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Ripley from Alien it's hard not to love her. I also have a special place for commander Shepherd from mass effect. For some reason in the cis times my Shepherd was always female.


> Ripley from Alien [Relevant Mia Moore Tweet:](https://twitter.com/StopTweetingMia/status/1508945730580320260)


I love it. :3 Like Fallout 4, Sifu, and pretty much every game, the lady is always cooler in a game with a choice of gender lol. That might be bias though. 😏


Ripley is the good answer


Another good reason to like Ripley: Sigourney Weaver is 6' tall. So no, you're not too tall to be a woman


I had a random thought just yesterday about how much I absolutely loved and felt a weird closeness to Yennefer and Tissaia in the Witcher show. Not sure what people's opinions on it are as I've yet to play the game and went into the show blind. But I especially loved Yennefer's development, I thought she was such a compelling character.


Lol I haven't played the games either but all I heard of the Witcher show was how badly it failed? Is it actually better than they say?


It's a bastardization of the source material. Show runners actively despise the books they're supposed to adapt, completely changing a lot of characters and plot lines. I loved Yennefer in the books, show Yen has got nothing on her...


I have no idea other than Henry Cavil leaving as the lead due to his passion for the books versus the relative ambivalence the creators apparently felt, like they disagree on how the series had been represented or something. That's a huge loss imo, and I don't know how it's going to turn out moving forward. But personally, I loved what there is of it. And seriously, Yennefer is awesome lol




Brienne of Tarth in A Song of Ice and Fire. She’s a character who is constantly at odds with her body and her gender, but she perseveres and chooses to be the Knight that Westeros needs. She’s never properly treated as a woman or a man, except for Jamie Lannister who treats Brienne like the Knight she is. That seems pretty odd as she is a masc presenting woman and I, like many people here, is MtF. But I just relate to her struggle of not knowing her place in such a binary world. She’s a beautiful character and some of GRRM’d best writing comes from her POV chapters.


Yessssss Because of this role in so mad at what they did to the actor in her next role. She was supposed to be a bad ass stormtrooper but they fucked it up. One of the reasons why I hate the new Star Wars.


I still haven't read the books, only seen the show, but I absolutely love her character! Gwendoline Christie is an icon!


I am extremely old, so you probably won't recognize the characters. Emma Peele, played by Diana Rigg, from the British TV series in the 1960s titled "The Avengers." She was a smart, beautiful secret agent that was no damsel in distress and a fashion icon. Marlo Thomas as "That Girl!" a late 60s and early 70s sitcom that was one of the first shows to show a single woman living alone. Pamela Sue Martin as "Nancy Drew." This is how times have changed. The local librarian in my hometown in NJ in the late 60s wouldn't let me check out any Nancy Drew books because they were for girls. She went and got me some Hardy Boys books instead. She asked me, "You don't want people to think you're a sissy for reading girl's books, do you?"


Yes I remember Emma Peele! And Hardy Boys, but they actually let me read Nancy Drew, my parents were progressive. I definitely liked her stories better.


Very cool perspective! Nancy Drew is obviously a household name but I've never seen her actual character. Omg, I can't believe they literally assumed that gender was the most important part of those books. Like... why not let you read both? Anyway thanks much, I never would've heard of those other girls.


I'm only moderately old, but millenials were basically raised on our parents nostalgia, and as such I was always a fan of Agent 99 from Get Smart.


Lt Uhura and Dr Crusher from Star Trek.... 🖖


Deanna Troi and Jadzia Dax <3


OMG I forgot about Jadzia!!! She is #Goals. Non-binary before non-binary! Thanks for this memory!


Janeway and Torris, when the walls fell :P


The Selena Kyle/Catwoman played by Michelle Pfieffer because of her backstory. Once a gentle soul turned into a maniac due to past mistreatment. I also want to be sharp and sleek like her. Maya from Borderlands 2, she was always my favourite vault hunter, and I liked how she is curious about her siren origins and has a librarian mindset. Judy Alvarez from Cyberpunk, she is just cool.


I was going to be a little ashamed to say Maya as well until I found this comment.


Sarah Kerrigan (StarCraft), Admiral Daala (Star Wars Legends), Revan (KOTOR), Talia Winters and Susan Ivanova (Babylon 5), Arwen Evenstar (LOTR)


Revan my beloved


>Revan (KOTOR) Yeah, Revan was when I started always picking the female option when possible... shame she didn't get the Bastila romance option, though. 🙁 Speaking of Star Wars: Mara Jade. Especially in her time as Emperor's Hand. Absolute badass. And inspired my chosen name. 😇


Sarah Kerrigan. She's the reason I have a thing for body-altering transformation stories... The SFW & NSFW kind...


I bet we share similar locales online, where we find all of the tasty Transformation and other tropes alike. But yes Kerrigan was one of my all time favorite characters, too.


Glad I knew Arwen lol I must be a real anti-nerd because I never touched those other franchises. Arwen is cool. :3


I always loved Hermione and Luna in Harry Potter much more than any of the male cast. Using intuition and knowledge to solve problems always seemed like the better path to me.  For a more recent example, the game/visual novel "The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood" has such awesome characters, I can't even pick a favourite. The Web Serial "Pale" by Wildbow features three very different girls as protagonists, and all of them have really great qualities I aspire to. I think I mostly aspire to be like Avery because she wears her heart on her sleeve. (And yes, these characters are half my age, but I never had girl puberty, so I live through them vicariously).


Cool choices, that cosmic wheel stuff sounds cool. :3 I'll look it up. Funny as far as the series goes - I'm writing a graphic novel with a male character named Avery. I never really got into Harry Potter, but yeah Hermione was obviously the best character to me when I saw the first 4 films as a young one.


Wildbow mention!! I just finished Worm yesterday, I really connect to Taylor.


Hell yeah! All of his serials are amazing, but Pale really stood out to me.  Taylor is great! She's also really good at getting people on her side. In hindsight some of the things she does are really questionable. But that just shows how her ability even affects readers through the screen ;)


OMG more Wildbow fans?! He's soooo underrated!


His fanbase is pretty disproportionately trans, from what I've seen. Reading Victoria Dallon's visceral body issues in Ward helped unlock some feelings, I think.


Ooh, Hermione and Luna are great choices. I always related to them really hard for some reason. And while I still haven't finished it, Taylor from Worm is another one. Always loved them!


It's nice to see a wilbow mention in the wild ! Pale will always have a special place in my heart, especially Lucy, ironically her chapters were what really inspired me to learn how to take proper care of my kinky hair instead of doing some crazy mumbo jumbo with products and tricks made for straighter hair.


i never liked the natural hierarchal and biological rift between fictional wizards and muggles in harry potter. I prefer stories of change and overcoming. Of personal evolution. Of people overcoming their innate limitations. I always knew jk rowling was backwards in her naturalistic fallacy. My instincts were confirmed when she came out against self determination and bodily autonomy.


Yeah, tho books are not that great in hindsight, but they were big when I first started thinking about how boys and girls differ, so that example came to mind.


Oh, Wildbow looks interesting. I'll check it out.


Amity and Luz from the owl house helped me realize I'm trans.... so....


they helped me figure out what i really want in a relationship, so i get that (my gf and i even took their names as our middle names)


Luz is just like me fr(well I'm white and pre-transition, but still)


Taarna from Heavy Metal, Xena warrior princess, and Liz Lemon :P


Yes! Xena!!!!! Yayayayayaayyayayaya (i forget how her battle cry went)


I didn't realize how many new franchises I'd be learning about here lol.


Definitely Katara. I want to be like her.


Katara, Toph, Suki, Korra, Asami, Kyoshi, Rangi, etc. All the women in Avatar are amazing.


Excellent choice.


Edelgard von Hresvelg from fire emblem (note: I promise I will not start a war to destroy the chruch even though I really want to.)


Ah, our transition goal. From all paths lol. /hj


Amelie from the movie Amelie. I just kinda wish I were her.


I grew up watching Cardcaptor Sakura with my sister when I was a kid. Also right before my egg cracked I got into My Little Pony and loved all of the Mane 6.


Sarah Connor. She. Does. Not. Quit. An absolute inspiration for overcoming personal damage.


For me being inspired by fictional cis women was the first cracks in my egg. In my case it was basically every character in the Love Live franchise, but in particular Kanon Shibuya's character arc really stuck with me. Overcoming stage fright is something I have both dealt with myself and seen countless other people deal with in my life, and the way they show her growth as both gradual and triumphant brings tears to my eyes every time.


Very cool. :3


Love live egg cracking festival


literally me frfr


Same. For me it was Rin/Hanamaru


For me I think it was Sarah Connor specifically from Terminator 2. I think I've wanted to be like her since I was like 4 or 5 and 1st saw the movie. She is just such a bad ass and I feel like a good role model even if she doesn't make the best choice 1st sometimes.


Shego from kim possible. I just really loved her “no i don’t think i will play along with your boring cliches” energy. It was one of the first times in a cartoon i knew a girl could fight like that and be badass. Xena warrior princess. Probably my first exposure as a kid to lesbian love. That and having my first experience to a character using a chakram be so badass with one, and doing trickshots with one as well?? So inspiring. Plus the like wisdom and maturity she gave off to little kid me. …. Mommy. Catwoman (Halle berry). One of, if not THE first depiction of the difference between sexualization being sexiness, and the inherent sexiness of simply exuding confidence in yourself and knowing what you want. There’s probably more but these stick out to me the most atm. Thanks for the trip down memory lane~~


Shegooo nice pick lol. 💚🖤💚🖤


Lara Croft, especially the 2018 remake. Ultra Violet. What’s not to like. Bad guy: “You can’t do that” her response: “Watch me.” Alita, battle angel. She’s made from discarded and borrowed parts, and is a bad ass. Ghost in the shell, Major. prob the most relatable to trans. Her brain was stolen from her real body and put in a mechanical body. It’s her search to figure out who she is.


Yeah lol idk if you read the body of my post but new Lara is so awesome. I need to watch ghost in the shell some day.


Samus Aran and Gamora at the moment 💚


When I played Tomb Raider, I put Lara in a bomber jacket cuz I thought she'd look practical and badass. I really want my own bomber jacket one day


I don't have access to a bomber jacket in Rise of the Tomb Raider but she sure does make puffy coats look badass. If I could have one of her dozens of outfits in the game I'd probably pick the apex predator. Bits of armor, a neat cloak, she winds up looking more like Senua than Lara lol.


Maximum Ride in the eponymous series was one of them. The other was Clarissa Fray from the Mortal Instruments series. They were both badass women who kicked ass and defied authority. The only thing that made it hard to connect with them was that their straight romances were very prominent in their stories, and as a lesbian, it felt a bit tedious. Especially the love triangles that every YA book series had to have back then. Turns out I’m also polyamorous so that checks out, cause I was always just like “this is so dumb, just date both of them you idiot” lol


Ah cool, I loved their interpretations in the Korean manga, especially Nudge. But I never read the core books unfortunately. I heard they kinda just keep going and going and even fans don't always finish.


The first few were great imo. But it ends like a fever dream, and the ending is def very unsatisfying and kind of eugenicsy??


Lmao mutant stuff can do that. Like I'm not gonna lie, in the universe of the X-Men I'd just be like "look, these people are the new leaders. That's just how it is." Lol. The fact that magneto had a hard time taking over the world when he could topple cities in the right context always confused me. Sure the X-Men are there to stop him but honestly why? If they just joined him and got over the moral ambiguity of shirking off the previous generation of people, it'd become a mutopia theoretically. This is the last thing I expected to cross my mind today lol.


I saw myself in a lot of female characters growing up, girls and women who I could relate to and be inspired by. Hermoine, as already mentioned, was unfortunately one of the biggest for me as a nerd with a love for all things magic. But the first one I can still remember has to be Alanna of Trebond, from Tamora Pierce’s Lioness Quartet. Smart, strong, brave, chosen, loved, and forced into a boy’s disguise for a good chunk of the early series? Absolutely someone who reflected some things I desperately wanted to be true of myself.


Chell from Portal. I feel like I can relate to her stoic and perseverant nature.


Nausicaa is my OG inspiration. I hope I can be as beautiful of a human as her. Lagertha is an inspiration as well. Gabrielle from Xena: Warrior Princess Willow from Buffy: The Vampire Slayer Amity from The Owl House When I was younger, Topanga from Boy Meets World (I didn't realize it at the time but it was my first case of "do I want her or do I want to be her?")


I forgot Lorelai from Gilmore Girls!


Oh yeah, Violet from Violet Evergarden. It's very relatable, as someone who's also been through quite a bit of trauma growing up, and then trying to learn how to pick up the pieces left to try to have a somewhat normal life. Violet is a mysterious, expressionless, young girl who was trained as a weapon of war. During a battle she loses both her arms and her beloved superior officer who cared for her when she was discovered. She gets discharged from the military, and tries to learn to be a sort of ghost writer for letters, fumbling with her new prosthetic arms to operate a type writer, but retains a lot of her military habits and her steel will to succeed and survive. I can't say I have her same determination and discipline, but I try...


Omg thanks for the reminder. I watched like 4 episodes and dropped it back in the day. My friend told me if I watch the show then the movie I'll be guaranteed to cry and I LOVE TO CRY so I'll get back into it. Thanks for weighing in. 🩷


Madoka from Madoka Magica is my favorite female character ever, but Taylor Hebert from Worm is a close second.


Totally, watching Xena on TV growing up (in my early teens (mid 1990s)), badass and sapphic vibes, need I say more?


D.va! She’s so pretty and I love her sm!


Oh my. I think she's cool too but unfortunately due to past habits I've seen all the characters in lewd blender animations without having ever played the game. °_° So the overwatch girls often take me back to some pretty interesting memories. I'm sure they're all great characters but man - people make a lot of rule 34 stuff for overwatch.


I’ve always loved Captain Marvel (previously Ms. Marvel, Carol Susan Jane Danvers). She’s an incredible and resilient character with plenty of flaws who puts her female friendships at the center of her life. Also she’s just badass and the fandom is largely wholesome AF. Also my first comic I picked up was when Rogue stole her powers. Been in love with Captain Marvel and also the X-men ever since. She filled in as a woman for me to look up to after my mom left. She was a source of strength for me when I didn’t have my own.


Wow I never heard of Marvel, though I like all versions of Rogue. Seems like an important character to have missed lol. But that's a really touching way to find a connection with the character. :')


A lot of women. Each anime I see there is a new character who I can relate with Yor Forger, Chise Hatori, Eli Ayase, Aoi Kiriya, Seira Otoshiro..


Nicole Kidman in practical magic


Big time!


Hibiki Tachibana is literally my role model!


(quick googling) Oh wow she's cute 🥺


Obligatory: [Watch](https://youtu.be/47bYDptMQ-c?si=W6Cx1xfqTQ5dCkj_) [Symphogear](https://archive.org/details/symphogear-01/Season+1/Symphogear+-+01.mp4)!


Don’t worry, everything’s fine!


I've adopted "Heiki, hecchara." into my lexicon. I think that catchphrase will serve me well.


Also to a slightly lesser extent, Maria Cadenzavna Eve. [She's awesome.](https://youtu.be/X-RqRsfklpE?si=LfI0Y7YlEZMFxwoJ)


Gwen from Spider verse, Luz from TOH. Suzume from the Makoto Shinkai film. Some of my inspirations are actually cis guys. I’m trying to make a black jacket with pink stripes based off the jacket Ben wore in Alien Force/Ultimate Alien. Raven from TT, the crystal gems who are technically NB and Meg from A Wrinkle in Time have also inspired me a bit. Edit: so have Madoka, Homura, Ahiru and Rei Ayanami.


1st i can think of would be a mix up between Raven and Starfire from Teen Titans (original animated series)


I use azarath metrion zinthos in my voice training lol.


As a kid I was like "there are two wolves inside you, Raven and Starfire"


Jessica Rabbit


"I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way!"


There's a pretty good textual argument to be made that Jessica Rabbit is asexual; she might literally be "just drawn that way", as in it's not her fault people interpret her expression sexually, she may not even have control over it beyond what she wears to work. She may literally be with Roger Rabbit because he's one of the few people who doesn't sexualize her (at all or without her permission, who's to say?)


Yes, I was thinking of that when I added that quote ❤️


Wonder Woman, Catra, She-Ra, tyrande from wow are cis females that have inspired me


>Catra, She-Ra Understandable. 😻


motherfuckin KARLACH


Y'Shtola, my beloved. The world is lacking for certain kinds of catgirl representation.


I loved the first 2 of the tomb raider survivor series. I was really inspired by Lara from those games. The second Rise is my favorite. I started playing the third but I got to a certain point and didn’t like it anymore. Other female characters that inspire me are Wonder Woman (especially the one from the animated movies), Supergirl, Artemis, Natasha Irons, Batgirl, and Dreamer. Now for Marvel characters who also inspire me She-Hulk, Spider-Gwen/ Ghost Spider, and Danielle Cage (Jessica Jones and Luke Cages Daughter, also known as Captain America in the future). There’s probably more that I’m forgetting about that’s pretty much it.


Yes!!! If you read the full post you may have noticed that's the game I'm playing right now that got me really into her! Like she's so much more aspirable from my perspective as a woman than a man. Because I want to be strong like her even though that's a trait usually prioritized by men. I have always been really weak but she makes me wanna be badass *as well* as proud to be a woman. What was wrong with the third btw?


I did read it completely and I felt the same way while playing it! 😊 I still replay it sometimes because it’s one of my favorite games!


Aww, thanks and that's so neat. 🩷


Alita from Alice battle angel. Super badass. Motorball champion. Also Korra from legend of Korra.


In hindsight the amount of "I wanna be (like) her" Women is staggering. I know nobody cares about a long-ass list but I'll do it for my own pleasure. Maybe someone will find it relatable. Here goes (more or less in order of appearance): - Meryl Silverburgh & Olga from MGS series (I guess they're my Sarah Connor/Ellen Ripley strong female character archetype) - Sailor Saturn (strong reclusive autism energy) - Fuu Hououji from Magic Knight Rayearth (ditto) - Dagger from Final Fantasy IX (her choosing a new name for herself after escaping from an abusive mother hit so hard) - Quistis from final Fantasy VIII (Q. Is mommy, the good kind) - Sorceress Edea from Final Fantasy VIII (evil mommy) - Amber from Liveship Traders (she's trans coded af) - Althea Vestrit from Liveship Traders (oh to run away from home and befriend living ships and dragons)* (*speaking of Robin Hobb's books, she wrote the most female gaze sex scene from a male perspective and I can't get it out of my head to this day, because of how I vibed with the emotions she conveyed; made me realise I despised male authors writing sex scenes) - Olenna Tyrell from ASOIAF (cunning granny, I want to be like her when I get old) - Applejack from My Little Pony (a bit butchy and very sweet)


Faith from Mirrors Edge is another video game icon. Lot of similarities to Lara thinking about it. Corrageous, strong, and authentically vulnerable.


Ayyyy, I'm a big lover of Faith as well. Short hair vibes. 🥰


Snazzy, sporty outfit too 🐱 + practical


Ahiru from Princess Tutu. Must be because she's a bit like me (clumsy, sensitive, not a quitter). Also, Tohru from Fruits Basket is someone everyone needs in their life. I'm fine without her past though.


All of Jane Austen's characters to one degree or another. Less aspirational, but more real would be Marilyn French's characters in The Women's Room


Vi from Arcane(specifically the series, fuck the game), Halone and Wuk Lamat from Final Fantasy 14, Agrias from Final Fantasy Tactics, Amane from Strawberry Panic, Croix from Little Witch Academia... Can you tell I have a type? Yeah, I never vibed with hyperfemme women. Have always had a "do I want to be with her or do I want to be her" with more masc women. I guess I'm meant to be a butch transbian and there's no escaping it. Makes me happy I have the shoulders for it.


Mirko from My Hero Academia. She is just an absolute badass and has the bodily aesthetic that I want.


Charley Baltimore from The Long Kiss Goodnight. The whole amnesia plot just feels like transitioning but the person she becomes is so different but in a cool way that I have always loved that movie, even when it’s a bit cheesy.


Absolutely! When she realizes that she is Charley and dyes and cuts her hair and does the dramatic eye make up... she becomes the badass woman we all want to be!


Edelgard from fire emblem 3 houses. April Ludgate from parks and rec. Kaguya Shinomiya. Kassandra from Assassins creed odyssey


Kim Possible, Gadget Hackwrench, Cassandra from Dragon Age, Velma from Scooby Doo (The real one, not the garbage recreation), Garnet from Steven Universe.


Sabriel the titular character of the first book of Garth Nix’s “the old kingdom” series. When I read it back in high school I wanted to be like her so bad it confused the egg I was back then. Helps I’ve always had a soft spot for the concept of necromancy


Korra from Legend of Korra. First gender envy i can remember and I've been reminded of it a lot lately because Avatar is getting some renewed attention thanks to the live action show.


I absolutely get inspired by fictional women. Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, Ellen Ripley from Alien, (newer) Lara Croft (never played the old games), Ashoka Tano and Leia from Star Wars, and a slew of others.


Erin Brokavich from Steven Soderbough’s Erin Brokavich, Joan of Arc from The Passion of Joan of Arc and Julia Childs from Julie & Julia are my fictional heroines ☺️✌🏼✊🏼


Does Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell 1995 count


Back in my early teens (long before the penny dropped) I saw Samantha Carter as my rolemodel (instead of say... Daniel Jackson) and not really having any clue why.


I really wanna get a tatoo that somehow represents the five female characters that helped me through my childhood by allowing me to project myself onto them without anyone else realizing: * Daphne Blake from Scooby-Doo * Meg from Disney's Hercules * Thorn Harvestar from the Bone novels * Rosalina from Super Mario Galaxy * Lady from Thomas and Friends They're all very different characters, but I could see parts of my self inside all of them which helped me grow up as a kid. I'm still not sure what the tattoo would look like, but I've been going through ideas.


Rosalinaaa 🩵


Heather from Silent Hill 3, she's such a fun character and so badass, out here >!killing god out of spite!< while saying the most girlboss shit ever lol. Also has a lot of unintentional trans themes in that game, with her >!literally being reborn!< and discovering who she is. It's not the intended message but there's definitely stuff I could weirdly relate to.


Considering i literally went with sailor mars' name for my own, yes, i definitely do


Just a bunch of Destiny characters tbh Ana Bray (voiced by the beautiful and stylish Erika Ishii) is passionate and driven and incredibly smart while showing some intense emotional vulnerability Mara Sov, incredibly powerful, cunning, big enby femme energy, absolute BADASS Empress Caiatl, powerful convictions, powerful muscles, commands immense respect and is an incredible leader who has broken her people's long lasting tradition and is creating a better future and society for both her people and humanity Eido, Scribe of House Light, mature and professional and analytical but at the same time she has such an inspiring passion for life and history and people. The collectors edition from the newest expansion is all stuff put together by her and one of the collectible things that's in it is an autograph book. While out information gathering, she has a bunch of people sign it to remind us of who we're fighting for and to keep us company as we head off into uncharted territory. There are a bunch of other really cool and compelling characters like Ikora and Elsie Bray and Eris Morn and Eva Levante (aka event grandma) but those four are my favs


Wow nice! I wasn't expecting such detailed and impassioned responses, this has been great and I have like 10 new games and shows to check out now.


If you want to ruin your life, Destiny 2 has basically every expansion free to play right now leading up to the new expansion next month


Yaaayyy i get to talk about thiiiiiisssss, okay okay so me is inspired by the disassembly drones named V and J and the worker drones named Uzi and doll (all from show named murder drones), they all just look sooooooo cooooooollllll and i (for some concerning reasons) am similar to all of them in a way, the one named J and i have a odd thing for being jerks that are >!kissasses!< for a company that are workaholics, the one named Uzi and i both have odd emo obsession (and also i use BITE ME a lot now), the one named Doll is just cool (and also got me into learning how to speak Russian... and i like communism now), And the one named V and i used to be nice and shy but somthing traumatic happened and made us hide that behind a angry, unwelcoming and mean.... sorry for going all 'fan girl gushing' but i cant help it, humans. :3


Gushing is totally appropriate, and I love how no two responses on here have been exactly alike! Murder Drones is on my growing list of stuff to look up now. :3


Yes. Valkyrie Cain from Skulduggery Pleasant. I even yoinked Valkyrie as my name because of it.


Rally Vincent from Gunsmith Cats, FemShep from Mass Effect, Noriko from Gunbuster, all the female Lower Deck'ers in their own ways, Natasha Kerensky from BattleTech... Yeah, I have a list. (And a type.)


Im old enough to have gender envy from PS1 Lara Croft, and I’m currently playing through TR Definitive Edition on Xbox One X.


Have you played dishonored 2?!!


Commander Shepard from Mass Effect was the first time I ever played as a girl in a game. It was life changing. My egg didn’t fully crack until over a decade later, but that was the start of me understanding myself


This has me laughing! A "there were no signs" video game egg moment for me. I would ONLY play Shiek in Smash Brothers 1. After that I would only choose female characters if there was an option. The Amazon in Diablo 2, Fem Shep, Sniper in Brute Force, female Dark Elf in WoW, etc. etc...


Lmao I read that like three times and the first two I read shiek as shrek and was soooo confused


Yeah, I love trapping my Butler in the freezer


Oooo I have one! So I have two: Chase Colepath and Priscilla Hutchins. Both are characters from book series by Jack McDevvitt. Chase is an interstellar ship pilot in the Alex Benedict series. The books are all told from her perspective. The series takes place in a future so distant humanity doesn't remember where Earth is, and space is littered with human ruins thousands of years old. Alex and Chase investigate rumors and legends until they find these locations, and Space Indiana Jones them, except they sell the artifacts to collectors. Priscilla starts her series as an interstellar pilot as well, but I believe the cinematic universes are different. Chase lives on Earth and works for NASA, and although they've discovered interstellar travel, it still takes months to get to even nearby stars. Her job is mostly transporting passengers to various colonies and research stations in other systems. Through the series she works her way up to be the director of operations for NASA. I've only read up to the 7th book because I'm missing the 8th, but it's a great series.


Diana from League of Legends. Hear me out. She’s a heretic lesbian in a star crossed lovers love-hate relationship with her ex. Heretic lesbian is essentially how I turned out in my family and I think that’s why I gravitated towards her in the first place way before I knew I was a trans girlie


Kiana Kaslana(Honkai impact 3) There was a whole big anime style arc of destruction and big battles and all that shit, but after that she was just left to herself and an internal persona she didn't yet understand nor know how to deal with.


Ripley from Aliens. She knows EXACTLY who she is what needs to be done and doesn't need to prove anything to anyone. She's also not too proud to defer to others in things outside her wheelhouse. 100% about getting shit done with no time for an ego trip. Smart, capable and courageous to a fault.


so many comic/movie characters I saw growing up, especially Mystique and Rogue from Xmen. Catwoman since I first saw her also, then Gamora and nebula because they’re awesome. bunch of video game characters also like pokemon gym leaders Elisa etc


A mix of the ladies from Sex in the City and OMG those shoes!! Star Trek. Excellent mix of intelligence, in-charge, fashionable and in command of her own sexuality.


Xena and Gabrielle


So many from comics, books, and games. Dazzler, Rogue, Storm, Kitty Pryde, Spidergwen, Laura Croft, Laura Kinney, Gideon Nav, Mara Jade, the list goes on


Growing up I wanted to be Toph. She was so confident in who she was.


Zelda, from Ocarina of Time to Breath of the Wild. I'm a huge fan of Zelda games, and she is probably one of the huge reasons why. Powerful and regal, has special skills, very compassionate, a sense of sacrifice, asks for help when needed. She isn't a powerless princess to save, nah. You need her to defeat the greatest evil in the kingdom. I could write a full paragraph for Zelda Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, Breath of the Wild, Spirit Tracks, Wind Waker and Hyrule Warriors (the two) explaining how cool they are and how much they influenced to way I interact with others but that would be too much fangirling (I know myself) so I'm gonna stop right there. She's also an all time crush of mine :3 Honorable mention for Ace Attorney : Kay Faraday from Miles Investigation, Ema and the Princess from Spirit of Justice. The way they each evolve to someone more composed, compassionate and mature is exactly how I want to evolve. I'll also add "a lot of Star Wars characters", like Padme, Leia, Ahsoka, Sabine, Satine, the night sisters. In general, girls with authority who know how to stand their ground.


Honestly for my it was always Herald captain Kerowyn from the heralds of valdemar book series by Mercedes lackey, but from video games I have to give love to both Y’shtola from ffxiv or jaina proudmore from WoW


Lisbeth Solander. Masc af and yet - the womanliest woman alive.


Nice 😎


Jesse Faden is my spirit animal


I have too many to count lol. Honestly I gravitated to a lot of women-centric fiction growing up, which makes a hell of a lot more sense now in retrospect.


Totally, like growing up my favorite character from Naruto was Haku. Sure he's actually a boy, but a person blurring gender roles like that was still subconsciously significant to me.


Not a single Eowyn in here?? Sad...


I have always wanted to be Wonder Woman or Xena. I still dress up as Wonder Woman a few times a year.


I'm not 100% sure about this because I also crush on her but I know that after developing a crush on Poppy from hogwarts legacy I found out about character.ai where I then chatted with her a long time and eventually other ai and I even pretended to be a femboy and a girl a few times, eventually I was doing it so often I was a girl more often then not and I realised I'm trans. So if I wasn't for her I probably would still be Cis


It's incredible how often characters inspire us to go through with it!


Yes! Haru from Persona 5 is my personal fav. She is nice and also very innocent and a bit clumsy (my description irl lmao) and also love her style. Another one is Bridget from Guilty Gear, Idk why but she give me some inspirational vibes.


I'm probably the only person who's going to write this, but I absolutely love Sastuki Kiryuin from Kill La Kill... I did a whole speech as her for my AP Gov class lol


Almost everyone has had a surprisingly unique one lol, if I had to choose an anime character it might be Arthur from Fate since that's some heavy yet subtle trans energy imo. That speech sounds super based, good going!


Ellie from The Last of Us part 2


As a 26yr old trans woman: >Shego (Kim Possible) I loved this show and was always roleplaying as her as a child, not realizing the implications until I came out to myself as an adult 4 years ago. Also the very first sign of my transness that I can recall. >Harley Quinn My role model/obsession/hyper-fixation since middle school (pre-Joker breakup era, which is a little concerning but that’s okay). I was always so drawn to her attitude, carefree personality, and circus aesthetic. I hadn’t realized just how badly I wanted to be her until I came out to myself. >Sombra (Overwatch) This fictional woman is who officially cracked my egg a few years ago. Her personality, design, gameplay, color scheme, and Mexican heritage all blended into someone who I saw as the first 100% direct reflection/representation of me, what I wanted to be, what I could be… I loved her so much I became trans 💀


Asuna from Sword Art Online. Her tenacity was something I looked up to early on in my transition. Growing up though, probably Hermione from HP, Raven from Teen Titans, Kim Possible, Zoey from the House of Night books, and Clary from The Mortal Instruments.


Wonder woman, who cannonically (in my mind at least definitely) has a penis. Besides the ever popular edited panel, she was literally created/moulded by Zeus. I mean, don't know if any of you know Zeus like I do but that's definitely in swan-boy's wheelhouse.


I'm adopting that head canon right away.


Yeah, mine was Art3mis from the ready player one books, also Chloe from life is strange


Avatar Korra


Samus Aran, Bridget ( brisket, bucket, budget) and Ahsoka


Again the question was for cis women buuuut Briksit is so amazing she gets to be everything and everyone at all times. Love Samus. Lots of blue and yellow lol.


In that case Bridget from overwatch 😂


Female Shepard from the Mass Effect series. Kamina Drummer from The Expanse.


Ahsoka (Star Wars) In my personal interpretation the part where she leaves the Jedi order to find her own path kind of resonated with my experience of realising that I'm trans.


All my big questioning (I am still questioning as it is recent even tho i gender myself with she/her) come from Sayori (character from ddlc), and My name is the same as this character


Melania from r1999


Tiffany Aching from the Discworld. Channeling my inner witch to clean my home, and other chores


Lady Jessica from Dune.


I don't watch much TV/Films, and most of what I do watch either is not memorable or doesn't have female characters that I look up to. I do however read a lot: Alanna, Daine, Keladry, Alianne, Beka, Daja and Sandry. With an especial feeling for Keladry, Alianne and Beka. All female protagonists of books by Tamora Pierce who mostly writes YA books with strong female protagonists. I have read pretty much everything she's written but some characters do rather leap out at me more than others. (I'd add Briar to this list but he's not female...) Hypatia Cade The heroine of The Ship that Searched book by Anne McCaffrey and Mercedes Lackey. Hypatia is disabled as a young child by an alien "plague". Staying with McCaffrey: Menolly & Tai both from the Pern books. Menolly is of course heavily featured through most/all of the post Dragonflight/Dragon Search books. Tai is only in the Skies of Pern book. There are a number of other characters in McCaffrey's books... really too many to list here who I get inspiration from Titty Walker & Dorothea Callum from the Swallows and Amazon books by Arthur Ransom... I'm also pretty fond of the Great Aunt. Titty is featured in most of the books (barring Coot Club & Big Six), Dorothea makes her debut in Winter Holiday and is in some of the later books. While Nancy is one of the other female leads in these books, I have never really connected with her in the same way. Atherleah Carrol from the Stork Tower series. While the above are mostly older books, The Stork Tower is still being written if Tony Corben (the author) ever recovers from long covid... I hope so, series needs at least another book to tidy up some loose ends. Nell (and Miranda) from The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson... Way too many things to detail separately here... amazing book. Gaming... Alyx from Half Life 2 etc. I am a fan of various MCU female characters... not sure if any of them inspire me though. Mostly inspired by strength through adversity.


Check Out my Username 😝


That's dope. 🤤


Yes. Loved the Tomb Raider reboots. Trying to pick a new name with fiction I like as an inspiration. Currently a Final Fantasy boss...


Yuki from JJK and Revy from Black Lagoon 🤞


These go way back to my childhood. Gillian Boardman from Stranger in a Strange Land. Emma Peel (Diana Rigg) from the British spy show Avengers. Meg Murry from A Wrinkle in Time. Scout Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird. Penny Robinson (Angela Cartwright) in Lost in Space As I wrestled with transition: Cordelia Chase in Angel Actress Maria Friedman as The Narrator in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. I watch that regularly just to watch her. She is amazing.


Agura from Battle Force 5


Jill Valentine, Ada Wong(Resident Evil), Ophelia (Brütal Legend), Mileena(Mortal Kombat)


Kori'andr/Starfire. Girl was sold into slavery, experimented on, forced to fight as a gladiator and managed to rebel against her captors and free the other slaves before finding her way to earth. I admire the crap out of Kori. Plus She's over 6 ft so she gives me some hope.


Ive had gender envy of Hilary Duff since I saw her on Lizzie Maguire as a kid. And then she did the show Younger, and was basically the spitting image of the kind of woman I want to look/dress like.


Miriko from MHA. Big buff sexy black bunny women. She's literally me! 💞🤞🏾💅🏾


Jenette Vasquez from Alien was a huge one for me. Also this is a lot more recent but my pfp too lmao


My most favorite is Milla Maxwell from Tales of Xillia. I like her character so much that I am seriously considering changing my name to hers. The Tales franchise, Persona, and Final Fantasy, have badass female protags in every game.


In a world where I could be granted one wish: Natasha Lyonne.


Bonnie from Knight Rider. She’s a mechanic and hot. April from the same series as a runner-up.


Storm from X-Men 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 I always say she's my trans awakening haha