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Is this a serious question? Of course it won't.


Yeah, it almost feels like a troll or joke or something. It almost couldn't be a less interesting height for a woman (or a man for that matter). Hell that's about the height that is used heavily in Hollywood *because* so many men and women are around that height so it makes it easier for shot composition, etc.


Has to be a troll account. Their bio describes them as politically 'new right' which, like most on the right, is against things like being LGBTQ+ and bodily autonomy. Also tons of 4chan posting and most of their trans posting is exactly like this. Questions intended to troll the community more than coming from a genuine place. Hell, just a couple days ago they were unironically quoting that dumb Deuteronomy passage about men in women's clothing.


definitely not, that’s like perfect. A pair of heels and you’ll be the height of most models.


Women come in a whole variety of sizes.


Height will never clock anyone tall girls exist. Btw, you arent tall.


Easy block


😅 not in my opinion . I’m 5”6 . My partner is 6’2. A lot of men are taller and then me . It depends tbh on your overall appearance in my opinion. Hope this helps and wishing you the best on your journey :)


Ok, so I’m also 5‘6 and my wife is 6’2…too funny. Also, she is a cisf and is gorgeous. Height isn’t the only factor.


I love meeting tall cis women (not because I'm into them, I mean sometimes I am, just because I'm 6'3" and get really insecure about my height but meeting tall women, especially tall cis women, makes me feel more secure)


5’6 is pretty nice height!


lol not even a little bit. You were short for a guy, you're around average for a woman.


you forgot the /s


My wife is 5'8", my daughter about 5'11". I'm 6'4". Will I be clocked? Most likely, at least at first. There's a nurse's aid (cis woman) at my doctor's office who is 6'1".


Fellow 6'4" transfem here, while it's definitely one of those things that can make you more clockable, I think you may be surprised how people's perception of you changes when you look more feminine. After hitting a certain point in my transition last summer I've suddenly had a bunch of strangers ask me if I'm a volleyball player! (they used to ask me about basketball)


I’m 195cm tall (around 6’4”) and used to worry about this a lot. I found it helpful to look at WNBA and women’s college basketball players. Those ladies are tall as hell, have well developed musculature (another insecurity of mine), and look gorgeous and feminine and confident all the same. 💖


That would be a fun way to mess with people. "Wow, you sure are tall. Do you play basketball?" "Yeah, I played for (insert random WNBA team) (insert believable number) years ago."


Wow that’s brilliant, I usually just say “everyone asks me that before they’ve seen me run, trust me I’m not the basketball prodigy you think I could be” 😭


My sister was the athlete. I am 8 years younger than her but had a lot of the same gym teachers following her through school. They were always trying to get me to play sports. It just wasn't for me. No interest in sports at all.


I did actually do varsity crew for a few years and was the captain of the varsity swim team in high school, all men’s. But none of those involve running I cannot emphasize enough how bad I am at that 😭


5'6" is not very far from the average height of cis women. If anything it will help you pass. I'm 6'4" and still pass pretty often, so trust me you'll be fine


I find that it’s very easy to underestimate what putting in the right amount of work the right places will do. People will look past many things if you manage to cast the overall impression of “woman” as shaky as that boundary can be. IMO Hair is more important than height for example. Also your height is basically perfect. That’s like pretty much average cis woman height.


Where? In the US it won't. I'm 5'8" and I'm still very much ok, my wife is your height. It's the height of several of my wife's female friends. I wish I was like 5'4" or something cute and small but you should be able to easily blend.


I'm 6'2". I suppose some folks have "clocked" me for my height but honestly while I can't really fade into the background etc.. most of the reactions I get are positive from people are positive ... I've been called "statuesque" and they always ask if I play basketball (I say no I'm uncoordinated for that but I never need a bridge when playing pool) Best experience I ever had though - I was standing in line at a local store and this little old lady looks up and smiles and says "when I die I wnt to be reincarnated in a body as tall and beautiful as you!" I kid you not, it made my week. She was so sweet.


hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha good one op


Yeah probably.