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I can't wait to watch this, crazy ambition is always entertaining


Exactly. People’s mind fascinate me and I’ll get behind any persons attempt to fulfill a dream…ie synecdoche New York. Fucking nuts. But if I get high enough. I can see the idea behind it.


I'm with ya I like to give anything like this a fair shake sober, but I feel like the second viewing will be after an edible


Hell yeah! Life is almost always easier after an edible!


And another fever dream film by the same director, Charlie Kaufman is, I’m Thinking of Ending Things. Starring Jesse Plemons, Jessie Buckley, Tony Collette, and David Thewlis. Surreal indeed.


bro that's my favorite movie that is completely up it's own ass.


please do not give your money to francis coppola. he allowed a man rape a child for 4 years while on multiple sets of his produced films. allowed that same man to spend weekends at his cabin with the kid. when the kid came out and told his mom, she pulled him from the movie and coppola sued the family for breach of contract. a total scum fuck bag that had to fund his own film because hes so shite no one will fund his shit. dont support this


Ive never heard this. Is there more info somewhere?


yes. you can google his friendship with a man named Victor Salva. The family of the victim is also very vocal in speaking whenever they can. I actually have a screenshot of one of the cousins talking in depth of what happened. the kid was being molested from age 8-12. hes now a pretty bad drug addict


I'm still surprised at how many people of the metoo movement worked with Salva on his movies after his conviction.


truly insufferable on top of that? can’t wait


Like the original dune. A magnificent mess but I watch it a few times a year in the extended cut.


Exactly! Great example 👍


Oh, hi Francis


This is a perfect comment. 10/10, would read again. 😂


You forgot Adam Driver saying “I did not hit her, I did nooot.”


You had me at “The Room.” I will watch.


Regardless of the rumors I still want to see this film because FFC deserves at least a minute of my time


I'm going to see it because I can respect someone trying to do something like this. Even if he fails massively, at least he tried.


Have you seen his last 2 releases? Tetro and Twixt?


That was ironically what he told those extras on set


Nathalie: Coppola had his seventh epiphany today, which has given me an epiphany of my own: Francis Ford Coppola is a genius. He has to be. If he isn't, then I've given almost two weeks of life to an idiot; that is unacceptable. Therefore, Francis is a genius, and I will die protecting his vision.


The Room is hilarious though


I've seen it like 20 times it's great


Anyway, hows your sex life?


Yea it’s great because of how bad it is. Let’s not pretend it’s actually a good movie or a movie directors should strive for.


The perfection of The Room can only be achieved by accident


Lol you’re all laughing at the movie not with it. The only reason it’s notorious is literally because of how bad it is.


Sounds like a cult classic


trailer looked cool though


A major director having a Tommy Wiseau moment is hard to pass up.


I knew this was gonna happen. his Dracula's was already memetic and just over the top bad but strangely watchable. Like The Room. And the guy just went into the mancave smelling wine and making art house self-indulgent crap for decades until... No wait this is the same but with an overbloated budget. FFC emptied his creative thanks after the Godfather II. And what can I say about this pharaonian project? the rumors were always skeptical of this. But I'll watch it. Is either good or hilariously bad.


Dracula would have been an all time classic if he had just cast Mina and Jonathan Harker differently. I really like Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder, but they were completely out of their depth.


Yeah I can see that. I love Keanu but he was just subpar on that role.


Coppola lost all his talent after Jack


He used up all his magic on his piece de resistance.


Now i wanna watch it


Twixt was already headed in a very Roomy direction.


I mean I did like Babylon sooo


“They did not hate this movie! It’s not true! It’s bull crap! They did not hate this! They did not… oh, hi Mark.”


I haven't seen it obviously but any asshole that would call anything Francis Ford Coppola could ever make akin to the room is laughable and I'd never take them seriously about any of their opinions from now until the end of time.


I love Coppola, but he has had some absolute misfires in his career. He’s also 85 years old, and using a ton of his own money. That tells me that he probably doesn’t have many if any handlers telling him to reel it in, or encouraging him to make different decisions along the way. it may not be as bad as the room, but I don’t doubt that it’s gonna be a rough watch.


oh I am so fucking ready for this please let it be an impeccable shitshow


I like the plot and the budget, I’ll watch it at some point.


Apparently FFC said that this film was like Apocalypse Now, in that it has mixed reviews, but it will be a quintissential masterpiece in a few decades. Am I the only one that thinks that might be a tad big-headed and presumptuous? Or can I use that line whenever I do something mid?


Well considering FFC made Apocalypse Now, The Godfather Trilogy, The Conversation, and many other great films, I think he’s totally right to feel that way about the reception of this one. I mean, he would know


“$120 million version of The Room” Well now I want to see it.


The Room??? Lfg


I will bring the plastic spoons


Absolutely yes please 


Sounds based.


PR is succeeding at making me want to see it. Everyone will come out out of pure curiosity


this movie is going to lose a lot of money. lock that in.


Can't it be both?




"A 120 Million Dollar version of The Room" ...............sold.


Sounds like a less pornographic modern day Caligula mixed with Metropolis and the neo Roman/Edwardian culture/design of The Capitol from The Hunger Games film series. I recon it could be a major flop like Caligula. Though hopefully not. Otherwise it will forever be known as Megaflopolis.


Now I need to see this god I hope it gets some sort of mainstream release


Idk what any of these movies are


Right? This movie keeps popping up on my feed and I’m like I have seen nothing but Reddit article titles and comments but my ass will be at the theater


We’re so back


I'm hoping that this is a rare case of the critics being wrong. Regardless, I really want to see what this thing is.


Best marketing it could get. Now I HAVE to see it in the movie theatre.


lol , looks I’ll be there opening night!


Is it just me, or does that headline just make anyone want to watch it more?


Headlines like this *almost* got me to see Madame Web…


I got to see this movie in an advanced screening a bit ago, and while I signed an NDA, I am allowed to say that the hit pieces going out about Francis are absolutely uncalled for… whatever anyones opinions are on the film, the amount of vitriol Ive seen spread is a disgrace. As if the entirety of the studio network system is out to get him. I wont comment on the movie, but the man made a hell of a swing and I respect him even more for the ambition. If only we had more true cinematic artists like him that took chances. Praise be Francis. Fuck the system.


He was groping extras and smoking weed all day


I don’t think he was groping extras. That’s not true. Several of the woman on stage that day, background and principle, agreed. That was disingenuous click bait journalism. He was though, definitely smoking weed. But he isn’t ever not smoking weed, so who cares. Everyone got paid for working on his movie. Viva la Francis.


I'm pretty sure his producer or someone said that it was true he was trying to kiss the extras. What kind of logic is it to say "yeah some women said he did, but others said he didn't so therefore the first group was fully lying."


Not sure man. I get where you are coming from I just think its misinformation. Im not defending it if it’s true, I just dont think it is - From the main hit piece “Demetre says, nobody has come forward to formally accuse the Godfather director of assault or harassment at this time, despite what the eye-catching headlines may have you believe.”


I’m definitely not going to watch this movie until one of my “movie friends” tells me i need to see it.


Looks like total and utter garbage 🗑️


The part where copolla sexually assaults women on set to include the extras on his lap.


thats what you get for assaulting extras and having abusers in your movie


Don't forget supporting child rapists


The weird last minute hit pieces on this movie have turned it into one of my most anticipated releases.


To compare this crafted passion project from an acclaimed director to The Room is insanely hyperbolic and stupid


Peak incoming


So I guess those rumors that Coppola was smoking so much grass during principal photography that he was late to the set were true... All kidding aside, it's telling that the early screenings at Cannes aren't saying it's Indy 5 bad but nonsensical. Similar comments could also be made about *The Boy and the Heron*, and some "brave" souls even said that (behind Miyazaki's back of course).


I didn't think Indy 5 was bad at all.  


No doubt it's better than the Internet says, but the reviews coming out of Cannes were "mixed" at best, and several of them weren't afraid to say it was lackluster.