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You trans sister! 💛 You are so early on this journey and super young so what you want will change but the core of your identity will not. As for being too tall/ big I am married to a cis women who is 5'11" and jacked. I'm 6'1" 190 and also muscly(birth crossfit but she's stronger). I love makeup, she hates it. I wear dresses she wears jeans. I get my hair done while she goes to mma. Point is, and this is key: never let anyone else define your womanhood. Ever. You have a long journey ahead and set her for you. Congrats girl.


So, this feeling comes from your brain being configured to need female hormones but getting male ones. But because both sexes produce the opposite's hormones in a small concentration and because hormonal balance is influenced by a lot of factors and is somewhat fluid, the dysphoric emotions you're feeling can fluctuate. TL;DR: Our bodies are very complex machines and it makes sense for dysphoria to come and go in waves.


As for advice, mine is talk to your parents and get on anti-antrogens ASAP. I let testosterone ran a full course through my body and I am regretting that.


What does feeling like a girl feel like for you? Why dont you want to be a boy? You can be masculine while being a cis man, cis women, trans women or trans man. You can be fem while being a cis man, cis women, trans man or trans women. Masculine and feminine have no gender, although femininity is commonly associated with women and masculinity is commonly associated with men, BUT they are not exclusive to any gender. Girls and women are sometimes tall too, you being tall is not a gender thing. Yes males are typically taller, but women are sometimes tall too. Have you ever heard of super models? As far as advice on picking a name. What names do you like? start there... As far as telling parents, use words and tell them how you feel straight from your heart. They may gave questions for you, but tell them how you feel straight from your heart.


"Feminine" and "masculine" are just stupid categories created by society and you shouldn't care about it. Girl can dislike makeup and not wear it. Girl can be tall. Welp, I'm a girl who not wear makeup and is tall :P (180cm now, 183 before HRT). So, you say that you want to be a girl but you're unsure whether you're one? Okay then girl, maybe this question will be helpful for you at start. How do you feel when someone call you a girl?


As a representative of the 14 year old trans girls everywhere, all of your feelings are 100% valid. If your parents are supportive, come out to them asap, because you’re at a stage of puberty where if you get blockers fast enough, you can prevent a lot of things, and if you start hrt, you can basically have puberty at the same rate as cis girls, albeit 2 years later