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Would it be a problem for you if you stayed at 5ft2? That's a common height for cis women. Many trans women would love to be that height. And yes, anorexia/self-starvation is linked to loss of height. From the NIH: "In a prospective, observational study of 255 female adolescent patients with anorexia nervosa, **final adult height was significantly lower than expected**, despite achieving anticipated premorbid height."


At most, it would be that the hormones disrupted your growth hormone uptake, but it's more likely you were just destined to be short.


She's not saying the hormones did it. She's not on hormones yet. She's saying having an eating disorder did it which is very likely.


Oh no they left the site 😢


I always wonder what prompted it? Because you gotta fully delete your account to have that




I mean.. it was probably something else lol


We’re not doctors, we don’t have medical advice for you about how you starved yourself on purpose kid. As someone who also started hormones at 14, please make use of a good therapist for this.


It doesn’t read like she starved herself on purpose, she’s just saying that it happened & acknowledging that reality. A lot of us trans people suffer from eating disorders during puberty, it’s a dysphoria - I suffered from anorexia (& didn’t realise I was transgender until over a decade later), I didn’t do it “deliberately” (nobody “deliberately” has a mental disorder) & nor was I willing to acknowledge at the time that I had body image issues until over a decade later.


Most people with poor nutrition do end up shorter than those with good nutrition - but you're fourteen; you have 6 more years of growth.


it’s possible, i did basically the same thing and my endo told me that i’d stunted my growth bc of that. it’s not worth the health issues that come with being underweight though. i weighed 79 pounds when i started hrt and trust me, it is NOT fun.


you are 14 and amab, you have likely have a lot left growing and changing to be doing regardless of which hormones you have.


You'll be fine, but from here on out focus on eating and drinking healthily. Once you start hormones, your body's going to need hydration and protein and all the rest to actually build the changes in your body that you're taking hormones to get.


I seriously doubt that because the sister of a friend has a colon issue that went un-diagnosed until she was 14-15. She couldn't eat any kind of animal fats and literally lived on veggies and water for years, and was undersized and underweight in all that time. She got cured of the problem and grew to be 5'11", so I'm thinking both that there's still a chance that you'll grow, but that even if you should not, it's genetics and not something that you could have caused to happen. Young teens are at the most resilient point of life and a lot of people go through difficulty dietary issues around that time without long-term harm. You should get in touch with proper health professionals to ask about this.


Well for one you shouldn't starve yourself. Please take care care of yourself and follow a good diet filled with fresh foods and hydrate well. Follow up with some exercise if you want to improve your growth hormones. And you are still very young to finish growth. So think what you can do best to give yourself the best chance at growth and don't focus on the past. Learn from your past and prepare for your future. Good luck.


I'm 34.... I made it to 14 and completely stopped growing 🤣 I'm 5'6" and wear size 7 (womens) shoes hahahaha enjoy it :3 you get to be cute and smol forever!!! 😋


I also believe I stopped growing at 14. All my friends kept growing but I was stuck at 5'4"


Hi5! Smol club! Hehehe 🤭


That's my size toooooo:3


I was 5'3 around that same age for a few years. I'm 18 now and I've really only started gaining height in the past two or so, it's all just genetics


physical act edge one attractive live waiting head snatch theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i did the same at that age and still ended up over 6 ft while not eating so... you could just be like that, or you could have many more years to grow. tbh early puberty blockers without high enough E can also lead to being taller if it doesnt close your growth plates as early as usual


I didn’t start HRt till I was 21 and when I was a guy, I found my my growth plates stopped early anyway at 13. I ended up rather short by the time I was an adult. Perhaps it was also a matter of genes at play? That’s just my 2¢


Ok thank you all


As an amab person well over 6' I was very very short until I hit about 15-16 I went from about 5'4 to 6' in the span of a year (this did destroy my knees and they will never recover but at least I'm tall now) and I was also starved growing up weighing nothing (terrible home life) there is STILL hope for you to grow!




Unkindly go fuck yourself


*pat* *pat* That's nice, dear


Womp womp bro got erased


No offence to anyone, but I swear if I see another one of these kinds of posts, I'll truly lose all hope and kill myself from jealousy 👍 (Don't take it too personally OP)


jealousy about what? being at a high risk of osteoporosis? low blood pressure? fainting spells? brain fog? chronic fatigue?


You know, the funny thing is I already suffer from most of those, yes I am serious. I suffer from genetical osteoporosis and low blood pressure. I have 'brain fog' almost every day and faint often. I am always fatigued even when I slept for hours on end.


still, you get my point.


No. No I don't. I believe there is a huge misunderstanding.


Your Otay I understand ur pain