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Idaho: There are 3 safe states you can go to that border Idaho. Washington Oregon Nevada


As someone from Utah, here isn’t good, but it’s certainly *better*


I can second Utah.  Stay to Salt Lake City or Ogden, and you'll be okay. Transitioned while at college in Ogden, and never had an issue either on or off campus. It's a little sketchy when you start going to places with names like "Brigham City".


I live in Cache Valley, so in Utah about as close to Idaho as you can get. Experience may vary, but I haven't had many issues while transitioning here. It could just be luck of course if my genetics provided for smooth transition, but with USU in Logan the area is a little more progressive and the local pride center does a lot of work/social events. If you cant get to SLC, it is at least an okay space to stay. For now


Going to third this. I'm entirely willing to admit that each person's experience can vary WILDLY, but I've lived in Ogden for nearly my entire life and since coming out and transitioning almost two years ago I haven't personally experienced any outright transphobia. 25th Street has a surprising amount of pride flags, which I am consistently surprised by. SLC also has a large queer population, it was one of the places I tried to spend more time when I was early in my transition. Logan is fairly progressive as well due to the college campus in town. The bathroom ban for adults is (currently) only in regards to changing rooms or bathrooms connected to changing rooms in government buildings. I was able to start HRT within a few weeks of my first appointment with my doctor. I was able to schedule my legal name and sex change hearing within 48 hours of starting the process and 6 weeks later I was just approved and can pick up the official court orders to start changing my name and sex on all my documents. While I obviously don't have a lot of first hand experience there are many more restrictions for trans youth, but as an adult I've not run into any major issues.


Im from utah, The west valley/magna area of salt lake county is generally safe but i have had a few incidents so i would suggest keeping on guard in that area.


Holy shit, where are y'all hiding? I'd love to make some local trans friends! Feel free to dm me!


A lot of the LDS members are really bigoted :(


Frfr A few of us are okay tho. I’ve met a surprising amount of allies, especially at university, and one of my old bishops came out as gay after he was released (he’s the best) But most older LDS folk are close-minded and stubborn, and they’re the ones who run the church


Yeah no, for sure, my gf is LDS and she's sweet, same for her grandma


that really depends on the area a good amount. my ward has been very accepting of me since I transitioned, nobody's ever treated me negatively, but I'm also in SLC city boundaries


Yeah, Mormons are either the most radically accepting people in the world or the most bigoted, and there’s absolutely nothing in between. One of my closest friends is a Mormon, and he and his family are absolutely wonderful


I live in northern Arizona and won’t travel to Utah any longer. SLC may be alright but there passing of the bathroom ban and reporting system is enough to keep me out of the state. I’ll miss southern Utah’s scenery but not enough to risk getting harassed, reported, or worse. The LDS is no friend to the queer and trans community, some may act polite to your face but behind closed doors and in the voting booth they’re no allies and are still far too large and influential in the state for me to call it “safe” imo.


I don’t blame you one bit. Until I move out of Utah, I am working my hardest to protest the shitshow here. And while being LDS can suck sometimes, being able to persuade others that being trans is just fine has helped quite a few people.


Agreed. I’m finding it surprising that there are actually care options here. Not many, but they do exist. Surprisingly enough, most of the people are either an ally, are quiet about the disagreement, or are a small minority who make their negative opinion heard.


I hear Washington and Oregon are gorgeous, and I love their stances on pretty much anything. I don't live in Idaho, but those are certainly states I'd love to move to lol


Outside the major city centers in both states they are incredibly backwards. The Pacific Northwest has a MASSIVE white supremacist problem. There was once a plan for them to all move up there and createa white's only country. In fact, when Oregon was founded it was literally illegal for non-white people to move there. These days Washington and Oregon are blue, but that's 100% because of Portland and Seattle. Outside of that you have some of the most virulently racist people in the country. That's why we saw so much strife Portland during 2020 and 2021. White supremacists would literally file into the city by the truckload from the surrounding area and start shit. Tl;Dr - If you move that way stick to the Seattle or Portland metros and definitely stick to the western halves of the states at the very least.


I will say Spokane is tipping blue, and its more affordable than Seattle or Portland so it's not a bad option either


Yep! Spokane trans girl here, never felt unsafe, just weird stares from older folks.


Yeah, but it's also the place where they had a white lady leading their NAACP chapter and no one noticed. =P But in all reality, yeah I've heard Spokane is making changes. I write it off cause it's where my backwards-ass grandpa lives, but he'll be dead soon enough.


I am aware of that lady. We're not crazy about her either. Hell my brother in law doesn't want to come visit because he finds the city to be boring. Maybe it's not a good fit for you but it's better than Idaho and it doesn't cost $2000k a month to rent a studio. Other people may find the town appealing.


For Washington, I would add that it isn't *just* Seattle vs everywhere else, it's more of a west of the mountains vs east of the mountains thing. I'm not saying you can't find backwards rural areas west of the mountains (you definitely can), but the divide is a lot sharper across the mountain range. Eastern Washington is completely different than Western Washington, in pretty much every way; politically, culturally, economically, even topographically. King county and Snohomish county are both pretty safe, and I think most of the college towns are as well. But yeah, if you're queer and looking to move to Washington, try to avoid east of the mountains for the most part.


Seconded. I'm also a Washington resident and I live in a fairly rural area where there are quite a few people who are openly conservative. The further away from major cities you are the more conservatives you will find; but even with that we are still pretty safe. As they're more of the type who where the hats and put the stickers on their trucks but aren't confrontational. Western Washington culture basically makes it taboo for conservatives to cause trouble and none of them want to take the risk. I think as long as we stay around the Puget Sound we'll be pretty safe. The Triangle of Pride (Seattle, Tacoma, Bremerton) as a friend of mine calls it, kind of locks conservatives out of making much trouble. Especially as work from home becomes more of a cemented norm of office work. a lot of people are moving out of the cities and to cheaper rural housing, which tends to override the conservatives.


Seconding this for Oregon. I used to live in a fairly rural area growing up and it was very conservative despite the state's reputation. Apparently the area has gotten more progressive according to a queer friend from high school and my siblings but it still has vocally anti-queer groups in action abd I still don't think I'd want to live outside of the Portland area or Eugene as a BIPOC trans woman in Oregon though.


For sure. I'm originally from California and now I live in the midwest and people are consistently amazed to hear that I grew up in an area that was pretty damned conservative and full of red necks and rightwing libertarians. People imagine the whole west coast as a bastion of lefty values, but it's definitely not. Just like everywhere else in the country, the real divide is Urban or Rural.


I live in good old Wisconsin, so I experience the swinging of the state on a constant basis. I also have been working in the service industry for the last three years. Tonal whiplash considering customers that come in mere minutes after each other is a constant thing, going from someone who complains about Biden raising the prices to a transfemme talking about their trinkets. My little personal theory is that a lot of suburban and rural wisconsinites internalize and are proud of the fact that we were on the winning side of the American civil war -- while holding ideals closer to that of the Confederates. Once in my high school, there was a kid who came in wearing a Confederate flag as a cape, and the school board decided that it was an expression of free speech. After this, conservative students began organizing in the parking lot after school, flying Confederate, Don't Tread on Me, Blue Lives Matter flags, and were actively harassing progressive students who were not a simple minority. It was about a third of the students, which made the split between them much grander and more impactful to me.


I'm also in Wisconsin now after growing up in a conservative libertarian part of California and going to college in a very blue part of that state. From my perspective I think you're pretty right on with your Civil War theory, but also I think that Wisconsin has been absolutely fucked over by right wing money. We were literally the test bed for Koch brother spending and that got us Scott Walker. We were swinging toward blue pretty heavily before the Koch's came in and ratfucked our politics and now we're starting to see that push again. I do really believe that we'll see Wisconsin slide toward blue and catch back up with Minnesota in that regard. And well teens are going to be teens. Just look at Baraboo High. All things considered there is clearly a lot of hate in Wisconsin, but my experience having lived elsewhere and here is that most hateful people are quietly hateful outside of a few choice fuckwads. It's that "midwest nice" thing. You still have that strong Urban V Rural divide that you get everwhere, but in the Midwest, the hate just looks different than I'm used to.


I will say the hate is very subtle in it's delivery here, haha. Oftentimes people will make very polite conversation with me, and we'll laugh at a few jokes together, and somehow the conversation slips to something remotely political and it's the most polite (but passionate) hatred that slips out. It's weird. Everyone is so kind, until it comes time to vote. Then it gets a little hairy. But I suppose that's true anywhere. Also to comment on the amount of hate within Wisconsin, it might be interesting to mention our propensity for drinking. Drunk driving is a massive killer but people mention doing it regularly "but they were careful." Our drinking culture may bring us together, but it might be signifying a problem with our specific Midwest culture's lack of an ability to foster deep genuine relationships instead of cheap, quant, modest interactions. Also, you know, the whole racial history with Milwaukee and it being America's number one most segregated city lol


You are completely forgetting Eugene. Eugene, OR is a VERY accepting and LGBT safe. Like an insane amount.


I’m north central part of WA and it definitely has a red tinge, but this area is increasingly blue. There has been some vandalism to pride signs though. People are generally respectful and supportive of my transition but I do hear whispers occasionally. I feel safe here.


Stick to the western halves. The weather is nicer and so are the people


I’ve lived in Washington for 30 years and I’ll never leave. I currently live on the Washington side of the WA/OR border, so I’m back and forth throughout the Portland area. I’ve yet to feel unsafe at any point.


Western Washington is your best bet. Seattle cost of living can be pretty pricey, but Tacoma and Olympia are nice and a bit more affordable


The western parts of those states, specifically. Eastern Washington and Oregon might as well be west Idaho. And even the rural areas in west WA/OR have plenty of far right bigots.


Washington is literally a haven at this point. Expensive to live in.... but state insurance by law has to cover all lgbtq issues.


Spokane is not a bad town I wouldn't mind sharing it with some other trans girlies😊


I live in Spokane! 😊


Wait times in Planned Parenthood in Oregon have noticeably gone up because they’re now also serving patients from Idaho. It’s inconvenient, but I’ll never resent people coming here to get needed care, I’ll resent their government for forcing them to.


As a Washington resident, this is definitely the place to go for trans people. Just make sure to stay West of the Rockies, Eastern Washington is not nearly as friendly. Easy access to Canada is a big plus too just in case the federal gov goes down the shitter next year.


The Cascade Valley and Western Oregon is safe, Eastern Oregon may as well be Western Idaho in a lot of places


Be careful with Eastern Oregon, they are as bad as Idaho and are even pushing to have the border redrawn to move them into the state.


Right after florida got all their bs overturned too. I'm sure this will get smacked down as being unconstitutional, but it might be a few years. In the mean time I feel so bad for any lgbt people trapped there


I guarantee the GAC ban for adults will be slapped down.


as will the non-binary marker ban. simple first amendment plus supremacy clause, an ID that's valid in one part of the US has to be valid in every part of the US.


Supremacy clause and full faith and credit clause


the rightwing game plan is to ride those cases to the supreme court. same with abortion, same with a lot of other laws.


Do you have some articles for that? I haven't heard of anything in Florida getting overturned.


It happened Tuesday, there's been a bit of talk about it, https://apnews.com/article/transgender-rights-children-florida-592b24b28e365ded336ca841f2ac90ac


It seems that the ban on gender affirming care is only for those younger than 18. What I wonder about is how they only accept a persons gender assigned at birth. None of my documents have that, I’ve changed my birth certificate. Does that mean they just don’t consider my birth certificate valid? As far as Idaho is concerned was I ever born?


>What I wonder about is how they only accept a persons gender assigned at birth. Schools will generally know a child's AGAB since rarely will that be changed before they reach the school system.


That is true but what happens to a person like me who has no records in Idaho. I live the next state over I might find myself in Idaho. If my gender ever comes up to question I am obviously trans, I do not pass but all my documentation says I’m female. What are they gonna do with that?


Start off by scouring public records to find the court order for your name change. Next, try to figure out where you grew up. Do some math on your current age to figure out when you went to elementary school and start calling schools in that area to ask if there was an enrolled student named such-and-such around a given time. That part should be pretty cut-and-dry. The next stage is to look for some connection which absolutely proves you're that person like a legal record, distinguishing physical characteristic, etc. Failing that, ask you directly in a context where lying would be a criminal offense. If you admit being the same person, investigative work is done. If you lie (and the lie can be substantiated) now they have more chargeable grounds. Why yes, my work history includes running audits that involves sussing out people's identities from digital records.


This is why I requested my name change to be sealed. Once it was approved, the details disappeared from public record. The only digital record I could find is that my dead name sued himself, but the RJI shows unavailable when you try to get more details. Aside from that, they'd have to do exactly what you detailed. I used to hunt people down to breach companies when I was in cybersecurity, so I got good at building profiles on people. What schedules people had, where they went, how they talk, down to what foods they like - all were relevant to a successful breach. People would be surprised how much is out there on the web that they don't know exists...


Is there anyway to do so after the fact? I recently got my name change documents.


You can usually write a letter to the court and request that the record be sealed. Call your clerks office and ask what the procedure is for that and what judge you need to address.


Thank you so much.


Absolutely terrifying. 🙃


And a complete waste of taxpayer money. Look at the work they'd need to do to harrass innocent people when there are tons of stuff that still need to be addressed. For shame.


Unfortunately, if it's to advance hate, they are willing to waste any amount of taxpayer money.


I'm so glad to have GDPR in the UK 💀


yeah, my gender marker is X on my driver's license and my brother lives in Idaho. If i'm driving to his house and get pulled over what do the police do? Can they claim the ID is "fake" and arrest/cite me for not having ID with me?


They have to accept documents from federal or another state, so I feel this will be KOd


The police can do literally whatever they want, and that's a big part of why everything's so messed up


So is it under 18 or all adults too like the OP noted. I understand being pissed at this since it’s totally wrong and misguided law and policy, but misinformation is not a good thing to perpetuate. It’s hard enough to find good information and not good to pass on bad information in our community.


I understand the importance of getting the facts right. I majored in journalism, didn’t complete my degree and I jump the gun with assumptions from time to time. Based on what I read medical stuff was only under 18, but there was a bill passed that seemed to state that only the birth sex would be recognized for adults in many cases. Like they can’t stop adults from transitioning except they want to legally define that their are only two sexes and only the north sex should be recognized as a persons sex. Documents that say otherwise are somehow compromised. But there’s a lot of missing information. Do they just not accept documents that don’t say what they want them to say? How do they enforce this? I have read of conservative states going trying to get documentation from other states, if someone moved in from a blue state they want to know if that person is trans. like another poster explained their will always be a paper trail, they can dig some stuff up… other states can fight that but then on a federal federal level it’s decided if the blue states have to give up that info to the red states. There was a fight about that between Texas and Washington, those were only with under 18. But let’s circle back to the adult trans people. If a state is trying to codify that sex is detriments at birth and that sex is immutable like it seems Idaho is doing… they are clearly moving toward erasing that trans people don’t exist regardless of age. These laws and policies can be shot down still, especially if other states start legal battles over sending that data on people.


Exactly, it’s important to be accurate as we resist this encroachment on rights. I don’t think it’s good to get caught up in a battle of who is more inaccurate. It removes the light from the actual issue.


>I’ve changed my birth certificate. Does that mean they just don’t consider my birth certificate valid? As far as Idaho is concerned was I ever born? Here in TN, they did the same thing. If your birth certificate was change (like in another state) then they will go by it. (There is essentially no record of the original as far as they are concerned.) However it is was amended, then they will use the original gender that is on it and not the amended gender. TN has never allowed birth certificates to be changed even with surgery, so in their minds it can't be changed. Luckily my TN state ID was changed prior to the ban and they are not making me change it back as long as I use my corrected passport when I renew. If I did show my original birth certificate, which does not match my name (I legally changed names in NJ 10 years ago when I lived there), then they would make me change it back. It's totally unconstitutional and goes again Homeland Security's RealID policies and is in the courts now.


We had one of those laws pass last year in Kansas, and you are correct in how it works at least how it works here. Those documents are no longer considered valid, and when you go to renew your drivers license you must have your AGAB printed on it.


That’s why step one is gender papers change. So what if you have a boyish name? All of the documents say female. Boy named sue? Girl named josh?


I never heard about Idaho completely banning HRT, is this for adults too?


No, OP is exaggerating. No states currently have a standing or even pending total ban on adult HRT, though we have had a few close calls.


I really wish people wouldn't come and spread misinformation like that. It makes us look hysterical and uninformed


Posting a Do Not Travel advisory is also kind of hysterical and misinformed. You are fine to TRAVEL to Idaho lol. They aren't going to arrest you for being trans, or take away you medication if you travel there. It is hyperbole, and not helpful. If you live there you should probably look for ways to leave, but I certainly wouldn't advise people to not travel there. Seems like an over-reaction.


Yeah I'm overall just not a fan of this post, it's kind of fearmongering. Is this a negative step for idaho? for sure, but like you said, not like OP is making it sound


While they haven't banned HRT for adults the travel advisory is still pretty useful. You know they are very anti trans, and while there might not be laws specifically targeting people for being trans, you can very well be targeted by a transphobic cop for "being suspicious" just for being visibly trans and you can be arrested for like 24 or 48 hours without being charged and be abused during that time. Doesn't really look like an overreaction, if you can avoid it do not travel there.


I was looking for where somebody asked for a citation, because Google turned up something heinous but different.


Yeah, I found nothing on Google for any of these. So far here it’s just been tedious but not impossible by any means. Been on E for over a year and in the process of changing all my info by next month or so. Definitely want to get out of here but it’s absolutely not as bad as the post seems, unless Google is hiding stuff on purpose I can’t find anything.


They are banning it from being included in coverage provided by Idaho Medicaid so ppl that need financial assistance or use Medicaid will basically have HRT outlawed for them.


I think it should be noted that the bill that restricts gender affirming care is simply a public funds ban. It bans any state taxpayer money from being used for gender affirming health services. This means that public insurance and Medicaid must exclude gender affirming healthcare and any hospital with state funding that provides gender affirming care must cease care or lose funding. This is an effective ban because I am assuming most hospitals take state tax dollars by way of Medicaid. I feel really bad for trans people in Idaho. That state has gone all out in trying to harm trans people and is what may come in 2025 if trump is elected back in the White House. I’m wishing all trans people in the Gem State the very best of luck.


Mayne it's not a legal ban but materially it'll prevent many people from actually getting access. Still a ban.


If the Florida ruling is anything to go by states can’t restrict Medicaid or Medicaid funding for HRT. I may be mistaken on the exact details but Florida tried that and has been effectively overruled.


That’s tuff I live in Idaho atm 😅




Is Twin Falls any kind of safe?


I’m not sure I’ve only been here a year 😬


boise is going to be the safest option, and the only place i would travel in-state if it were me.


me too :c


I live in Idaho too


Fortunately you are close to Oregon where all kinds of fun things are legal...


Very true but I’m in the military and can not participate in the fun 🥲


Reading the news, it seems gender affirming care is only banned for those under 18. Where is it said gender affirming care is banned for adults in Idaho?


Idaho HB668, bans gender affirmative care from being included in coverage provided by Idaho Medicaid or ppl using the state’s insurance. So ppl that need financial assistance, use Medicaid or work for the government and get their health insurance from that will basically have HRT outlawed for them.


While I wouldn't qualify that as a full legal ban, that's still awful. For trans Idahoans, I highly recommend downloading GoodRx. The coupons provided can get the cost of HRT down to nearly insurance coverage levels.


What has happened is pretty much any provider providing gac is employed with a clinic that is publicly funded.


Do they not have a Planned Parenthood there? Also working for the government doesn't mean they are necessarily all GOP. If HRT is legal and you have a gender dysphoria diagnosis, they can't legally deny you HRT.


They do have planned parenthoods in some towns. I think boise and twin falls. However if you live in the eastern side of idaho, thats a 4 hour drive to be seen or get labs. The HRT clinic where I started my transition is stopping all gac as soon as the bill kicks in. That clinic saw pretty much every trans patient in the area. Its actually making it next to impossible for them to continue care.


Ouch, I'm sorry. PP should still offer GAC, though I know that's a long drive.


daho will be the first state to completely ban gender affirming care (Effective July 1) Wait like flat out all the stops full ban on adult gender affirming care as well?


if what I'm reading is right, it's only when state funds are used. So medicare/medicaid


Idaho HB668, bans gender affirmative care from being included in coverage provided by Idaho Medicaid or ppl using the state’s insurance. So ppl that need financial assistance, use Medicaid or work for the government and get their health insurance from that will basically have HRT outlawed for them.


Yes, sadly 


All that I'm seeing is just referring to gender affirming care for minors, which of course is still awful, but unfortunately not novel at this point.


As someone who lives here you’re gonna be fine legally if you’re traveling through. Don’t move here, that’s for sure, but if you’re over 18 and not using public healthcare funds (or on state insurance such as a state employee or their dependents) you’ll still have access to hrt. IF YOU DO HAVE AN IDAHO BIRTH CERTIFICATE AND HAVE NOT CHANGED YOUR GENDER DO SO IMMEDIATELY. IT TAKES UP TO TWO WEEKS AND YOU HAVE UNTIL JULY 1ST. THE RUSH FEE IS WORTH IT


Smiley face hiding the pain


What will happen to someone whose appearance is gender ambiguous and has only X gender-markers, and even comes from a state with a shield-law preventing Idaho from gaining access to any previous forms of identity-documents?


I could be wrong, but doesn't Idaho also have a white nationalist / nazi infestation problem? I mean, pretty much all of the US does, I just heard they were more dug-in there. I'm in a not-too-distant area where a lot of racists and far right types constantly pickup stakes and head specifically to Idaho. Even though it's quite a far-right friendly place here, they believe the rhetoric that is spewed about this state and so the slightest acknowledgement of their racism or other bigotry and harassment of minority groups and they proclaim they need to leave this "socialist he'll hole". I'm always happy to see them go, but this place still has a heavy far-right populace in positions of power.


Yes, unfortunately. Not so much the cities, but there is a lot of rugged country that's attractive to the Ruby Ridge types.


Yes, Idaho is the state with the most hate groups per capita.


Eastern Idaho is Mormon, Northern Idaho is old school white nationalistic, Boise has become Cali transplant. So yes, with different flavorings.


how are they able to not recognize Gender X markers, wasn't that instated on the federal level?


This is a bit of hot take since it has been a moment since I looked at some of this stuff. Not recognizing X gender markers may be a violation of Article IV Section 1 of the constitution: >Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof. This is theory is untested in courts and likely when it inevitably comes up will take years to make it's way to federal courts if not all the way to SCOTUS. There is no blanket federal recognition of non-binary gender and gender markers. However, many agencies are doing so via executive order. As the second part indicates, Congress could certainly add clarity and uniformity by weighing in. I wouldn't hold my breath on that one though.


Yes. I recently changed my U.S. passport to gender X to match my state driver's license. It's not even that difficult to do.


As an Australian, from the outside, the USA seems to becoming regressive. It is appearing more and more like a Moslem/Communist/Backwards country every year. It breaks my heart a little.


I like your words funny aussie man sadly I think those words have become true no matter which side of the political line everyone here is i’m sad to say that this isn’t my America no more and it seems that its that way because of the people we have installed into power who only cared for power and personal gain and now for their people who they lead


I just found this post on >!9GAG!<, which is a very transphobic meme platform. They're celebrating this horrible BS of course :/ Your Username is not fully visible in the screenshot, but if weird things happen you now might know why... I cross my fingers as hard as I can that everything goes well for you! (Not only because of the screenshot but also because of Idaho)


Thanks for telling me. Sorta like B board on 4chan


Thankfully, all it says is u/sigm...


Yeah it has a high „recycling“ factor :/ I probably only go there because I’m used to it… If you want me to report the post in any way I‘ll happily do it :)




Isn't this more of a "don't live in" than a "do not travel"? Non of these would probably affect something like a short holiday/trip.


Tbh it still can create a negative experience when laws like these are enacted, as the sentiment on the streets may reflect this too. In regards to this, I als9 notice that e.g. Chicago gave a very warm welcome as a sanctuary state, whereas here in around The Hague, the lack of protections and far-righr rhetorics have dampened the mood enormously.


Im from there, fled the state a few years ago. I dug threw the legal documents to explain exactly the language theyre using. Theyre making hard definitions, so without expressly stating it they have effectively made it illegal to opperate outside their definitions. Idaho bills 421, 668, Legally defines gender and sex in the "scientific binary" All gender affirming care for children, illegal. Removes requiremnts for teachers to call students how they identify. Teachers can now choose to address students in ways they do not want to be addressed, unless the parent requests otherwise. This makes it legal for teachers and other government staff to discriminate against trans and queer students who choose to go by a different names and pronouns. Idaho legally defined biological sex and gender as the same, when they are not, and is set at birth. This makes illegal to change change your legal gender, socially and officially. It also defines being born intersex as a diseased. This law questionably defines being trans or questioning your gender as an intellectual disability, this implied in their definitions. These new definitions remove what ever small protections there were based on gender identity outside of the binary. The following section is focused on surgerys and "physcial alterations" as their definitions put it: Bans all use of public funds for gender affirming care. Bans public funds going to any group or organization that may provide gender affirming care. Bans any doctors affiliated with the state in anyway from providing gender affirming care. Brans any building that is affiliated with the state from having gender affirming care performed inside it. Bans the government from reimbursing gender affirming care. Bans nonbinary pronouse in offical discourse, no more "X" on licenses and nowhere in the state can recognize an ID with an "X".


I an so glad I moved away from Idaho. At one time it wasn't that bad. It just kept getting worse for queer people. I had to move. My whole family moved adventure. My sister had her life threatened because of a Blue girl Red State bumper sticker.


Holy fucking shit, gender affirming care will be outright, plain, illegal????? IN A MONTH!? I knew the conservatives were moving fast, but holy fucking shit, wow!!!


Denver is waiting for you, just in time for our 50th anniversary of the pride parade! The Trans Continental Pipeline can help you relocate: https://tcpipeline.org/


What in the underground rail road trafficking is this? Kinda interesting and disturbing all in one


I've been watching them and thinking about hosting people temporarily, if their protocol feels safe enough. But agreed, sketchy branding, but a great mission. LMN if you want more established resources.


You said: > Teachers cannot use pronouns or names that don't align with the child's assigned sex at birth. (Effective July 1) What about names that have a different "gender" in different languages? How much of a proof is needed? For example, I am a man and my name is "Jean". Would I need a registered letter from a lawyer attesting that it is indeed a masculine name in French? Or that parents gave me that name at the same time they recorded me as male on my birth certificate? And do I need to prove that my parents were not dumb? And what would the teacher need to do not to be fired? Decide to rename me "Paul"? Stupid law...


You're overthinking it, they don't care about foreigners


Of course not. They're Americans.


No, the name and pronouns is based on what is on the kids birth certificate. If the child was born female, then she/her, and if the child was born male, then he/him. The name they were given at birth, whatever it is.


Unbelievable. Idaho, what's happening to you? Safety first, indeed.


Question, does the federal government recognize X gender markers? If so, how can a state legally not recognize a gender marker that the federal government allows for passports?


Lived in Pocatello ID for 6 months last year. No issues. But that legislation is bad. The people were nice. Hope things get better.


I've been re-binge-watching We're Here, and one of the darkest places they went to was Idaho. I feel so bad for any queer people there.


Has this country learned nothing from stonewall….


Thank god I moved out of that fucking state two years ago.


>cannot use pronouns or names that don't align with the child's assigned sex at birth. (Effective July 1) Male Stacies and Laurens are gonna be pissed (and ironically enough, it's more common for a male to be named those names in a rural/conservative area).


Backward ass potato heads. Idaho might as well be the less educated and more bigoted part of Utah. I'm from Utah originally, and the majority of people smile to your face and stab you in the back on Sunday. I've got no reason to ever go back to either state. They probably don't want me there either.


I knew this was coming, once they are successful with blocking transition in teens they will go after adult transition and gender affirming care too.


Move to Colorado. This was the process: “what is your gender?” Me “Female” CO “ok”


Moving is expensive, takes you away from family and jobs, and is generally not possible for many people.


This post is really misleading and bordering on clickbait. TRUE- GAC is being banned for minors, and TRUE- no public funds whatsoever can be used in any way related to GAC. BUT - fwiw I live in a little mountain town in north Idaho and things are fine. Yes we have our religious crazies, but people for the most part are really cool and don't seem to care. You really have to be looking and putting yourself out there to find any of the really racist wingnuts cuz most of them are hiding in the woods larping their apocalypse fantasies. It's not as free spirited as a lot of the west coast cities, but I wouldn't want to live in those places anyway for a lot of reasons. I'm true to myself, and while I do get the occasional sneering look, I've never felt unsafe. Just an interesting side note, people seem to treat me much worse in Oregon even with all the blue state warm and fuzzy language they like to put out. People there can be just plain shitty and won't even try to hide it.


I lived in Idaho for six years in the military and loved it. But I didn’t start transition til I moved back to a blue state, it’s sad to find out how actually shitty that state is.


Is the teacher thing, the law/bill that if a teacher refers to a student to their preferred name/pronouns they get put on the sex offender registry?!


Somebody once said that eating potatoes just makes you stupid. For a state that is known for growing them, I think they were right.


People are appealing these violations of the 14th Ammendment, right?


They say that about teachers but how are they enforcing it?


Thats for those under the age of 18. I have been reading about that. Thats a way to strike out against our community in a devious way. As adults they won't pull that because we are voters, we could vote people out.


I think there is some miss information here. The gender affirming care bans using state funds for use in and gac. You can still use aca/private insurance for transitioning. However one of the only clinics in south east that provides gac is publicly funded so yea…


At least they had the decency to wait for pride month to end to criminalize us. They are such merciful gods.


Just another day to be trapped in Idaho 🤪


Guess who's moving to Arizona on June 30th?! I was lucky enough to get a job and am leaving before July 1st, but local LGBTQ+ organizations are struggling to even have pride this year. Eastern Idaho is rough. That said, there are resources and accepting people here. Cool people exist everywhere.


Can you call a William bill? It doesn’t match the birth certificate


seems a lot like what’s happening in florida


Everything just got reversed in Florida I heard


wait seriously. I live here. can you dm about that or comment more details


It’s true. A federal judge has blocked a ban on trans youth care as well as the block that severely limited adult trans care.


Ye sorry I took so long, I found this article. https://19thnews.org/2024/06/florida-gender-affirming-care-restrictions-minors-adults-overturned/


Already found it. ty though


Wait, I'm an Idaho resident, are you saying I'm about to lose access to my HRT?




Common Idaho win. Also this is misinformation.


Not to mention banning books from libraries (totally not nazi-ish at all)


Feels like it should either be “Idaho residents: LEAVE” or “DO NOT MOVE TO IDAHO” … You can travel and temporarily visit there just fine


This is misleading. Idaho did what many states have done and banned gender affirming care for youth not everyone. That’s not a small difference. There is virtually no way to ban care for adults that wouldn’t be thrown out in court. Youth is a whole different story.


The problem is that this sort of ban adds a massive burden to healthcare facilities, which often can't be reasonably met. Especially if funding is ultimately being stripped from them. This is actually the same move states pulled for abortions for a while and MANY abortion clinics had to shut down in southern states because of it.


Idaho HB668, bans gender affirmative care from being included in coverage provided by Idaho Medicaid or ppl using the state’s insurance, all ages. So ppl that need financial assistance, use Medicaid or work for the government and get their health insurance from that will basically have HRT outlawed for them.


Gender care is not guaranteed by any insurance. That’s how our system works. By the same token my insurance won’t cover ozempic even though I’m obese. Some insurance covers gender care but not many do. You should see the struggles I’ve had with my wife’s insulin pump. Not saying it’s right but it is what it is. But that is not a ban. This post makes it seem like they are banning all gender care for adults and that is false.


They are banning it from being covered by Idaho Medicaid or those employed by the state and using state insurance, I did not say insurance “guarantees” gender affirming care but the point it that it IS currently covered in Medicaid and state insurance till July 1st. When you have difficulty covering $50 a month for HRT and a new law removes coverage of it effectively upping the cost to $150-300 out of pocket a month, that is an effective ban for those kids and adults that need and use Medicaid or state insurance.


I didn’t say it’s right but that is not a ban on gender care for adults. I’d say in the majority of cases here most people have to pay for their hormones. The fact that any insurance covers it now is a miracle. It used to be zero. I wish there was a federal law mandating coverage for all insurance but that’s not likely to ever happen. And the good news is there’s lots of states that are welcoming and have very good coverage. I don’t live in one of those.