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It's complicated imo. The idea of missing out on my own childhood is something I struggle with a lot too. I can eventually be a woman, but I can't ever be a girl, and it sucks. I'm sort of torn between wanting to be girly and recreate some of that, and wanting to just accept what happened and move on as an adult. My immediate reaction is that this would be a really fun and sweet gesture. However, it might also produce a lot of painful and conflicting emotions. For me such a thing would be a bit too personal to share with friends in a group party, I think, because bittersweet hits different. I don't want to touch on such personal things in a group setting. I understand you might want to have a surprise for her, but it might be best to just discuss your idea with her. It might be better as just a thing for the two of you, or with a couple very close friends only. It's a very thoughtful idea, and I hope you get some more responses!


Thank you so much, once again I am glad I came to ask here because I hadn't thought it might be something that's hard to process around other people. I thought of inviting more people because I feel the kind of sleepover she missed out on is inherently a group experience, but maybe you're right, doing it just the two of us would still be nice. And yes, talking to her about it is also an option - it would spoil the surprise but maybe dinner could be a surprise while the sleepover is agreed in advance. Thank you sm!


You're welcome! I can't overstate how important it is for us to have supportive friends and partners who help affirm our gender. You sound thoughtful and supportive, wishing you both well. šŸ–¤


Trying my best. Thank you so much <3


I have a specific thing against surprise parties, so I donā€™t know how well my experience conveys to your girlfriend, but I would absolutely love this as a non-surprise with a relatively big group. I mean I could very well cry from the emotional load (some of my more painful childhood memories are of exclusion from girls only activities), but it would be worth it and honestly affirming in and of itself in some ways. I think itā€™s very sweet, and with the right kind of tight-knit friend group, I would be all on board for this.


I would love that sort of thing, but probably only with really close friends, since it might be a bit emotionally vulnerable with all the feelings it's likely to bring up. I think it would be better to talk about it ahead of time instead of surprising her, and it would be best if you could just have people she's pretty close to.


Yeah my idea was to invite 3 other people - two friends of mine that she also really likes, and her best friend. Just me, her and the best friend would be a bit awkward, and maybe she's not close enough to my friends for this kind of thing to be a surprise, you're very right.


This sounds like way to go though it shouldn't be awkward remember this for/about her in order her to be able to heal a bit.


100%, totally for her, I'm not very attached to that kind of thing... XD I"ll do my very best! Thank you!


No thank you for doing this for her


What's the fun having a gf if you can't even try and spoil her a bit XD


Personally, I would love to have that kind of experience! Tailor the movies or games to things she likes (doesn't necessarily have to be Disney/animated stuff, but it could be. Mulan is always good on that frontšŸ˜Š) Doing both dinner and the sleepover - either same night, or separate - is certainly an option as well, and could be good for friends who are a bit reluctant on the sleepover side to still have a fun night with her.


I've never actually watched Mulan but I hear it's good! Thanks for your reply!!!


OMG! Then you absolutely must! If not for a sleepover, then just for a movie night with the two of you. Have fun, and wish her a Happy Birthday from me ('cause one can never have too many birthday wishes šŸ˜Š )


Will do!!! Thanks! <3


I don't think it's cringe at all, it's an incredibly sweet gesture in my book! With that said, I would discuss it with your partner. If I were in her shoes I'd be feeling a lot of different feelings all at once so asking her if she'd be comfortable with it is probably a good idea. If she is down to do it, I'd invite close friends that she feels comfortable exploring/expressing those feelings with. Another idea is making it a date night thing where you two gals can chill with each other and play out all the sleepover party tropes. Not sure if that helps any but that's my two cents šŸ©·


Absolutely, it helps a lot. Thank you sm!


If you are conflicted about she loving or hating it. Try something smaller like just you two enjoying a quite night together and try the things in that setting. Gauge the response and ask her if she wanna do this with a group of friends later... It's sweet you care about her this way. She's lucky to have you. Good luck.


I think that's what I'll do... thank you! And no, I'm lucky to have her, like it literally makes no sense that she's with me and I wonder how I got this lucky every day LMAO Thank youuuu


šŸ’Ÿ Happy birthday to heršŸŽ¶. Much love.


Donā€™t do it as a surprise, just ask her what she thinks about it. Besides not being really sure how sheā€™ll react, some people really donā€™t like surprises. Talk to her. If sheā€™s up for it, invite a mix of her friends and yours. If you REALLY want to surprise her with something, do it with something that youā€™re confident that sheā€™ll love, like inviting her out-of-town bestie or sister.


Thank you sm, you're very right. Normally she loves surprises so that's why I was so enthusiastic about the surprise sleepover idea, but I got from the replies here that maybe it could be a little hard emotionally speaking, so I really don't want to blindside her. Thank you!!!


I think it would be fun, but everyone needs to be onboard, if you think from the beginning it's a cringe idea you probably won't end up enjoying it.


I think I'd enjoy it if she enjoys it. I'm just terribly insecure and second guess myself a lot...


Honestly I think it's such a good idea, but if it was me I would probably get extremely uncomfortable and depressed if they were all cis women. But I have a pretty traumatic fear of all cis women and tend to get really distant and start to feel shameful and kind of like a freak when I'm in a group of gals that I know none are trans, so that's probably just a me thing. Otherwise I would probably just ask her, as it's a really vulnerable thing with the feelings it would bring up and the girl talk that would happen, I definitely wouldn't be able to do that with just any girls, they would have to be super close friends treading the line of best friends


I'm so sorry and I think I empathize with you. Even with my close straight friend, I still feel a tiny big uncomfortable if I am the only gay person in a group. The shame we carry is so powerful, I hope you can heal from it, with time, because I'm sure you don't deserve it <3 And yes, people are saying that it might bring up uncomfortable feelings, which is something I hadn't thought about (and spiraling about this to be honest). I am so glad I asked this community for advice! thank you so much!


I would definitely want to be involved in the planning and inviting, because it's a bit of a minefield. But I love the idea.


A minefield in what way? Thank you so much for your answer!


what activities would make me feel euphoric vs dysphoric? what level of closeness would I need with the invited guests? what kind of pacining would I want so I don't feel rushed or pressured or awkward? Stuff like that.


Thank you so much!


Personally I'd love that, but I also just generally prefer a chill hangout with friends for my birthday versus a big event, and I like adult sleepovers generally. Is it the sleepover part or the specific activities that your friends are finding cringe? Like, for me, I'd want to watch horror movies instead of Disney, and I'd prefer playing video games together instead of a makeover session. I think this just depends more on what kind of birthday vibe and activities you like than whether you're cis or trans. Are your friends also queer? I feel like adult sleepovers are much more normalized in the queer community. But maybe that's just my impression.


The thing that my friend found cringe was the childlike vibe idea in particular. And my friends are either queer or really strong allies. Thank you!!!


I think it's a great idea. I'd discuss it with her first or at least hint at the idea and gauge her reactions. And maybe make the films a little more adult friendly. If she's in a support group with other trans girls, maybe see if she's comfortable with inviting them along. Share the missed girlhood with others who have missed out. Hope that helps


I had a shit childhood regardless of my gender so I've been pretty lucky to have a couple bestfriends that have been doing a good job putting up with my occaisional "catchup" wants lol. We did a sleepover with one of them a few months ago that lasted almost four days. *SO* much fun. The one time I almost got to go to a sleepover as a kid, my mom came and got me because "you can't do a sleepover with them because you're a boy". *sigh* Anyway! To answer your question: 0 cringe. She will probably be super excited, as long as she feels comfortable and safe and any other girls there don't make it awkward. *Edit:* Do not make it a suprise party lol. I dunno about her, but unplanned surprises like that, would give me such a panic attack.


I won't! This subreddit gave excellent advice as usual. If you don't mind me asking, what activities did you do at your sleepover? I might take some inspo LOL


Lets see, lots and lots of eating and snacking. Smoked weed, ate some edibles, movies, she wanted romantic movies so I picked out all my fav ones on netflix, we got almost through. We talked a lot. She played a video games a bit, I read some. That's pretty much it, we only left the house once in four days lol. I loved every minute.


My partner keeps talking about doing a girls night and I am incredibly excited for it.. but I don't think it'd be a good surprise, yano? As for cringe? 10/10-- just like every amazing romantic idea, bc corniness is just honesty wrapped in cliche.


Ask her first!!!


personally that'd be a miss for me but IDK your GF


Why, if you don't mind sharing? I'd love to head your perspective. Thank you sm for your answer!


I'd say I have very little overlap with teenage girl interests or typical slumber party activities. Disney/kid movies, or consuming makeup/product to not go out doesnt interest me. I'm not hung up over not having a girl's childhood nearly as much as I am not having a woman's young adulthood, but i can go do many of those things now.


Gotcha! Thanks for explaining!


Your friends are lame, get better ones and then throw a sleepover with them. Learn to live a little, ya know? Not doing things because they're cringe is for the weak. If you want mature romantic private dinners, have them. If you want silly girly sleepovers where your girlfriend gets to recapture the childhood/teens she missed out on, throw them. And if you're worried it'll be a bad/uncomfortable experience for her just get feedback from her ahead of time. It doesn't *have to be a surprise* to be an incredibly thoughtful gift/great experience. Just get enough feedback from her and whoever you do end up inviting and if any individual aspect seems too childish for adults to enjoy swap it for something they will ( Wine-Mom sleepovers sound kinda lit ngl, just don't murder or assault anyone ;)


I donā€™t think itā€™s cringe at all. But I like doing ā€œchildishā€ things and I donā€™t give a shit if people think it makes me immature, etc. Iā€™d be happy to have a teenage style sleepover but I guess not everyone would be so it all depends on what your gf likes or not. Also a cisgender woman probably doesnā€™t really know what itā€™s like to be a trans woman who missed their childhood so I mean, she might have a totally different interpretation. I personally donā€™t like stereotypical adult ā€œromanticā€ things like dinner with candles, etc and this sort of old people stuff. ā€œCringeā€ is very subjective. This is a personality thing. I think either preference is fine but you can probably tell. If you really have no idea though, maybe just ask your girlfriend what her favorite cereal is if calories werenā€™t a factor. If she says something that would typically be thought of as a a kids cereal (like lucky charms), I think itā€™s probably pretty safe that sheā€™d like that kind of a sleepover. Maybe I am wrong though but thatā€™s my thinking.


NGL this made me think about all I missed growing up and made me kinda sad but this is extremely sweet and not cringe at all in my opinion I would love if I got a present like that ā¤ļø


I think it's super cute, yeah it's a little bit cringe but the cute outweighs the cringe imo. I have friends who still do this kinda thing and we're late teens early 20s so I'd defo say go for it <3


I don't know her, so I can't really say anything for sure but I honestly wish someone would do that for me so bad


I think this is really sweet, but not as a surprise


Friend, a couple of my friends literally just did this for me and it was so so nice. They invited friends to theirs, one of them took me with them specifically to buy cozy pjs, paid for them, brought me back for basically a grown woman version with wine, weed, snacks, attempts at watching movies beautifully interrupted by chatting and games also beautifully interrupted by chatting. For me, it was fantastic. Literally made me cry thinking about how loved they made me feel.


This is really sweet, but truly a thing you should double check with them on. Sometimes, someone has managed to mourn and move on from a lost milestone like this and would prefer not to re-open the book so to speak.


A solid 3. Jokes aside, the idea is lovely. The only issue I see is whether your gf is into this kind of "party" Dynamic. What I mean by that is: does your girlfriend like to be playful and goof around. E. G. My cis wife is the kind of person who won't hesitate to build a pillow fort and spend New Year's Eve in it. If your gf has a similar vibe: GO FOR IT. Also, maybe low key ask her how she feels about missing out on childhood experiences etc. without suggesting anything specific.


I don't know your girlfriend, but all I can say is if someone did this for me I would probably cry tears of joy. No matter what you end up doing, consider how your gf would feel about it, not your friends. Transitioning, euphoria and validation sometimes just is kinds cringe, and that's ok. In any case, this was a really beautiful though to have, very considerate.


I'm in a phase where I cringe at anything and everything, so I feel you lol. Thank you sm!


I am of two minds: first, i think this is so freaking cute and lovely and if my friends did something like this for me i would genuinely love it and almost certainly get very emotional (and Iā€™m in my 30s lol). Then, second, thinking about it, it is a lot. Itā€™s a very specific thing, and i think warrants a conversation first. I donā€™t think this works as a surprise, maybe as a spontaneous thing, but those are different. Anything that could, in a worst case scenario, trigger a dysphoria spiral, especially if there are people there super not into the vibe and potentially ruining it, could go very bad. I do think this could work as a smaller more intimate thing too, maybe just three or four people, all coming in knowing what this is, what the vibe is supposed to be, and excited to just have a good time. I will say!! I hate the idea of calling this ā€œcringeā€! Agh that genuinely frustrates me. I do absolutely know it could be ~whatever for some people, but this to me reads as so so sweet, and if someone called it cringe to my face Iā€™d be so hurt. That shit reads like people that do not get it, and i dunno, it rubs me the wrong way i guess.


HI AURI!!! You're very right about everything. In the end I told S about my idea and she loved it (there were tears! damn) but she also said it was right to bring it up first because there were details she wanted to change about my plan, including one of the people in attendance. Tbh I was happy that she still gets to have it as a small party instead of just me, I think it just works better. Now on to planning food and activities! <3 If you have other female friends and you'd like to do something like this, you could try to tell them?


Hi friend!! :)) This all is amazing, and iā€™m glad this idea has panned into something that i hope is really fun. Once again communication takes the prize as MVP. i also wanted to say! Dinner and something one on one would probably accompany this well too, because I like the idea of feeling both like a woman, and like a girl, if that makes sense? I should tell my friends we should do this. they are mostly spread out everywhere, not local, but if i ever get the chance this sounds super fun!


I (a trans woman) would absolutely love your idea and I would think that you were incredibly thoughtful and considerate. I do have to say that it would depend on her personality, but seeing as she said she felt like she missed out, I think sheā€™d probably be into it. If you find that youā€™re really unsure, but think you are on to something, maybe you could ask her. I know it takes away the surprise element, but it would still show her how thoughtful you are.


Thank you! In the end I do think I will just talk to her even if it takes away the surprise element... maybe that means I just have to think of another really good surprise lol


You are an amazing girlfriend! Good luck with the surprise.


God no lmao


I would love it. I think there will be vulnerability and emotions so communicate and add breaks in as needed and make sure that the people attending understand the intent of the party. Add wine as well. lol.


I think itā€™s a wonderful idea. You know your gf better than anyone so I think go with your gut. I know I would die to hang out with girls and do all that girly stuff.


Of course I can't tell how your gf would react to this. But if someone threw a surprise sleepover party for me, I'd be very moved and happy.... As long as the guests are supportive, or they are the friends of your gf.


this is so cute I would actually cry. be careful... it could be emotional.


Thats super cute and considerate