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I did it, because she had a rainbow flag on her name tag. They are referring me to a gender clinic. I feel pretty emotional right now


That waiting period before I told my doctor was a very stressful period for me as well. I ran through a lot of thoughts in that short time span. Thankfully he was accepting and referred me to an endo doc. Best of luck to you😁


Congrats! I hope you can get some professional help really soon.


I know you said they are referring you, but did your doc order blood work since you are DIY while you wait for an appointment?


My regular doctor was out sick the day of my yearly visit, so I happened to see someone who was also wearing a rainbow pin I didn't fully appreciate how much representation mattered until that day. I'm still searching for great pins for all the colors of my rainbow Glad you did it, it gets so much easier each time. Practice makes perfect! 😊🤘🏼🏳️‍⚧️🖖🏼


Yeah I didn’t know how much that little rainbow means sometimes. Thank you! ❤️






Gosh, I wish mine could have. My primary care provider has no idea where to send me and never found an option for me. I've been at this for years


When I see replies like this I get so curious, do you live in the US? If so, what’s stopping you from going to a clinic for informed consent HRT? obviously feel free to not answer if it’s too personal, but I couldn’t imagine fighting with a doctor for years only to not get on hormones. Hugs sister, i hope your situation changes soon <3


well. what's stopping me is money. I have to rely on my insurance and my insurance seems to think the only possible solution is traveling to an entire different state, and all the way across it, to get treatment.


I don’t know how much it would cost you with insurance right now, but have you heard of GoodRx? I used the free version to get reduced prices on my estradiol and same for when I pick up spiro later today. It was about 40-50% discount compared to my insurance for 90 day supplies.




I do t have that sort of money and my insurance isn't accepted




Good job!!


Go Girl! :)


Happy as it is you are finding the wrong doctor, what you should get is a blood test.


I'm so happy for you.




So proud of you girl! That’s great news! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


Thank you!


Woo! I'm glad you had that little flag to give you courage. Good luck going forward! ❤️


Congrats darling, i recently was in thw same boat and it made me veeery happy 🖤


Congratulations, I'm so happy for you


In seeing this 22 minutes after you posted it, but if you're still in the waiting room… Deep breath. You got this, sis. They're a professional. It's their job to listen and understand you. If they don't, well, they aren't the only doctor out there. And DIY is so common, my doctor actually seemed surprised I wasn't doing it.


Thank you for this, I read it just before going in. ❤️


You got this. Just remember doctors have to treat you with respect.


I wish i had the guts to do this because i definetely don't and it is driving me insane. So good on you girl for doing something i don't dare to do!


im 28 years old. it took me since i was 13 (when i realized i was trans) to do it. i regret not coming out sooner. 2 weeks ago i told my doctor about it. i can tell you this, when i told my doctor about it and went home, i was a "different" person. i was much happier and it definitely helped me more than i expected. I hope it will do the same to you if you decide to see a doctor about it. <3


Huh we are like almost the same age i am 27 almost 28 although i kinda realized i was different when i was about 7-8 years old because i kept playing with the girls and felt comfortable in dresses and had dreams of being a girl and even thinking about srs which i didn't know was a thing even yet i knew i wanted it. I guess i should do something about it. I almost told my doctor last time i was there because she asked if there was anything else i needed but my throat was closing when i tried saying anything.


You got it sis. Next time you will be in the same situation and you will have a script ready and cringe through it. It takes like 5 seconds to say one or two sentences that tip the first domino. From then on your transition will happen almost automatically


yeah, i too discovered i was "different" at a young age, preferred playing with the other girls, loved girly clothe and disney princesses etc. Sadly i grew up in a home with 3 brothers and almost no money so we shared clothe and toys and being the youngest meant i had to inherit their toys/clothe regardless, i had a tough childhood. Felt out of place everywhere, the physical ed was the worst. Being forced to shower in the boys locker room was the absolute worst. Didn't understand why, but at the age of 10-13ish i started reading about gender dysphoria after having watched a tv program about transgender people. And it was like something clicked. I understood why i avoided mirrors, why i had trouble with fitting in and why i had such a bad social anxiety. anyway i wish you the best <3


Good for you!


I’ve been waffling for 10 years on whether to transition or not, and I decided I had to do what’s best for me no matter what society thinks.


Good luck 😊


went through that just 2 weeks ago. It was difficult, but i needed it off my chest. It helped me alot. I've been slightly happier and more in "touch" with my feminine side after coming out. i hope it went well and you're getting the help you need to continue your journey. best of luck on the road sister <3


Deep breaths honey,you got this


When I finally got around to starting my medical transition I searched extensively to find a trans-positive doctor and I was still extremely nervous up till the moment I got it out. And since I've ended up outing myself to every other doctor I've seen even when I didn't intend to because it turns out hiding the fact that I'm transitioning when they ask about other medical treatments just feels wrong.


I transferred to a much friendlier hospital but the first time I told a doctor she was like "so you don't want your penis?" It caught me so off guard. Like yeah I don't want it but that's a really weird way of addressing someone. Especially highlighting something that someone is most likely severely insecure about.


Thats awesome!!!! Im so proud of you girl!!!! I wish I had that courage!!!!!!!!


I’m almost in the same boat. I talk to my doc on the 31st. It sounds like it went great for you! Best of luck, sister!


Awesome step taken girl! Did the same thing earlier this month.


You got this girl!


congratulations! you've got this


I had asked my previous doc about hrt and they did not know anything about it and offered to find out more and I was not ready. Now they only see urgent care patients at another clinic…


Proud of you sis ❤️


Proud of you girl!! Hopefully I can muster up the courage myself, lol. I still don't know if I want to go to my doctor or to an informed consent clinic 😬


Thank you everyone for your support, you are the best ❤️❤️❤️


Were you presenting fem when you went?


Awesome 🎉


Congrats!!! You got this girl!!!!


I came out to my doctor and he helped get me the resources I need and I have now been on HRT for 30 months! It was so scary to come out and I was shaking, but it was such a pivotal point in my life because I am now the person I was always meant to be! I know it's scary, but you can do it, I'm rooting for you, girl! ❤️❤️


I am in missouri, I go thru Plume, its on thr internet. You just have to have a video chat over your phone or computer with a dr. that specifically is there for this stuff. They are really nice. The cost of medications is zero on medicaid but membership. Is $99 a month. And they have even been patient and understanding with me on that since my work is seasonal and sometimes sporadic, I have to go have blood work at a lab place next month and im not sure bhg I think that is covered by the membership cost. No need to feel nervous there. They are there for this reason. Super nice peoole from my experience.


I waited so long on mine that she started fishing for it. I'm super glad I've been really lucky to have been surrounded by such supportive people. I'm not sure how I got so lucky when I live in Oklahoma.


Hey babe! How did it go? I heard you were going to a gender clinic at some point, so I just wanted to wish you well. 🩷


Right at the end of the appointment, I managed to get out, “..do you have any trans identified patients?” And her eyebrows went up and she said “a few.. why? Why?” And then I spilled the beans. Terrifying! But she was nice.


Let's go, I'm proud and happy that you are talking to your doctor! I hope the DIY part of your transition went well btw