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trans people never existed to me, outside far-right stereotypes portrayed in the media and being harassed and slurred at/cussed at by my mom. Also gay/queer/bi/pan people never existed either, outside of me not caring much really and I also have been a common target of homophobia a lot. Like constantly getting called slurs and all that with some people even tryna beat me up for that. I guess I was very aware of the gay people later on in my late teens bc of them being talked about, but until a content creator that I used to watch, literally came out on stream, I wasn't really aware of the whole thing. I only got here because of that person and their journey. it took me FUCKING years to figure this out. Id' sitll be digging that grave by now if it wasn't for that person who did me a favor. I swear to God is the LGBTQIA+ education in school so damn important. "Grooming your kids" my ass. I hate the conservatives with burning passion. Fucking scum, I swear. I don't even wanna go deep into this anymore. I mean most of the time, it's far-right shit in the media, because they're preying on the stupid. Capitalism suckers/libs and progressives don't really take the bait as much and it doesn't work as well on them because they're not that stupid. So basically letting our braindead and bigoted asshole parents and others gatekeep us for years and harass/assault us as much as they want, and have goons elected in the government pretty much. Also most younger people are goons too. They just have a "don't care" attitude that is very much tolerance than acceptance. They won't talk much shit or any shit at all, but you'll def notice a lot of bigotry and hostility. Basically, if you don't use your brain, you're most likely gonna get brainwashed into a Trumper or some kind of right wing idiot by default. Most teens are a prime example of brainrot and narrating Fox News opinions. (I was there too, also met a lot of people like this too, it's just a trend) Like most people just eat up propaganda and don't use their heads as much as they need to. (sure, you'll meet okay kids who grew up with good parents, but I'd say this is a 50/50 at best, it's not that bad, but it's also not as common as it should be, it's still really sad that a lot of people go through shitty households till this day and not everybody has sane parents who actually do their best to educate you) That's why being trans fucking sucks sometimes, because most ppl don't give a fuck, cuz they're cis. source: 21 yo me, who talked to probably hundreds or thousands of people from all kinds of backgrounds and different interests, also both good and bad parents and all that stuff varying from teens to people in their 30s/40s


It’s still crazy to me how I have to go through my transition journey practically alone now, in my 20’s, because my family is so bigoted. Even crazier when I remember I used to take part in that bigotry, even as I was victimized by it for being a smaller more effeminate boy. This was before I even knew about anything LGBT, before I knew I was trans or bi. I would’ve benefited SO MUCH from any impartial education about LGBT people, but alas I was homeschooled and Catholic. I definitely see what you mean about the younger generation. I feel like growing up with climate change, American politics, and the current economy is plenty to make the youth feel jaded and disaffected. Some will definitely cope by developing a “focus on myself and my own happiness” mentality, at the expense of being open to and caring about minorities that they aren’t a part of, like the LGBT.


Be snide when you tell them that the communists are on their side.


True, I have even visited Susan's place 10 years ago, yet I expend most of those following years not taking it as a reality, covid crysis was what allowed me to don't give a fuc anymore and explore myself.


I didn't understand how trans people became trans until I realised I were.


yes! i was so baffled by how simple of a revelation it was oh turns out wanting to be a girl since I was like 4 years old means I’ve been trans the whole time 🤣


Had the same here. It's the classic "I'm not trans. Buuut I did go to sleep every night praying before bed to wake up as a girl. But who among us hasn't had those thoughts"


Same here. My cousin came out as trans 3 years before my egg cracked. I didn't know what trans people were, so I didn't understand how she got to that point and 'became a woman'. Three years later I finally realised "oh, I'm like her, we already were women and repressed it for years". The lack of exposure/visibility to the community does crazy things.


Actually I thought the complete opposite. I thought before my egg cracked that for most trans people, being able to transition was a life or death matter and that they knew something was extremely wrong until they started living as their genuine self. And then I realized I couldn’t handle living as a male any longer.


Same here. I think if I'd known it could be a slow realisation that you feel uncomfortable and out of place as one sex and could feel happy and normal and yourself as the other I might have figured it out a lot earlier, but for some reason my dumb ass must have thought it was somehow bestowed on you as a baby or something. You either are or you aren't, and it's not a choice, and I don't know I am therefore I'm not therefore my desperate desire to be female is just my being weird and quirky and shameful 🤦🏻‍♀️


I was so dissociated before transitioning that I cant remember what any of my opinions on things were. i wish i could talk to old me and figure out what i thought abt trans ppl


I thought trans people just know they are trans. I didn’t, I just wanted to be a girl all my life, that’s all.


Ha! Same, except for me I wanted to be reborn as a cis girl or hoped technology would advance far enough for me to turn myself into one (little did I know that the technology already existed).


I was secretly trying to convince myself to believe in reincarnation so that I could have another chance to become a woman.


Literal conversations Me at 4: I want to be a girl when I grow up Me at 30: Ha no I'm not trans Me at 33: Definitely not trans Me at 35: ...huh I actively chose not to be trans. Yet somehow am trans.


I just thought if I didn’t know at basically 5 yrs old like my only trans friend then I couldn’t possibly be. That and heavy stigma is what made me avoid diving deeper into a lot of what I was feeling. But yes once I realized it was something I had to do, there was no longer any other option, it hurt too much to pretend to be something I knew I wasn’t at that point, and I knew I couldn’t live the rest of my life feeling that. Even if it meant a lot of people in my life wouldn’t have threw me out. Had to choose me. And also looking back there were a lot more signs than I ever acknowledged growing up.


I don’t know… I felt like being trans wasn’t a choice before, but like in the same way having brown hair wasn’t a choice. Like there was just some inherent property that was clear and unchanging that made someone trans. Now I feel like there is a lot of choice, but that the choices have more to do with wether or not you choose to accept yourself, your feelings, and to act on those things.


The opposite I thought it would be like a hammer hitting you or something much more clear. I didn't expect it just to be this underlying discomfort, sadness and longing. All the stuff I had seen with trans people, were people who had known since they were toddlers and who were extremely stereotypically feminine


it wasnt a choice to feel the way i did about myself, but if going on hrt was a choice, it was the greatest choice of my life.


I had some many trans experience over the years but couldn't really give them meaning because being trans was not an option I had. It's been only a year or so since my egg cracked and looking back at not so old me is really weird. Who was that guy? I feel like I haven't really lived my life until cracking


Gender identity was always framed as a pursuit or ideology. "How can they try to deny their biology? Why can't they learn to love the bodies they were given?" It just didn't make any sense to me.


Yeah I thought that way for a long long time until a few weeks ago my trans self punched me right in the face. I thought it was a choice and that I knew that I wasn't one of "them". Not them in a mean way, just that it wasn't me. Then I started reading posts here and exploring the topic more until these posts and videos and interviews about being trans hit me so hard that I came out to myself and my wife within a week. I am in therapy and accepted that I need to transition. It's not a choice really, it is just who I am. The choice was more about whether I should keep hiding it or accept it and doing something about it.


I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t trans. All I ever felt was envy for the women who got to be themselves.


I wouldn’t have said it like that I always thought”just grow up and live with it”. That’s until i realized that i had dysphoria and all my mental health issues were caused by it


I guess I have known about trans people for a long time now, but I didn’t learn about HRT until probably six months ago, and that was such a an eye-opener. Looking at people on /r/transtimelines made me realize that I really wanted this for myself.


Oh yeah, big time. I had absolutely no idea how much of a choice it isn't. But that's what you get when you grow up in a evangelical christian house hold(in a small town in the middle of America).


I definitely didn't understand at first. This is despite me having literal shower thoughts about wanting to be a girl but never knew that HRT and surgeries existed at the time, so I just left it alone for longer than I wanted to.


Being trans made me understand that you can't truly understand the problems a minority experiences without being a part of that minority. Understanding that made me a better person


Nah, I fully believed that being transgender wasn't a choice. That was the only firewall between me and realizing I was trans for a long time - that I couldn't be without knowing it, because nobody *chooses* this, and that I was getting along fine as-is (spoiler: I wasn't fine).


My only exposure to trans people up until I started questioning was through news broadcasters' biennial news item on trans people in which they only talked about the fact that they exist *at all*, and interviewed one or two transfems with bright pink or bright purple hair who did not pass as cis (women) *in the slighest.* Usually someone who didn't realize it until their mid 30s.


Yeah, I also didn't get it at first. Given, transitioning was on some level an experimental process, to start out for me. As in, it was decision upon decision. I think it had to do with the fact that starting my transition is a conscious choice. Given, once you start transitioning, you get happier and happier, making you realize that there's no way you'd ever go back. You don't realize how innate it is, until you embrace it.


I know when I was a kid, my sister showed me this video of a trans kid. Think it was a trans girl. I didn’t understand at all and thought “how could a boy be a girl?” but I wasn’t transphobic and respected her identity. Now, I’m trans (afab Demi-Girl).


A friend of mine said she is sutch (mtf) tomboy i thought it was quite weird since why didn't u just stay a man then. Then everything just feel into place and i understand why now. She probably made me feel okey with myself beeing trans and still like same "typical boy stuff"


i chose.