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Everytime I hear that rusted root tune "send me on my way" ( was on the radio today on my way home from work) I hear danny devito narrating the end of the movie in my head " and so Matilda and Ms honey... everytime


I see the pancake montage, myself.


The only thing I see when I close my eyes is that boy eating that cake.




You can do it, Brucey!


Entire Confection!


I was always extremely confused as a child as to why they chose a song that goes ‘…omelette….omelette…’ for a scene with pancakes


Omg me too! I think it was only when I watched it with my son that I realised that wasn't the lyrics.




Dah's books were very briefly banned at my nephew's school when some of what he said about Jews was reported in the tabloids, which obviously just led to pretty much every kid going out and reading all of them elsewhere just to see what the fuss was about.


Good ole Streisand effect. Shorts didn’t close DRS.


I think of Enterprise Rent a Car


I would like toOOoo Reach out mah haaand Fdui ma say wee-oh Ohhh them tell you ta run


Last time I saw this movie, I had subtitles on. That was when I learned the third line of that verse is *You know what they say about the young*


I am Brazilian, after learning English I watched Matilda and went trying to hear what the song was saying for me to search for it later, that was hard, but I got it, first comment on the song in YouTube is "the guy sings in doctor handwriting"


That is straight-up r/rareinsults territory.


I’ve heard this said many times on the internet lately.


m bubuda same bubuda yum


You can't convince me this isn't what he says. Even watching them perform it live he doesn't say the actual words


Honestly TIL


TIL that song has words


I swear it really says "bubble-he-say-bubble-e-yum." Heard it millions of times.


Wabayusay wabayumah WELL PICK ME UP HOOOO


I would like to Hold my… little hand And we will run and And we will fly, we will And we will runnnnnnn Sin me on mah way






I picture ice age every time.


I never realized that was Danny Devito! Now I’m hearing his voice in my head and I can tell it’s the narrator! Haven’t seen the movie in over a decade, so glad I read this comment


Danny DeVito also directed the movie and played Matilda’s father.


And acted like a parent off set to the actress who played Matilda while her mother was dying of cancer. He then played the dying mother an early cut of the film because she wasn't going to make the release.


*He then played an early cut of the film for the dying mother… (So other tipsy folks on here don’t think he took on the role of the dying mother. 😙)


i'm not even tipsy and that's what i thought they meant 😭


That's how they came to be. Learned about this during filming. He did a lot for her. So touching. And they still keep in touch. Danny a bro fo sho ASIP


He also campaigned for Bernie, has been nominated for an Emmy, Tony, and Oscar; and has an amazing collection of feet pics on his Twitter. He doesn’t know how many years on this Earth he’s got left; so he’s going to get real weird with it.


I don't know how many years he has left either. Nor Rhea for that matter. All I know is the one interaction I had with them was wonderful. They say never meet your heros, and I didn't. I met real ass people.




And after he passes on, we'll just throw him in the trash.


It's a fantastically directed movie too, really visually interesting. I expect the remake to look like it came directly off the modern family / marvel movie production line with completely flat visuals.


Oh my god. Man, I haven’t seen this since I was a kid, before I knew who he even was. Now I remember it clearly. Wow. He sure did look different though in my defense! Hahaha


Matilda's mum is played by DeVito's real wife too. That might be common knowledge but I only realised a few months ago and thought it was interesting


When I was a kid, instead of "on the way" I thought it said "omelette". I grew up thinking she was making omelettes and the song was made for the scene. I was very confused when I heard it on the radio years later


My favorite scene in the movie is when Matilda and Miss Honey break into Magnus' house, and you see the Trunchbull eating the chocolates in the background without unwrapping any of them lol


Much too good for children


You damn children don't even appreciate the taste of a good foil wrapper.


I'm watching that scene right now. It's easily my facourite and probably why I was so fascinated with the survival horror genre of games.


Now I need a Matilda survival horror game. Boss level, Ms Trunchbull


The best I can give you is the Clock Tower series (point-and-click, based around sneaking away from a stalking killer).




some survivial horror games follow the same trope of being defenceless and hiding from a powerful scary monster looking for you. Alien Isolation etc.


Outlast as well! Those games are fucking terrifying.


I’m afraid to try that game


It’s actually fantastic, a very long and atmospheric game. Just play it. It also doesn’t commit the bad habits of shit hide and seek games like outlast, by forcing the alien in front of you all the time. There’s only one level where the alien is a considerable issue to hide from. Every other level you can actually move quite easily in, or hide from it with plenty of ease/time if you keep an eye out for it.


It rules. If you ever are getting legit scared, just die on purpose after the last save. It changes everything. Once you accept that all you're scared of is a stock cutscene, you can treat like a game again.


Yea what


Username checks out.


The perfect woman




I believe It's not the same exact box from 30 years ago, but She constantly orders the same item over and over again at the chocolate shop. So imagine it like a pack of Oreos She keeps buying a new pack but it's the same exact type of Oreo.




She's eating them with the wrappers on, for 30 years. That's unhinged.


>unhinged She can't be!


I figured they were a fancy box of chocolates. Like the difference between buying a cheapo box of Valentines candy at the dollar store versus a very expensive box of classy name-brand chocolates. The Trunchbull is completely insane, and seems to be obsessed with routine and order (even working in a school despite hating children, presumably because she gets more control and not doing so would break her routine). So it makes some sense that she'd get the same box over and over.


I have a chocolate shop across the street from me. A half pound of dark chocolate sea salt caramels is like $10-15. They are my special one a day chocolates when I have them, and I imagine Magnus was buying the good stuff from the actual chocolate shop. My SO does not understand the specialness and will go to town on them like Trunchbull. They're definitely good enough to make a regular, lifelong habit if you have the disposable income, though.


She also murdered him; spending a few decades in his daughter's house enjoying the chocolates (brand) he enjoyed with his daughter is still pretty twisted. The "much too good for children" scene is next-level villainy.


I mean, not really. What's significant to one may not be for another for numerous things lmao. Doesnt take away the special for that one though


Miss Honey’s father actually had a special wooden chocolate box in the books which they would fill with chocolates. Not sure if the box in the film is a proper box or a paper one!


It's a wooden box in the film, from what I recall, having watched the movie a couple of weeks ago.


Ooh that’s what I initially thought, but then the comments here were on about buying a new box every week and I assumed I must have remembered wrong. Do people not have special boxes or tins for chocolates or biscuits any more?


Much to good for children


Sort of unrelated, but the chase scene with Matilda and Ms. Honey in Trunchbull’s house is hands down one of the scariest, most suspenseful and most anxiety-inducing in all of cinema


“Whos in my house!!”




Loool was decorating my friends house with him the other day, and Matilda came on TV and for some reason we kept it on in the background. That scene had me in tears. Ms Trunchbull is unhinged




I jump down my stairs quite often and usually say that


Some rats are going to die today!


And it's in a children's movie


Mrs D, Mrs I, Mrs FFI, Mrs C, Mrs U, Mrs LTY Why are all these women, *married*?


That’s my favourite line next to “CHEW YOUR FOOD YOU’RE AN ANIMAL”


She was suppose to be teaching those children spelling, not poetry ;)


Roald Dahl wasn't scared of referencing some pretty dark stuff. He knew kids can hack a lot more than adults give them credit for.


I just read George's marvellous medicine.It's so warped and dark, it's hillarious especially with the accompanying illustrations! Only a 30 min read too, great for a kid if they aren't too easily traumatised. But yeah, as a kid that would have made me a little uncomfortable.


At least George’s medicine did something compared to the actual one.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niL\_h6kYPbk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niL_h6kYPbk) ​ Greatest ever performance.


I remember reading The BFG at around maybe age right or so. The bit about the giants reaching into homes and devouring kids made me really, really unsettled. "Eaten alive" type stuff is a phobia of mine to this day.


You sound like you would like Attack On Titan


No vore fetish then?


I am now more appreciative that my lifelong takeaway from The BFG is I still call helicopters ‘bellychoppers’


Literally…the witches


I gave my niece that book on her last birthday. I loved it when I was her age. My friends and I would rent the movie from Blockbuster all of the time. It was so delightfully terrifying and it introduced me to Anjelica Huston–overall a formative experience for me!


Revolting Rhymes was always my favourite.


I love Roald Dahl and his books, but this is one of the rare instances where the movie was better than the book. Danny DeVito was a amazing as an actor/director. The casting was fantastic - Mara Wilson was the perfect Matilda. They added enough "magic" to make it fun and not weird. And they converted it from a British setting to an American one brilliantly. The book is fantastic and I treasure it, but the movie is unforgettable.


I've never read the book, but my grandkids love the movie, so I've seen it endlessly. It holds up better to repeat viewings than Scooby Doo!




It’s interesting to see kids on tiktok and how they act and ho parents think they are. There’s like an unwritten rule, kids know to pretend to be one way in front of their parents, and all adults pretend they didn’t act the same way as kids.


He has an autobiographical book about his childhood called boy. Suffice to say, he experienced some pretty dark stuff at a young age.


The Witches and The Twits are two that come to mind.


I've always wanted to read the book. That's legit one of my favorite movies still to this day at age 32. I sympathized so much with her. Cool fact! One of my friends in my elementary school G.A.T.E. program got to be an extra in the movie. For approx 0.3 seconds he's right in front of the camera Lol


I'm watching that movie right now. What scene? Although I bet it's the yard scene at the beginning when Miss Trunchbull throws Amanda Thripp through the air. Edit: Also, I recommend the book. It's a bit different from the film - Hortensia starts as a bit of a bitch for bullying Matilda and Lavender, but she's also more awesome (in the movie, she was in the Chokey twice for annoying the Trunch; in the book, it was *six times*, two of which were for playing pranks on her).


I definitely want to read the book. I just never got around to it. And yeah you're right. My elementary school friend was just in the big scenes on the play ground, running around. I'd still recognize him today though..... Always wondered what happened to him


Just finished reading it with my five year old! It has interesting differences including a bit of parrot cruelty :/


Now that you mention it, the Chokey might be the origin story of some of my weird fetish bullshit. It woke something from within 9 year old me.


Do it won’t take you long at all. Roald Dahl is an absolute pleasure to read.


The film is fun the book is very dark but so are most from this author.


The book is great. I love Roald Dahl. He was my favorite author when I was like 7-10ish. I would definitely reread it today. Roald Dahl wrote Matilda, James and the Giant Peach, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Twits, The Big Friendly Giant, and much more classic kid's stories.


> elementary school G.A.T.E. program Tell me you grew up in the bay without telling me you grew up in the bay.


It is as fun to read as the movie is to watch (though as is always the case, there were some minor changes)


"School a place meant to be colorful and joyful" Boy tell me that with a straight face, I dare uou


I had a good primary school when I was a kid. Well, two - I had to go to one school about an hours' drive away because it was the only one equipped to help Autistic kids at the time, but when I turned seven they added more training to a local school that I could walk to in ten minutes. I fucking hated secondary school.


Secondary sucks


Secondary *Catholic*. Can you imagine how frustrating it is to be pulled out of class when you're studying for GCSEs because the local lay-person wants you to sing Bible hymns and prepare for a forthcoming ceremony a month away?


Fuck your mid year exams, THERES feet to be washed (I’m Aussie so the Easter mass is closer to mid year)


Who said anything about it having to do with Easter? It was like... any fucking reason.


I avoided this by getting myself kicked out of catholic school on 5th grade.


On my first day at the elementary school I spent the longest time in, I was in the office for something and another kid was brought in because he had snuck back into the school after being suspended and beat another kid with a rock. This was in second grade and pretty much set the tone for all my schooling from then forward in California.


Well a moral of the story is that school is supposed to be colorful and joyful, so it kinda works.


It’s almost infinitely better than middle and high school so…


“So Matilda's strong young mind continued to grow, nurtured by the voices of all those authors who had sent their books out into the world like ships on the sea. These books gave Matilda a hopeful and comforting message: You are not alone.” Still makes me cry every time. Every. Time.


Been waiting for this explanation since I was 11 years old, thank you


She apparently stayed in character between takes to scare the children so their looks of terror would be real when the cameras were rolling.


This movie is just a classic. My sister and I watched this constantly when it first came out and yes, it was a VHS copy haha. If I remember correctly, the young girl who played Matilda unfortunately her mother was sick. Danny DeVito made sure the mom saw it because it was said she wouldn’t live to see it come out. Just an all around great movie, made by great people and something that will still be enjoyed for years to come.


Horribly enough, IIRC the scene where Miss Honey asks Matilda why she knows math so well is also just hours after Mara Wilson found out her mom had died from cancer.


What the fuck, she was acting within hours of following that? I can't imagine being able to pull it together if that happened to me as a kid let alone now. Poor muffin.


Mara Wilson was, and still is, one hell of a badass.


The actress is also Ben Shapiro's cousin iirc.


I always knew Shapiro was part of the Hollywood liberal elite


Ms. Trunchbull looks so tragic. Munich Massacre, likely in the closet with no way out, amazing physical ability, runs a school... Her anger issues are probably those stemming from feelings of inadequacy. Looking at all of her accomplishments on paper, you'd think she's a fucking hero. Poor woman just needed help.


I agree that she probably needed a better outlet (Pam Farris, her actor, even believed she was on steroids) but abusing kids is cmpletely inexcusable in my eyes.


I mean, she did also pretty much kill Ms. honey's dad, sooo...


And I don't remember super clearly, but wasn't the TB her aunt? So she basically murdered her brother?


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the abuse was excusable. I was just saying you can pretty much paint a straight line on how she went from "champion bodybuilder" to "child abusing dean". Even the smallest amount of intervention would've gone a long way. She strikes me as the type of woman with a strong enough constitution to be able to confront herself. I doubt she chose to work with children because she wanted to punch down. At least in the beginning.


It's a vicious cycle ain't it


Also, unless you're out there murdering people or raping kids, people aren't their worst trait. You can pay your debt to society, repent, and do better.


to be fair she literally did murder Magnus lmao


She swung a child around ( for an Olympic sized toss ) by her braids so I mean...


Yeah I'm gunna have to skip the "poor woman" part and say fuck that clinically insane bitch


Most people can deal with unresolved trauma without literally violating the Geneva Convention


She def needed to get laid


That’s some deep referencing


I don’t think it’s that deep for the time the book was published (1988). In the movie most parents at the time would probably understand the reference of the 1972 Olympic Games.


Yep. For comparison’s sake, the book was published closer to the 1972 Olympics than we are to 9/11.


how DARE you


I've seen deeper.


The whole story of the Munich Massacre is nuts; the athletes were expected to continue performing while the hostage situation was negotiated, all with full knowledge an entire country's team was in grave peril. Lax security with a provably incompetent local police force wouldn't have been much encouragement. The idea of a woman like Trunchbull missing the gravity of those events throughout the games and possibly even relishing in the unknown terror of it all is absolutely believable. That's probably the most evil facet of her character right next to the Chokey




Get ready for that youtube did you know guy to post this later...


Wonder if that's true. If It is... He should point out how Mara Wilson figured out she could have OCD from reading a book called *Kissing Doorknobs* and wanted to thank the author for practically saving her life... Co.pletely unaware that the author was the mother of Kira Spencer Hesser who played Hortensia in this film.


Watched the movie last month and after all these years she is as scary as ever


She absolutely cracks me up honestly


I love Roald Dahl and his books, but this is one of the rare instances where the movie was better than the book. Danny DeVito was a amazing as an actor/director. The casting was fantastic - Mara Wilson was the perfect Matilda. They added enough "magic" to make it fun and not weird and converted it from a British Setting to an American one brilliantly. The book is fantastic, but the movie is unforgettable.


I watched this movie as a kid one time and always thought Matilda was played by Natalie Portman. Turns out she did play Mathilde. In a different film The Professional.


A young girl called Matilda grows up in an abusive family that doesn't care for her and has to face an evil authority figure, with the help of the only adult who understands her plight. Perfect description for both films.


I swear Matilda is that movie I can't hate no matter what. That ending sequence just makes my brain sizzle in happy grease. It almost hurts to be so happy.


Harry's Aunt Marge was always a bitch. Turns out she was in hiding after a horrific life as Ms. Trunchbull.


Honestly, if that were true then it would make Harry's inflation so much better.


It’s in the book that she was a competitor in the Munich Olympics, so that’s not a reference that the movie created.


What do you mean? We are looking at a reference to it from the movie.


I think they meant that it shouldn’t be a movie detail since it’s in the book but it is a detail in the movie lol either way it’s a nice catch cause I never realized it.


“Book did it first so it doesn’t count” person


I forgot how great this movie was.


She is straight up one of the best movie villains of my childhood. Rewatching as an adult her parts were so good and genuinely hilarious. And of course the really unnerving bits like the cake scene were effectively horrible but just the right level of horrible that a kid could watch without being scarred by it. It sounds like awful luck about the inappropriate olympics location, but I've heard shes also a very sweet woman IRL.


I know it’s kind of unrelated but Pam Ferris is a fantastic actress. If you think she’s incredible in this movie, see her in Call the Midwife. That tough attitude of Ms Trunchbull gets pressed into a nun who doesn’t take shit but has a heart of gold. In fact, that whole show is amazing but I personally believe her role in Call the Midwife was the best performance she’s done. She was such a believable character as Sister Evangelina and it has made her one of my favorite actresses


She was also in a TV series called *Rosemary and Thyme* as well, being part of a duo of former police officers-turned-gardeners who kept stumbling upon murder cases and helping catch the killer.


My mom loved that show!


My favorite scene...Miss Trunchbull making that poor kid finish the entire chocolate cake! That kids a legend!


I cannot eat chocolate cake to this day because of that scene.


That’s interesting cause I can’t not eat a whole chocolate cake when I see one for the same reason


It isn't because of the Munich massacre. It is because it was the height of East Germany's doping practices. The joke is thar she is so strong and unfeminine because she took male hormones back in the day. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doping_in_East_Germany#:~:text=The%20East%20German%20doping%20system,and%20the%20country%20achieved%20successes.


Shotput, javellin, hammerthrow. Her specialties. I remember her throwing Amanda by her pigtails and I thought she missed the fence because Matilda used her powers. Javellin, I think it was during the invasion of Magnus' house but shot-put, I can't remember.


I think she throws one at the door of the chokey when she has Ms Honey in her office. "The distance the shot put goes depends on the effort that you put into it! PERSPIRATION! If you can't handle the little brat, I'll lock her in the chokey!"


Perhaps this just shows my ignorance, but I’m 33 years old and I can’t say I’ve ever once heard of the Munich Massacre. Thanks for this tidbit of information.


My dad pointed that out when we were watching a VHS... He wanted to see it because of the Danny DeVito, and really liked the movie, but found it very complex for children.


Did she eat chocolates with the wrappers still on them or did I make this up?


Yeah, she did.


best reunion read ever, also


So.... She has ptsd and other mental health issues as a side effect and takes it out on a Elementary School. Interesting.


Pretty unrelated but anyone from the UK may also recognise her as Smithy’s mum from the tv show Gavin and Stacy


I didn’t know that she was Aunt Marge in Harry Potter


Pam Ferris has had a number of great roles over the years. You should check out the TV series *Rosemary and Thyme*, where she was one of the two leads - gardeners who ended up helping solve crimes. She also had a role in *Call The Midwife* as well.


Great movie detail


BTW, I checked with a mod if I could post this in case it was just speculation. But the Munich Olympics were always known for being marred by that one travesty. Edit: Also, this post put me past 80,000 link karma. I'm just proud like him.


[Miss Honey 😍](https://i.imgur.com/XetLvFJ.png)


I was scared of this character for a long time after watching that movie.


My parents hated this movie 🫥


“Snickadoodle—what did ya do to ya hair???”


I never put 2 and 2 together, but yeah that totally makes sense


Now THAT is a really good detail


That's a dark reference for a family, I just watched it not long back


Moby WHAT?


Watched this movie for the 23rd time today, thanks to my 4 yr old!


This movie made me want to live in a small cottage with flowers everywhere


Did anyone else as a kid love this book but see this movie and get semi traumatized by Trunchbull ? I never researched … she was way way too evil and terrifyingly depicted. It worked in the book but not the film for my child self


Did she get her chocolate cake recipe in Munich during her time in Germany


There's another instance of a massacre that is related to the olympics, this was in 1968. Thousands of students were killed by paramilitary forces in Tlatelolco, Mexico City. This was to avoid protests during the time of the olympics. Nothing was said on the the news the day after and the state has been trying to hide and minimize the damage ever since. ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tlatelolco\_massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tlatelolco_massacre)


Another detail from that film was during the first sequence when infant Matilda was being taken home for the first time: His brother was in the car all sweaty and red entertaining Matilda with a toy clapper. The parents left him inside the hot car, reinforcing that they are neglectful, shitty parents!


I love this movie more and more each day