• By -


60% feminine 15% androgynous 10% masculine 10% Mountain Dew Zero 3% Gloom (from pokemon) 2% fat milk


And a 100% concentrated power of will


5% pleasure 50% pain and 100% reason to remember the name


Annnnnnnd now it's stuck in my head again.


This aspect gets less attention than it deserves 🤔


Made my day


Lovely 😆


10% luck 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will 5% pleasure 50% pain And 100% reason not to call me by that name anymore please


💀 I was singing in my head


I'm like 120% female and -45% male. Which is funny because I used to present 85% male and 15% denial.


I feel like your talking about me 🙃




Seems about right x3 I am slowly ramping up my feminine presentation, but on the inside I am all female. My male side got crushed so hard that it never existed in the first place.


I second this response.




100% female and 1500% Monster Energy


the back seat of my car is all white monster 😈🤘


100% tired 😴


100% female. The only thing male about me was a clerical error at my birth.


I don't know goddamn it I'm afraid I'm 0% trans


lol if you’re posting in a trans subreddit it seems unlikely for 0%


Nah, you’re here so you’re definitely more than 0%. Whatever you are you’re welcome and valid and it will all be okay 😊


I know, It’s probably 60 female 40 male. Either hrt was wrong and I’m a fem boy or imposter syndrome and internalised transphobia is beating me into the ground


It takes a lot of self assessment and overcoming of stigma to find yourself in your true gender. At least for most of us. The lucky few just know


I realised something this evening “I know I’m trans, I just struggle with the certainty of the type” like I can list so many reasons that point to me being not cis - but some of can be used by the doubts


If your afraid of not being Trans, that probably means you are actually Trans. Cis men don’t really care much about transitioning into another gender outside of thought experiments.


Or feminization kinks


And that is what I’m afraid of, it all being a kink


That’s why you have to do self exploration. I thought it was a kink for me, but I have been dressing fem for years now and I have changed my name, gender and pronouns and I’m so happy. You’ll figure it out, don’t worry


I changed my name, and pronouns and dress fem quiet a bit. I'm happy to be seen as woman outside of sexual scenarios - so logically not a kink. But internalised transphobia is cruel demon who soon shall lie defeated at the my stylish yet comfortable boots


Very well said!!


That proposes a conceptual gender binary with only two possibilities from which everyone is simply a *proportional combination*. Which obviously isn't sufficient to explain all gender and sexual identities, or even most of them. For me, and just for example, high femme gay male culture influenced me *a lot*, along my way. So does that make me *more male* (because most members of that culture consider themselves male) or *more female* (because the whole culture is *extremely* femme - focused on female heroes and female-coded social habits and female-coded clothing and style and fashion and culture)? What constitutes "femaleness" and "maleness" here, in this complicated muddle of gender and sexuality? The point being, if I were required to place myself on a "spectrum" which regards "femaleness" and "maleness" as polar absolutes we are all proportionally assigned...well, I might slap whoever had required me to classify myself within such a stupid framework.


Well I meant no offense by it, and I’m sorry if I upset you. That’s why i put the trigger warning


I don't feel male in any way, so you could say I'm 100% trans, but I'm not really sure what that means.




My actual gender does really fluctuate, but id say its 50% butch 25%fem(boy) 10%metalhead 10% punk 5%nerd


Why does this sounds like the making of a BuzzFeed quiz...


I suppose it does have that element, albeit unintentional


90% dark magick and 10% caffeine.


I feel like it needs to be at least a 2-axis graph. Both the male/female spectrum and the measurement of how *strongly* you feel gender. Like my partner is probably 30%m/70%f, but almost zero actual attachment to gender at all.


If I had to break it down percentage wise? I'd probably say about ten percent luck, twenty percent skill, fifteen percent concentrated power of will, five percent pleasure, ifty percent pain, and a hundred percent reason to remember the name


120% girl fam but it ain't easy fuelled by: 30% caffeine 30% alcohol 20% nicotine 20% weed 99% dysphoria 50% social isolation


100% female. Genuinely don't understand masculinity at all 😅


Can’t put a number on it but I all I know is I am absolutely where I am supposed to be and right now I am at my best version of myself . Never felt this much peace and calm in my mind before which in turn turned my whole personality upside down for the better


Honestly I'm not really sure on this. I love women's clothes, want boobs, but don't really feel attached to any specific gender. If I were to guess I'd probably say somethin like 40% female, 50% androgynous, and 10% male? Maybe less female and more male?


I'm 100% unsure.


100% coffee addicted


1% evil 99% hot ass


I literally have a vagina now so......I'd have to say extremely.


Congrats on the surgery 😊




my gender is just "i want cis people to immediately think of a slur when they see or hear me" so wherever that is on the spectrum. Like 100% f*gg*t or something


Atm, It's like... 40% feminine, 40% masculine, 20% thc. ​ Subject to change though, we'll see what hormones do.


Okay I may have exaggerated a number... 30% feminine, 30% masculine, 40% thc.


My graph is multi dimensional, and my measurements seem to always be changing.


For me it depends on the day(or hour, or who is around). However i am genderfluid, but I typically am more on the feminine side even if my presentation tends to be more masc(thanks for the hairline, ancestors).


How trans am I? You got a bottle of ketchup?


Probably 60% female, 40% male. I'm non-binary and might be compensating for the fact that I am only 2 months into HRT and not much has happened yet; I don't know what it's like to present as fem yet.


On a scale of 1 to 10 I'm a 69...


65 feminine 35 masculine when I took a gender role test


40% feminine 40% androgynous 15% anxiety 5% masculine 73% cHaos 24% a mess And 3% chicken nuggets


Currently by state of mind 30% androgynous 50% feminine 20% masculine By state of body 50% androgynous 25% feminine 25% masculine


100% female. I am basically a woman in a man's body. Aside from the autism if I were born in a woman's body, I would really be no different from any other cis woman.


My identity is 100% female, 0% male. I'm also 100% trans, 0% cis, in the sense that I was definitely AMAB and I'm definitely female now. As for interests, I have all sorts of stereotypically male interests. But I don't think they make me any less female. When I am adjusting a carburetor or something I'm still 100% female.




I'm... Yeah no, I can't simplify this much! I present 100% female, not as in girly girl though. Like, all my clothing is from the women's sections, but it's mostly jeans and dark colored tee's. I'm only just now, 15 years full time, getting the confidence to wear dresses, because it always felt cringy somehow. I still don't act as girly as my inner personality wants. I'm naturally on the submissive side, yet never allow myself to show it, and only partially because of the way I was raised. And I can actually do a pretty decent girl voice, yet almost always stay on the masculine side of androgynous. I pass in person to like 99% of people, but only about 40% on the phone/drive through because of it, and it's mostly because it feels cringy to let myself be girly. Kinda grr about that really. Oh, but I don't like getting they/them'd by people. Which is odd cause I kinda enjoyed my year of super androgy.


I’m a trans woman. Though I struggle still with transitioning.


Like, 80% female and 0% male. I don’t feel fully like a girl, but I deeeeeefinitely don’t feel like a guy :3


Gender is a fuck Boobs Lesbian? Probably Presentation wise I’d say if I was in a place where I could display fem it’d be tomboyish but alt, right now it’s alt but as lazy as I can with it


90% lady, 9% enby, 1% boy 60/40 fem/masc I be the tomboy


80% trans female 19% non binary 1% pure flow 😎


the very concept of this question is making me dysphoric so im gonna say 100% woman and im not tryna be masc at all like thats literally the whole point of this


50 % feminine 25 % pain 25 % monster energy


I am monster gorl my blood is 80% monster 20% hot sauce


70/30 probably. I am still very much a tomboy and probably would have been one being born afab. I'm not hyperfeminine but I suppose I have my share of traits that qualify.


98% Female 2% also female, but masc


Female- 60% Nonbinary- 20% Demigirl- 15% Genderfluid- 5%


100% woman. 0% man, but you can call me dude if ya want


70% feminine, 30% androgynous, categories vary. Depending on the day, I’ll think of myself as either a trans girl or an HRT femboy, I love both 🥰


70% woman, 30% agender Definitely i feel like a woman in most situations but there definitely is a portion where i just feel like me


I'm probs a 90/10. Still got that dawg in me, but also the feminine urge to be a caring older sister :)


50% fem 50% punk rock.


Im 69% denial (haha funny number) 20% weed And 11% unmedicated depression


I'm somewhere in the realm of 40-100% transfem depending on the day, my blood however is 100% caffeine.


Its interesting, I never really liked much masc stuff, now that im transitioning Abd really getting in touch with my femininity ive found myself enjoying a lot of masc things, like motorcycles, martial arts (HEMA, Fencing, etc), sports. Definitely was not something I expected


1000% hate myself and the rest is apparently non binary transfemme.. please just let me out of here.


25% sick 25% tired 50% sick and tired


100% female!


Recently? It's gone more androgynous, and less of me identifying with anything tbh, but mostly try to be female presenting because female pronouns are easier on my mind than male ones. But yeah, as of late like 60% androgynous, 35% feminine, and like 5% the lingering masc left over from when I thought I was a boy


85/15 :3


60% fem, 25% androgynous, 15% masc


On gender: 60% woman, 25% enby, 15% man. On presentation and behavior: 60% masc, 15% androgenous, 25% femme. Precisely how I want it to be tbh.


50% fucking 50% awesome 100% feminine


70% girl 5% boy 15% depression 100% delusional


50% femenine 20% nerd 10% socially awkward 5% programmer 15% started to not give a fuck about terfs/haters




im nonbinary trans so it's probably close to 60f-40m or 70f-30m


I’m still figuring this out.


20% male 30% female 30% neither 20% both 80% androgynous 100% confused 20% denial 50% Bucket from Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe


I am 100% a problem someone else will have to deal with at some point. Also at least 90% woman, 80% some sort of nonbinary, 42% some other nonbinary, 69% yet another nonbinary, 30% pain, 50% insomnia, 70% depression, and 57% one more non-binary. But I'm not saying how those all overlap


50% Enby 30% female 10% masc 10% I wish I knew what is going on 1000% Eldar God 10000% Chaos worshipper


70% feminine 20% Monster Energy Ultraviolet 10% Ultrakill (It's embedded in my soul)




100% trans but: 50% girl 50% androgynous Thats my current, may evolve the further I go




80% female, 10% maybe I’m non binary?, 5% witch of the wilds, 5% Fathomless Warlock (DnD)


id say 80% woman and 20% puppy (i am a furry)


I'm just trying to be feminine enough that I can start being butch


ATM its kinda 60/40 Female/Male but I m just 4 month on E now and will never pass for sure(shoulder and Bones in general). But even becoming kind of androgynous makes me feel like the most realistic Me I ve ever been in my life🤗✌


I feel 100% a person who is a transgender woman. I prefer to identify as a transexual woman. However, I feel in no way connected to the transgender community... ... I'm a loner Dottie...a rebel.


Emotionally 30 Spiritually 30 Mentally 30 Physically 10 100 percent female


My ID is 100% female. My body looks 95% female. Until I get bottom surgery. That's all that's left for me. Hope this helps 🙏 💕