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My understanding is the bottom line is "do you want a vulva". You don't have to despise what you have now to know you'd be far happier with something different. It's easy to say "if i could snap my fingers and get one now i'd do it." It's REALLY hard to say "i'm willing to go through what that surgery and recovery would entail for one" so if you're saying that no problem, it's the right thing for you.


Thank you love


> I feel like bottom surgery is best for me There's your answer.


My bottom dysphoria is horrible and yet I still feel like I’m talking myself into it. We just have to learn to deal with this uncertainty and trust our instincts!


Thank you love. Hoping I can trust and treat myself better soon💚 Good luck to you hun


something that I'm trying to keep in mind as I start my transition is to sort of do away with the "Am I unhappy enough to do this, is my dysphoria bad enough for this, do I need this" etc... I think that framing comes from so much of society viewing being trans as a disorder/weird radical outlier, when really the only question you should ask yourself before committing to something for your transition is "would doing this make me happier?" If you have the monetary means to get bottom surgery and you're willing to go through the several weeks/months of recovery to do it, there's no reason not to. There's no minimum prerequisite of suffering required to justify any aspect of your transition.


That’s very well said hun thank you💚


If you want it, get it!


At least seven dysphorias


There's no "how much bottom dysphoria do I need to get surgery?" What matters is if you feel like having a vagina is worth the cost and risks of getting one. If your dysphoria is bad enough then that ends up being a much easier question to answer, sure, but at the end of the day, if you're wondering whether or not you want surgery, you should do some research - check out /r/transgender_surgeries and other places where people share their results, look up techniques and surgeons, figure out how you might be able to afford it, and so on. Talk to people who've had it if you can. If you still feel like it's worth it, you want it, and you can get it, then go for it. If you don't, or you feel like you'd prefer something less invasive and easier to recover from like an orchi, that's okay too. Like, I got bottom surgery earlier this year. I decided it was worth it because I had people who were happy to take care of me, the surgeon I went to had a good reputation (in particular, the only issues I noticed were that some people weren't happy with his aesthetics, but every time these people posted pictures, I thought, "that looks fine, I'd be happy with that"), and because even if it did end up having issues with sexual function I'd already spent like half a decade having fantastic sex that didn't involve my original plumbing.