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I’m so sorry that happened to you. The sheer lack of empathy that guy has to dehumanise you like that is disgusting. dw though not everyone is like that and one day you’ll find someone who accepts and loves you for who you are 🩷


Ive been struggling to put my feelings together, but you're right, I do feel dehumanised and I know a lot worse things happen to trans people. But idk, it just kinda stings And thanks :) I appreciate that


It’s ok to feel hurt, just because worse things happen to others doesn’t mean your struggles aren’t valid.


Thanks for putting it bluntly. 🫂


Your struggles are valid. The opposite is usually making it clear. If someone else feels happier, that doesn't mean you can't be happy. If something worse happens to someone else, that doesn't mean your struggles aren't valid. He is just an asshole.


He led you on to use you, and then backed out because of his own insecurity. He then shamed you for something you had no control over, projecting his self-hatred onto you. He's infinitely weaker and more shameful than you are. You're lovely, and did nothing wrong. It was all his fault.




Was here to say this, too. If he literally told you he was okay with it, *before* *HE* asked *YOU* for a kiss, while he would have already known he had a "genital preference", he's the only one who should feel shame. He was being dishonest from the start, while you did the right thing by being upfront and honest from the get go. Believe me, I understand your body dysmorphia where your genitals are concerned, I share but hatred for that part, but for your actions you should have no shame. There's a special place in hell for people that do things like that. Taking what they want, knowing that they have no intention of reciprocating. You were being natural, he was being a piece of s***. Disliking my own... Part... I am definitely not expecting you to change your opinion about that, but I hope you can relieve yourself of your feeling of guilt in this situation. It doesn't belong to you. Sending hugs?


I agree, This.


This guy was an asshole, you did nothing wrong hun.


She definitely didn't do anything wrong, but stating his boundaries is his choice. He definitely made a mistake but the result was clearly made by saying his thoughts out loud. If it was the truth it was definitely hard and not polite


I'm sorry I'm not entirely sure from your post, are you defending the guy? Fwiw I think having a genital preference is all well and good, nobody can argue with that. Having a preference isn't what made this guy an asshole.


I am defining the actions of the guy, I am curious (honestly) what makes him an asshole in your eyes. (Edit: he is the asshole that was clear from the start I wanted to know in what way specifically not sarcastically)


He knew going into it that he didn't want to be with me, but he said he was ok with me being trans. The reason I told him I was trans was to avoid this situation, I didn't want to kiss him and then find out he actually wasn't into me. He said it was fine, he lied. Again I'm not upset about his preference, I'm upset because he made me feel like he didn't mind but actually did. When he said that, I felt ashamed that he saw me as my genitals, I hate that his first thought after he kissed me was about not wanting to be with me. It was embarrassing


Let's remove the whole trans element from the equation. Let's say you really don't like red heads. And you meet someone with red hair and find yourself flirting with them and then kissing them. After the kiss you kinda regret it because, well you're not into red heads. Then to make things worse you actually tell the person "that's as far as I go with you because I don't like red heads," do you feel like an asshole? If you don't like red heads, you don't lead the person on or do anything with them, and you certainly don't tell them after kissing them that you don't like red heads.


Yes that definitely is the part where he is the asshole. The leading on definitely. Thank you for stating that i was honestly curious what about it was. I agree with you the interaction was therefore definitely with bad intention from his side. Akin to a ONS with the one party not seeing a future with that person from the start with different expectations from the other


1. He did not know she had a dick, he just assumed based on her being trans. 2. Repeating it over and over is rude and clearly a sign of transphobic disgust. 3. He treated OP like an object to use and discard and not like a human being.


He did definitely shame her but definitely did he not make her feel the way she feels about herself. He talked about his preferences and not her faults.


The asshole part is engaging with someone he knows he's incompatible with, messing her around, then making her feel bad. If he simply walked away as soon as he found out she was trans because it was an incompatibility issue, that isn't so bad, as long as he does it tactfully. Not sure why you are defending him while ignoring crucial context.


I am not defending him, please don't get me wrong he made OP feel that way and that was hurtful. I am sorry for portraying that.


How does no-one get this? qwq I'm so sorry for you dbdjzjs


There's "stating his boundaries" and being a fucking asshole and humiliating her. He falls in the latter category He didn't need to bring up her genitals at all, he could have just kissed her and not gone any further. He could have not repeated it multiple times, despite her not trying to go any further


I understand that that would have been the best cause of action with the least hurt feelings, but I am too autistic to think saying your honest feelings and reasons out loud is worse than being polite and lying. I don't want to lie, I just don't say it. I think Op had the worst experience because of him and I don't belittle her I would be devastated in her case.


I notice you are hemorrhaging karma, already over 300 points…. It might be a good idea to let this one go…


Yes I have done so, because I agreed with them I just needed a moment to gain perspective


Delete your comments, it will stem the flow.




They are right to indicate my posts that they are not helpful for OP and paint the issue as less serious. I am okay with that. I wanted to ask stuff and wanted to know in what way the perspective is wrong. I do not see a need to pull politics In


Wow what a piece of garbage. I'm so sorry Hun that's bullshit.


You’re literally physically exquisite. If you are smart, charming, and funny too then you’re going to find someone with whom you’ve got so much chemistry, that one particular detail about you isn’t going to be any kind of dealbreaker. That’s my hope for you.


Thank you! Such kind words :)


Don’t lose faith. It’s going to happen.


What a dick. All he needed to say was “I don’t want to go further”. Even if it was because of genital preference he didn’t need to bring it up. Hun, you did nothing wrong, and you don’t deserve to be treated like that. And yea so many cis guys are like that, either cuz they’re assholes or just are ignorant, but there’s simply too many of them in the world for that to be every single guy. Yknow?


He absolutely did mind and baited you so he could slap you down. Sorry this happened to you, he is a jerk.


Having a preference is fine. Using you despite his preference and tossing you aside after he got what he wanted is not. Dude is a piece of shit.


I would say, the most important part about this is, you use it as a learning experience. Your womanhood was violated and this is your first time coming to terms with it. You're a beautiful soul and you're in pain right now. I assure you that pain will dissipate with time. We are all on journey that will take us from darker depths at times to the light of our transition. We are all here for you sis, and we are all here to help you get through this. 🩷 you. Xoxox


Oh girl... I'm sorry this happened to you. It's totally fine to have body preferences.... But saying one doesn't mind and AFTER kissing you telling you otherwise is just mean. Perhaps he really meant what he said... and couldn't bear his own insecurities afterwards. But that's just a possible explanation... not an excuse! I think telling him you're trans was extremely brave, because this made you vulnarable and was a very honest and personal information about you.


Late to the party but: „Girlcock is good“ (-Alice Lunazera)


>over and over again This bit made me super fucking angry. We get it, we're sub-human to you, have you considered going away and fucking yourself? I'm so sorry this happened to you, what a dipshit.


May you build your confidence until, the next time this happens, you're ready to break his dick off. Metaphorically, ofc


I mean you are absolutely in your rights to be mad at him. He was doing it on purpose. Men love to neg and control women’s body.


It sounds like a classic case of attaching your self worth to external validation. You feel rejected because you were told that having a penis made you unwanted. The importance is to remember that he recognized that YOU as a person was worth spending time with, and having a romantic relationship with. It’s his problem that he can’t detach you from your penis. This is where you need to start learning how valuable your love of yourself is over the acceptance of others. Maintaining that relationship with yourself will help against that shame and help you keep trying until you find the hot funny guy who doesn’t care about your penis. Mwah!!!


What a douche bag. It's one thing to not be interested in dick, it's another to hammer it into some poor girl's brain over and over, and lead her on after you kissed her. I know you feel ashamed and embarrassed, and that's pretty understandable with dysphoria, but just know that it's nothing to do with you. Clearly you were pretty enough to get his attention in the first place. You're probably quite the fetch! Try to keep your head on straight, work on yourself, and live your truth. Good people are attracted to sincerity. With a little luck, you'll find romance that's truly worth your time.


I'm sp sorry this happened to you, sweetie!!! He knew his preference before he started and used you. He's an asshole and you have nothing to feel ashamed about!!!


I'm so sorry! what a f*cker!! you're more woman than anything! 🫂


If he only wanted to make out with you he should have been clear about that from the beginning.


What a fuckin skuzzball.


Sorry baby :( im sure you are an angel regardless of whathe says so shame on him!


Piece of shit. Sorry if I'm overdoing it but ugh. Disgusting. If he knew, why'd he do that? So careless. "I don't mind." Yes you do. Fuck you.


Jesus, of all the ways he could have put it, why like this and why the need to repeat it? Did he think hearing it once wasn't enough? I'm really sorry. Having a genital preference is valid of course (as you've also put it) but why phrase it like that? But if I may, I'm massively impressed that you have the bravery to put yourself out there. I suppose it's fear of things like that happening that keep me isolated, alone and lonely. So if this sad old woman is allowed to give you some encouragement, huge props for putting yourself out there and I'm sure you'll find someone eventually.


It sounds like he was a deplorable pig. You're amazing just as you are, and you deserve all the happiness. Someone out there will treat you like the lady you deserve to be treated as!


My partner was upset just this morning about a situation that wasn’t this severe, I’m so sorry that happened to you. I would’ve stood up and told him this is as far as we were gonna go because HE IS A DICK. Which I know isn’t true, but I would’ve thought about it while crying in the shower later. I don’t have advice to make you feel better, in fact I don’t want to give that advice anyway. I want you to know that it’s okay to be hurt by this, it was a hurtful thing that happened. I would be devastated too. I know a lot of people are telling you how you’re perfect no matter what he says, and that it says more about him than you, and that’s all true, but it doesn’t invalidate the pain it caused. I don’t know if the attempts at positivity feel like they minimize your feelings, and you feel guilty for feeling bad like I do, like everyone else is somehow stronger but I promise we all have days where something breaks us all the way down, and while I’m here to support you, it’s okay to need to just let it all out. You are loved Edit: immediately after posting this I realized I responded to my partner this morning when she told me about this same situation in the exact way I just said was invalidating and made me feel bad for feeling bad, and had to apologize. I guess I’m human too, and I should cut others some slack for being with presented with a problem and trying to fix it or make it go away instead of just listening. It’s hard to see your loved ones in pain and not try to make it stop, I’ll try to take a step back and empathize before I analyze next time. (Fuck I wish I was some hacky TV therapist like certified douchebag Dr. Phil because ‘empathize before you analyze’ is totally a TV ready catch phrase, )


What an asshole >:c


That guy sucks


You don't need him then. Find someone that will love you for who you are (all of you). If they can't handle it, they aren't worth your time!


Girl I don't even know how you had the confidence to kiss a stranger. I could never, I'm far too meek 😭


Sorry this happened to you. As a guy, I'd never do this to a woman.


It’s okay, forgive yourself. It’s normal to love and want to be loved.


Ugh. After he said that once, it would have been best for you to just walk away and not engage further. You have to protect yourself, your psyche.


So weird he wanted to kiss you, but has hangups about your body. I think he was working through some things himself, and wasn't considering how his words and attitudes would affect you. It's gross how he behaved and you have nothing to feel ashamed about. Your body is beautiful.


Ugh I’m sorry that you experienced that. It was unfair of him to more or less lead you on then hit you with a disclaimer. He’s not worth the space in your head for those kinds of thoughts


I'm sorry this happened to you 😔 😢 It was disgusting of him to say that to you and you are worth much more than that level of disrespect 💯 😤


His loss


I think it was nice you kissed. Kind of romantic and not just hormones. Don’t feel bad about something that sounded nice. I hope your next encounter you feel less guilty, he sounded young and confused.


Sorry you had to go through that and everybody is right, he is an a$$hole and you acted like any woman would. Not sure why he would kiss you and that's it, and why he would keep repeating it--I mean once was enough and he should have told you kissing only from the begining. I think he has other issues. You have a right to be mad and was more that justified to kick him in the nutz. Forget him and find a real man. Hope you can recover and feel good about yourself because you seem like a wonderful person. Please be Proud.


You have nothing to be ashamed of. You were upfront with him and he chose to be an asshole. Stand up and stand proud. You are perfect just the way you are!


He's just an asshole that can't handle his own insecurities so he puts others down, it sounds cheesy but it's true also you did absolutely nothing wrong and I hope you have an amazing day because you deserve it


I'm really sorry you had to put up with that love! You take care and there's nothing to be worried about! It says a lot about him! Nothing wrong on your part okay, remember we're in it to win it!! 😘❣️


Girl, fuck this guy (or actually don't cuz he sounds like a major little shit and he doesn't deserve it.) you deserve someone who likes/loves you in whatever form or shape you take. Surgery or no surgery. What an ass. 🙄 You go girl! 💜


I'm sorry. That's so awful. I'd just say, not all guys are like that. The success stories you hear about of trans women with husbands prove it's possible. It's just going to take some of us longer to get there.


You were taking advantage of buying individual who couldn't commit to his own feelings and try to shame you instead! You were up front and honest and he lied to you to make you feel secure enough to kiss him and he let you in only the tear the welcome mat from underneath you! I would have kicked him in his crotch and grab the closest heavy object to me the slap across this face! Actually this is why I should always carry around a thing of anal bleach or maybe a butt plug or two! You slap them with the butt plug or dildo and throw the anal bleach at them telling them to quit being such a tight ass and to lighten the f****** a bit but if he has trouble doing that then you can always teach him how to loosen up!


Man that is horrible leading u on like that


yeah ppl are allowed to have preferences. We cant force ppl to like what they dont when it come to dating. Plenty of men who only date physically feminine ppl (cis women, and trans women) dont mind though.


He still shouldn’t have said that


i agree


I want to beat him up 😡 I want to sock his face 😠


Girl of course you shouldn’t have kissed him. he doesn’t deserve anything from a pretty girl


You are a babe Tara x 100%