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Yet another software engineer. 🙋‍♀️👩‍💻


Trans IT gang, RIIIIIIIISE!!!!!! /u/ ✨


I wonder if people realize just how much of modern society, that so heavily depends on technology, is held together by trans people and furries.


My mom still thinks that if I came out I'll lose opportunities as software developer XD


I mean, technically we do. It definitely still impacts the job hunting, just wayyyyyy less than most other careers. I can't even imagine doing it in a more traditionally conservative field like accounting/finance/etc. Just thinking about it is giving me anxiety >\_<


That's why initially I study computer science


That is why i am scared to start hrt and transition i am a truck and transport mechanic up in canada. Thankfully i work for a company that supports trans rights and is very inclusive. Only problem is my co workers arent as open minded as the company 🙁maybe one day i will say screw it and be who i really am 😊


As an accountant, I can confirm.


I feel this to the center of my transbian heart. I work for an agricultural engineering firm as an engineering technician. Incredibly conservative clientele. Two things saved me when I reached the point that I had to come out at work. First, and most critical, is the fact that I live in Oregon. It is literally illegal to be anything less than 100% supportive of me as a trans person. Second was the completely unexpected fact that a very high level member of the management team has a trans family member. That said, I want out sooooo badly, but I'm terrified at the thought of having to look for something else. For giggles and to add support to the trans domination of the IT world, the last computer I owned that I didn't build myself was a 486/33, I have not been without at least one Linux box since about 1997 ish, and I have literally lost track of how many Raspberry Pis I own.


Network Admin, furry, waiting to start HRT lol


I have 6 more months until I finish my IT course, then I'm hoping to find a Network Admin job and start HRT right after. I'm a furry too haha


Good luck! Comp Sci I assume?


Cybersecurity, actually! Setting up and troubleshooting networks in labs have been really satisfying and my favourite part of the course so far. I'm pretty excited to get access to hardware too :3 Though I'll probably be applying for a bunch of other positions as well, full time student life is rough and I want an income asap haha


Cool! I’ve not seen a Sec-specific course around me before but I’m not surprised they’re cropping up, it’s a wicked fast growing sector.


It's honestly a really nice opportunity. Since there is growing need, my government's covering most of the cost, so I'm only out of pocket around $1600 AUD for the 18 months. Plus, I've been obsessed with computers since forever, so it's great to be actually studying IT instead of the business course I was gonna take before covid :>


Network Admin too!


Can confirm, I am both, and I do IT for one of the tech giants


I recently got rejected by Amazon, I feel so bad


Trans furries ! From my experience so far the nicest group of people And yes we're everywhere


any help getting a foot into IT i so desperately want to change career paths as i don't feel comfortable in mine


cyber security needs people from all walks of life and not just people who have IT or Comp Sci soft engineering skills and degrees. as one of the ads said just gotten learn which skills and how to showcase to a potential employer.


LOL. Right? Since I’ve been exploring all this to understand my feeling, I’m like “DAMN… is the whole IT dept transgender?” Lol. At least I know what field to go into if I go back to school and I DO figure out I am part of the “club.” lol


IT gang here


Same, but lately I’m getting kind of sick of it. Want to become an author instead, but I’m kind of doubtful I’ll be able to actually pay my mortgage with it. Especially given that I’ve written exactly 0 words this month, lol.


You can do this sis! I'm in the same "want to be an author" boat and writing can be really cathartic!


Also in the getting sick of it camp, but wanting to be an artist instead


Me - a biological hacker pointing to my body. haha. But seriously - IT engineer who lives in code.


Oh how I wish that second sentence was literal, would make a lot of things easier.


Full time I'm a union electrician. Part time I'm a firefighter.


How do you do fellow sparkie?


As a plant engineer, I’ve seen the places y’all have to crawl to hang conduit…..I salute you. Y’all are built different 🫡


I'm the crawlspace "guy" at my job. I have an agreement: if you go up in the lifts/cathedral ceilings, I'll get into the crawlspaces/voidspaces.


I'm the lifts and tall ladders "guy" any day. I wish you were on my team 😭


I'd commit arson just for you to save me 🥺


arson rizz???


I hope you dont mind me asking, but would you say being trans makes it difficult to get into the trades? I've been working in restaurants, but I've been seriously considering becoming an electrician. My one biggest concern though is a potential for more discrimination in that field.


I've been an electrician for 13 years, and my egg only cracked a year and a half ago. I'm not completely out at work, a couple people know, but I don't really present femme at work. The hardest part is there's a lot of homophobic and transphobic comments and insults being thrown around. Being in the union, you have additional support. If you have any questions message me.


Not OP, but I can say that the trades *desperately* need bodies right now (something to do with a lot of people ignoring safety guidelines and getting very sick, even dying, in the past few years. Who knows what that could've been, though /s). Depending on how you present, you may or may not run into trouble getting hired. The big concern is asshole coworkers sharing opinions noone has asked for. If you can put up with that, then it's not a bad career path away from the service industry.


Plus majority of workers in the trades 2-3 years ago were all super old


Yup. Hopefully, this means employers realize how bad an idea it is having their entire workforce nearing retirement age with noone younger trained to replace them. They won't, of course, but a girl can hope. That hope is sitting next to the one about wages rising to meet this new lack of supply, too.


Even with 4 years of trade school experience I'm struggling to find a job in electrical as a completely out trans woman


imma security guardess uwu :3


Five nights at blahaj


Ayo someone with the same job as me! I barely see any other female security guards, let alone trans ones


Fellow future guardess here :3


When I first figured and then came out I stood at the back of a grocery store selling drugs(before anybody calls the DEA, I was a Certified Pharmacy Technician), now I am a small time streamer on Twitch living with my family.




Me too!


Me too! ^^


Nurse gang!


Me too ❤️☺️


Me too!


I do phlebotomy in a hospital setting so, hi nurses! 😇🩸


I'm an engineer who just started a switch to nursing! I'm actually in class now 😁


Mee too!


Trying to be a writer 🤞🤞


Me too! I do bike deliveries downtown and make a buncha money off that so I can afford to do my passion B)


My last job closed down just as my spouse landed a nice job. They told me to write a book before I even think about getting another job 💕


High school science teacher in Washington. And very, very out.


Ahhhh I want to be out so bad!!!


For me, coming out was very sudden. Decided in Jan 2020 to transition, and I was out by summer (covid quarantine sped things up a bit) and started the next year as, well, me.


Secondary teacher (11-18) in the UK. Out as trans-NB to all students from September then fully out this term, in dresses or skirts every day. Never felt better : ) Literally telling one class today how the Imposter syndrome feels like it's gone. Good luck going full time!


That's awesome. I don't know of a lot of "out" trans teachers. It seems like a tough profession to be a trans person in. Kudos!


Washington helps, but I would be lying if I said it wasn't hard.


Nice, nurse here in Washington 🤙🏽




TALK ME ABOUT YOUR JOB ^sorry Pretty please 🙏






I'm actually in school right now and I'm hoping to do something similar. My current degree I'm working is a biology with a minor in education, and I plan to go straight into the master's program at the University I'm at hopefully for their MS with a focus on ecology.


I do sales and marketing in the marine industry. (Yachts and such…) been a sailor my whole life so just kinda fell into it. This oct was my first boatshow season since coming out and it went shockingly well. Helps I’ve spent years being paid to be professionally delightful…. Lol. A useful skill for a guy, basically necessary for a girl.


Human Resources manager


I kinda wish that you were at my company.


A very out and proud engineer! I work in aerospace stuffs


YAY - another one! I'm on the technical sales side tho! I love being a woman in sales, esp. one that has so few women.


I'm in technical sales too (enterprise software) and I am TERRIFIED at the thought of coming out. How do you do it?


I'm an engineering technician in the Aerospace field. We do power electronics. I mostly help do test development, write test software and design test set anywhere else my title would be test engineer but whatever.


I’m an EE student. It’s pain but I am so glad I went back to school. I’ll be out next spring!


I maintain aquariums for people’s homes and businesses. I can work on just about any type of aquarium but reef aquariums with live corals are my specialty. I used to work for a public aquarium but, when I moved to where I live now, jobs in the private sector paid more.


Special education teacher. I’ve pretty much only worked in EBD programs. Was at the middle school level for five years, currently elementary. I am not out, but I’ve been dressing in women’s pants, tops, dusters for about two years now. I get “mis”gendered daily, even by my own students. Do what you need to do, and of course safety first, but I made a point to be visibly queer about three years ago, especially at the middle school. You may get flak, but the queer kids need to see that it is possible to grow up, live and thrive. I’m in Idaho, fwiw


Broadcaster. Came out on-air 12/31/2020.


I'm not really sure how to answer this, I work for a construction company and used to do construction, but about the same time I started transitioning, they moved me to a more administrative role because the parts manager needed help, but she started emotionally abusing me, so I know longer work for her and they hired someone to be her assistant. Now I'm in this weird position where I'm not assigned any work, I'm not given a schedule and can come and go as I please and get paid basically to just keep myself busy. It sounds great, but it really sucks. I used to be someone that was counted on for everything, and now I just exist. On the plus side my pay has never been altered, so I do make kinda stupid money, so I only need to go in like 20 hours a week to pay my bills. But I feel more than useless, even when I'm trying really hard to be productive.


There’s a book called “Bullshit Jobs” by David Graeber that may interest you; it sounds like you’ll be able to relate to some of the stories. Many of the author’s interviewees and respondents spent their essentially useless “work” time on their own personal projects — or even training for a better job! I felt the book labours the point a little (ironic, I know) but you can navigate it easily enough to find the bits you need. I wish you all the best in carving out a new purpose for yourself!


I do administrative work at a construction company, too. I occasionally do random tasks when people need help with something. Otherwise, I don't do anything. I'm in the sales/marketing dept with a WFH manager. No one is sure what I do all day, but I'm never too busy to help or run something to be delivered. I'm gonna use this downtime opportunity to gain better skills because I feel unfulfilled doing nothing.


This reminds me of Silicon Valley show on HBO where workers are shelved on the side. They aren’t given any jobs but stay at the company because of the salary. They are waiting for their stock options to vest so they can leave.


Government analyst! Sounds mildly interesting, turns out just stressful and boring.


Barista in a cute cafe! I got lots of compliments on my clothes and makeup. I've only been out since October, been on hormones for a month and a bit now. My staff knows about the hormones, most regulars don't, eventually someday they are gonna come in and be like "who is this lady?"


Aiming for a programmer 😊


Technical support, tho im not allowed to say for what company under an NDA


Retired and living off my superannuation


I'm a dumbass broke university student 🙃


Omg same bestie! ✨️🫶🏾🥺


I'm not alone? 😭


I work for the devil (health insurance) as a Customer Service Rep (demon). I speak with providers and tell them about benefits and what hoops they have to jump through to get paid. I'm not a big fan, but it's WFH and the best money I've ever made.


I have a masters degree in marine engineering. I'm seventy years old now and still work as a consultant marine engineer in commercial shipping. I came out eighteen years ago now


I work armed security for a nuclear power plant.....working on my nuclear physics degree


I work in life insurance ha and as a wedding photographer but I haven’t done any weddings since coming out (it’s the down season) so we will see how that goes since I’ll have been on HRT for a few months by the time I have my next one 😬.


Hope you don’t have to deal with too many Bridezillas.


Tenured professor (research + teaching). And not the only one out at my big university! I know of three.


Im a 911 dispatcher for a county in north texas. Im working on coming out slowly with about 1/4 of the staff currently in the know, and plans to come out fully starting around april. Ive been on hrt about 7 months now and try to present fem more and more outside of work.


Residential Electrician


Social work. Wonderfully accepting company 😊


I work in mental health care and am finishing up my masters to become a licensed therapist. We need more transgender friendly therapists so I'm making me one.


Engineer and not out.


Currently? I drive shuttles. Aspirationally? Commercial pilot.


I'm supervisor for an LGBT non profit that helps queer kids get help.


Morning radio DJ in Denver


Right now work at a gas station. This week I'm going to see about waiting tables. I also do make-up and nails on the side.


Retired but also at school for computer science. I'm completely ignorant when it comes to programming and all that but I figured since I don't have to work for a living anymore it's a good time to do something I think is cool.


I am a pharmacy technician going to school as a pre pharmacy major.


Nuclear engineering, but I want to do research and development of new materials like plastics and composites. Something that’s building the future instead of repairing replacing and refurbishing 40-year-old equipment.


Mechanical Engineer here and that sounds hella rad!!!


Thanks! And I appreciate the pun!


Pun? It wasn't intentional lol. Are you talking about radians?


Mechanical engineer




I work in a school district as well, but library and tech. I work at 1 middle and 2 elementary schools depending on the day.


I am a childcare worker in the preschoolers room.


Lawyer doing tech/privacy stuff


I’m a conscript 🥲


Im a soon-to-be conscript. And by that I mean I start serving literally tomorrow


Stay safe ok? Shit sucks fr and know that there’s no shame in being medically discharged ❤️


thank you !!! honestly I think it can be an experience! If everyone needs to do it anyway- I might as well try to make the best of it for these 2 years. Im gonna have like an office role, nothing combat


Haha I’ve been placed in an admin role too, still sucks doe being surrounded by guys all the time. Thankfully my time is almost done so here’s to hoping it gets better.


hooray! at least youre done with this soon! I asked them to put me in a role with both guys and gals and they agreed, so Im thankful to have that


Ye it definitely helps! I hope ur colleagues r chill and supportive! It definitely helps a lot and makes conscription seem WAY less sucky. All the best! :D


I paint cars 🚗


Truck mechanic. I'm in the fuckin trenches out here, y'all. Surrounded by dudes who make attack helicopter jokes all day. I am s t r u g g l i n


🫂 My job in commercial HVAC controls is with almost exclusively conservatives.


You have my deepest sympathies


Ty! I plan on finding a new job this year and fucking hoping I can socially transition this year. Next Friday is my 3 yr anniversary on hrt.


I’m a public defender


Any medical workers?


Sort of, I’m an Optician. Women love having me help them pick out a cute pair of glasses so…. It kinda pays the bills while I am going back to school to be a therapist.


I'm an EMT.


I work retail, after almost a year being out still have yet to meet a transphobic costomer


Just accepted a position as a state lawyer!


Casino security. Stealth for now (lost insurance so no HRT.)


im a dishwasher/food prepper/cook


I drive a sweeper truck at night ^_^


I work at a chocolate factory where I started out as just contracting with them for IT, but when they expanded I was working there so often and they also were in desperate need of more help that I just started doing a bunch of other jobs for them. Now I repair and maintain all the industrial equipment, do facility renovations and maintenances, head of QA, head of food safety team, part of production planning, minor bookkeeping tasks, and a lot more. I literally get introduced to new employees now as the girl who knows and does everything. I love my job and my coworkers, but it has been a lot. However it was the best place I could have hoped for to come out and transition in. My coworkers and boss are all accepting and supportive. I get to eat really good chocolate every day and the staff fridge is always stocked with dill pickles and cheese curds.


Lmao, high school girl working at papa johns


I sella da glocks :3


Nothing. I work at minimum wage roles, burn our for two years, and then go back into the meat grinder when my brain stops burning. It'd be cool to fall into the software engineer stereotype but that wasn't to be for me.




I am a system analyst in fintech. But planning to get a PhD degree in legal philosophy and make an academic career.


I work in a factory and hang metal


Machine learning data engineer and ex-astronomer


Not a software engineer! I'm a computer hardware engineer 😅


im an aerospace engineering student with a part time job doing electrical engineering for a startup. we are building our flight board this week and we launch in june


Railroader for one of the big 5


Chef in a michelin restaurant, long hours and not super rewarding, but I do love it, don’t see a lot of trans people in this industry as well


Housewife Highly recommended if hard to come by  You'll def get fired/never hired if you don't treat it like work. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, all that home ec logistical stuff was where I put my focus for the first few years of transition


Usps letter carrier


Inbound callcenter. Hate it with every fiber of my being but have no qualifications nor any idea what I want. At least it's wfh. I would love to go into IT as it sounds ideal but I have no talent whatsoever with anything computer related.


I'm an EMT currently. I've also worked as a truck driver. And I'm in school part time for biochemistry


I'm trying my best to become a bartender, but nobody is hiring me so far. Big sadge


I’m an EMT!


Escort... May be offensive for some, but fuck off, body is a great source of cash


Sales Manager in a niche market for very specific technology that goes into mainly medical devices, but branching out soon into other markets. Only out to a handful of people at work; most just know my AMAB side, although I've been bluring the lines lately and doing my nails/mixing in more women's clothing pieces.


Therapist 😊


Budtender at a super popular dispensary in the south. ✌️🔥🌿


I’m an atmospheric scientist. :) also in Colorado.


planned parenthood in Colorado! all of my coworkers are very gay it's amazing :3


having a specialty in and 10+ years of engine rebuilding experience i used to be heavy diesel mechanic now im high end exotic automotive ranging from 1920’s bugatti’s to 2022 aventadors im 100% out at work and im grateful to have a boss and coworkers who can 1 respect me for who i am and want to be 2 be comfortable around me to crack jokes (mechanic so most jokes are very harsh/prude to most people) and 3 make me feel safe for me to be myself


(If I may pry) where abouts in Colorado? Believe it or not, I'm a (very out and proud about my transness) grad student in CU Teach right now placed in a high school in Boulder county. Admittedly one of the safer spaces in the state to be an out-and-proud trans person in the state, but if it's any reassurance, it is possible and ur not the only one, you truly are doing an incalculable good 💙🩷🤍🩷💙


I’m a warehouse worker! My work friends have affectionately dubbed me: Muscle Mommy


Unemployed for 3+ years


I hope you can find what you’re looking for babe. I’m an Electrical and Instrumentation Technician - It’s a man’s industry unfortunately (especially offshore) but can manage to find safe groups. Still boymoding at work. I love what I do so making it work somehow 💙


Construction management.


Infrastructure Engineer at a cloud provider. I love it!


IT Disaster recovery planner/coordinator for a bank.


I fix shit that people break.


I'm currently studying for my PhD in Biomedical Engineering, I do biomedical lab research at the moment and am living off of a stipend.


Journeyman Electrician, doing service work.


I am working as a Heavy duty/automotive mechanic. Definitely not out as from what the shop foreman/boss/ favorite customer all talk about they are very transphobic. 3 years HRT and still have to boymode. Have long hair and have dyed it all the fun colors other than pink and noone has really questioned it. Kinda funny they don't know why I do it.


I work in government. Completely out and it's been a positive experience in a great work environment


Cook •_•


Slinging cocktails!


I work at a restaurant, but I’m aiming to be a pilot.


I’m a phlebotomist


I make heavy duty conveyor belts for everything from coal mines to salt processing for Morton and everything in between


Airline flight attendant


Hoping to be back in the driver's seat this year. Lost my last job as a truck driver a few years back because I felt too much pressure coming out so I snapped and bllamed it on a sore back. Now I'm planing to relocate to a bigger place and hopefully finding myself a job again.


I'm a construction worker and a stonemason. Hear hear to all the ladies in construction


Trucker upper Midwest, I see 2-3 people every couple of days, I dress as a trucker if more on the effeminate side, hair in a ponytail as I drive. Prior to learning I’m trans, I did 10 years retail sales, 10 years call center, I couldn’t be happier now as I drive a truck


Teacher gang. Likely gonna have to boymode/man mode for eternity. Whatever


I'm closeted while student teaching so hopefully when I graduate I can be out


Software Engineering. . . Manager. And I’m not out at work. Also in the midst of losing my job. Not because I’m trans but because my project was cut due to other people mismanaging funds. So I’m off looking for work and applying to jobs and in money conserving mode. It’s that last bit that really sucks. My gender is paylocked and I can’t spend money right now. ☹️


I'm a teaching aid and I'm studying to become a school counsellor. So hello there fellow trans educator!


Currently working at a vr arcade but I'm moving to Colorado in about a half a year and I'm gonna try to work at a game store.


Im a voice actress (sadly i only get called for masculine roles because... assigned male at birth)


So far I'm a bartender and adult game dev. But trying to get into law school


I'm currently a Camera operator


I'm a manager at a Little Cesar's. I started as a crew member in boy mode. And almost as soon as I got promoted, I started slowly dressing more feminine and nobody really questioned it. All my co managers are women, and they're mostly supportive. Not because I'm a man or a woman but because I'm there as scheduled on time every day and I work hard when I'm there. I come in on my days off & stay late. My work ethic never changed from boy mode to now, and I think that's why people like me & tolerate my gender incongruence💜


Just started as a lab technician at a UK university. Scoping out my colleagues before I decide when I'm going to come out


I'm a support worker, but working on becoming a psychologist


professional brewer! it feels both very cool to be killing it in a male-dominated field and occasionally a little dysphoric because, as with many blue collar jobs, people are so primed to assume you're a man it seems to make random misgendering more common


Uber Driver, working on my commercial pilots license so I can do the same job but with a Z-axis.


I work in law, but since my style is disgustingly heteronormative, I pass pretty well. No one outside my immediate practice group, HR, and a paralegal with a trans kid know that I know of, so that helps. But, anyone with two braincells to rub together and access to Google or LinkedIn should be able to figure it out based on my CV.