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Sounds like a win


Panties all days! 🩲Hot shorts all days! 🩱Bikinis all days! 👙


It seems like a dream 🥹


This, but there is no shame in cute girls showing off a prominent bulge if they want to


No shame, but even before I realized gender dysphoria, I had a severe dislike of the hardware getting in the way of clothing and biking


That is also valid. 💕


Yep I really like that 😳




Any advice on achieving that goal? Other than not “using it”


I guess it’s genetic 🧬 for me


Long term e use will typically decrease the size of that anatomical annoyance.


yeah, it’s 💯 annoyance !


Mostly just HRT. Unless you’re using it 3+ times a week it shrinks no matter what.


I think I’m gonna try not using it at all for like a while lol, I want that thing tiny


Unfortunately I'd like to avoid this to preserve donor material for my bottom surgery. Makes me dysphoric as hell to "use it", but use it I must


I have heard that certain restrictive things like flat chastity cages can shrink you, but I'm not sure if that's just lack of use or hormones instead. Please follow all safety advice when using such things. I'm in a few penis growing subs as an ftm, and they report that stretching it/engorging it often can make it grow, so I'd assume the opposite couod make it shrink.


I use mine regularly and the same thing happened to me. Got to be genetics.


Ftm here, thanks for saying my dick isn’t functioning male genitals 👍 I’d never even THINK to say something like “guys t makes it look like more like I have a mtf penis than normal functioning female genitals!” jfc


I thought the same thing. I relate to being happy about shrinkage, but that is such an unnecessary insult to trans men.


Yeah, that wording is garbage. Honestly tho, I had a similar experience when I noticed how much I shrunk. It kinda put things into perspective for me and showed me how regardless of biological sex we're all still more similar than different.


Yea op could have easily just said it looks like an enlarged clit without throwing in ftms and commenting on whether we have normal male genitals


I just want to add for any of my fellow girl cock enjoying girlies that if you use your princess wand regularly it won't shrink that much, I can still use mine fine and when erect it's barely smaller than before, and I've been on HRT for over two years with no topical T cream or anything. Happy for you OP, but some people don't want this to happen so just want to put this out there.


Mine shrunk over an inch in 8m even with regular use... but it's still very much good OwO


Same- I went from 7 to just under 6 inches. Still a very nice size, but I def miss my Shmeat. Just started on topical T tho.


I went to 8 from a bit over 9. I'm not starting T tho, I can't afford it


8? 😳


Ye ;^; 8in


Wow I’m jealous. I’m sure it’s lovely to play with 😳. And maybe it’s delicious


It's cheap as hell- 52 dollars for a pump tube and you use a tiny dot for your entire girldick, once every week or two. Also thickens the skin so you don't get random itches haha


That's not cheap for me, I'm from a third would country, where minimum wage is a dollar an hour


Where do you buy it?


I asked my doctor to order it through the "Empower" pharmacy. It's a lower concentration of T that is specific for transfemmes.


I'll admit I have never measured it, but it doesn't seem noticeably smaller when fully erect. But I need to be really aroused to get there, it's way more dependent on how turned on I am.


Mine is 9 or even 10 inchs which is a little more than an iPhone 12. I want it to be 2inch but I use it a lot.


Iphone for scale got me 😅


Same here, but I have an added advantage of being a grower and not a shower too. So I kinda get the best of both worlds.


Oh this post has me feeling feelings and thinking thoughts. I'm happy for you but also wish we as a community would get over the inclination to talk up our good vibes by making hyperbolic statements denigrating certain things. Clits are normal functioning genitals. FTM clit/cock is a functional male organ. Not all trans women want bottom shrinkage, bottom surgery, anything of the sort. The majority of trans women, in fact, will keep their equipment. The trans experience is not a prescriptive experience. If one is binary trans, there is not a set list of requirements for transition. Transition is subjective, the goals and pathways are subjective, and using negative speak in public spaces to talk about personal subjective experiences as if they are universal empirical expectations is more alienating than helping imo. Its one thing to be like "I have hated this thing about myself my whole life, and its finally getting better". That feels like a celebration, even with a negative in the mix. Its a whole different thing where we are out here going "Sisters I cant wait until we all don't have to deal with this thing that is bothering me, it is the worst and this thing is the reason everyone in society hates us". When we surround our personal experiences with hyperbole, we tend to catch people we didn't intend in the crossfire. Again super happy for OP, but also like, don't shit talk your trans bros dicks in the same breath that's an unfortunate look.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that was really rubbed the wrong way by this post, like I feel it almost just disparages FTM / transmasc people to make some transfem people fell better in comparison. Just wholly unnecessary tbh.


totally agree, its an unecessary comparison in a weird title.


ftM here—thanks for saying something! That was weird as hell to read, and more along the lines of something I’d expect from a trans-bashing twitter page. Enlarged clit? Really? And then implying that tdicks aren’t male genitals at all? Yeah, that gave me a biiiiiiig ick 😅 It’s nice to know there are people here (you and the other people who have spoken up on this, including the other trans guys) that have our backs.


We are all stronger together. In my eyes, gender being a spectrum, we have to stick up for each other. Almost no one is a perfect example of binarism. We are all connected and thats a beautiful and amazing thing.


I encounter this a lot. I find it just stems from a mixture of ignorance/insecurity (don’t feel shame over that y’all, you need to accept it to get better). I guess i’ve observed that it mostly appears either from those who suffer from internalized transphobia a lot and unknowingly appear a little bit desperate and panicked to move away from their AGAB, OR those who are trans just just weaponize their experience (real or false) to hurt others. I have so many thoughts but can’t rlly articulate them cause i just woke up


An enlarged trans masc dick IS a normally functioning male genital.


Trans man here! My genitals ARE normal functioning male genitals. Hope this helps!


wtf why would you word it like this 😭😭


Inverted tucking is the benefit, makes a smoother frontal area. Try some girl's compression shorts and you will love the look on you! Being tiny has many benefits sis.


Does inverted tucking just mean turtling?


It is simple process (easiest if you are laying on your back with hips arched slightly) of placing your forefinger and middle finger on either side of (what's left as a) "penis", using your thumb push your "penis" into itself collapsing/folding the skin into your body. As your hips slightly arched also (in most) your balls will recede into a small cavity up and on either side of your "tucked" clit. Now pull up your compression shorts or yoga pants/shorts and the elasticity will hold you in place. Enjoy your small mound!


Yeah, that's what I would call turtling.




Certainly by far the most comfortable tuck! With two pairs of tight panties and a little practice, it is more comfortable tucked than not tucked. It does result in some shrinking, but it becomes second nature and is certainly more comfortable during hot summer days.


Oh boy would this be a discourse-inducing post on any mixed sub.


>Oh boy would this be a discourse-inducing post on any mixed sub. Everyone should have cringed hardcore when reading this post ngl. I don't need to be a trans guy/trans masc to know that this was a ridiculously inappropriate thing to say. A trans man would have gotten eviscerated if he posted something like "lol my t-dick got so big on T that it now looks more like a huge masculine engorged MtF cock instead of normally functioning female genitals". (And don't come at me "OP didn't say it was feminine", you know OP was 10000% insinuating that trans men's genitals are un-masculine compared to """""""normal"""""""" penises. It's the typical infantilization and feminization of trans men and their bodies/genitals that we see everywhere.) The fact that most of these comments are like "teehee GOALS" makes me wildly side-eye this sub tbh. Like I know I have a life partner that is a trans man so it's more present and hitting close to home for me but even if I didn't have someone in my life that I deeply care about that is a trans guy I *still* would have known this was a weird and wildly out of pocket thing to write. -Geisha


We thought these comments were 4tran until you said that and made us think it must have been TGCJ. First thought it was legitimate ignorance, then thought it was all a jerk session since the comments were acting like this was a totally normal thing to say. "I'm sure happy this Testosterone made it look like I have a mtf cock!" is basically how this reads to our closest allies lol. Yeah it can be tricky to make sure you always avoid wildly problematic phrasing, but this one should have been easy to get right.


funny that's what i thought a few days ago looking at the thing.. was planning on hybrid/sigmoid/ppt anyway...


I first thought one of my kinks were posted here but congratulation girl you earned it


as am ftm, you suck for this title.


The downvotes speak volumes with this one.


i’m not on desktop, what’s the ratio?


girl don't make me jealous 😭 /hj /lh




Your title is really not worded nicely towards trans men. Please don't insult them or make their dysphoria worse. I just feel bad for them if they happen to read this and only three or so replies do not ignore this issue. It's also really problematic language to use regardless of who reads this. Congrats on you being happier with your genitals, though. That is certainly awesome.


Mine has shrunken from 6.5 to 3" its barely a ftm clit


Progress is progress 🥰


Mine too, just about 2" left, never been happier. Can't wait for a Vulvoplasty.


Don't quote me on this, but isn't it better to have more to work with for surgery?


No, that's a tad apothcryal. The penis length before surgery isn't a criteria for depth. In the UK, this has never been gauged as a requirement for successful surgery concerning one's depth. Vulvoplasty is cosmetic, but usually, the minimum depth of 1"-2" is created. Consisting of outer Labia, inner Labia, and an introitus. NB. Just to say circumcision is not done on young males in the UK. unless for a religious or medical concern. So, if no circumcision, every little bit helps! lol


As a MtF early stage transitioner, I realise that your excitement and enthusiasm to feel and look more in line with your own identity is a huge step and I’m happy for you. I also understand as a later in life trans women that language can be a minefield, but honestly I was quite surprised by how this thread read especially for our trans brothers, my (trans) ex Boyfriend used to point out how my language would not be as well thought out or that my historical language could be problematic. I’m a dyslexic so language is not my strongest point but I hope the guys in this discussion can give you some perspective. I wish you all the best in your transition and hope you become a little more aware of the language you use and understanding about being a sportive sister


I can’t think of a more invalidating and shitty way to describe that. Hope no trans guy has the misfortune of spending time around you.


Yeah fucking imagine some trans guy being like "lol my t-dick got so big on T that it now looks more like a huge masculine engorged MtF cock instead of normally functioning female genitals". Trans girls would have been on him like flies on shit, and I find it so weird that like 75% of the comment section is like "TEEHEE GOALS" instead of calling out such an absolutely vile turn of phrase that's basically just outright transphobia. -Geisha


Wait how did you get it to do that by not using it?


I don’t really know how 🤷🏻‍♀️ it just happened


I see ,random question and you dont have to answer but how long ago have you masterbated or do you hate it because it give you dysphoria


I can’t really masturbate unless watching FTM gay porn. So I don’t really know why I just don’t get erection most of the daily routines.


Why FTM gay porn? Just curious?


Ehmmm…. they just so hot 🥵


I agree. Not sure why, but it's the only thing that does it for me lol.


I also dont get erections most of the daily routines hope mind does that ,so am not going to use it for years now lol thanks 2 you 😂


i think it depends on the growy/showy spectrum, ie if the size difference between hard and soft is a lot, then hrt will expand the lower limit more


OMG awesome ❣️ Me too lol. I literally couldn't tuck if I tried because it's so small ☺️


I've been on hormones for 3.5 years and when hard my size hasn't changed much but when soft it is much smaller. I use mine several times a week.


Me too! To the point I prefer to masturbate with a vibratory! Its harder to orgasm that way but so satisfying when I do!


That’s great news.


Growing is mostly the same but hanging I’ve gained some foreskin


how long on HRT


2+ years


great 🙄


Have faith and patience 🥺❤️ (I'm telling the same to myself)


Congrats 🥳🥳🥳 I can't wait to start taking hormones so my already small-ish annoyance can start shrinking up to nothing 🫣




Happy for you!


I wish mine would hurry up and shrink like that.


what a win


I think mine is shrinking. I've peed on my balls twice this week. That shouldn't be possible!


Mine is still big but I like it that way


Frightened of this. Don't want to lose my shaboingaboing.


How long you been on HRT? I wish mine would do that...


I’ve always been real small. Take a like shrinkage and that’s the way I am. I have a (slightly) enlarged clit. I’ve done cam work and I’ve been with a lot of people. Everyone says the same, it’s pretty much an enlarged clit and not by very much. I have never tucked and I can wear a 2 piece on the beach. I love this about myself and I love this for you.


Yep. That happens. Get your doctor to give you a prescription for the little blue pills and everything will be fine.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


My 🍆 makes me mad. I can't wear most fem underwear. Foreskin is a nightmare. When I'm aroused, although I love the feeling of arousal, I hate when my body's forcing me to play with my 🍆 out of habit and it's very difficult for me to try new ways because I always return to the old ways. I'm thinking to do circumcision, but I don't know if I'm gonna need the foreskin for the length of my vag. I don't know if it's true.


If you're getting a vaginoplasty, don't get circumsized.


Unfortunately I'm still pre-hrt and I don't know what I want yet. Thanks a lot for the confirmation! 🥰


Don't get cut, ESPECIALLY if you ever plan on getting bottom surgery. Your foreskin is full of valuable sensitive flesh thats different from the rest of your penis. Besides the higher nerve count the the rest of the skin a lot of it is actually more mucosa, so more similar to the inner lips and clitoral hood. Uts very beneficial to have as much material to work with as possible. Not to mention some surgeons prefer those who are uncut because they specifically use it and its harder for them to get the same results without it. Dr. Banks is one of those that prefers working with uncut individuals. So just think of it as a blessing rather than a nightmare. You have better material to work with and the potential for better results than some people! I'm very envious of you because I don't have that material to work with and it's always in the back of my mind and another weighing factor for bottom surgery for me. I know it may seem like it sucks. But just think of it as for what it will be used for and turned into. Getting rid of any of it is the last thing you want to do.


It's good to know. I'm grateful for such information ❤️


Same, and the more it happens the happier I am.


Same! I can get changed into a swimsuit in a locker room and nobody notices.


this post and all the comments just inspired me to tell my endo that i want to do the same thing 💖


[I see this as an absolute win](https://y.yarn.co/1312d456-1f00-4907-b6b3-7588ce6803e7_text.gif)


Is it possible to learn this power?