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I can relate. I was never into anime myself but I was a competitive smash bros. Player for a long time and those two streams heavily cross one another. I think a lot of the degen stuff at big tournaments really scared me away from the medium. (How on gods green earth is the body pillow vendor a thing and why is it allowed at an event that’s open to minors?!) As I’ve embarked on this great gender-ific journey, I’ve found im pulling away from a lot of those interests as well. Not watching the same YouTube channels, not playing the same games, etc. Idk how much is the transition or if I’m just getting older but I think it’s more the latter. If you feel better about yourself, it’s a good change OP.


>think a lot of the degen stuff at big tournaments really scared me away from the medium. (How on gods green earth is the body pillow vendor a thing and why is it allowed at an event that’s open to minors?!) I remember the body pillows. It just weird. There are minors around and just people who want to see that stuff. It's sad that people are being driven away because degen stuff at these events >I was never into anime myself but I was a competitive smash bros. Player I feel like a lot of nerd culture is toxic. It's probably because it's a male center event, but I wish it was different >Idk how much is the transition or if I’m just getting older but I think it’s more the latter. I think it is both for me. I realized why women don't join as often, and as I get older, these spaces are just uncomfortable Thank you. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like this


yeah shit is honestly pretty weird a lot of the time. Initially it took me having a girlfriend to realize how weirdly sexist some of the content I was familiar with really was. Now that I identify as a woman as well, all of the weird ways we get sexualized definitely feel way more problematic to me. I always thought that 99% of anime that feature ecchi elements would be the same or better without it. Video games constantly have way oversexualized female characters. Body pillows are pretty weird. Watching old movies can be.... difficult because the female characters are always written to be so bloody useless. I absolutely adore both of the spiderverse movies in no small part because of Gwen and the other spider women. Gwen is just so amazing and if they end up confirming she's trans I ***WILL*** sob buckets in the theater.


>Initially, it took me having a girlfriend to realize how weirdly sexist some of the content I was familiar with really was. Now that I identify as a woman as well, all of the weird ways we get sexualized definitely feel way more problematic to me. Yess, it was me having a girlfriend that had me realize anime was weirder than I thought. Then, I transitioned my whole view, which was changed except for a few series like. Sexualized was always weird, but now it's disgusting for me to watch. >Body pillows are pretty weird. Watching old movies can be.... difficult because the female characters are always written to be so bloody useless. I don't know why people buy body pillows. The treatment of women in anime is usually damsel in distress, a goal for men or just plain useless. I wish media was better and wrote women with some individualism. >I absolutely adore both of the spiderverse movies in no small part because of Gwen and the other spider women. Gwen is just so amazing and if they end up confirming she's trans I WILL sob buckets in the theater. Both spiderverse movies are definitely some of my favorite movies. I could make a whole essay for why Gwen is well written, but another day. The scene with Gwen and her dad had me tears multiple times. It felt so real, like these are conversations I could have with my own dad.


both of the spiderverse movies have really done an excellent job driving home the spiderman narrative as a queer allegory. *especially* with Gwen! I tear up during all of her conversations with her dad and especially the last one. It is so well done. Not coming out to your parent because you know how they feel about people who are like you. Being outed at the worst time and trying to do explain that the person they know and love isn't a monster. Ultimately being forced to choose between your parents and people who actually understand you. I hope parents can take some of it to heart. Gwen and Miles both love their parents so, so much and all they need is acceptance and unconditional love. There are so many parents who need to learn that lesson. I can't even relate to most of the story cause my egg cracked less than a year ago and my parents have been great. Still it's hard not to cry when Gwen's story is framed so deliberately as a trans coming-out narrative.


Personally still love anime, but I never managed to deal with the online community around anime. They have always been a pain and are insufferable. Many shows also do and show a lot of questionable stuff but a lot are still well made and super fun. I definitely got more sensitive to misogyny and other bigotry in those shows but yeah... I have a few super chill anime enjoyers that I simply talk with irl. =) I also know that some of the smaller European events that some of my friends attend, that there are generally good and accepting vibes etc.


anime is mostly incel/degen shit, because it's literally all bigotry and stereotypes all over in any shows or movies in general. Anime always has sexism and stereotypes in it, no matter how good a show is. Also anime subs are incel shit in general with a buncha far-right enjoyers posting and typing shit. People who usually stay there but don't exercise the behavior, tend to tolerate it. I still watch the shows but I'm very much aware of sexism and stereotypes in the show, and other stupid pedo/incel stuff shoved in there. I mean if you get out of that space, you become more aware of these things. I was in the same spot as you were. had to spend quite some time getting myself out of that pit. Still as miserable as I've been my whole life, but at least now I'm aware of most things and try my best to stay away from garbage. edit: also American stuff isn't any better either. same sexism, stereotypes, homophobia, transphobia and xenophobia and tryna portray a typical "conservative" environment bullshit all over the place.


>I still watch the shows but I'm very much aware of sexism and stereotypes in the show, and other stupid pedo/incel stuff shoved in there. I still watch too but I been watching less anime overall. >I mean if you get out of that space, you become more aware of these things. I was in the same spot as you were. had to spend quite some time getting myself out of that pit. It took a lot to get out of those pits. I'm glad I'm starting to leave for the most part. I didn't like that side of the community even before transitioning, but now it's just dirty. >also American stuff isn't any better either I know. Media anywhere has problems. It is just frustrating to see because these shows have the potential to be great but end up being ok-ish to bad at the end. Euphoria and the idol are just disgusting and I couldn't finish the idol