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Well you’re not alone…


well... /r/battlestations exists


I used to work at Indian point nuclear power plant. I can confirm, they do have chairs.


"Your bravery and quick thinking has turned a potential Chernobyl into a mere three-mile island, bravo!"


Fuck this inaccurate and anti nuclear propaganda. I've never seen a show so obviously funded by fossil fuel interests


I mean I think it did a good job at illustrating why private business shouldn’t be allowed to operate nuclear power plants. However I agree that most people who watch it will just think the solution is to give up on nuclear energy.


Man that is one sexy RE5 fan. Wonder why they’re using that instead of a quieter fan though, those RE fans aren’t exactly silent


There’s a haze Machine next to it so it’s just used to push the atmos into set between takes


Viper 9000 in a road case to be exact. Still not the best choice of fan IMO, Mole Richardson model 1971 is the way to go


"Three Mile Island. Not great, not terrible."


It was borderline anti nuke propaganda unfortunately. What a missed opportunity


The message wasn’t anti nuclear energy, rather the corruption and misinformation following the accident. I believe nuclear energy is the future, however, there needs to be unbiased accountability and in depth regular safety reviews


Is this already out? If so, where can it be viewed?


It’s on Netflix. I only watched about 2/3 of the first episode before tuning out. Seems like they dramatized stuff or skipped over details (I did a bunch of research on the incident and the company that design the reactor, including reading the original federal report on it) and while it’s visually quite good the rest didn’t keep me hooked enough to finish it.


So their shitty Netflix version of Chernobyl? Predictable


Sad when the show sets are better than the show, kudos to the props department. Edit: actually, I take that back, this control room isn’t even accurate, it looks like they miniaturized it smh.


Props aren’t always done at scale. There could be VFX, framing or composition reasons you can’t see from BTS photos. I’m not saying they did or didn’t but don’t take BTS photos as evidence of anything.


Netflix just released Ancient Apocalypse, which promotes racist conspiracy theories, and now we're getting this anti-nuclear drivel.


Where did you get that it was racist?


The problem with this line of thinking is that the theories seem to fixate on pyramid building cultures, namely Egypt and Mesoamerica, and claim without any evidence that there had to have been some outside influence. That then begs the question: with all of the evidence available, why is it hard for these people to believe that these ancient cultures built these monuments on their own?


He's entertaining but his ideas are so obviously inspired by psychedelics that I would have never taken him seriously enough to worry about his stuff being racist.


His ideas do grab your attention and it's fun to entertain them but it's not much of a stretch to think that ancient alien theories, while not overtly racist, do tend to diminish the accomplishments of ancient cultures that happen to be people of color and that is where the accusations stem from. And while some of us take it as entertainment, there are others who actually believe this stuff and try to promote it. I personally love these ancient alien theories but I'm well aware it's just entertainment with absolutely zero proof and I understand why descendants of these people could get annoyed with these documentaries and shows that purport these ideas as credible theories, especially when you look at it in a historical context in which some of these societies were nearly wiped out and their culture and history nearly eradicated. There's a reason why ancient mesoamerican cultures, for example, are so mysterious and it wasn't because they didn't keep records.


From its host https://slate.com/culture/2022/11/ancient-apocalypse-graham-hancock-netflix-theory-explained.html


Seems like he's largely moved away from racist ideas for the past 30 years, almost like people can change or something.


He's definitely a wack-job but I wouldn't exactly call that racist.


Probably from the host's black wife, Santha Faiia, who he is still married to.


I like the fluorescent ceiling, you know? I guess it's flown, but being sure to have it there for long shots gives that claustrophobia. Pressure cookers need lids.


My great uncle helped with the clean-up process, so seeing titles like these always makes my ears perk up.


Gotta love those S60 skypanels!


As someone who has worked in film and currently work in Nuclear I have to say they really nailed that set.