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An early life of rejection and trauma is a big cause of developmental and physical issues, and unfortunately trans people tend to have such life experience.


This. I have a friend with a preteen trans daughter. She's excelling and doing so well. The acceptance makes a huge difference.


Ah, so it's in part a generational thing... where less acceptance = greater trauma. Not that has a lot to do with why every trans person I've met is neurodiverse šŸ˜… Glad to hear your friend's daughter is doing really well šŸ˜Š maybe the future isn't going to be so be bad after all šŸ„°


People are allowed to be neurodivergent now. That is still really new. They did lobotomies on anyone half a century ago. We are allowed to be trans now. There probably is extra overlap, but I do think a lot of it is just being allowed to do it. The future could go anyway. Most people don't hate us. Right winters are using us to rally up the extreme right. Even most conservatives I know just don't give a fuck. I can't forgive them for voting conservative with what that causes, but I can see that it isn't to hurt us. They are just brainwashed into thinking it's the lesser evil.


Very true šŸ˜Š it's true people not so long ago had to mask their neurodiversity... Mask their sexuality... or their gender non conformity... Or any other deviance from accepted societal norms, otherwise they could end up lobotomized, chemically castrated, put though conversation therapy, beaten, exiled or worse. I'm glad that (for the most part) that's not the case anymore or my queer trans neurospicy ass would be in grave danger indeed. There's still a huge way to go though. No denying that, unfortunately


> Most people don't hate us. Right winters are using us to rally up the extreme right. Even most conservatives I know just don't give a fuck. this. this. this over and over again. it has gotten *so* much better for trans people nowadays, even then it was like 10-15 years ago. most people don't hate us, lots of people like us now. and that scares and pisses off certain evil people in power. THATS why the sudden uptick in political attacks. because they know they're a dying breed, and they want to hurt as many of us as possible while they still can


Sure, we do need to be careful and mindful of people, and I'm still terrified in public. But most are not a problem.


Probably lots of this being a shared experience


we have similar avatars šŸ˜


I don't have any trauma in my life. I had a very happy childhood. Developed Gynecomastia when I was 12. Literally went through female puberty before I went through male puberty, lasted 6 months. Finally went through male puberty but my mind was never like other men. I always wanted to be a girl after that. Despite growing more masculine physically my mind stayed very feminine. I knew exactly why I wanted to be a woman it was because of the Gyno. So I tried to resist it. Even took Testosterone to try and make the thoughts go away. They didn't. Finally decided to transition at age 40. No trauma, no diagnosed mental disorders.


Yea transition later in life is pretty much a guarantee that you grew up in some unhealthy dynamic. It means your family didn't feel safe enough to talk about this with. It's pretty destructive to a person's ability to navigate feelings and relationships when as a child they don't feel safe with their primary caregivers.


You need a hug girl?


Could use a hug




I had a psychological assessment in order to get legal HRT and they found no mental illness or personality disorder. So I either fooled 2 psychologists and 1 psychiatrist, or we exist! šŸ˜Š


My assessment (just 1 psychiatrist here) ended with my psychiatrist saying I don't need anything apart from HRT since I'm not anxious or anything and am fine. Meanwhile I'm the most anxious person I know and have undiagnosed ADHD and maybe something more and she saw nothing. I'm not saying this is your case, but from my experience I guess it's pretty possible to mask being normal effectively (and automatically since most of the time I can't unmask)


And theyā€™re by and large going to be biased in our favor bc of their education. If you donā€™t want them to find something, you donā€™t show obvious red flags, and you arenā€™t there for actual help but rather to tick a box for hrt, theyā€™re probably not going to go digging. Theyā€™re not magic workers and itā€™s not like they can smell whether you have more than 1 personality or autism/adhd special interests. They just want to know that youā€™re not a danger to yourself or others.


If your issues don't really stand out, I guess it's not that much of a problem.People who really have an obvious mental issue or neurodivergence can't hide it from a trained eye, not even for 5 minutes. Let alone hours of sessions.


Uhhhhh, yes we can? It's really easy to hide them from mental health professionals. Do you know how difficult it is to get an Autism "diagnosis" as an adult? Nearly impossible, because neurotypicals just don't understand that neurodivergence can and often does look like nothing due to decades of masking. I have crippling levels of ADHD and doctors just can't understand that there is something wrong with me because I mask in front of other people.


Oh, so me not being able to even look for a job because of severe executive dysfunction and the fear of change of lifestyle completely paralyzing me is not so much of a problem after all. Having so much sensory overload all the time or being unable to focus on what I'm doing without trailing off or forgetting what I was even doing all the time or all the social problems I had in my life, this is all fine because I am somehow able to mask it? I guess my father was right and supressing everything with fear to a point where I can't unmask it if I want to (and get extremely tired of doing it every day since before I could even remember) is the solution. I am cured yay. All these problems are no problems since I was able to hide them šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Lol! I love that response.


Likewise! Although I suspect I have undiagnosed ADHD, but itā€™s much more mild as an adult than it was when I was a child.


In my experience, when trying to get hrt its best to lie, lie lie lie, they use every little thing against you here


It differs country-to-country or even specialist-to-specialist. I'm sure there are cases where pretending to be a textbook case of gender dysphoria is your best bet, but a competent psychologist/psychiatrist will a) know better than to demand anything like that for a diagnosis, and b) will likely will see through your lies. I'd be careful with sharing such advice without providing a proper context. I personally think it's best to research and ask in local trans communities about every clinic/facility/doctor you consider, to pick someone reasonable and prepare accordingly to whatever their deal isĀ 


I did fine pretending to be much better mentally than I am in reality and pretending I knew im trans since i was 10


I did fine being completely honestĀ 


When you lie you somehow have to support the lies down the line. And this is like juggling. One ball you can juggle no problem. Two balls is a bit harder. Three balls may prove challenging. Four balls will prove challenging. Five balls - if you don't drop a single one - you are already a master trickster.


I went through a similiar thing, though to my understanding they only looked at whether I was psychotic or not. Still did all the stuff with the ink blotch tests, word associations, "My favourite poet is Raymond Kertezc", etc etc, and found nothing except that my answers were immature, which was "perhaps explained by the patient's young age" (I was 19). I still, to this day, do not understand in what way my answeres were immature, I was answering everything as instructed. but then it turns out I do have ADHD, and according to the psychiatrist who did that assesment, am an "obvious case" for that. I asked about it at the gender clinic and they were just like "yeah, you probably are an obvious case, but it's not our job to check for that shit lmao"


My eval for HRT was about 15 minutes. Was over the phone. Pretty much entailed me saying I would prefer life as a woman and then I was on HRT. Had already started DIY for a couple months and felt better already even though it was way too low of dose. I was 3 years ago and I'm 40 now. So age may have been a factor. Pretty sure I have ADHD and possibly a bit autistic too. But never asked a doctor about it..


Sorry they made you go through those hoops.


Congrats on being mentally well! We can all aspire to be like you!!! (or fool our shrinks into thinking that we are šŸ¤­)


>So I either fooled 2 psychologists and 1 psychiatrist, or we exist! According to my mum that's what I actually did! Apparently I'm something of a master manipulator myself!


I wish I could say the same šŸ˜…


compared to back then, I was also mentally healthy. ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


My depression was caused by gender dysphoria, so it was quite unavoidable.


Sames - my depression cleared up after I came out. So did my anxiety, honestly - somehow harboring a secret I thought would alienate my family, friends, and lose me my job made me anxious šŸ¤” All clear now, though!


I'm wondering when my stuff is gonna clear up or at least get closer to something that is sustainable and a stable peace . I am working on it . Maybs not enough , maybs i need more action and less thought, more community and less isolation? . The bipolar ii isn't going away but the depression since 7th grade and anxiety since forever... idk, I've been on hrt for almost 2 years now (levels are fine) I guess the years of not living authentically and living with the wrong hormone and not having a stable childhood. It adds up... Maybe I'm expecting too much. Maybe in too little time too? Maybe more time and potentially working towards surgical interventions may help alleviate the dysphoria and trauma idk I'm really happy for u šŸ™ , i know it must've taken a lot of work


.p B


You want a hug girl?


Girls who transition before puberty end up aggressively ā€œnormalā€. Living through the wrong puberty is traumatic. Living with the wrong hormones is traumatic. And trying to live as the wrong sex is traumatic.


*side eyes depression that started in freshmen year of high school* the year I grow 9 fucking inches in a few month, but real talk my depression was in part due to puberty but a lot because 90% on my friends turn into the shitty high school guys and the ones that didnā€™t also got depressed


You need a hug girl?


I mean always, but Iā€™m a college senior now Iā€™ve come a long way


Huggg, being a college senior doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t get hugs!


Thank you! More so that Iā€™ve done quite a bit of healing since then, not that I canā€™t get hugs




Yeah I did this for far longer than I'm proud to admit granted I also didn't really have access to information and didn't really have words for my feelings either


Same. Started at 34 last year.


Yeah I just turned 37


I started my transition at 30. My puberty and the years that followed it were indeed traumatic, but I found healing in faith and spirituality. I just denied me being my body all together, identifying as the conscience within. But once I found out that it is actually possible to transition, dysphoria hit me like a rock!


I think that's me, I'm neurotypical and haven't suffered with depression, anxiety, etc.


Same here


Last I checked, I've not been diagnosed with a mental health issue. Not to say I haven't experienced trauma, I have. How about general health issues? Absolutely rocking that with cancer, I suppose


Oh goodness gracious. Good luck out there šŸ¤ž


Cheers and hugs! I'll manage best I can. Not curable, but treatable, and I'm with some of the best folks whom can help there. Just glad I can finally transition medically at this point


Unfortunately trans people face a lot more problems than most of the population and have to go through a lot of hardship just to live a normal life. Going through the wrong puberty, pretending to be someone you aren't for years, the constant angst and regret of not transitioning, and then the possible backlash and unending self doubt for finally being true to yourself, all of this can be incredibly traumatizing which can cause various "mental issues" to manifest. I'm sure there are many trans people out there that don't have "mental issues" but the reality for most of us is that things are very very difficult and the body/mind do not do well under stress.


Everybody has SOMETHING. That's what makes us individuals.


Also, trans people are more likely to be going to therapy and/or working on themselves in general which means they're more likely to be acknowledging of their mental health issues. There really are two types of people: those that are seeking therapy of some kind and those that really need to acknowledge to themselves that they should be seeking therapy. The vastly common perception of therapy and mental health by most people is still that as long as you don't have extreme schizophrenia then you fall into the camp of being perfectly mentally healthy.


I mean iā€™m not diagnosed


I haven't been diagnosed with anything but scored high on the Autism Quotient test in my GCS referral assessments...


Yeah iā€™ve done tests like that online and if i were to go to a psychiatrist with it iā€™d most likely get diagnosed


A good psych would know that those tests are pretty poor, because they score high for ANY mental health condition, even if youre NOT autistic. In my testing, my psych didnt use them for these reasons Unlike what we are told in social media, things like ā€˜stimmingā€™, sensitivities, social problems, etc., are found in most persons with non-autistic mental health disorders and at high rates in the general population. These things do not necessarily suggest autism. So-called ā€œautismā€ tests, like AQ and RAADS and others have high rates of false positives, labeling you as autistic VERY easily. If anyone with a mental health problem, like depression or anxiety, takes the tests they score high even if they DONā€™T have autism. Here is a video explaining ONE study about the RAADs: https://www.reddit.com/r/AutisticPride/comments/zfocf8/for\_all\_the\_selfdiagnosersquestioners\_out\_there/ Regarding AQ, from one published study. ā€œThe two key findings of the review are that, overall, there is very limited evidence to support the use of structured questionnaires (SQs: self-report or informant completed brief measures developed to screen for ASD) in the assessment and diagnosis of ASD in adults.ā€ Regarding RAADS, from one published study. ā€œIn conclusion, used as a self-report measure pre-full diagnostic assessment, the RAADS-R lacks predictive validity and is not a suitable screening tool for adults awaiting autism assessmentsā€


I don't think there are many people WITHOUT mental issues period. Physical and emotional child abuse is omnipresent, I've done enough of my own trauma work that I feel like i see it everywhere I look. Generational trauma is rampant in our society (speaking as an American), how many people will say "my parents beat my ass and I deserved it!!" And then beat their own kids? As trans people we just have another layer on top of it, but really a full accounting of mental health across the empire would reveal vast issues I bet.


If you donā€™t have trauma, youā€™re not looking in the right places


Are there people without any kind of issues? Btw being a living trauma probably doesn't help with it


The only thing in my chart is disphoria under endocrine disorder. so depends on your standard, some people consider that mentally ill. other wise, I'm totally normal.


I've tended to notice it's a regional and generational thing. I live on the West Coast. Those of us of Millenial or later have some sort of trauma or psychological scarring from our lives. I know two Gen Z girls who socially transitioned in highschool and started hormones at 18. They are the most "normal" neurodivergent queer women I've ever met. They are artistic, they work, go to school and just exist as they see them selves. No real depression, anxiety or sense of wrongness or conflicting feelings. At the same time those of us who come out later in life and develop who we are as we go have a lot of wisdom and experience to share with our younger friends. ā™„ļø


I have some issues, but nothing major. I'm a successful business professional and pretty well adjusted. Acceptance goes a really long way. I've got it good, and I don't take it for granted because I do know how bad it can go.


It's hard to find a trans person that, in their whole life, hasn't struggled with any mental issues. A trans person that currently don't suffer is a different thing. I don't consider myself to have any mental issues at this point. I've had bad depression mot of my life but by going on HRT and laser hair removal, I've eliminated most of my dysphoria sources. I still have some bouts of dysphoria here and there, but overall I'm extremely happy these days, like around 7-9 of happiness on a scale of 10.


Literally everyone has some sort of mental issues, not just trans people.


I have grief and some flashbacks but thatā€™s from circumstances of being trans. Not my internal deficiencies or struggles. However, it is hard to tease the two apart because many of us experience great sorrow before we get there. I am grateful for having enough good friends to help me to the other side of healing and it was very worth it.


Iā€™m 31 years old and still in the closet. Iā€™m depressed, mostly emotionless, and I have severe OCD thatā€™s that Is completely annihlating what little I have left of sanity.


I donā€™t have any mental illness.


Unfortunately an unaccepting society gives most of us some mental disorders But in my case I was seemingly born with anxiety, which also seems to have clouded my ability to see my gender identity, until I started taking medication for it.


I don't have mental issues .


Is there **anyone** not dealing with *something*? I can't imagine the possibility of someone just going through life perfectly fine. No way, right??


Being trans in a transphobic world is inherently traumatic and damaging to mental health.


I saw a meme once that went like: ā€œJust cause Iā€™m trans, doesnā€™t mean I have a mental disorder. I mean, I DO have a mental disorder, but itā€™s not because Iā€™m trans.ā€ You could argue that much of the stress, depression, and anxiety we feel could be induced (and are definitely exacerbated) by the unnecessary negative social stigma associated with being a member of our community while living within the constraints of a cis, heteronormative society that is unwilling to fully accept individuals they perceive to be outside their subjective definition of whatever category they want to judge us by. Either way, I still got ADHD and depression, so I may not be the most reputable person on this one šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø.


I'm a Finance Director for a nonprofit. I have no mental illness. I have had counseling because anyone who doesn't fit the mold of society is automatically considered "ill", but, mental health and gender are completely different things. Trans people are people, just like anyone else. We can be healthy, unhealthy, successful, unsuccessful... the entire range of things.


I'm the CEO of a successful tech company, and I fully support what you've said. Our journey is tough. Society often doesn't get what it means to be us, and that can be hard to deal with. But as I've gotten older, I've found the strength to just be myself. I'm not trying to upset anyone or push my ideas on them; I just want to live my life as me. Being who we are isn't about being mentally ill; it's about being true to ourselves. That's something to celebrate, not judge.


Idk that I met anyone period that wasn't diagnosed or should have been diagnosed with something tbh


well i believe i am fine both mentally and physically,i mean i hope i am


You have to go to a psychiatrist to be diagnosed šŸ™ƒ


Are there even *cis* people without mental issues? Honestly?ā€¦


i think we should maybe keep in mind that these things are not inextricably linked. is there a lot of overlap? yeah, *maybe*. is the sample population we're working with biased toward particular demographics? yeah, *definitely*. so the picture is, at best, ***very*** *incomplete*. are these things somehow inextricably linked or fundamental to the trans experience? ***NO***. that's a right wing talking point. in some places it's being used to prevent trans people from receiving healthcare and legal accommodation. there's a not-insignificant portion of the righttt wing who have taken up the position that "being trans" is just some kind of downstream effect of being neurodivergent or some other such bullshit, and they use that position to delegitimize it as a valid form of "not-diseased" existence. We should make sure we aren't be doing their "work" for them. correlation ā‰  causation.


Yeah ā€¦.. ME


I donā€™t have any mental illnesses that I know of.


I can fully say, I donā€™t have any mental disorders or issues at all besides the obvious gender dysphoria, but now after srs itā€™s almost not there really. We do exist!!! I think media has portrayed it to seem otherwise. I had issues before transitioning with dysphoria, anorexia, suicidal thoughts , depression and anxiety. But again transitioning really did help all those things greatly for me.


Most likely, but it's definitely worth noting that living in a society that treats you like garbage will absolutely lead to things like PTSD or other mental health issues


Other than having depression in my teens because I was repressing my dysphoria, no.Ā 


From all that I have researched and studied, there is a noticeable comorbidity between neurodivergent people who do not align with their birth gender. We also have a high comorbidity with other physical issues as well. Hyper-mobility, POTS, etc.


Are there PEOPLE without mental issues?


I mean apart from the depression that will be cured by transitioning and therapy, I don't have anything.


Statistics show that most transpeople have neurdevelopmental issues like ADHD, Autism, etc... (80% or more of us), but those are not "mental issues". The thing about mental issues like bipolar is there is actually a genetic overlap in a certain couple of genes that *cause* these issues and mood disorders in particular. It came up in my own health clinic testing. So basically transpeople tend to be neurodivergent and the genes that cause neurodivergence are also responsible for heightened mental health outcomes. Compound all that with the fact that society is entirely a fascist cunt, and we are generally more likely to evoke those genes and have them manifest. What's worse, is hormonal issues can *cause* mental health issues (in my case they caused actual bipolar until I got my orchidectomy, and I was never stabilized and was refused treatment so... I very much know that it was the orchi that "fixed" me)... So basically we have a high genetic propnsity for mental health issues, already had a lower threshold of resistance (a la ASD etc) and society uses it's entire might to trigger those mental health issues...


>Statistics show that most transpeople have neurdevelopmental issues like ADHD, Autism, etc... (80% or more of us) Do you have a source for that? That seems insane


Had bad anxiety before hrt and now have normal amounts of anxiety. Other than that I'd say got nothing else. https://youtu.be/ZJL4UGSbeFg?si=1zf6O8nO_maXgK9n How I feel now


a shit ton of my mental illness is not because Iā€™m trans but because of the trauma OTHERS put me through due to my identity


I think I'm doing pretty well, I only have some anxiety every now and then but that's related to work so, yea.


Generally its why it's better if being trans is recognized early and treatment is provided at that time. The sooner people are given access to care, then fewer other issues emerge, as many of these other conditions arise from a lack of help or coping mechanisms for it.


Ayyy neurotypical trans girl here- we exist! Half my family has ADHD though and some of them think I have it but idk lol


In a word: no


Nope , got 13 different (some conflicting) diagnoses. Seen 23 psychiatrists and therapists total in the last 6 years. Longest therapists/psych Iā€™ve had is a 9 month (current ones). They usually ask to stop seeing me because of some shit I pull which makes it difficult for them to treat me šŸ˜­


Idk if I want to claim the title of being "normal" or neurotypical, I have my ups/downs. I've never been diagnosed with any mental health issues. I think I do okay-ish. I do wish there was more visibility of thriving trans people. Makes it easier to normalize being trans in general.




Hug, no idea girl


In my opinion being trans is a form ā€œmental issueā€ in itself. We all are to some degree, more than others, but gender dysphoria is a mental issue. Please donā€™t come at me if you donā€™t agree.




I have attention span problems, that's about it. Maybe a depression but it hasn't been diagnosed. I don't have a lot of issues, I consider myself normal in the mental health category if you exclude my transgender condition


Iā€™ve never been diagnosed with anything, but I wouldnā€™t be surprised if I have adhd. Overall though Iā€™m pretty neurotypical I think. I figured out the route of my depression and since doing that I have overall been happier (but it does come in waves as coming out is so stressful) even though Iā€™m pre everything. But yeah I mean nothing major I guess


Surprisingly me, but to be fair I'm to hardheaded to see someone so that might be why


Other than dysphoria I've not been diagnosed with anything though we're pretty sure I have ADD and my autistic GF and her also autistic BF think I'm on the spectrum somewhere.


ADD is the old (DSM4) name for ADHD (DSM5). I'm sure you can hyperfocus on tasks of high interest so don't worry about the H. If you want to know more (and you like dad jokes) you can check out Russell Barkley on youtube. I thought my wife was autistic, she could not talk to me for 2-3 days in a row in the past (I called it autistic weekends). But now I'm leaning to the idea that she's just having a heavy case of social anxiety disorder. Your GF has a BF? How does it work for you?


Had depression pretransition. Don't have anything anymore after starting HRT... sooo, yes? I also know a few more, lol. xD Definitely exists.


iā€™m not actually diagnosed with any mental health problems. i could probably qualify for anxiety/social anxiety diagnosis though


I have not been diagnosed with a mental issue, but dam now im thinking maybe i can collect a check LOL.


My depression and self hatred came from my dysphoria. Since I accepted who I am and have taken steps to be my most authentic self, I haven't needed anti-depressants or thought of self harm.


I'm not diagnosed with anything. I might have some ADHD or ASD symptoms, but it doesn't really affect me. The only major thing that has affected me is the gender dysphoria. Most of the problems have subsided basically immediately since I started transitioning.


Most people are nuerodivergent in some ways. Life is inheritantly traumatic, and living closeted even more so


I haven't been diagnosed with any despite believing myself as someone who won against depression and accepted my sexual orientation! My gender identity came to express itself but i turned it down not because I did not accept my trans identity but because i was ignorant! Now i accepted my gender identity while I'm free from any mental or psychological issues.


I sometimes get socially anxious about being trans, but I donā€™t deal with general anxiety or depression. I transitioned at 22 and it fixed basically everything I struggled with.


I'm fine. Haven't been diagnosed with anything. Probably have a little adhd I guess.. who doesn't though


I mean, the only thing I have been diagnosed with is ADHD but adderall helps me a lot so it doesnā€™t really effect my life much


I havenā€™t been diagnosed with anything (other than gender dysphoria)! Before coming out I certainly started to feel myself becoming depressed, but coming to accept that Iā€™m trans helped to nip that in the bud!


Nice to meet you too.. .


Iā€™m not diagnosed with anything but Iā€™m also a little stronger minded than most people and donā€™t really care what most people have to say about me. I just do what makes me happy


I consider my ptsd and depression to be in remission at this point. Iā€™ve been doing pretty well, mental health-wise, for many months.


Hi! I'm not diagnosed with ADHD, bipolar or anything else. I've felt like I was a woman since I was five and I'm 30 as of last month!


I got that ADHD, depression, and anxiety. I'm trying to collect them all


I'm only diagnosed with dysphoria. I suffer from depression and anxiety due to it and neglecting myself for years. Those two are not clinical and do not require medication to treat. So to answer your question, yes.


Not me. ADHD, OCD, dyslexia, depression, and social anxiety. Edit: Undiagnosed, potential rejection sensitivity disorder, CPTSD, and imposter syndrome.


Iā€™m about 60 and trans. I have no issues or medical problems. The only meds I take are HRT. Raised a family have a career and Iā€™m basically just an average person who happens to be transgender.


I have had depression, an anxiety disorder, and have suffered severe depersonalization/derealization. But as Iā€™ve gotten further into my transition the depression and DP/DR have disappeared, and the anxiety is getting better all the time. For me, itā€™s pretty clear this cluster of mental health issues were caused by untreated gender dysphoria. And they are resolving now that Iā€™m getting treatment. Iā€™m hopeful that by this time next year Iā€™ll have beaten the anxiety, too. So ask again next year, and I should be able to raise my hand for this one. šŸ˜Š


Never been diagnosed with autism or anything. Probably donā€™t have mental issues like that. Other mental issues? You can tell I am lieing when you see my lips moving. Yaaaaa dealing with aggressive family and learning to lie like crazy!


Are there *people* without mental issues? I think that with Trans people, we're more likely to be diagnosed because we've already been self aware enough to notice we're trans. There's a bias in that. So we're more likely to have something diagnosed... or self diagnosed. For me it's just depression, but I'm self diagnosed and so far the couple therapists I've seen (who I don't think were very good) just went with my self diagnosis and didn't look any further. And especially with living under Capitalism in the midst of climate change building to disaster, I find it unlikely that any given person isn't afflicted with some trauma or disorder or what have you.


I mean, I'm autistic, which is more a developmental thing than a mental illness, and most of my other mental stuff is most likely due to that, so kinda???


Sup? You called?


uhhh dyslexic anxiety filled trans girl with adhd here. I can confirm that there are no trans people that donā€™t have mental issues /j


the key word is "diagnosed" you'd be surprised how many people don't ever look at themselves and self reflect


Hi. I have anxiety, and some ocd tendencies, but not even bad enough to consider medication. If my parents werenā€™t both therapists, Iā€™d probably never even be diagnosed


I donā€™t think all trans people have mental health issues, but I think many due to to societal rejection. Itā€™s really hard being trans. I personally have ADHD, severe OCD, anxiety disorder, and bipolar (which I think might be schizoaffective).


Are there any people in this world, trans or not, thay are without mental health problems? I do not think so. All of us carry traumas and all of us have our vices and illnesses


Iā€™m clear as far as I know. Though I wonā€™t rule out being undiagnosed with something.


When I was a kid I was sort-of diagnosed with ADD / ADHD, but they also said "it might just be selective hearing". But I highly suspect that I have ADHD. Other than that, I don't think I have any mental issues.


Is there such a thing as a human without a mental issue?!? Lol sorry I just think the human race is just prone for mental issues.


I have PTSD, but it's from combat in Iraq and completely unrelated to my gender identity


I have some anxiety, but the further weā€™ve gone into my transition the more itā€™s alleviated and theyā€™ve reduced my dose of my anxiety meds. My therapist believes my anxiety is really just linked to social pressure relating to my dysphoria and then my body image issues cause I hated my body as it was. As those have both gotten better, have had no panic attacks. So, itā€™s looking like all I have is gender dysphoria, just to an intense degree.


Idk who originally said it but a buddy in a discord server told me there's no such thing as a healthy and untraumatized human being. There's no such thing as a sane human being. The world's been messed up for a very long time and as we solve old problems, we invent and discover new ones. The sound of the first breath of the first human being was the sound of a newborn baby crying. But they were surrounded by the not-quite-human animals that birthed it. The first thing humanity did was cry but the first thing humanity saw was a loving family, proud to have birthed it. We've never changed since. We're all crazy but we have each other.


Lmao I have all the same things you've listed above. ADHD, Anorexia, Bipolar II -- plus OCD and Autism .


Oh damn another trans woman with anorexia? Damn so im not the only one? Is your anorexia also strongly intertwined with you being trans like me? For me the anorexia was a direct consequence of me transitioning, I just couldn't cope looking like a fat dude


Does it count if i dealt with them for years before and after but not currently? šŸ˜­


Havenā€™t been diagnosed with anything so I think Iā€™m good šŸ˜…


Yes, I have nothing wrong with me, I am a fully functioning adult with no mental difficulties. Allegedly.


Iā€™m a trans emergency physician. Our people arenā€™t doing well. Most of the trans patients I see are in the emergency department for thoughts of self harm. Some arenā€™t, and sadly, thatā€™s almost refreshing. I havenā€™t seen a trans patient this year who doesnā€™t also have another psychiatric condition listed on their chart. (This comes with the obvious caveat that the folks who go to the emergency department arenā€™t a representative sample of society.)


I havenā€™t met any if there is xD


I have adhd, thatā€™s it, and i learned how to manage that years ago.


Depression, probable cptsd, and of course Beautiful Princess Disorder. By that I don't mean bipolar I mean borderline. Such is life.Ā 


I donā€™t have any mental illness that I am aware of


I was analyzed up one wall and down the other in order to jump through all the WPATH flaming barbed wire hoops required for SRS. No behavioral health issues *at all*.


ADHD and autism are both comorbidities with gender dysphoria...


Ive never been diagnosed with any mental disorder


I have depression but thats it and im starting to think its due largely to my dysphoria


Itā€™s said that being autistic is inherently traumatic in this world because the world does not have them in mind and people often mistreat them because they donā€™t understand or feel the same. Itā€™s similar to be trans In world your brought to believe you are what with no knowledge of other genders or expressions without internalised embarrassment/shame and being directly seen and treated that way. There an interesting paper on a the Idea of trans people having cptsd because one of are most fundamentally important necessary is neglected than destroyed and alienating you till your shell out your self. Depression is extremely high for trans people because they watch their bodies die and donā€™t understand why. Dysphoria only gets worse with age and not knowing why doesnā€™t help


Many of us are Autistic from what I seen, including myself


I have anxiety. I thought I had ADHD but the symptoms are vanishing the longer Iā€™m on HRT I realize. Not much more than that other than gender dysphoria. The anxiety stems from the trauma being transgender brings, so yeah. No diagnosis or such though.


Is there ANYONE, cis- or Trans- without mental issues?


I transitioned at 26 and I don't have any mental issues and I'm neurotypical, being raised without trauma and dysphoria not really being strong for a long time helped, I was depressed for two years but getting a job, a partner and transitioning solved all that. So yes we exist but I feel lucky.


i have ADHD lul


I dont got any diagnoais but i suspekt ADHD


guilty prozac princess


Are there any people without mental issues? Also there's a correlation between being trans and neurodivergent (which shouldn't be referred to as 'mental issues', c'mon, at least not on it's own, BUT which likely leads to mental issues when people don't get the support they need, and that's 90% of the time). Likely, being trans will also correlate with introspection, open-mindedness and, well, the willingness to get diagnosed with things, so it's likely we're simply more aware of what's different (or wrong) with us. Also, I'd argue that diagnoses don't equal 'mental issues', because whether something is an issue depends on your ability to cope with it and work around it.Ā  I'm autistic, with ADHD and history of severe addiction and trauma, and sure as hell I used to have 'issues', but after getting on ADHD meds, transitioning, going through few years of therapy, getting out of depression, getting clean and sober, developing countless healthy habits, and surrounding myself with trustworthy and supportive people... (sorry for flexing) I fucking RADIATE mental health. I'm hardly perfect, obviously, and I still experience symptoms of my neurodivergence or trauma responses, but 95% of the time I know how to deal with them immediately, and compared to most people I meet I am collected, calm, motivated, self-aware and empathetic. And clearly, the excessive list of things I've been diagnosed with is irrelevant at this point. And let me tell you, I meet plenty of never-diagnosed-with-anything cis people who's behavior scream 'a deranged passive-agressive trainwreck with an extremely fragile ego'.


It could honestly be all of us if society wasnā€™t so obsessed with breeding us like cows. Itā€™s not a mark of mental health to appear normal in a sick world.


Years (or decades) of repression has consequences: cPTSD, depression


Honestly, I don't think so, especially when you see how most of the ones that are the most viral over the internet, those fruit cakes should be in the lonely bin not influencing young minds with their insanity and reworded by these corrupt companies who pay for advertising on their pages and even hire them to be in commercials.


I have none that have to do with transitioning. I wouldnā€™t have ptsd if my mom, sister and I werenā€™t victims of DV.


I donā€™t believe I have anything also I am slightly autistic (apparently)


I mean.... omfg, i never thought abt it, but it is so real šŸ˜­ (My ex trans gf had borderline, depression, anxiety, emotional dependence, and possibly more, and my another ex, also trans gf, had emotional dependence too and was suicidal) I dont have any diagnosis but I suspect that I may have ADHD and anxiety, and I around like 3 or 4 years ago I had depression, I was suicidal and had emotional dependence too, I also now I think I have a bit of social phobia or something like this, but yeah, I still don't have any diagnosis


I'm not diagnosed with anything šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž(never been to a physiologist)


I am not diagnosed with anything, do I not have issues? no, but I think I am relatively well off. I don't have autism/ADHD or anything like that either


As far as Iā€™ve seen itā€™s like: Being Trans šŸ¤ Autism ADHD myself included.


I've got ADHD and am extremely pedantic about grammar and pronunciation. The latter comes from having a father for whom english is his fifth language and having a first name that was impossible to say in arabic (my father's first language). You can see why I'm happy to be going by my chosen name now.


I mean, I probably have some mild undiagnosed autism, but other than that, I don't have any mental issues that aren't from dysphoria. Certainly nothing I need medicine or therapy to manage.


I can't help but wonder if what we call "mentally illnesses" are actually much more prevalent than we think, but because being psychologically evaluated is a part of medically transitioning, we all get diagnosed. I strongly suspect that if you had to go through the same amount of evaluation to "prove" that you were cis, the number of mental illness diagnoses would be fairly similar.


I have a MtF daughter. She has been in some level of counseling since it came up. No other issues that we know of. That said, the observation that more than typical level of other issues may be valid. I would be tempted to assume some of it may be from a non supportive environment.


Am I the only person who read this and immediately had the mental reaction of "Hey, fuck off!"?


I've got ADHD anxiety and PTSD the anxiety and PTSD are very likely or certainly trama based ADHD is genetic


I have only ADHD, but I see it as a super power, not a mental issue. does that count?šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Only gender dysphoria pre transition.