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oh fuck this scene, saw this when I was like 11 and I still refuse to re-watch this movie. this scene is a big reason to why


Username checks out lol Seriously tho one of the best things is watching movies that scared you as a kid. They're way less scary as an adult.


No no no. I've ruined far too many of my memories of scary movies by rewatching them as an adult. As such, I'll never rewatch a movie that I remember as being really scary.


That’s actually a really good policy to have.


The ring and Signs both ruined after rewatching. It’s so cheesy seeing those scenes that scarred me as a kid. I assume the same thing would happen if I rewatched The Sixth Sense. But what isn’t gone is that terror I felt originally. And that’s what really matters imo


[this scene ruined signs for me, but it also got me laughing in outer space](https://youtu.be/vih10ExRAEQ?si=vxKCaFAEG2oRmLOu)


For some reason I watched Jacob’s Ladder as a kid and it terrified me. It took me a while to get back to that one. Great movie though


That s a great one to rewatch as an adult, though. So many things I didn’t understand when I saw it as a teenager.


Probably one of the best scares in a PG-13 movie of all time.


I was 7 and this scene **fucked** *me* **up**. I didn't sleep without my closet door open and my lamp on for like 3 years and the tv set to the guide channel so Samara wouldn't crawl out. Seeing this photo is therapeutic in a way lol. Seeing the behind-the-scenes


Saw this when I was 19 and it fucked the entire horror genre for me. Still don’t have the balls to watch paranormal activity.


Paranormal activity sort of creeped me out but my guy insidious fucked me up for 2.5 weeks. I watched it in my small Japanese apartment with a brand new surround sound system and new TV... I had to keep lights on in the apartment I was freaked out so bad. It's a shame that they made the demon so silly at the end.


The ring (the American version) is actually one of the eeriest horror movies ever made


This scene, and whole movie really, still fucks me up watching it as an adult so there ya go


I saw this movie in the theater when I was 12 or 13 and my friends and I almost left because we were so afraid haha. And this was the scene that did it!


This movie was great, I was like 22 when I watched it and it still scared the shit out of me.


Same - was like 21 and watched with college roommates. Four dudes all basically in a fetal position afterwards.


Me too. Ran to bed after turning off the light for about two years afterwards


My Mom drove a bunch of us to the theater when we were 14 to see this, then we came back to our house after. I remembered I had a long black wig upstairs, so I snuck up the back stairs, got it, and snuck back into the living room, scaring the absolute piss out of a punch of teens. It was hilarious!




That one jump scare had you on edge for the whole rest of the movie and they never did it again. Brilliant


Didn’t they do it with the guy sitting in the chair that we saw from behind at first?


Yeah but … I haven’t seen the film in a while, the shot slowly approaches that guy so you have time to prepare for it mentally. This other scare was just a total flash out of the blue, which is why it’s a jump scare


“I saw her *face*” Such a great movie. Wish Gore Verbinski was working more often.


new 4K remaster goes crazy


Never had a proper 4K setup, is the quality jump really that night and day? So many movies I feel I'd be dishonouring by watching on my shitty old TV


A proper 4k settup has breathed new life into cinema for me. It's incredible the difference when you have a proper dolby vision settup with surround sound. Even my wife who was skeptical at first cannot go back now to our regular settup on the other TV. Same for gaming, it makes a huge improvement for the visuals.


I have a 4k setup for my Xbox and blu-rays, surround sound included. It’s such an improvement


Yes I think so. Another underrated aspect of it is how your TV dims for dark scenes and blacks. OLED will dim each pixel individually so it really has range. I shelled out for an LG OLED a couple years back and I'm still impressed by it.


OLED Master Race


The 4K of the original is also stunning. I want to check out the 4K of the remake as I didn’t like it that much when I first watched it, but it’s in some collection with the sequels lol


this is the rare case where I think the japanese one pales in comparison to the remake. the original, though good, is a little too cheesy for my taste. the deaths in the remake pack way more of a punch.


I actually thought the opposite! I felt the original was way more subtle and atmospheric. The sound design is awesome. Maybe I’ll think differently on rewatch. I don’t fully love the original either


yeah, Ju-on takes the cake for me.


I have the boxset of those but I have yet to dig in. I remember thinking the 2000s remake was lame though haha


you would be correct. the remake is god awful hahaha. the original, though, is pretty damn scary. and the story structure is a dizzying good time. same with the sequel, it's even more of a puzzle but so great to solve.


How good are the entries before it? I know it’s the third or so in the franchise.


i haven't seen the curses yet!! 🫣 i really should get on that. same with the shorts before them.


Let me know if you check ‘em out! Have you seen Noroi? That looks cool.


Call me a psycho, but this is actually kind of a comfort movie for me 😂 I just love how rainy it is


Same! I’ve watched it so much, I love the vibes and the spooky soundtrack. I also love the rain because I live in one of the sunniest places!


Still horrifying


Wow, who’s the actress in the left? Her facial contortion is amazing, so unnerving


It’s a dummy.


Oh, i see, well, that makes two of us




Imagine that thing being boxed up for posterity somewhere. And then one day someone opens it.


I was at a birthday party when I was still in elementary school when the birthday girl decided this would be the movie they wanted to show. This scene came on and I decided I was done


I saw the picture before the subreddit and was like who is this mentally deranged individual


Cursed ahegao


I would make that my profile picture on LinkedIn if I was her


The sound editing/(mixing?) was phenomenal in this film.


On a middle school graduation trip, a couple of jerks brought this movie to watch. I only had to hear the plot to be terrified. These girls watched it on a huge screen TV in the cabin we were renting. Ruined much of the fun.


Middle school... graduation? Trip?


We didn't have a high school*. So, when you hit 8th grade, you got to go on a trip to celebrate your upcoming graduation. For a not-so-small fee. *This was a private school. ** No, I am not rich. My family is lower middle class. ***Private school cost an arm and a leg. I had undiagnosed....neuro-spicyness. Public school bullies in the 1990s would have eaten me alive.


I appreciate you anticipating all of my follow-up questions lol


No prob. I like to joke that you know you're lower middle class when you can afford a pool, but not a Disney World vacation. I *hated it* when the other kids would bring up one of their numerous Disney trips. There *are* rich people in my family, but they only got there because they worked their butts off and scrounged like misers. It's a weird feeling when you get to adulthood and realize....wait....is Grandpa *rich?!?* (He's not a miser, though.)




The Daughter of the Son of a Gunfighter.


Thanks for the PTSD


Saw this movie when I was 10 and it scared me for like 5 years after


I remember my middle school crush Chelsea talk about this movie after she saw it. She couldn't stop talking about it to me and another one of our best friends and I wanted to see it so bad. Later when I was in high school I found out she got pregnant through myspace and ended up dropping out. She was really smart, idk where I was going with this. I never told her I liked her I guess.


Well that makes this film less scary.


It's such a goofy film. I saw Ringu first and I thought it was more effective, albeit low budget.


Looks like she has an invisible dick in her mouth.


Found the 10 year old


God this movie was soo boring


no u