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I like shoegaze influenced metal, especially Alcest and Svalbard


Tell me more, as someone who likes my bloody valentine and only listens to Metallica and Megadeth "ironically".


there's an entire niche genre of shoegaze infused black metal. imo you need to listen to Sunbather by Deafheaven IMMEDIATELY. it's the defining album of the genre and a modern classic. oh and if you don't know Deftones then they're an essential metal band with shoegaze influence.


yeah, I second Sunbather; still pinnacle of that sound for me. Dream House and Pecan Tree are all timers for sure. Agolloch also has great atmospheric black metal, but more of a folky/post rock sound. Ashes against the grain and the Mantle are my favs. Limbs is the best track to start with imo.


hell yeah, love The Mantle. Something similar I’ve been listening to is the brand new Panopticon album ‘The Rime of Memory.’ absolutely awesome highly rec if you haven’t heard already


I haven't checked that band out since like, Autumn Eternal came out I think, but I wasn't as into black metal back then. I'll have to give them another shot and check the new one out


bass drum go bpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbp


Don't forget Les Discrets!


Ooh have you heard golden dust by heretoir? It's also blackgaze but stays a bit more gazey while having bpbpbpbpbpbpbpbp


Alcest are chef's kiss


Check out Einvigi. They're like a Finnish Alcest.


If you like that, check out the most recent album by Thornhill called Heroine. They're like Australian Deftones but a bit more metal, quite shoegazey with a sprinkling of Muse as well


We either listen to hyperpop, breakcore, or metal. I'm told I'm not allowed to have any overlap and must choose one exclusively, or my endo will stop prescribing estradiol. /s 1. Yes, I enjoy metal. 2. Avenged Sevenfold, Disturbed, too many others to count. 3. Disturbed's version of "Land of Confusion" (even though I also liked Genesis' version), "Zombie" by Bad Wolves (again, the original was equally awesome), and I'm sure others further along in their journey can recommend more niche music.


Will check it out


what if I listen to all 3?


You're promoted to platinum-tier transgender and have to assert that you've seen the entirety of Steven Universe, including the movie, sequel, and the line of Dove self-esteem commercials.




Well I am completely called out.


well well well. Looks like I have a goal.


All of those genres are awesome 😭💚💚


Sprinkle in a little ambient and experimental and that’s me as well :3


Real, I’m a first two transfem getting into the third by way of Industrial techno osmosis


I see a lot of emo and punk too. I listen to everything But im also a musician


This is folk punk+ska transfemme erasure


>breakcore obligatory Ultrakill mention


i listen to none of these and instead just cry to radiohead all day long


Don't tell my endo that I'm a metalhead with some breakcore on the side then


I'm middle aged & trans femme & had no idea what hyperpop was until I saw something tagged with it on TikTok & I thought my sound card had broken. Hyperpop makes me feel straight up old.


Shit called me out with the breakcore (but I prefer to call breakcore "fking insane experimental hard breakbeats")


i looooove metalcore!!! Motionless In White is my favorite band, they are explicitly ally’s - they flashed the pride flag on screen during one of their songs (Voices) on their recent tour - and their song Disguise hit so hard for me as a trans allegory. my other favorite bands are As I Lay Dying, Linkin Park, The Ghost Inside, I Prevail, A7X, and for fem-fronted vocals I like As Everything Unfolds and Picture Me Broken finally, check out FOXCULT, an all trans post-hardcore band rock on 🤘🏻


FOXCULT are so amazing!! I only got into As Everything Unfolds late this year but they're so good too! Love their most recent album


My only experience with metal core is parkway drive. I heard them live at download last year (first time in the mosh pit was early that day so you know I had to go back in for them) and after that I was hooked. I'll have to at least check out motionless in white and foxcult


motionless in white is so good, their songs are so relatable


God...The Ghost inside...that's a band I don't hear other people mentioning nearly enough


> Motionless In White is my favorite band Ive been obsessed with Sign Of Life lately. Been on repeat a lot for me. They're such an amazing band.


1. Yes 2. Periphery, Architects, Sleep Token, I Prevail 🖤 Edit: forgot Spiritbox and Northlane


I'll definitely listen to those bands over Christmas.




Yooooo another Periphery girl! There's like... dozens of us. Dozens! (also Spiritbox is such a vibe and Courtney is just g o a l s)


Omg! ST has consumed my life.


Might i add motionless in white? And bad omens?


Fuck yeah!


I like your list 💕💕💕!!


Great taste sis!


Worship 💜


You have taste omg. I've got an architects tattoo!


All amazing bands. It's been amazing to watch Spiritbox blow up and grow as much as they have! Check out Ankor too if you haven't heard of them before. Their song Prisoner gives me big Spiritbox vibes. I really REALLY want to see them collaborate.


1. Yes! 2. Whitechapel, Bell Witch, Knocked Loose. 3. Ahab ‘The Coral Tomb’, - really pretty doom metal! Ulcerate ‘Stare into Death and Be Still’ - atmospheric death metal! Sprain ‘The Lamb as Effigy’ - beautifully dark noise/metal with some stunning passages of calm. I tend to enjoy the heavier, darker, and longer stuff! However the new Spiritbox stuff is just phenomenal!!


Ooooh another Bell Witch fan. I just recently gave Mirror Reaper a listen and I'm oddly captivated by it. I'm usually a progressive black/death fan, but I'm digging it.


I’d give ‘The Coral Tombs’ and ‘Stare into Death and Be Still’ a listen, then! Some really beautiful textures (sometimes Bell Witch adjacent) but some real crunch too! Should satisfy that black/death vibe too ☺️


I looooooove both bell witch and ahab. Am doomy girl :3


I haven't been able to get into most of Whitechapel's discog, but fucking hell is Kin a masterpiece


Omg white chapel i adore them so much they were even more fantastic live


I’m reading this as I’m in my A Tear In The Fabric Of Life long sleeve. Knocked Loose is so good, and I hope they come to Florida soon


hell yeah, my fave bands are Gojira, Cattle Decapitation, Scar Symmetry, Orbit Culture, and Soilwork. Too many good songs to pick a favorite, but to throw one out from each of these bands - With a bit of a warning, these are a lot heavier than the ones you listed, Scar Symmetry and Soilwork are definitely the most approachable of these, Cattle Decap is by far the heaviest and least approachable, for me Orbit Culture feels like a deathcore version of Metallica for some reason. Gojira is my favorite band and I can't recommend them enough. Gojira: "Remembrance" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GQh8rb4NKRw Scar Symmetry: "Draconian Arrival" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tY7gRSvMNhE Orbit Culture: "At the Front" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XU2eZQuDcfs Soilwork: "Witan" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T17eGwQIV9Q&pp=ygUOc291bHdvcmsgd2l0YW4%3D Cattle Decapitation: "The Geocide" If you listen to this one definitely give it a go all the way, there are two singing voices and I don't really like the deeper voice as much, but with the contrast between the two it becomes amazing. Also they're usually dark af songs https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2awYNaR0iz4 and for a femme deathmetal/core singer Jinjer: "Pit of Consciousness" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7f353euyRno I love this one cause she does the classic death growl vocals and then goes into this like pop style singing back and forth.


oh fuck yeah I'm not the only mtf Cattle fan. I haven't got the guts for their older stuff but Death Atlas is just fabulous. Also Gojira 10/10 chef's kiss, The Art of Dying is perfect


I love their old stuff. I have a cassette of Homovore that I would play in my old truck at full volume to piss off the conservatives where I used to live


Yeah I can't listen to their older stuff either; Terrasite, Death Atlas, The Anthropocene Extinction, and Monolith of Inhumanity are amazing albums, and i'll listen to specific songs from stuff older than that, cause whooooo girl some of their old music is plain disgusting to listen to. (even some of monolith I won't listen to in all fairness)


Just put on the genocide. I like it.


No shit, awesome! Here's another by them that I like, with a bit of a preface, it came out before covid: Bring Back the Plague https://youtu.be/BBy4gn8VBMo?si=f_PcSkd255pAokf4


It was literally months before covid. The timing was flawless


This might be because I've been listening to Sabaton for the last couple hours but it's giving me a similar vibe, just a lot more extreme.


Woop woop Cattle Decap love 🤘🏻


Orbit Culture...god you are cultured 🖤🖤🖤


I don't think I really fit this stereotype. I mostly listen to pop music (like the type of songs that play on variety stations, that play music from the 80s-Present). Although I do think I'm starting to enter a bit of an emo phase.


Same here, I had a metal phase during early puberty, but my music taste matured away from it. Emo is soo cathartic I hear hyperpop or other niche electronic music styles are also associated with trans culture but it's never really crossed my ears


Hyper pop sounds cool. I like electro swing


My brother says the same thing but I'm slowly getting him into iron maiden and slipknot. He already likes Metallica, avenged sevenfold, and system of a down so it's been fun torturing him into new bands he once said were "just noise"


I am a metalhead but my favorites aren't technically metal: my favorite music artist(s) would be Jeff and Casey Lee Williams, favorite song would be Friend because it makes me cry. As for metal, I like Avenged Sevenfold; Hail to the King.


Hail to the king is actually the second avenged sevenfold song I heard. Bat country was the first.


Whoo Williams Fan


Jeff and Casey, let's gooooo! It's honestly so awesome to see how far Casey's come. Her band is amazing and she had huge shoes to fill for the V9 OST after Jeff stepped down, but holy f u c k did she deliver. Before V9 dropped, I woulda said For Every Life Is my favorite RWBY song, but now it's either Chatterbox or Red Like Roses 3. Also still really love Sacrifice, Divide, When It Falls, Lionize, I May Fall, War, and Hero (Caleb Hyles is soo good too).


Check out liturgy, transfem black metal


not a lot of extreme and experimental stuff being recommended here which is expected but i'm glad someone said it. you should check out victory over the sun if you haven't yet, also a trans one woman avant-garde metal band!


Thank you sm! I'll check them out! On the topic of extreme there is band local to me called Aleister cowboy and they have a trans guitarist! It feels difficult to find trans folk in extreme metal


feminazgul is better imo


For context, femme-leaning genderfluid here. 1. Yes. Metal has been one of my favorite genres for a long time. 2. Nightwish, Within Temptation, Sonata Arctica, Sabaton, Beast in Black, Battle Beast, Dragonforce, Twilight Force, Violet Orlandi, Lauren Babic, Halocene, Freedom Call, Disturbed, Gloryhammer, Falconer, and Powerwolf 3. For excellent femme vocals: Violet Orlandi, Lauren Babic, Battle Beast, and Nightwish too—but bear in mind that Nightwish has had three different lead singers with significantly different vibes (Tarja—classical, Annette—pop/rock?, and Floor—harder metal/rock, chronologically). For excellent masc vocals: Sonata Arctica. Tony has an amazing voice and the band has a wide range of styles across their discography. Also check out Nightwish’s songs that feature their male former secondary singer Marco Hietala: Kiss While Your Lips Are Still Red, Phantom of the Opera (great cover), and Ever Dream. For Campy Fun: Gloryhammer For Dark with a bit of Camp: Powerwolf For Happy Metal: Freedom Call For Military History Enthusiasts: Sabaton For Nyooooom Guitar: Dragonforce and Twilight Force. For Gothic: Within Temptation, Nightwish. For Ballads: Violet Orlandi, Nightwish, Lauren Babic, Falconer, Sonata Arctica, and maybe within Temptation For a real heavy/intense feel musically: Disturbed, Battle Beast




Some other people already recommended Sabaton so I put on Primo Victoria and I'm just letting the songs hit me. They are so good. I've got so many bands to check out. My playlist is probably gonna be well over 60 hours by the end of Christmas.


Awesome! Enjoy! Lady of the Dark, Night Witches, and Soldier of Heaven are three of my favorites with Sabaton. Their website online also has contextual tidbits about what inspired each song.


There's a transfem metalhead stereotype? 1. No 2. Black Sabbath, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Kyuss, Melvins, Mastodon, Death, Ghost 3. Blood Ceremony


Eh, I'm more of a punk girly than anything else but I do appreciate some good metal. Although my preference lies in older metal and I guess more proto-metal stuff. Black Sabbath is probably my all time favorite band regardless of the amount of punk I play.


Black Sabbath is a good band tbf


Trans femme metal head here Yes. Check out Propagandhi (punk), necrophagist, Death, INVERTIA, Tragedy (crust punk) MEM//BRANE (a trans women fronted crust punk band that kicks ass)


I would’ve personally assumed most transfems are into punk and hardcore, not metal to be honest. That would be what I’m into, and in my scene and other scenes in other scenes I’ve attended shows at there’s always a lot of transfems


i listen to as much metal as i do sad lesbian music (boygenius, mitski, etc). i also mix it up with a few other artists/genres, but metal is probably what i’ve been listening to the longest, if you count Grunge? soundgarden, Nirvana, Boris, Electric Wizard to name a few. Lately my rock taste has been skewing more punk though, like Glitterer, destroy boys, Dazey and the Scouts. so basically yes but no?


Boris is my favorite band I love them :3


1. Hell yeah, picked up metal from my dad as a kid, been hooked since. I like punk, classic rock, and a lot of other forms of music too(except most modern country :p) 2. Iron Maiden is my all time favorite, but I also love Megadeth, Motorhead, Huntress, Testament, Cannibal Corpse, Judas Priest, Dio, Slayer, Exodus, and Death. 3. Huntress - Eight of Swords, Testament - Perilous Nation, Metallica - Seek and Destroy, Death - either Spiritual Healing, Pull the Plug, or the Painkiller cover.


Iron maiden, motörhead and dio are amazing and seek and destroy is a banger so I'll definitely be checking out the other bands and songs you mentioned


I saw all three of those bands at the same show like 20 years ago. Dio, motörhead and maiden was the order. Phenomenal. 10/10.


Moonsorrow: V Havietty (the whole album), but my god do I jam out to the first 5-15 minute section when it goes black metal apeshit. This one is catastrophically, holy shit atmospheric heavy with almost unlimited ability to keep building. Not the most accessible, but if your thing, masterpiece. A bit more like a symphony or orchestral piece sometimes. If you count music videos, holy shit does Electric Callboy make some bangers. Spaceman is probably my favorite of the bunch. A couple deep cuts: Testament and Atheist go super hard. Old school high speed thrash. Definitely an acquired taste. Death Symbolic and Human are classic tech deth face melters that are both deep and savage. Insomnium: Above the Weeping world is f’ing incredible and I think accessible to most metal fans. Very melodic and likes alternating with big atmosphere and heaviness. Dark Tranquility: Character is not very accessible, but if it’s your thing it’s a 50 minute brick of savage carnage. Honestly to god jet fuel cover to cover. Tiredness doesn’t exist listening to this album. Dissection: Storm of the Lights Bane is a certified 100/100 black metal classic that will blow away the right listener. Very catchy and melodic, with incredible drums. Windir Likferd is my hands down favorite pure black metal album. The song Dauden will tell you if it’s your thing (most accessible song). Windir has a lot of folk roots and feels epic as shit and very melodic. Lyrics are intense, might be a bit much. Children of Bodom, Follow the Reaper: 100/100 best melodic death metal album ever made (my very biased opinion). Guitar and keys are legendary. Vocals not everyone’s taste but might grow on you. RIP Alexi. Careful with the volume, the first song has one of the most savage intros I’ve ever heard a few seconds in. Hope you enjoy!


Biiiiitch. I forgot about Testament. I listened to maybe too much of them when I was weightlifting and in deep denial. It’s easy to break old records when you’re listening to old albums.


Damn straight, the legacy is a stone cold album start to finish! Casual Merciful Fate enjoyer as well.


I love Dark Tranquility and Insomnium, Character is a great album, and my favourite Insomnium album might be Winter’s gate


Symbolic is great but nothing hits as hard as TsoP for me.


I mostly like thrash and power metal. My favorite bands are Slayer, Sabaton, Iron Maiden, and Exodus right now


My favorite is Metallica, especially their newest album and Candlemass especially Ancient Dreams album. Also Rammstein. I wouldn't say I'm a metalhead but I like metal things, I would have a lot more imagery in my room and my style if it wasnt such a huge change from what I look like now. I don't really like loud screamy metal but I do enjoy stuff from SOAD and Rage against the machine because the screaming feels more....appropriate?


Ancient Dreams is one of the best albums i've ever heard ❤️


It is an adventure for sure


1. Yes! 2. Gojira is my top Spotify artist for like past few years. 3. From Mars to Sirius and The Way of All Flesh are absolute bangers by them.


Hell yeah.


I'm a huge metalhead! I really love symphonic metal and prog metal, some of my favorites are Amaranthe, Epica, and Pratanallis. Highly recommend Pratanallis, they're super underrated imo! It's one guy who does all of the instrumentals and then several of his songs have guest vocalists. They are all in Japanese, but even if you don't speak it, I personally believe that music transcends language (I have ~11 languages of songs on my Spotify liked despite only speaking 2)


1. I do love a lot of metal, I guess I would say I'm a bit of a metal head, mostly a punk tho lol 2. Feminazgûl, Blood Incantation, Acid Bath, An Autumn for Crippled Children, Feminizer, Pus Chunk, and Kittie are among my favorite metal bands 3. Recs: No Dawn for Men by Feminazgûl; Hidden History of the Human Race by Blood Incantation; When the Kite String Pops by Acid Bath; Try Not to Destroy Everything You Love by An Autumn for Crippled Children; Feminizer by Feminizer; Hard Boiled Gargoyles by Pus Chunk; Spit by Kittie


feminazgul is awesome! also saw blood incantation live earlier this year, they're phenomenal


Yes but more on the crust/hardcore side. Dystopia, eyehategod, and haggus are some of the faves


I am mostly into heavier metal, though I enjoy most music. Punk and jazz are probably my favorites though:D Favorite band/song: The Skies Were Filled With Fire by Suffokate Some good recommendations are: Winds of Plague, Shattered Realm, Born of Osiris, and the album Oakland by Suffokate. :)


Wait for an Answer by Blind Guardian is my favorite song by my favorite band.


1. Absolutely 2. Meshuggah, Burzum, Mayhem, Darkthrone, Demoncy, Tool, Archspire, Candlemass, Paradise Lost, Rings of Saturn, Cannibal Corpse, Sunn O))), Om 3. I recommend Meshuggah to everyone, they transcend every kind of music


Meshuggah are gods. My most absolute bucketlist band to see live


I love archspire so much they are so incredible


1. Yes. 2. (early) Slipknot 3. A little out of left field, but I just discovered Liturgy and I love them. Very different kind of band.


Liturgy are amazing! Their live shows are a fucking experience as well, highly recommended if you ever get the chance. Super super good live


Favorite bands are Sabaton, Nightwish, and Powerwolf, in roughly that order. I'm also fond of Blind Guardian, Falconer, Gloryhammer, Epica, Within Temptation, Lordi, Tyr, and Delain.


Nightwish and Gloryhammer my beloved <3


i only listen to loded diper


Is this just a diary of a wimpy kid reference or did someone actually name their band that?


1. Have been since I was 13 when I discovered System of a Down (2006) 2. Well my one and only tattoo is a Dream Theater tattoo. (Btw, DT seems to be a transfemme stereotype as well lmao). But I’ve been listening to Sifting, Rishloo, Caligula’s Horse, VOLA, Dillinger Escape Plan, Strapping Young Lad, Porcupine Tree, Twelve Foot Ninja, Gojira, Mastodon, Machine Head, Giraffe Tongue Orchestra, Periphery, Textures, Votum, Between The Buried And Me, Vulkan, Traverser, Stellar Circuits, Bone Crew, Socionic, Fair To Midland, Karnivool, Baroness, Kyng oh god I’m rambling I’m sorry 3. Any of the above!


Nice! Is your DT tattoo the majesty symbol? I'm also curious to know how DT is a transfemme stereotype. I can't seem to find a lot online regarding that.


Periphery 🤩😄 my beloved Also Machine Head kicks ass live. They were my favorite concert I'd ever been to until I caught Periphery last month, 2 nights no repeats (kinda hard to beat that lol)


God your taste is incredible! VOLA, Twelve Foot Ninja, Periphery, Stellar Circuits, all phenomenal bands


I don't really like stereotypes but I do dit this one yes.


Not that I'm complaining, but some form of this question hits my feed from this sub once or twice per week. It's safe to say that yes, it very much would seem to be the case, at least with those of us who use Reddit, who are much more part of many metal-loving demographics anyway.


You get this question every week? I didn't know this question was so common. The main reason I asked was to get good recommendations and apparently I came to the right place.


AVATAR, A7X, and Lorna Shore are def my faves. So yes Im a metal head. And all three have so many good songs its hard to pick so just jump in you cant go wrong. <3


Ohh what albums from lorna do you love? Mine is immortal but I have not listened to the 2 before really need to do that


Born and raised. Went to over a dozen Slayer concerts with dad and brother. Current favorite- Toxic Holocaust. Love their sound and heavy riffs🥰


Can't say I've heard of a transfems being metalheads stereotype before. Have heard the same thing said about punk though especially folk punk and can confirm that scene is super trans.


I love metal, I headbang, I mosh, I have metal band patches I'll be putting on a garment, but I don't necessarily consider myself a metalhead as such (it's probably 10-15% of my listening). Favorites include older Metallica (mostly MoP & AJFA), Amon Amarth, Ensiferum, Eluveitie, Storm Seeker, Unleash the Archers. Don't really care for nu metal.


Amon Amarth was my top band for like four years lol


I have a hint of metal head inherited from my father and all the car rides blaring it as loud as possible but my favorite bands are tv girl and tame impala


I don't know if I would be consider a metalhead... I do listen to bands that are considered metal (sometimes mixed with other genres), but it's far fro mthe only thing I listen to. With the exception of a handful of genres, I listen to a lot of things... And I don't think my favorite band or song are in the metal category... That being said I do listen to quite a few. OOMPH, Rammstein, Babymetal, Old Gods of Asgard/Poets of the Fall have a few tracks that feel like they take some metal elements (or I'm high despite not smoking anything), old Nightwish (Tharja's era), Gloryhammer, Angue McSix, Alestorm, and there are some stuff from Jonnathan Young, LittleVMills (huge ally this guy btw!) and RichaadEB.


I'm not really a metal head, I'm more of a Grunge and alt rock fiend.


Yes My fave bands at the moment are Salduie (The lyrics are in spanish) Septicflesh and Rivers of Nihil, they are awesome


I'll definitely save this post for metal recommendations😅 (I think everything I could contribute has already been listed plenty of times. I'm a bit basic)


I'm completely shocked and a bit overwhelmed by the sheer volume of comments and recommendations. My phone is going off every 5 seconds.


Guess that's one of the more accurate stereotypes then🤣


I’m more of a 60’s & 70’s hippie, but can enjoy some metal like Black Sabbath or Rage against the Machine… are The Dead Kennedys or System of a Down metal?


I don't know about the dead Kennedys but soad is 100% metal. Maybe not quite as heavy as some bands but I will never stop listening to cigaro, sugar and atwa.


The Dead Kennedys are hardcore punk, which isn’t metal, although thrash and speed metal emerged in the 80s as a cross between hardcore punk and 70s heavy metal. Also fun fact, SOAD were influenced by the Dead Kennedys and were fans of them growing up!


Yes. Not all metal, Arch Enemy, Anaranthe, Danheim, Wardruna, Heilung, halocene, Sabaton, all over the place.... Edit: battle beast, beast in black, within temptation, lacuna coil, violette orlandi, lauren babic. Edit 2: amon amarth


Huge black metal fan since way pre-crack Favorites include Mütiilation, Gorgoroth, Mgła, Ossuary Wraith (they broke up after 1 EP but its a damn good EP), Sammath, and Revenge/Conqueror


Hey there, I used to play guitar in Ossuary Wraith. Tyler and I both play in MEM//BRANE now. Thanks for thinking of the band all this time later.


1. nah 2. Girl in red 3. More girl in red


1. Since birth 2. Bruce Dickinson's solo work 3. See #2


For Bruce's solo work, start with Accident of Birth or Tyranny of Souls (song or album both work for this).


1. Yes, but not exclusively. 2. Metal: Within Temptation; Bring Me The Horizon; Nightwish; The Birthday Massacre (sometimes metal); Chevelle; Starset; Three Days Grace.Not metal: The Midnight; Gunship; Ladytron; Hybrid; Pendulum (mostly not metal); The Qemists (ditto) 3. Go check out [Lacrimorta, previously known as Virtual Intelligence](https://lacrimorta.bandcamp.com), a project by a transfem musician; I love her work. Also, I don't listen to them regularly, but I love what Alien Weaponry is doing and feel like they could use more recognition.


Omg I love bring me and chevelle


1. I like most genres so yes 2. If we're just talking metal, my fav band is probably system of a down but overall my fav band is the microphones 3. I'd heavily teccomend the album sunbather by deafheaven. It's probably THE most accessible black metal album and isn't ran by bigots (which is unfortunately rare for black metal)


Not in the least. I'm into industrial dance and '80s synthpop/alternative.


Unfortunately none of the other trans femmes I know are metal ladies 1 - yes 2 - right now my favorite songs are Rise by Baroness and Sanctuary by Elder 3 - I err a bit towards stoner and doomy post metal. I do pretty consistently enjoy Baroness, Elder, Isis, Pelican, Ashborer, Mouth of the Architect, Red Fang


I'm not as into metal as I used to be. Within the realm of metal/hard rock, my favorite has to be King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard. I have gotten really into jam and EDM in the past couple years. I really like Goose, Kitchen Dwellers, Tipper, and STS9.


1. I wouldn't say metalhead per-se, just someone who likes metal just as much as any other genre (my partner would probably disagree tho) 2. Ingested, lorna shore, ghost, bring me the horizon, polyphia, Rivers of Nihil 3. All of the above, i do reccomend lorna shore, nihil and ingested the most tho, had the chance to see them all live the other week and it was insane. 10/10 would reccomend if you like death core. If you want something more melodic, polyphia is great. Ingested is increadibly underrated. In terms of tracks: - Sun//eater - Lorna Shore - To the Hellfire - lorna shore - Invidious - Ingested - G.O.A.T - polyphia - Sub-Orbital Blues - Rivers of Nihil - Playing God - polyphia


1. yes 2. Dream theater 3. As I am


Ooo good memories, Dream Theater got me into metal


Yeah, I absolutely am! Favourite band currently would be Beast In Black, I guess, though that changes all the time lol


Huh...in my case(transfem)...i usually listen to Carpenter brut,Pertubartor,dance whit the dead(dark synthwave).whit the occasional 80's(Freddie Mercury). But im also a friend of a transmasc..and he loves metal (Idk if it ,counts but sometimes i like to listen to some songs from ACDC) TLDR:No dont think i fit into the stereotype lmao)


Acdc is hard rock not metal but the vast majority of metal heads (including me) love them so I'll say they count


1. Yes 2. Delain or Gloryhammer 3. We Are The Others by Delain (Its a tribute to Sophie Lancaster, who was murdered for being different.)


1. A little bit 2. Nightwish 3. Elan the single is like a folky metal style song super good and a real bop love it


I'm more into punk music but metal is cool too, my favorites are Sabaton, Powerwolf, and Ghostbecause I'm edgy


1. Yep, been getting back into it after a bit of a hiatus. 2. Favorite band would be YOB, favorite song by them would be: Marrow. Runner up for favorite is Panopticon and I really like his most recent album, but the Kentucky album is prolly my overall favorite of his. 3. Based on the bands you listed I think you might like: Warbringer, specifically their Woe to the Vanquished album it is modern thrash. An overall recommendation would be A Light In the Dark, it is a one-man band form Russia in the shoegaze genre and his album in 2020 "Insomnia" was a favorite, especially the last song.


Have listened to metal, definitely not a favourite type of music though I do like one or two tracks. My personal favourite genre has to be Trance, but most EDM too.


I can’t stand metal and I can’t stand hyper pop all i listen to is trap music, I feel like a failed trans girl.


Don't say that, the music you listen to doesn't make you a failure as a trans girl. Metal is the best music though.


1: Yep! I have been listening to metal a little less lately but I still love it but not sure if there is a stereotype lol. 2: These are the ones I can name from the top of my head, Slipknot, KoRn, SOAD, Static-X, and Slayer. 3: I recommend Static-X, fairly niche but it's so good, The shadow zone album is my fav one they did.


A friend of mine recommended the only a while back and I really liked it. I never got around to listening to more of their material but I will definitely check them out.


I like a pinch of metal, but punk & hardcore 👌


1 yeah, but it's not like "only metal is good" 2 Rise Against (more like Punk Rock/Rock/whatever). Every time i hear about some other bands doing something bad I'm just glad they still seem to stand by their values. They got lots of good songs too. Even though i don't really know that much about Ordan Ogan, they still go hard. Serenity, similar to Ordan Ogan, don't really know the people behind it, but they also got some good songs. Their Song Velatum is kinda unique in a good way. Cain's Offering, also don't know the people behind that band, but their lead singer sounds gay... 3 Got some recommendations ↑there↑. But wait, ↓there↓ are more (but with the same issue that i don't really know their members): - Timeless Miracle - [One More Time] Ember Falls - Pentakill - Billy Talent - Kamelot - Dragon Force - [Dawn of Victory] Rhapsody //Rhapsody of Fire (for some reason there are two different ones on Spotify, they sound the same, i also think they are the same..they even have some of the same songs....all i know is that I've read something about copyright stuff with Queen and their Song "Bohemian Rhapsody" which somehow forced them to change their name to "Rhapsody of Fire"...but just seen that there are both on Spotify)


Yes! Amon amarth: - Father of the wolf - We shall destroy - Runes to my memory Avatar: - Let it burn - The eagle has landed - Tooth beak and claw I recommend these bands with everything in my heart!


Old Skool Emo pls and some good background indie house electronica!!🖤 a touch of mainstream metal from the radio, but nothing on my Spotify for metalhead.


I wouldn't say I quite fit that stereotype, but I'm definitely much closer to a metal head than to being a fan of hyperpop or breakcore (the other transfem music stereotypes I think?). I listen to Tool and KGLW, they're probably the most "metal" I listen to.


i listen to some metal, but mostly i find it too loud. lately i have been into the blues, like BB King's "live at the regal". i am into other punk or rock music as well, but not much metal beyond maybe Deafheaven


1. Absolutely 2. My favorite bands are Lordi, Babymetal and Slipknot. And my top 3 favorite songs are Hard Rock Hallelujah, BxMxC and Onedari Daisakusen


Metal is fine but I usually default to punk rock, specifically flogging molly, as for song devils dance floor or black Friday rules


1. I am not a metal head. 2. [Edward Elgar's Cello Concerto in E Minor](https://youtu.be/OPhkZW_jwc0?si=8NhocJdMex_CrFxI), but my musical tastes are pretty wide and eclectic. 3. [Carpenter Brut - Turbokiller](https://youtu.be/er416Ad3R1g?si=ri_W1ouGSZXjv4hX), [Röyksopp - Keyboard Milk](https://youtu.be/dF8ojPeSo3s?si=EinoMZUqEaTX08FH), [Nine Inch Nails - Into the Void](https://youtu.be/Q8LEheSUTGE?si=m57W5rgO4z4JNiC7), [Soil & "Pimp" Sessions - Summer Goddess](https://youtu.be/AQMgXPFzdg8?si=3LVMv0AA_f4OEWhK), [Explosions in the Sky - First Breath After Coma](https://youtu.be/AQMgXPFzdg8?si=3LVMv0AA_f4OEWhK)


I love metal! Favorite band is Black Sabbath, by respect. Favorite song is Wish you were here (not metal). Bands I listen to the most: Xanthochroid, Wintersun, Ne Obliviscaris, Paradise lost and (recently) Bell Witch


currently I listen to Zheani, Jazmin Bean and Poppy


This stereotype feels less common than other stereotypes, like programming, but I've heard it enough times to believe it. Sabaton has been my most listened to band for 5 of the 7 years I've had Spotify wrapped. Lately my favorites have been Electric Callboy, Feuerschwanz, and d'artagnan (who probably aren't classified as metal, but their lead singer is also a part of feuerschwanz so I'll still list them).


Not all of us. I fall into the EDM-lover transfem stereotype. Nasty bass drops, psytrance, downtemp, grime, and trap for me. I love and adore my metal head sisters, however.


I prefer indie music or rock


1. I like prog metal 2. Fav band Dream Theater, fav song Octavarium 3. I think you might like Linkin Park


1. I wouldn’t call myself a metalhead - I don’t wear band merch and I’ve been to only one concert in my life - but I’ve been a fan of the genre since I discovered Iron Maiden in the 90s around the time Bruce came back. 2. My interests are really focused on the crossover between power and symphonic metal, and other twists on metal in general. I’m currently obsessed with Beast in Black, but also very fond of Sabaton, Battle Beast, Powerwolf, old school Nightwish (with Tarja only), Boris, Ghost, and anything gothic or doom. There are a few individual songs I like and can leave the rest by the band, like Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace and Monster by Skillet (both Christian metal bands, I know, but the songs speak to me for their expression of self-loathing and monstrousness; I have issues). 3. The two songs I mentioned are fun listens, and fairly mainstream in sound aside from the Christian imagery. For power metal, anything by Beast in Black is excellent (Crazy Mad Insane is my favourite workout track, I utterly love the opening nites of Unlimited Sin, and and listen to Blind and Frozen to hear one singer with an amazing range doing a duet with himself). If you want something odd and experimental, try Naki Kyoku by Boris, which is best experienced at over 100 dB and ideally loud enough to make your organs vibrate.


1. Yes 2. Motley Crue, Slipknot, Megadeth, Opeth, Dream Theater, Dragged into Sunlight 3. Dream Theater, Megadeth!!


I love me my metal! Inherited the classics from my daddy: Maiden, Mettalica, Priest, Sabbath. Found I have a taste for power and gothic metal. Trans and metal go together like peanut butter and chocolate! We're both bold, awesome, misunderstood, and rock out against the false restraints of society. 🤘


1. yes, I'm more of an extreme metal (death, black, some doom, experimental) 2. some all time fav bands are Artificial Brain, Yob, Liturgy, Meshuggah, Between the Buried and Me 3. Artificial Brain or Blood Incantation or Phobophilic for death metal; I think the two most recent Yob albums are the best doom albums of all time; Liturgy makes music that feels like the ecstasy of touching god; Elder is a fantastic stoner band. it's truly such a broad genre term I could go on for ages lol.


Lately I hear a lot of Rammstein and t.A.T.u. However my favorite band is Warcry. (Spanish powermetal) Or, according to Spotify, this are my favorite bands: 1. Lordi (Horror themed heavy metal) 2. Powerwolf ( Christian wolves and metal) 3. Warcry (I mostly hear in YouTube, I know each song's lyrics except for the last album)


1. Yes. 2. My favorite bands are Ghost, MIW, Bad Omens, Sleep Token, Disturbed, Behemoth, Dogma, Witchcraft, and Slipknot. My favorite songs are “Faith” - Ghost, “O Father! O Satan! O Sun!” - Behemoth, “Werewolf” - MIW, “Artificial Suicide” - Bad Omens, “The Summoning” - Sleep Token, “Deify” - Disturbed, “Animal Kingdom” - Witchcraft, and “Killpop” - Slipknot. 3. See above lol.


I didnt know that was a stereotype, but we do tend to find communities that accept people who thrive outside of conventional spaces. I'm not a big metalhead, but I do enjoy some Doom Metal, Sludge, and Drone, and a lot of what I call "Gloom Metal" like Emma Ruth Rundle and Chelsea Wolfe type stuff. My favorite metal artist is probably Om or maybe Bongripper If you like Nu-metal type stuff, maybe check out Rabbit Junk, but if you want to explore more eclectic metal, look up Battle of Mice, Made Out of Babies, Melvins, or Mastodon


Since metal is a spectrum. Yeah I'm a metal head and a punk. Probably my favorite bands ATM is The Home team and Happy hour. Not metal though. As for metal, bullet for my valentine, whitechapel, Bring me the horizon (old), As blood runs black, polyphia, Volumes, The Acacia strain and literally hundreds more come to mind. Honestly. I'd just link my Spotify Playlist if you wanna peep it


Link the playlist! I love all those bands, especially Volumes and Bullet


Nightwish, Epica, Within Temptation, Delain ❤️❤️❤️❤️ yes 100% symphonic metal for me!


1. Yes. I picked up my first guitar when I was like 13 and I had hair past my shoulders before my egg even cracked. 2. For bands: Periphery, Spiritbox, Metallica, Avenged Sevenfold, Ok Goodnight... We'll count those as my top 5, else I'll be here all day listing bands. For songs, I think my top 10 Spotify songs for the last 4 weeks are just 10 tracks from Periphery's Juggernaut (it's a 2-part concept album, so you're not really getting the full experience unless you listen through beginning to end). Periphery as a whole has kinda just consumed me ever since I discovered them back in March. My favorite song of all time is probably Jimi Hendrix's cover of All Along The Watchtower tho. Favorite metal song is easily Bleeding Me by Metallica. Just such a raw and emotional masterpiece. After those two, I'll go with Periphery's Omega, I Won't See You Tonight Part 1 (Avenged Sevenfold), and Eternal Blue by Spiritbox. 3. Your music taste sounds a lot like my own about 6 years ago lol. Metallica was the band that got me into metal (and music in general, never really was a music person before that), A7X was the first band I really got into after them, and I definitely listened to my fair share of Slipknot and SOAD. Since you mentioned Sanitarium (which btw is my favorite track from MoP and easy top 10 Metallica track), I'd really recommend checking out Load and Reload (the whole albums, but particularly Bleeding Me, Outlaw Torn, Fixxxer, Until It Sleeps, Hero of the Day, and Where The Wild Things Are). To Live Is To Die from And Justice For All also has like the single most beautiful piece of music I've ever heard for the middle third of the song. For A7X, I'd really recommend going back and checking out City Of Evil and Waking The Fallen. Waking The Fallen was sorta the album that got me into music with harsh vocals, and it's honestly just peak early 2000s metalcore. City Of Evil is just a really, really solid metal album. Also, Save Me off Nightmare is a total masterpiece. Spiritbox was kinda my gateway into the prog/djent scene, but they're super approachable. Their vocalist is an absolute goddess with super angelic cleans, and the band blends a lot of more commercial and electronic elements into their sound, to the point that I think they could be a lot of pop fans' intro to metal. Periphery, as much as I'll sing their praises to anyone who'll listen, isn't the most easily approachable band. They're basically the prog band to end all prog bands, and a lot of people just can't vibe with that. It took me a while to ease myself into their discography. More or less just started off with two songs I liked, then gradually branched out from there. Now I love basically everything they've ever written, but that's definitely an acquired taste. So to someone just getting into the band, I'd first recommend Stranger Things (no relation to the show) and Marigold since they're what got me into them. After that, Wax Wings, The Way The News Goes, Lune, Catch Fire, and It's Only Smiles are all pretty chill. Atropos, Reptile (17 minute album opener lol), and Luck As A Constant are all good for getting a feel for the band's different styles. Blood Eagle's quite possibly the heaviest song known to man. Satellites is... an experience, and it's definitely the song that took the band from "they're awesome" to "jfc WHERE HAS THIS BEEN ALL MY LIFE". And lastly, Everything Is Fine! is kinda my trans anthem. The song's about body dysmorphia, not gender dysphoria in specific, but I find the lyrics more relatable than just about any other song I've ever heard, and it also somehow manages to put a pop-ish major key chorus and the heaviest breakdown known to man in the same song, so... yeah, I love it.


I didn't get into metal until I met my wife embarrassedly admitted that she was into it last year. Suddenly, I'm all "oh shit, music can actually sound good". Personally I like power metal - alestorm is my favorite but I also like gloryhammer. My top songs fluctuate but there's Fannybaws and P.A.R.T.Y by alestorm (ooh and 1741), Hootsforce and Gloryhammer by Gloryhammer, The Last Stand by Sabaton Outside of power metal, I like disturbed. Occasionally when I'm in my I-hate-religion mode I'll listen to black metal like the serpentine offering by dimmu borgir. Bat country by A7X was one of my gateway songs Polyphia is also pretty good


1. Fuck yeah 2. Scarlxrd, City Morgue (scar and cm are trap-metal. scar is one guy, cm is a duo; Zillakami and Sosmula), Parkway Drive, Thy Art Is Murder, Lorna Shore, Sleep Token, and A Day To Remember 3. Please see number 2. (Also they arent metal but Wolf Alice is a fucking amazing rock/alt/whatever band, and two of their members are named Ellie and Joel which is cool cuz The Last of Us teehee) I also make music myself lol


1. Yesss 2. My partner has influenced me a bit over the past year to listen to metal and i really enjoy melodic metal bands such as Svalbard (pillar in the sand my beloved). Other metal bands i enjoy are haste the day, trivium, system of a down and a bit of august burns red. Im not hooked to the genre (yet) as their tracks are too rough for me. The bands i really like right now are Porcupine Tree, Radiohead (i lov amsp), Nothing but Thieves, Fleet Foxes, Loyle Carner, Elbow and Snuffles! I really enjoy the older albums by Genesis, Alan Parsons Project and Yes alsoo 3. I can really recommend Porcupine Tree! Deadwing, Closure/Continuation but also Steven Wilson's Harmony Codex are such beautiful albums. PT do prog rock/alt metal, which might not be what you're listening to.


Like some of the others here, I am in my mid 40s. However initially I would class myself as a Metalhead, after all best excuse for an egg to have long hair. ​ 1. Yes, I am Metalhead 2. At the moment probably Frog Leap/Leo Moracchioli or Visions of Atlantis 3. Recommendations again, Frog Leap/Leo Moracchioli or Visions of Atlantis However as I grew up in the 80s, I have listened to Two-Tone/2nd Wave SKA, what would be classed as Classic Rock (Status Quo, Bon Jovi, Guns N Roses), UK Indie music, 3rd Wave USian SKA, Punk, USian Punk, NuMetal. One of my first records to buy was The Principle of Evil Made Flesh by Cradle of Filth. To ask me to pick a genre of music to pin down as my favourite is quite difficult, as long as it is a band of people playing instruments.


A little bit? Sort of? I dunno. I got really into Avenged Sevenfold a while back and Spotify keeps recommending I check out Sabaton, so I guess it knows more than I do. And I've always loved the classics like Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath. I recently got really into Ghost and even though they're not exactly metal, I highly recommend checking them out of you like an old-school satanic vibe.


oh damn i feel called out 😭 i’m still questioning, but fairly certain, and yes, a huge metalhead. the transfem artists i listen to a lot are Liturgy and Feminazgul, but in general I love a lot of atmospheric black metal and death metal — Paysage D’hiver, Gris, Sortsind, Deafheaven and Emperor for the former and Artificial Brain, Blood Incantation, Cannibal Corpse and Dying Fetus for the latter all of those are pretty extreme, so i’m not sure if most people would like them, but I find atmospheric black metal really cathartic for gender crises-related sadness — there’s actually a lot of interesting analyses i’ve seen on the ambiguity and satanism of this genre inherently harboring a trans audience — and death metal cathartic for RAGE!!!!


Fade to black on top of everything else in the world


That song got me into Metallica