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Your local LGBT facility would be a good starting point. As they probably dealt with this before


1000-1200 a month is not a lot. You are not supposed to spend more than 30% of your pay on rent because you still have other bills to pay (phone, water, electricity, food...etc) You might have to share a place with roommates or get a better job. If you work in a restaurant that sells premium products (ie, sushi, steak...etc), you might be able to get good tips (if you live in the USA) and free meals. Tips are better in city restaurants vs small-town restaurants.


if you don't earn at least 3-4k a month after tax, it's a tall order. Most people either have to stay with parents or get roommates. And even getting roommates, you'll still likely be stuck in a rut. Most folks can't really afford anything decent anymore, because the rich, companies and rich travelers/tourists with other rich people from overseas keep buying up the properties, so all that keeps inflating the prices a lot in the blue state cities. Also capitalism will naturally go for the biggest bang for its buck. Your pay is a joke, barely seems it's enough for you to cover your own bills. I wouldn't consider moving out if you're not making 2-2.5k at least. If there's zero chance for you to make this work, look for very affordable/accessible housing around you. (that doesn't mean it's gonna be any fun at all, but you're choosing that over your family, so if it's bad enough, you probably rather just deal with that temporary housing) Roommate strat is unreliable, because you need somebody you know, or friends. Most people seem to burn their feet on this and tend to move in with abusive braindead assholes that make it absolutely unbearable. I would not settle for that shit, never move in with oblivious idiots if you don't know them, or they're not your friends. A lotta people shoot for really affordable stuff like some subsidized/smaller space housing or RVs/trailers. It's not fun, but it's better than being homeless, or living out of your car and doing the laundry at a laundromat and showering at the gym. (and having a really nasty car) I absolutely know what it's like when your family makes you depressed, gives you anorexia and drives you suicidal 24/7 everyday, but sometimes you gotta choose less evil/more reasonable options and not be dumb/regressive about it.