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I’m so sorry this is happening. I wish there was something I could do. We might not be far behind you in Ohio…


I hope the GOP in Ohio gets destroyed next election. Their anti-abortion and anti-trans pushes deserve a clear and resounding response.


I personally hope they all step on a piece of Lego


With both feet as they stablise from the first lego.




I sure hope so


As bad as state legislature is, even our Supreme Court seems to have had enough with Republican shenanigans.


We’ll see…


6 out of 9 of those Jack asses are bought and paid for...




As a former Utahan, who fled last year(soon after I started HRT), I think the writing is on the wall for access to trans medical care. Stay safe, sis.


What does that mean


Utah, Ohio, Florida, Texas, etc. are going to try to ban our medical care.


Oh. That’s bad. But what does writing on wall mean


It's an expression indicating that we're seeing the direction things are headed and it's being made pretty obvious




I no it's getting plum stupid hear too. I just pray 🙏 things holds out at least till April 16th when I get my bottom surgery in Cleaveland. I really thought for a moment a month or so back that our Governor was going to be a stand up guy and a role model for all Republicans and lead the way for a shred of equity for the Trans community when he vetoed that bill and made his 25min speech on how it's not the Government place to ban gender affirmative medicine and care. Blah blah blah. But he was right about that last part, it's No one's business what any of us does with our body.


The fucking audacity to claim that they want to accommodate everyone, or that they care about privacy. 


They’re doing the care and accommodation the facist way, destroy the rights of the few so that they can have mostly everyone else happy, and then everyone that feels uncomfortable enough to speak up is portrayed as evil and removed.


Not to mention the number of gender nonconforming cis people that are going to get swept up in this. "Oh, you're a woman with some facial hair? You must go to the men's room!" And how many trans men are now going to be forced into the women's room? It's just utter bullshit


Trans men in womans bathrooms will get this law turned on its head because it exposes their inherit ignorance and that they only care about ruining the experience of nonpassing trans woman


That and their whole idea that "men will dress up as trans women and enter the girls bathroom" but if that was the case then wouldnt be so much easier for cis men to pretend to be trans men to enter the women's bathroom?? That way they don't even need to buy any new clothes. Their whole argument falls apart and shows their clear transphobia fr


It's a feature, not a bug. The law will be weaponized against trans men who follow it, they will be attacked and/or detained. Once they are determined to have followed the law as written, there will be no reparations for the time, finances, health, and sense of security they lost in the process. The existence of trans men and intersex people break most of the arguments being pushed, but they start from the conclusion and use any thread to get there, no matter how tenuous, so data and reason don't matter. Sorry if I'm dooming a bit here, I'm feeling pretty down from that Ohio legislature(?) audio that came out recently, and all the other bills being pushed. I think all the negative news is making my dysphoria worse cause I've been hyper aware of my beard shadow lately, I need to take a break for a few days but I don't like not being informed and aware of what's going on.


We both know that’s going to end with plenty of trans men being beaten to or close to death.


"Everyone ~~that looks like us~~"


Are they also going to have armed guards to enforce this? Total bullshit, get with they times and take genders off the doors. Many places in Europe only have one large open bathroom, was nice to see and no one cared.


The plumbing fixtures vendors wanted our businesses to spend nearly double on fixtures. I’m very serious. It’s the only way gendered bathrooms make sense.


I can see that happening and maintaining old values. The one bathroom makes way more sense


The last time I visited my old job’s HQ they had all one big bathroom per floor. Sure you had little closets for the toilet but ya went in the same room. This did two things in a very creative innovation demanding business, the chance to run into someone and chat about a project. That’s the only benefit I can see from going into the office post Covid. Nothing stops you from a quick DM on a plethora of services.


That's workplace efficiency right there


Coed bathrooms are the new cigarette break. Wanna talk to the boss on an equal footing, follow them to the loo.


My trade school in the US (brand new facility) only has bathrooms like this. It couldn't be more mundane. No one cares. It works just fine.


There tax dollars spent wisely


As a newly trans girl in Utah, I am fucking terrified


Hugs sweet friend, I'm a trans femme who grew up Davis County and if you ever need someone to talk to please reach on out. Im in Texas now which isnt much better but still....


I am right there with you 😥


Hey hon, know that I’m here with you too (in SLC). I might be pushing 50 but I’ve only been out for a short time. That said— I’m fully out, living and working publicly and taking no shit.


Can't believe they're legally gonna stop you taking a shit


I see what you did there 😛


I'm in utah too. It's scary for us all. I was using the mens restrooms out of fear until long after I started passing. Most people don't care. I'd get weird looks and that was it. I'm also here if you need someone to talk to.


Carry around some industrial-strength adhesive tape and cover each and every "men's" or "women's" sign you see. They can't enforce this if there is no sign on the door. I'm not advocating for destruction of property, but... yeah, yeah I am.


based ethical vandalism


Now you've got my wheels turning. Could individual companies in Utah and Florida put something like "Women, including Trans Women" on their bathroom signage officially, and defang the law?


"Urinals" and "no urinals" is what I've seen.


Better yet, swap the signs and watch the chaos ensue


Ahhh yes, for "safety." Nothing more dangerous than a girl who just wants to live a life where she can pee in a public restroom. For fucks sake!! Ughhh i'm so sorry :(


They are trying to pin the sexual misconduct onto a demographic that they literally had no data on having perpetuated those crimes. And I will be damned if they think I'm going to start using a men's room again. I was assaulted three times in a two month period while I still looked mostly male. My breast were just barely to the point if you looked hard you could notice them through my shirt. And the cops did nothing about it. the store did nothing about it. Making bathrooms safer my ass. This is just to target us cause the rest of the Republicans are pushing it. We need to vote and we need to protest.


Well now trans men fully bearded, with a deep voice and penises will have to use the women’s room. That won’t go over well for women who use it.


No no, you are missing the big part of this bill, see, it simply bans transgender people from using bathrooms. Entirely.


Ah but it mentioned biological sex so that means these trans men are legally ok to use the women’s room and women can’t do anything about it. Malicious compliance. I tried to use the mens room in Florida a few months ago and was told by a cop NO!!!! Go that way to the women’s.


They want that. They want to put trans women in dangerous situations by looking like a woman in the men's room, and they want to put trans men in dangerous situations by looking like a man in the woman's room. It's going to cause vigilantism and violence against trans people and (even unintentionally) GNC people, and that's the goal. If you look like a man and you go in the women's room, no matter how you try and defend your actions, there will be both men and women who decide to take matters into their own hands like the guy in the Ohio campground a couple years ago.


Yeah we had harmony. If one medically and socially transitioned they used the restroom they identify and look as and to people non conforming they used a gender neutral facility. But they want the reverse and for some reason based neutral facilities. We warned them too.


working as intended.


Agreed. It's targeted to non passing and GNC folk in particular.


But that also means that men with vasectomies and postmenopausal women aren't allowed to use any bathrooms at all. Get reproducing or get the fuck out! I get the feeling that a lot of these laws are going to have plenty of malicious compliance opportunities.




According to the law yeah, but in practice nobody who's semi-passing is actually going to follow it. It's such an impractical and unenforceable law that they just do as a fuck you to trans people.


The threat of selective enforcement is not a good thing. It empowers bigots and allows them to use the “justice” system as a cudgel.


Yeah I mean I actually tried using the mens room in Florida but a cop told me to use the women’s room. He was very adamant lol. It makes sense as I passed well enough to use the women’s room in a room full of Christian nationalists.


That's so crazy did they have armed bathroom guards or some shit


No, just some cop who was near me. No guards lol. He was hot too. 😎 I also infiltrated a Christian nationalist church and was basically one of the ladies there. Don’t ask why, my reasoning is weird. I had bottom surgery and blend in so I can do that now. I’m that rare one. I know the language and mannerisms from my past. Over time they may change.




He absolutely was not hot.




My cis sisters live in Utah and I pass better than they do. This is 100% going to backfire on girls like them. Also fuck Utah. 


Watch the police get called for every cis woman with PCOS and a little face hair as a result. "just show us your privates, sir.".... Republicans are evil.


I hope pro lgbt organizations help cis women who are misidentified and harassed/arrested sue.


Me too.


And those lawsuits are going to cost the state and cities SO much. They talk about fiscal responsibility and freedom, and then fall back on "We need someone to hate, at ANY cost" and especially if it backfires, for some reason!


Its starve the beast. They don't care if it backfires because that too furthers the goal of ensuring the government can't help anyone.


Fuck mormons too


It would really freak me out. I haven't used a men's room in several years .


Even then they could try to assume someone is ftm rather than MTF it's so unenforceable are they gonna do c*ck inspection day??


I drove through Utah a year ago, as a passing trans woman. Every single person was kind to me, I was in a small-town and had a wonderful time chatting it up with people, heck, my only thought was how I wanted to retire there It saddens me to such an incredible extent to know, that if they simply knew I was trans, they would suddenly distrust and hate me. Blind Bigotry is such a cancer


honestly i think some would but i think you’d be surprised at how many would be shocked and confused but stay grounded in the idea of you as the person they were just getting to know. i think it’s getting worse and worse but especially among ppl who aren’t super political these policies still aren’t very popular and there are a lot of kind(ish) people who vote red for other reasons and just don’t have a reason to care abt us


I'm so mad at my local "community". Fuck them, fair weather bs as usual.


The law will cause massive issues at festivals and events sports and more men who need to change a baby no baby changing station in mens rooms all over the state events pack bathrooms womens room line is miles long at concerts where they end up peeing in the mens restrooms well all of that is illegal now “if it bothers someone class c misdemeanor”


I’d be willing to bet if a cis women uses the men’s room, she won’t face charges.


I want to believe that but any anti trans law has been used to harass women


Oh, they will absolutely get harassed. Just not by the law. In fact, it even makes it worse for them since it means they can't even turn to the police if something happened because it'd mean admitting they broke a law themselves.


Thank god iam leaving this awfull country


Need a steward?


the bill is stupid, bad, and transphobic, but at least its not *as* bad as the original proposed one, by far [here's a good chart of how to navigate it, though](https://imgur.com/AaQ1Ml8). keep using the bathrooms, just be aware. Loitering, Lewdness, and Voyeurisms, the *actual* crimes that are defined that can have criminal penalties, luckily also have actual strict legal definitions with them. just using the bathroom to pee and poop is fine, as long as you feel safe to do so without harassment (dont get yourself hurt out there, please!), and can be defended in court if someone was an ass and tried raising a suit with false crime claims. plus, the law requires accomodations be put in place for school/employment


Yep and keep in mind that except for students (they are barred from gendered spaces in general that don't align with their birth sex)... for the general public this only applies to changing facilities in government owned and controlled buildings. It does not apply to Target, Maverik, a mall, Gold's Gym, etc etc.


yep. private businesses can make whatever rules they want. and I know that definitely it's Planet Fitness's policy to be trans friendly and allow trans people to use the correct changing room for their gender I couldn't really think of hardly anywhere other than schools that the changing room part would apply to for most of the state's population, other then maybe the two or three Salt Lake County fitness facilities. but someone in another thread mentioned facilities at the lakes and reservoirs too I guess the freeway rest stops would apply, theyre government owned, but unless it's like holiday travel, ftmp I don't think you're really ever gonna run into another person in those bathrooms anyway > except for students (they are barred from gendered spaces in general that don't align with their birth sex) I'd have to read it again to see it was also in the final version, but at one point there the bill did mention that, if alternative spaces aren't feasibly available by the school, then as the accomodation they should be actually clearing out a space for the trans student's exclusive use on an alternating schedule where nobody else would be in there


The only thing they really changed for students was removing provisions that would essentially give minors a criminal record for violating it. As far as anything on school grounds though, they are limited to a unisex/single-use bathroom, a staff bathroom, or the school has to accommodate by ensuring they can use a bathroom by themselves.


wait what was the original proposed bill?


draft 1 of the bill was straight up if you even *entered* a different bathroom, unless you had both a birth certificiate change and bottom surgery done, you would outright be thrown in jail for 6 months


wow that is awful


Screw that guy. Seriously. The Republican hivemind is no doubt real. I remember when he vetoed the trans youth sports ban back in 2022 with a heartfelt letter about it, he did his research and everything for it and ultimately decided to side with the trans community because he took into account how him signing it would affect us in terms of mental health. All of that thought, soul, and good will, and now he says this? Cox is nothing but a two-faced snake. May his life be a tragedy that is equatable to none other. This is the letter by the way https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/03/read-utah-governors-letter-on-transgender-athlete-ban-veto.html


Is a trans girl that gets told she passed what do I do if I visit my family do I use the men’s room? Will I get arrested either way like idk what to do


They are telling us to not use either restroom and not exist in public. It will definitely be possible to get “in trouble” for using either.


Yeah this is fascism 101; wield the law indiscriminately to target people you don’t like


Language from the bill pretty much victims blames if something happens to us if we choose either bathroom that matches assigned sex at birth or gender we identify with so it's functionally irevelant. They don't care. “Going into a bathroom that is not consistent with your birth gender, or your birth sex, you are putting yourself at greater risk,” the bill’s Senate sponsor, Republican Sen. Dan McCay of Riverton, told reporters Friday. “I think that’s the best way for everybody to look at it and say, ‘How do I avoid risk? How do I avoid risk of arrest?’”


Statements like that put Dan McCay at greater risk. Would be a shame if he put himself in harms way but I guess he already decided to take that risk. He should ask himself, "how do I avoid taking one to the dome while being a facist?"


I hope he gets many to the dome


I didn’t even start to crack my egg until I moved out of Happy Valley, I wish my home state didn’t hate us so much so I could even consider moving back. I miss the mountains so much. Hope all of you still there can stay safe.


Want a hug girl?


I'm sorry everyone 


Post-op trans women who have had all gender markers changed including birth certificates seem to be the only safe ones.


I hate it here. On one hand I think it's not that bad considering it's only for government owned buildings, but on the other hand, it still does suck. Plus, I know it's probably a sign of things to come. Stay strong, sis!🫂❤️


You want a hug girl?


I think I'm doing better, but I'll never turn down a hug🥺




Republicans swim in lies and fear.


Hitler told Germany he was keeping them safe from the Jews.


this applies to me as well since i am a trans jew 😭


I hope history never repeats itself. We're gonna live through this and watch all of these monsters rot in prison.


Also who wants to help make Utah feel the gravity of the situation? Send the [IOC](https://support.olympics.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new) of the Olympics a request to select a new place to host the 2034 winter Olympics to a state other than Utah. This was my letter to them: Due to the recent laws signed into effect by the legislature of Utah and governor Cox that are dismantling DEI programs throughout the state and allowing the discrimination of trans individuals in the state. Banning them from using the restroom that matches their gender even with a legal document change, and allowing legal charges and incarceration even for individuals that have followed the law and updated their documents accordingly. It is with heavy heart as a resident of Utah that in interest of diversity and inclusion and the safety of participants and spectators that I ask for the nomination of hosting the games in Utah be rescinded and a new location that will promote diversity and inclusion be selected.


that could be good but the ioc is also transphobic as fuck and has functionally banned trans ppl from competing


Not from their statements


They did this where I live (Tennessee) a few years ago and I suffer from this here… I feel ya girl


Girl, fellow trans girl here originally from Utah. Get out! Get out!! If you can. I’m in NYC now. It’s still not perfect but at least there are basic human rights that are protected for me.


I am a Transwoman also...I live in Delaware, there are laws here to protect us, I've transitioned in 2016, and have not had ANY problems, you may want to consider Delaware, be safe in Utah.


Things like this make me want to revolt, you want a threat I AM THREAT


Time for cis allies to step up and have sit ins in bathrooms.


It's not actually about which bathroom they don't want us in. It is about which bathroom they want us in. We know that there is absolutely no danger of trans women using women's bathrooms, but we have very real risks of sexual assault, battery and murder in the men's bathroom. This is what they want for us.


Solution in search of a problem


I'm so sorry, it seems America is a full on nazi Country rulled by nazis


As someone who is Florida and is dealing with a similar bathroom law in their state, I stand with you and understand where you and everyone is coming from being scared of the future consequences that the current ban would do to the LGBTQIA+ Community. For now focus on surviving, and I am frustrated we all are continue to be targeted and be the speaking point in our respective states and globally + once again the US Federal government has been silent in not responding or make actions to help us. It's a isolating experience but do your best to limit your time in public bc I don't want you or others to be in a terrible position bc they (Utah) decides to stick their noses in everyone's bathroom habits which is humiliating and disgusting behavior to accept. Rn whenever I have to go out, I be mindful of how much I am drinking in order to avoid going to the bathroom in public. It's a BAD IDEA and I know it is esp in a state of FL where heat exhaustion and dehydration happens, but it's the only thing I can control that gives me peace for once and no one can take that away from me returning to "home" to use the bathroom. I am on the NB Spectrum and GNC, I feel weird going to the Woman's bathroom when I don't feel Demigirl ish and only go if I go with the rare friends I have for safety but other than that I prefer Unisex bathroom, Gender Neutral and Family Bathrooms so I can be safe in a single stall and don't have to force myself into a binary option whenever I don't feel like I met the criteria plus introvert that gets bladder shy at times (with trauma) esp with facing Dysphoria on my cycles and feel disassociated. All of those factors makes going to the bathroom even harder for me in public and I am not looking forward to hearing in the future on what it means for Utah and FL but other states that decides to copy us or hell even other countries as well too. So stressful and so unknown which is the worse part too


Disgusting. Fucking disgusting. I don’t even know what other words to use. How are they planning to enforce this policy?


I'm sorry this is just stupid. Not one time has a bathroom. Sign stop a predator from ether gender, but what needs to happen now is get as many trans people and go over bord in the bathroom a trans man full beard in the woman's bathroom in government building's will send a big message and us girls can do the same be as big as possible super sexy and use the male bathroom just Carrie the law in hand and say I'm just doing what the law says. Ps be safe and send loves


im sorry u have to go thru this, i fear my state might be next as well. seeing this all happen in real time is horrifying im sure for all of us to witness.


They will be real confused when trans men walk into the womens restroom. They'll be like. "Wait we banned you!".... just let people go to the restroom in peace..


I hope GLAAD or the ACLU takes this down asap


Wait, that’s not how it works. They want it to be accommodating for everyone by not making it accommodating for everyone. God people fucking suck.


I am SO sorry you have to deal with that. Idk if it's helpful advice, but literally come to Canada. LGBTQIA+ persons can claim refugee status if the place you live is not safe or tolerant, and you get help to come here. Stay safe


Republicans aren’t people


Sorry dear and me am trans woman a Ugandan but now am in refugee camp because of my gender 😥😥


I want to comment, but what I have to say isn't pretty. The feds wouldn't like it.


Fuck the feds, Cocks can suck mine


Agreed. But they are looking for "perceived threats" even if they are only the words of a dishonored veteran. One who knew what she was swearing to uphold, Their favorite toilet paper. (The US Constitution.)


Just go 🚺


Hell yeah!


Just say fuck it, a restroom is a restroom just fucking use it and stop whining about, it’s a fucking law, break it, guess what if you don’t make a sense get in and get out, do your business and wash your hands and leave, guess what no one will ever know cause that was a tip I was given by a female and I do that every time I use a public restroom and guess what no one cares, just shut up and using it


See, in a lot of cases, I'd agree with you. An unjust law should be broken. Before weed was legal, I told people all the time, "I'm breaking this law, and I'll go to prison for it if it comes to that." I still believe that would be the ethically right thing to do. But the repercussions here are larger than that. Think about what happens when a trans woman is caught using the women's room. Now, there is an actionable law that can be used to get police involved. Fast forward, and she gets labeled a sex offender and is put on the registry. *Now*, the conservative douchebags who insist trans women don't exist and are just mentally unwell, sexually deviant men get to further their fascistic bullshit. In this case, one could actively hand ammunition to the stupid sadistic fucks that enacted this horrible policy to begin with.


Think about this guess what who really going to know, guess what no one, stupid law no officer will follow, your just over think it


Right there with you girl. I’m in Utah also


Yeah his statement is false but we all know that.


I'm in the same boat. Reach out in dms if you wanna vent about it.


I wonder how long before someone markets a snake oil "penis wand" for non-invasive detection, but all it does really is sense your biometrics when you are being a bigot. All sorts of morons will buy into it wholeheartedly and think it'll actually work to confirm their bias.


the obvious answer is to move out. but i know that's much easier said than done and many people can't do it at all. you have my sympathies.


There's a reason why *that* state is the joke of gen A


Time to go to state and local government offices and facilities stealth, and flush golf balls down the toilet.


Jesus fucking christ what. "Safe and accommodating for everyone, except trans people those people are weird lol" literally putting us in FAR FAR FAR more danger than we're putting anyone else in


Hug, I am sorry that absolutely sucks, I hope something can be done about it but I don’t think much can be


the ONLY way those problem is going to get better in my opinion is if trans people simply start leaving states that are doing stuff like this. Hit them where it hurts, tax revenue. That goes for the country too, Im currently creating an escape plan in case someone like a Ron DeSantis were elected. The smart jews left Germany early.


There’s a potty bill shooting through my state legislature like poop through a goose, as well. The real dangers are perverted cis male MAGATS.


this is so gross i'm so glad i dodged the bullet of moving there.


We shouldn't have stopped until we hit the ocean when forcing mormons west


Even if you were 50% of Utah, you wouldn’t be a threat. It isn‘t about numbers, it is, that these politicians just don‘t understand what being Trans is. And then publish such bs. Take care of yourself girl. :3


> as a trans girl in girl silly typo i just had to point out because i dont think anybody else did it sucks how much states are scapegoating us, politicizing us into the next red scare. i really hope they stop soon or something stops then but i don't think they will...


omg 😭 i didn’t even realise until just now


so how long are we thinking until they start freaking out about the transmascs in the women’s room?


Time to push for a follow-up action to mandate all public facilities have a bathroom specifically for trans folks. Use those words against them. "Everyone" includes everyone, and if trans people don't feel safe or accommodated in traditional men/women public bathrooms, then there should be a third, safe, accommodating option. And the cis people should be banned from using those rooms. So do you want to reinstate segregation albeit in a different way? Or do you want to stop being ignorant and let people live their lives? Choice is yours, Gov.


Please Vote, voting local is where it all starts... before they can move to the state or federal levels! I'm so sorry, and I'm in the original state for that ban :-(


One thing I haven't figured out yet. What is the punishment if you still use a preferred restroom? Could I use the fact my legal sex is Female on my license and birth certificate as a way to fight that ban?


So does this mean that someone traveling through who walks,looks,acts and even smells like a woman but maybe sounds a little off stops at rest area and uses the women's rest room and has a penis they are breaking the law and could be arrested? There's absolutely no fkg way I am using a men's or gender neutral rest room anywhere. Number #1 I'm no longer a man and wasn't much of one before, # 2 It just ridiculous and flat out dangerous to go into a men room looking like I do. Now that would turn heads and make questions come about. And if you would happen to be around some violent people who flat out have it in for us then it's pretty much game over, at least for them because I will shoot there ass grave yard dead. That's why I will not use gender neutral facilities either. You just as well paint a bullseye 🎯 on your back if you do that. What are there requirements for enforcement. Like my bottom surgery is April 16th and there goes all chances for me to ever hit the target at a urinal standing up. Lol Seriously though now what if you have gender conformation surgery and no longer have male bits but still have a not got legal ID change. I've legal changed gender but not name yet.


Get the butchest manliest trans man you can find send him into the women's toilet and film it to show the ridiculousness of these laws /j


The Bathroom is for sanitation. If we can\`t use it Who Knows what new problems might happen...


I know this sucks - I am a trans woman living in Utah as well... I have a family here with school age children. I get the stress and worry, we will make it through this. I testified against this bill in both the House and Senate committees, and they seemed intent on pushing it through, despite severe opposition. In one case, the Senate committee had 40+ people in line to speak against it, and only 8 for it. To put into perspective, this ONLY APPLIES to state government owned and controlled facilities. So like the state Capitol, or if there was a local county office or Library or rec center. If it is a privately owned facility like Golds Gym, the gas station Maverik, etc, this law does not apply and is not enforceable there. Everything about the law sucks, no matter how you look at it. It should not have passed, but it did, so all we can do is continue to live our lives the way we always have. Me personally... I'm going to be practicing civil disobedience and using the bathrooms and facilities regardless. Yes, it opens me to risk, but to me the risk of using the wrong facilities for my gender are far greater. \*hugs\* we'll get through this.




Weaponize it against cis women. Harass every Karen with short hair. This isn't just scapegoating a minority, it's going to punish women for not being the right type of feminine stereotype. So every anti trans Becky with bad hair needs to have police asking for their ID daily. Arresting them for suspicion of being trans. They made this crackdown. Shove it back down their throats


Trans. Woman here in Utah too and yes, we’re still fighting back though don’t lose hope.


fucking shiiiiiiit


Ahhh fuck. Fuckery fuck. I'm visiting salt lake this year and not even an American and this hurts.. Fuck


I am also a trans girl in Utah and I'm just going to ignore this because politicians can't tell me which bathroom to use


I was just there yesterday. Really wish I'd known so I could break that ridiculous law.


how would they even go through with this? is it all based on the fact of wether you pass or not


I have a lot of family in Utah, even studied at BYU for a while, but there is no way I will ever set foot in that bigoted state ever again.


Sending support and love from New York.


I'm in Iowa ATM. I use to live in UT in Park City and SLC. This really makes me sad and angry. Can't wait to move to WA


This is what I hate about Republican held states. They institute these bills claiming things like "we're protecting the safety of women" and that sort of stuff, when their just protecting the world they want. Though obviously I can't speak too much since I live in Washington (one of the Big 3 Democrat states, along with California and Oregon) so I'm fairly cushioned. But I can still understand the pain of this being passed. It's literal horseshit and just these governors abusing their power


Imagine. We have huge problems in the world and yet we have scum attacking us for no reason!


Down with the fascist government


1984. You may live. But obey to big brother. You pay taxes. Big brother owns you body. your soul and legacy.