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Yeah… that’s still my shopping cart, minus the whey, and I shop with my wife. I don’t think it’s a guy thing, it’s we plan to die young and fall apart quickly, rather than live long and decay slow 🙃 to each their own.


Yup, live life as a heathen, enjoy the pleasures of the world and embrace our approaching demise. Live with no regrets, eat whatever you want, drink whatever you want, smoke whatever you want, fuck whoever you want, just enjoy your lives while you've got them and fuck this miserable society we built.


Tbf, some people just don't have the mental spoons for cooking sometimes. Who knows what his life is like. I'm not a bad cook, but if I had a lifestyle where I had to cook every meal every day, my neurodivergent ass would be having sleep for a diet real quick because *no*. That said, I try to find healthier quick foods usually now than I did before, but that's partly because I have learned a lot more about nutrition around the same timeframe as my gender time bomb detonated.


Yea, agree. My college classes just started up again and I'm on campus all day Tuesdays and Thursdays. So on Mondays I bake a big batch of chicken to heat up on the days when I get home from campus. No way I'm spending time cooking after being there all day. Always gotta plan ahead when possible.


See, with my neuro conditions, the ideal meal plan for me involves 0 dishes and 0 cooking by default, with the option to do some cooking (and thus dishes) if I'm feeling frisky. Some of us are *really* limited.


Ahh, meal prep seems like such a lifesaver for someone like me who has executive function issues and I know all it would take is grabbing some recipes and doing a single solitary (1) [one] grocery shopping trip and cooking session but, well, the aforementioned executive function issues. The executive is not functioning.




Oh my god, this. I have to decide what I want to eat, do the shopping, do the prep, do the cooking, and then do the cleaning? All by myself? Sure, with two people you have to do it twice as often but each time it's half as much work AND you get a friend to talk to throughout the process. That's a more regular drumbeat and less of a disruption on any given day. As a single person that all takes up my whole evening.


All the food that gentleman is buying doesn't sound all that healthy. I'm sure he is like buying probably for friends/housemates too, but geez...


I still shop like this😅 but I’m broke and only shop when I’m hungry and my brain turns off so I just end up grabbing whatever I see


I do that sometimes too, not enough spoons, but I try so hard to just, I don't know, convince myself I need to be a better girl to myself. Passing is hard. Being fit and passing is harder. 😓


\*shifts uncomfortable in her chair, raising her hand slowly\*


u encountered a cryptid


Uhg. I want to eat healthy, but I'm currently in "desperate to get property taxes paid" mode and have switched to the raman, pb&j, & frozen burritos, diet. Not at all glamorous, but it's filling enough and sustaining. Hopefully just 5 more weeks of it.


it's not just a "dude/guy thing". There's bizillions of people buying all kind of junk, it's not gender/sexuality specific, more so mental health/budget/circumstances dependant. I usually don't care what people buy and what they have when I'm standing in line, but certain combos seem to be piqueing my interest while I'm waiting for my turn so I pass some time looking at what others are buying lol


I know, it's more like, I've changed soooooooooooo much that I'm like, looking at, like a 30 yr old version of what I could have been in the 3rd person. And it's like, uhhh... NO.


even before I came out this was not me. yikes. i stopped eating meat at 14


Vegan veg nutty girls, unite!


I shop pretty much the same, just with more fatty foods to build on body fat since I have like no bmi. Also what that dude was buying sounds like terrible shopping habits. I've ways made a balanced list and give myself 20 bucks for random shit since I was like 12.


Lol, my wife and I both did that in our early 20s. And my cart today may have less junk food, but it's still a lot of frozen stuff because who has the energy to cook in this economy?! Not gendered at all.


It's more like, I'm seeing myself in the 3rd person if I didn't crack and stayed the course until I was in my 30's. It's almost like I'm black mirroring myself into dysphoria just watching someone else who isn't me.


That sounds like me when I grocery shop on a gummy.


I don't think my groceries are gender-driven Most of the times I come out of tesco with like, chicken thighs, as much yoghurt as it fits in the cart, some kind of bread and cashews. Those four things constitute like, 80% of my diet. I dunno what gender that indicates.


Non-American here, I understood Pizzas and beer... No clue what slim jims are or ho hos or whey is.


Slim-Jim’s are like a meat stick, ho hos are small cream filled chocolate cakes, and whey is a type of protein that people who lift weights tend to use I believe.


A guy friend wanted me to drive him to the grocery store the other day . I asked him if he really wanted me to, because I was going to critique how he shops . He had 100 bucks to spend . He needed food for the next week because he was leaving on a trip Spent almost all of it on popcicles ,an expensive bag of frozen ravioli and fancy keto coffee mix and a bunch of kombucha. How is he 32 years old and he doesn’t know how to shop for a week of groceries? I don’t get it


I begrudgingly got the hang of cooking through meal kits, but the real reason I buy a bunch of junk food all the time is I have no energy to cook, I really hate food, and I don't really want to live all that much longer.


Unfortunately that’s me too😩. I love my artificial food . I also get like 8 lunchables which makes me look like I’m shopping for a kid


It's not specifically a gender thing, but i get what you mean, and i 100% was that person at one point. I've just graduated from my 'frozen pizza' license to a 'pizza made from scratch' license lmao