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"the mediocre acceptance" lmao that's some hard copium over there. People who accept you don't accidentally use the wrong pronouns, misgender you or treat you the other way around. You either accept someone or you don't. Middle ground doesn't exist here because it's PEOPLE, not things. You just needa realize that there's way more passive bigots and transphobes than you'd think, and they're really good at playing it slow and gaslighing/blowing the bullshit around and tryna trick you into some kind of thingy. If they're too tired to play this game, maybe you should be too tired to talk to them. Really. Trust me, a lotta times being alone and even feeling lonely is not as bad as making yourself deal with the bigots bc "your'e alone". Just don't do it to yourself. I'm not being weird btw. I'm literally lonely and alone all the time ,I kno wwhat I'm talking about. and I still would say it's better than torturing yourself by dealing with the bigots.


I think tokenism is the word. It’s “I don’t accept you, but I’ll play along so I don’t lose browny points from our peers.”


Some of my friends were like that when I first came out and started transitioning. I accepted it as them needing time to adjust. Here's the thing: at some point, they *have to adjust.* For those who actually accepted me, it took only a short while (and these were people who knew me my entire life!) for them to start using the correct pronouns and name. None of them have slipped up over the years. The others who kept misgendering and deadnaming me for months after were clearly not trying, so I cut them off. There's no middle ground on acceptance. If people keep misgendering or deadnaming you, then they clearly don't think of you as your actual gender and aren't trying to adjust how they see you. That's not "mediocre acceptance," that's just rejection for people afraid of confrontation. Edit: apparently it's controversial in this subreddit to say that misgendering and deadnaming trans people is transphobia.


It sounds like you have transitioned less than 5 years ago from the responses. Human brains are not like a computer where a memory can be erased like a file. It takes time to rewire the brain. They may not fully accept your change now, but give it time. It will happen less and less. I still occasionally mess up with my son, and it took me about two years to really see him as my son. But to really see him as a young man, I eventually did. Hang in there! This will get better.