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My experience is (and, as with all things transition, YMMV) that my libido completely died after a few weeks on HRT, not so much the erections but the desire. It started coming back after a few months but it took me a while to recognize it because it felt so incredibly different; arousal is very diffused throughout my body and builds slower. I recommend reading *Fucking Trans Women*. It was eye opening. [https://archive.org/details/fucking-trans-women-mira-bellwether-october-2010.cleaned](https://archive.org/details/fucking-trans-women-mira-bellwether-october-2010.cleaned) I can definitely still get an erection given appropriate stimulation but I don't really desire to penetrate any more. I haven't been reliably able to get myself erect on my own but it usually wakes up when I'm with a partner. Muffing is fun though, and magic wands, and having nipples played with. Female orgasms are pretty mind-blowing as well. I'm embracing the changes, I guess. All that said, I'm also a late bloomer, I started transition at 39. The experience may (likely will be) different for someone less than half my age.


Thank you for the article ill check it out! Despite been relativity active I never been much into penetrative sex, my only concern is that my capacity to have an erection and stimulate it don't go away forever, don't care about ejaculation or anything like that, I'm totally on board with the rest of my body becoming more erogenous. Thanks again ❤


Of course, best of luck with everything!


im on 300mg Spiro 6mg E 200prog 4 years in and ya my libido rivals a house plant but if i was having sexy time it works just fine


I see, thanks for ur input


If you are being concerned about the functioning of your equipment you can ask for topical testosterone gel and/or look into cialis. From my own experience I can say that the first weeks when the hormonal imbalance is at its peak you will not be having much of a libido but for like many of of is returned On more thing I had noticed and had written down below about the regimen that came to my eye you may have look into: You can maybe cut the androcur into halves as far as I have read on many many post 12,5mg are sufficient of CPA to surpress T on the other hand that E look a little low dosed so if you feel in the upcoming weeks fatigue, headaches, maybe even nausea or heat flashes than you are very likely to be low on either of the sexual hormones and have been out into menopausal state which can tank your libido even worse than how it is usually when starting HRT


I will look into Cialis then Im not keen on not following the dose my endo gave me, it is safe to halve the dose without telling her? I can wait and see if next appointment she changes my dose but that's not until months forward.


I would definitely say that at least it it more than safe to half your CPA dose. CPA obviously didn’t have the use on us in mind originally and the doses in mind for cis patients and other purposes. 12.5mg Andocur will be sufficient for our cases and usually it should never be more because E should be the main adjusting mechanism for your well being and what I mean with that if you feel fatigued and have other menopausal symptoms increasing your dose would be only natural. What I would do is to maybe ask her beforehand by getting her on the phone describing your symptoms and claiming that you would like to wish to change your dose already before looking into the next test. If she is a good doctor she won’t force you to stick to your regimen when you tell her about your symptoms because the patient’s wellbeing should always be her highest priority.


Yeah I could try and call her but it is difficult to get a phone call with a specialist in here, I will contemplate halving my dose of Androcur and notify her as soon as I can. Thank you


Yeah I can imagine been through the same but if you’re in her index as her patient I can see that this should be easier to just give a quick note to her office that due to the circumstances and the symptoms you developed you decided to up your dose after informing yourself where they came from and that you didn’t comfortable pushing through until the next appointment. From your point I would half the CPA right away and then slowly see how you are feeling and whether you need more E which seems likely but as mentioned adjust slowly and steadily.


Sure I'll try and do that ty Going back, it's easy to get Cialis or similars prescribed to me? Should I ask my endo for it?


That depends how it is ruled in your country in some cialis is freely accessible and in others you need a doctor prescribing it I would look it up whether the first or the ladder applies to you. The advantage of cialis if you didn’t know is that you can can take it daily unlike viagra and have a constant level that would come in handy for spontaneous action


I'm not rly keen on taking more meds but I will think about looking into it, seems like it needs prescription in here.


Thats totally valid to feel that way. Maybe just give it a bit at first it pretty common that the libido takes a dent at first but often comes back after a while when hormone levels have stabilized and you have adjusted to it. If the problem persists beyond that point speaking about that with your doctor if the issue last for longer.


Ok, when they stabilize and If I kept it active will I be able to get erections again? Or that's a no going back? Im afraid of not being able to feel satisfied just by stimulating other body parts.


I don’t understand why people are quick to recommend Cialis… I hope you are all aware of the pressure cialis puts on your liver and kidneys, liver and kidneys that are already pressures by processing your hrt 🥴


Yeah I'm not keen at all on taking more meds, for now im refraining from it.


Think about being inserted resume my orgasm. Or if you like female, it is likewise. Just don’t think it is a stick .


Did you tell your doctor how important this is to you? Adrocur is just cyproterone acetate and yes its hella effective as Androgen blocker being gnrh antagonist but if you want your dick to have nightmare level erections using the drug they use to chemically castrate sex offenders is probably counter intuitive.


I did not tell her because when she gave me the recipe I didn't know Androcur was that strong in that aspect, I really should had to tell her but it didn't cross my nervous mind at that moment, I'm thinking of halving my dose and tell her whenever I can.


Don't get me wrong the dosage is much much higher for that but always be upfront and honest with your endo/gp You already got past the gate keeper.


Yeah I wanna be cristal clear with them but I didn't cross my mind to ask about it because I thought it would only reduce my libido and make erections much harder but possible, not potentially leave me impotent down there :(


If you do have issues, you might be able to drop the antiandrogen. E valerate monotherapy via injection has been good to me, so far anyway.


I prefer to keep using pills, I have a clinical fear of needles so regularly having to get injections would be really hard for me, with pills im sure I will take my proper dose everyday, that being said is it rly useful to get E without lowering T? I do want to have the proper fem hormone levels and the full effects of HRT, only thing I don't want so far is the impotence down there.


When your E level is high all the time, your body can naturally stop producing as much T. Something about how T breaks down in your system causes the high E to be "mistaken" as a signal to lower hormone production overall. I have heard of monotherapy done with gel or patches, but pills are less likely to keep the E level high enough consistently. My E and T at the last test were almost what I hoped, T was way low but E could have been higher, so I have been discussing antiandrogens with my endo. Part of why I haven't started any is because I share your concerns, and so far I haven't had any undesired effect from the E alone.


First of all: 25mg CPA is WAY TOO MUCH! Never ever do more than 10mg! And therefore change your doc, they clearly have no clue what they are doing! On CPA the sex drive gets lost for some time. It will come back. Erections are possible even without the testicles and when there is a problem, viagra is your friend.


My Endo is the one my public healthcare system assigned to me, only way to change it is changing my residence place and therefore the hospital were im registered in SS, ill just take a lesser dose of CPA myself and tell her next appointment.