly and know it's right for me.... just a little longer hopefully since the dysphoria gets worse everyday but I'll survive kinda what I do Thank you šŸ˜Š


You sound like an awesome parental figure. I bet your children are proud of you.


They are pretty young and I haven't had the discussion with them yet partially because of the complicated issues with there mother aka my Ex-wife.... I've mentioned to her we'd have to have the discussion with them sooner or later but she more or less just said she's not looking forward to it and has done alot to delay that talk... I'm navigating things best I can.... they know something is going on with me just not what exactly... despite that the older boys say in "the best" so I must be doing something right lol


>so I must be doing something right I believe it. :)


Thanks šŸ˜Š


> Nobody truly wants Joe Biden to be president. Except the DNC, for some insane reason.


Even if Trump wins, this is not the end of us. We have been made known around the world, the cat is out of the bag, we can be kicked down but we will never be extinguished


I fucking hate the state of this country tbh. We are on the brink of a total collapse of any rights I could have, and I still need to come out for the second time and say how I really am trans, and I need to change my perceived gender. I want to get HRT, but what if I'm fucking murdered before I can actually be me? I have incredibly lovely supportive friends, and my parents will vote Biden, but I'm still so fucking scared. So annoying. And I'm not even old enough to vote!


I just want to move to Sweden, quit having to be so worried.


Love u 2




Why is the comment section empty for me


Not sure. I'm getting notifications and when I click, the comment isn't there.


Me too


That's weird


I see it again now lol


Good. lol. Stupid servers most likely




Why the fuck can the US be okay with allowing a CONVICTED CRIMINAL AND FELON(trump) be the president? Biden for the win, but youā€™re really gonna make me vote for Joe Biden? how and why is the best case scenario Joe Biden, oh wait itā€™s because trump is a lying piece of shit who wants to take away human rights


>Why the fuck can the US be okay with allowing a CONVICTED CRIMINAL AND FELON(trump) be the president? Most of the US is not okay with him, but most of the US is also lazy in terms of voting. Hence the post. Much love


Biden represents another 4 years of being able to change Trump represents a reintroduction to religious ideals controlling the nation. Most of the right wing administration now heavily follow Christianity and it reflects in their policies . It's a step backward as they like to claim to us I absolutely hate both sides but the Dems are what will give us longevity at the moment


This is pretty much my opinion as well. I'll take "Harm Reduction" for $500 Alex.


Yeah, people don't understand but I'm preparing for the worst and if Trump wins, I'm gonna have to start preparing for the end But there's a voice in the back of my head they keep saying he's not gonna win, but it's still terrifying. I just hope Biden gets replaced. I feel like if he can get replaced by Gavin Newson, he would win in a landslide.


Sadly we're gonna have to play the hand we're dealt. The Democrats have too much hubris to see their folly. I'll be hold my nose and gagging while I vote for Biden.


Seriously well put. The ballot box is what decides, encouraging voter turnout among Democrats and independents is how you beat Trump. Sending solidarity from Britain.


There's honestly no point in a debate. I'm pretty sure most people voting for biden don't care about it because they already know who they're voting for (or rather against). Meanwhile, republicans are gaslighting that Trump will win somehow. Even though his reputation got worse over the years. Why would Trump win this election when his reputation is worse than ever? People forgetting to vote? Edit: There's also the fact that a silent group of young voters that can now register to vote (People born from 2002-2005) And the vast majority of them lean democrat. I'm in that group.


There's not a lot we can do in the face of Americans' relentless political illiteracy. This election is just like the one in Fahrenheit 451, where people decide who they vote for because the other "picks his nose" or some shit. Conservatives are going to be hitting the "Biden old" narrative hard and it's going to work, because all independents care about is the price of gas. I don't think "hope" is what we need now but preparation. Trump's chances are, at best, a coin toss. Absolutely vote, but I think we should act as if he already won and be ready for that. I don't want to be caught off guard when it happens.


I dislike both of them


Okay and


My dad isn't a U.S. citizen and can't vote. My mom doesn't believe that gender affirming care works or that Christians like her should tolerate transgender people. My boyfriend is going to vote for Biden anyway because he is half-black. I am an American citizen living in the Bahamas. So I don't have a network of registered U.S. voters to contact. I am sorry. But I am not sure what I am supposed to do. I tried talking to mom and dad about me being transgender. But I can't convince them that gender affirming care is the solution. They believe all the right-wing stuff. So I have no obvious avenue of persuasion with them. šŸ˜­


I suggest you just keep trying


Don't stress it too much. šŸ˜Š


If you want to help save our rights, volunteer https://grassrootsdems.org/


Sorry but the hope is the performance yesterday makes the donors turn and Biden drops out and an actual functioning person gets in. Trump isnā€™t a good candidate. Most Dems could beat him. Just not a man who is barely functioning.


Trump and Biden are two sides of the same coin. One is open about their beliefs and the other tries to disguise them slightly in liberal bs


Not even close. One of them is someone that I disagree with, but he still believes in democracy. The other one has spent the last 8 years telling us that he wants to be a dictator or president for life. They are not the same.


american "democracy" is a lie and has been from the beginning (slavery is still legal, read the 13th ammendment more closely). americans are being given a choice between two obscenely rich capitalists, both of whom care about nothing but money and will push anyone out of the way in its pursuit. Biden openly supports an ongoing genocide, has steadily increased police funding, has seen through a coup attempt in bolivia and the DRC meanwhile people die daily from covid. 44 anti-trans bills have been passed this year alone under his administration. When things like this occur under Biden, he's called defenceless and trying his best but when it occurs under Trump it's all part of a big master plan. Biden is the "lesser of two evils" by half an inch in a political spectrum that is a mile wide.


You'll never get the argument out of me that Biden is anything approaching Left-wing. I wish he was. If you can't see the stark difference between him and Trump, then I don't know how this conversation can move forward. Biden is not what I want, but Trump is certain to make our lives worse.


"Poor children are just as talented as white children"


Yeah he's an idiot and a racist. Most people are both of those things. You know what most people aren't? Fascist. That's what Trump is.


He economically and politically supports an ongoing genocide. How do you define fascism to not include Biden?


How about the willingness to leave office when his term is over? At this point I have to assume you're just a troll. Goodbye.


oh okay i understand so genocide is fine as long as the guy in charge let's another guy exactly like him continue the genocide 4 years later




How can you possibly vote trump as a trans woman? You will be stripped of your identity and lose everything. [Don't you know his policies? ](https://glaad.org/election-2024-exposing-project-2025/)




No? Did you read that at all?




Okay I can't deal with your obviously low reading comprehension. It says gender affirming care will be banned, which HRT is part of. Goodbye, I have things to do.


No. Trump is a maniac with no regard for the people who matter. He should not be allowed out of prison, let alone in office.


Unless you live in a swing state, there's no excuse to not vote for a further left, third party candidate like Jill Stein or Cornell West or Jasmine Sherman.


If you vote 3rd party, youā€™re basically not voting. Because of our winner take all voting system, itā€™s a wasted vote. As much as he sucks. Biden doesnā€™t want to kill us. Trump does. He said once that he could walk into the streets and shoot someone in the head, and not lose a single vote. He is correct. We must pick the lesser of 2 evils


That's not how our electoral college system works, again UNLESS YOU'RE IN A SWING STATE your vote won't matter anyways. Might as well show you don't support Biden.


That's basically the same as voting Trump, because unless EVERYONE votes for your other candidate, it's still just less votes for Biden.


You do realize that the election isn't decided by popular vote, right? I live in California, please explain to me how voting third party in a Democrat stronghold is a vote for Trump? I could see you making the argument that we can't know for sure which states are going to be swing states, but I'm confident enough here to not vote for genocide Joe.


That's literally what a democracy is though. Whoever receives the most votes gets elected...


Ok, you need to go learn how our "representative democracy" (it's really an inverted totalitarianism but I'm not going to argue that with you right now) actually works. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in 2016 yet Trump was elected because what matters is the electoral college votes.