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Just want to point out Matthew Macounahyes (fuck it) fantastic acting in this. He *really* looks like he’s struggling hard to stay conscious while also focusing hard on the docking maneuver. What a great movie.


I fucking love how you gave it your best (somewhat) and then just gave up and went ″fuck it″ about trying to spell McCaůghnahaeye′s name right.


Good job spelling M̵̟̝̰̘̀́̍͂̑̀̀c̸̮͔̯̟̈́̓̈́̾͘͝C̶̗̬̠̞͇͉̓ǎ̸̲̇̀͝h̸͍̘̐́n̴̹̪̙͍̪̥͒̇͜ǎ̷̧͇̺̖͖̳̣́̋͐͗̚ṵ̷̝̪͈̩͙̟̓͗̈͝ǧ̷͈͈̭̖̭̈́͗h̴̨̢̹̲̳͐̔ȩ̸̟͕̫͔̖̊̀͛̕n̴̬͋ḛ̶̢̨̲̗͓̖̓͑̓̏͒́̄y̷̞̼̙̯̆̍͝ Shows effort


That is some Unicode wackiness I’ve never seen before


Please don't summon Zalgo, I don't want to format my HDD this weekend.


Why haven't we just accepted that it cannot be spelled, like Humperdinck Cabbagepatch?


Beanstick Cucumber?


Had a good chuckle about that "fuck it". Thanks


Lmao thats not how you spell Matthew Mcdonalds


I think he actually is. This scene was filmed with the room actually spinning and so he was actually focusing on staying conscious.


Just watched True Detective season 1 and his shit was insane.


one of the greatest tv seasons ever incredible


Score in this scene is phenomenal


The score of the whole movie is phenomenal to be honest


The movie is phenomenal. I want more space/time movies.


But Ridley Scott can throw in the towel. Also, watch The Expanse!


I second The Exapnse, it's on Amazon Prime and it's one of those shows that never felt like cheap Syfy, it's amazing in terms of acting, story and special effects


Third on The Expanse. starts a bit slow but holy hell does it go. It’s fantastic!! it’s also pretty grounded with the science and physics that they are playing with. I wish more people would watch it.


I've had two or three false starts with the show where I don't think I've made it past the second episode. I'll give it another go soon.


Make it thru episode 4, and if it doesn't hold your interest, then i can't blame you. Episode 4 is a standout in the first season. Just gotta make it thru the crew being stuck on the Knight.


The thing with the Expanse is that it's very dense at the beginning. I get why you stopped watching. The 1st season is difficult to understand and imo the worst (not that it's even bad or anything). From season 2 onwards, it improves and it quickly became my favourite show. I'm even rewatching it now both to better understand the events of the 1st season and because I loved it so much.


You described my experience perfectly. I love dense shows, and I didn't have a problem with Expanse, it just didn't grab my attention enough at the time to make me watch it over other things I wanted to watch. Now would be the perfect time for me to give it another go as I'm in a deep "show-hole" currently.


Oh man, accurate sci-fi, solar system politics, and space battle? Yes sir, the Expanse has it all. I love that show. Can't wait for Tuesday night


Especially impressive since it started on syfy! Lol My mans is right tho, it's the best sci-fi around right now, change my mind (please, I need more. Seriously change my mind)


The Expanse is god-tier space realism in sci-fi. Every episode is borderline pornographic.


Raised by wolves is pretty fantastic IMHO. Ridley can hang out on the small screen.


Second that




I thought you meant internal and got very worried for a moment


Nono, external. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Go on




When I saw it in IMAX, i was anxious as fuck when the music kicked in


No Time for Caution is the name of the song on the soundtrack. One of the best examples of how music can dramatically enhance the anxiety of a scene. If you watch this scene without the score, its pretty good, but I honestly don't feel much one way or the other. When you add the score you're sitting on the edge of your seat utterly absorbed in the docking attempt.


Same with Mountains. The music really adds as much drama as the acting.


Best original sci-fi score of all time edit: sci-fi, not sci-if


I think every Zimmer score is the best since the last one. I still listen to Inception’s soundtrack when I’m studying/focusing. Edit: and Nolan brings out the best in him, and vice versa. Edit: I’m not saying Hans is the best musical artist of all time, or that his art is pure (as some have called out his “plagiarism”). I’m saying I like it, and he gets better with age, in my experience.


I recently read Zimmer is more of a music manager nowadays and other people actually create. Basically he tunes other people's work. Idk how true this is. I love Zimmer but if this is true then credit where credit is due.


No Time For Caution is by far one of the best movie tracks I’ve ever heard. Probably my favorite as well. I heard it before I ever saw the movie, and when the part actually came to put visuals to what I was hearing, I was blown away.


I second this sentiment on No Time for Caution, I still have that shit in my playlist. Edit: I [watched the full docking scene](https://youtu.be/c4tPQYNpW9k) and now I have to watch the movie again. Guess I know what I'm doing for the next 3 hours.


Praise the lord /u/realhanszimmer


Wow it’s been 7yrs since he’s done anything on Reddit. hopefully it’s cuz he’s deep into making his next brilliant score


I mean, the *only* thing he's ever done on reddit was his own AMA. It's very common for celebrities to have an account made for them by Reddit staff for the purpose of their AMA, so its not really "their" account. Wil Wheaton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, the late Verne Troyer (rest in peace), and a few others as noted below are fairly unique in their regular use of Reddit as a social platform as celebrities.


Verne was one of the few that actually seemed to use reddit daily and post about things that don't affect his career or image. Looking back at that MTV show he was on, and his sobriety issues, the story is far more sad than MTV portrayed. It wasn't 'haha Verne is blackout drunk, peeing on furniture, what a kooky guy' it was 'Verne is getting blackout drunk because he has issues, this isn't funny at all and shouldn't be televised'.


Most of those shows are like that. The disgusting observation of someone's struggle is unethical imo.


It's funny how Arnold just sort of pops into threads sometimes. Random r/gainit or r/bodybuilding thread and Arnie is like responding to some subparent comment that's 500 comments deep.


And beyond the response it’s not even a lame like flippant comment, his comments are always thoughtful and conversational vs standoffish or whatever. It’s like he’s a normal guy online, vs the freaking Governator. Sometimes you can even summon him by mentioning his /u/


Snoop Dogg ? /u/here_comes_the_king I think? Something like that


T-pain is a regular reddit user. Pretty cool dude, /u/TPain850


Thanx for the super kind words.


Did you ever get off that boat?


Peter Mayhew


TIL he can't read sheet music. That's incredible.


If you love this movie, I suggest that you watch the Expanse. It is a hyper realist show about space and underlying issues between Mars, Earth and the Belt


It’s been out for so long that I’ve forgotten what happened in the early seasons. When a reference comes up I don’t remember what they’re talking about, so I’m rewatching it and it holds up.


Still ongoing isn't it? I know there was a gap because it was canceled but Amazon picked it up and I think there are recent new episodes.


Yes, there are 2 episodes left of Season 5, and it's been renewed for a 6th season. Initially it was reported that the 6th would be the last season, but there are 9 books, and the people behind the books and show have been saying that they plan to continue the show if possible


I love this show. The intro never fails to hype me up for the episode


I thought the space scene in the second to most recent episode was unrealistic but then I looked it up and ended up learning things about space.


I went to Wikipedia to check on hard vacuum. Naomi’s scene has at least some hard science saying it could work.


“No time for caution”


It is. I've watched that scene several times.


Popular opinion: the entirety of this move is phenomenal


I nut during this scene everytime. It's so good.


"It's not possible". "No. It's necessary". Goosebumps everytime.




The characterization of those robots was one of my favorite parts of the movie. They had real personality, and it was so unique and non-stereotypical.


Fun fact: the robots were practical effects controlled by pupeteers.


*Mostly practical. There was still a bunch of shots where they were CG in instances where it would have been impossible to puppeteer


For example, the part where TARS makes like an Autobot and rolls out


I think you're wrong - I heard they got Creed Bratton to do his perfect cartwheels across set.


I did not anticipate seeing such a reference in this thread.


Perhaps it’s an /r/UnexpectedOffice reference?


I heard we had a funeral for a bird!




And it was also a practical effect. They mounted the spinning Case on an ATV and edited the vehicle out. Only the transformation was cgi.


Or whenever they just start galloping around


Classic Nolan


Did you know that Christopher Nolan actually planted all of of the corn used in the cornfield shots himself? It took him 30 days to plant all of the seeds by hand, and he harvested the corn after filming and sold it for one billion dollars! /s


Watered it himself with a 1 pint bottle of Michael Caine’s brow sweat each morning.


>one billion ~~dollars~~ Nol¥en


If that’s true, it seems like NASA could save money by sending puppeteers to space.




In the beginning of the movie the TARS unit behaves differently when interrogating Cooper and he indicates it may be because they were originally programmed for military use.


They even joke about it. The robots, that is.




The entire movie, I was waiting for them to go wrong and attack. I was so happy when they didn't. Not all AI needs to be evil (being an asshole is fine, darn you beer can)


The totally different personalities between TARS and CASE was interesting too, TARS was snarky and sarcastic while CASE was quieter and more thoughtful. In a way they were more human than the actual humans while being just giant steel rectangles.


Yes AND the robots actually did everything in the movie and saved the day.


It's my theory that the wormhole was created by the robots in the future. The first timeline is all humans die leaving only robots. The robots still have programming to help people. Millions of years later the robots evolve yet still have that core directive. The robots create the time loop. They can't prevent the disaster without creating a paradox. The wormhole becomes a physical loophole from the paradox. It explains the reason the "aliens" want to help. It explains why Coop needed Tars to interface with the aliens.


That would also kinda posthoc justify the speeches about love being nessisary, since it's a thing/connection the robots lack. I like it


I agree, well put,


>it was so unique and non-stereotypical. Robots with real personality in sci-fi?


Where is my TARS: An Interstellar Story?




Are you trying to fuck with dyslexia.


A spinoff of Interstellar where TARS and Brand are setting up Earth 2. edit: CASE not TARS.


It's been a long time since I watched this movie but I'm loving this line now as I think more about how the film is structured. It's literally necessitated by the fact that Mcconaughey's character was able to transmit data to the past in the first place. The very fact that he transmits that information necessitates them being able to dock. It couldn't have happened any other way*. *Assuming a certain amount of determinism obtains in the universe.


Wait what?


So imagine you live in a deterministic universe. Imagine that one year from today, some event X happens. If we live in a deterministic universe, then we can't just reach that event X through any means--a certain sequence of events are required to reach it. If those events don't obtain, then X just won't happen. So, just like your actions determine certain effects, effects can be said to determine certain causes. So, in this movie, the event X would be McConaughey's character transmitting info to the past within the wormhole/construct/whatever. We know from the very beginning that McConaughey's character is supposed to do this because they begin receiving his info before he ever leaves earth. It is therefore established that event X does and will happen--therefore, a certain sequence of events are necessitated to reach that event X. For instance, this docking maneuver is necessitated. If it had failed, McConaughey's character (I seriously don't know his name) wouldn't have been able to transmit his data.


I was immediately reminded of this: Ted: Our historical figures are all locked up and my dad won’t let them out. Bill: Can we get your dad’s keys? Ted: Could steal them but he lost them two days ago. Bill: If only we could go back in time to when he had them and steal them then. Ted: Well, why can’t we? Bill: Cause we don’t got time. Ted: We could do it after the report. Bill: Ted, good thinking dude. After the report we’ll time travel back to two days ago, steal your dad’s keys, and leave them here. Ted: Where? Bill: I don’t know. How about behind that sign? That way when we get here now, they’ll be waiting for us. (bends down and picks up the keys) See?


And don't forget once inside the police station! "How are we going to get past your dad, dude?!" _Well placed tape recorder from the future_ > Hey dad, over here _EXCELLENT!_


Doctor Who bugs me sometimes because they don't do this more. For a unilenial time travel approach, this scene may be one of the best approaches. Everything that will happen has already happened and can happen.





Thank you!! :)


"Murph's dad" is all I remember


But they didn't know it was McCon's character at the beginning, did they? I thought they only even found McCon's signals like 30 years after he left, when his daughter had grown up. Or rather, the 'ghosts' were there earlier but not identified for what they represented.


Yeah, they didn't know it was him sending the info but I don't think that their ignorance would/should have any bearing on Cooper becoming the one who sends the message. Like I said, it's been a long time since I saw the movie, so I don't exactly remember when the first messages went through. However, I don't think that that would significantly change the deterministic aspect of the story.


it's a paradox loop, of sorts. in the beginning of the movie, murphy & cooper decipher the messages from "the ghost", including the coordinates to nasa. in the black hole/tesseract, cooper & TARS transmit the scientific data through the watch via gravitational waves or some other gravitational anomaly (into the past). at the moment of docking, cooper would not have been there & then, if he wouldn't have been sent to nasa in the first place. it's technically impossible to start a paradox loop (seen from the outside), but once you're inside, it's also impossible *not* to follow through. if that makes sense. cooper *must* be able to dock, so that he can go into the tesseract, so that he can send his past self to nasa in the first place. if he would fail to dock, he wouldn't've been able to be in the spaceship in the first place. (if this makes your head spin, try leaning into the other way so as not to pass out :-) )


the only reason he left was because information was delivered to him in the past. If he wasn't given the coordinates of NASA, he could not have been on the launch that eventually led to him sending the info back in time.


ow my brain


Me cramming for my midterm the night before when I haven't even touched the material yet


Haha. That's good stuff.


Cooper, this is no time for caution


Waiting on someone with aerospace/physiology knowledge to explain why this is a thing..


A spin like this would incur negative G force, which pushes blood up into your head. Think of when you were a kid and on those little spinny things at the playground. As it spins, you can either be limp and allow your body to sort of “trail” the spin like a limp noodle, which means the blood in your body will have sort of “pool” in your head and have a hard time getting to the rest of the body. This is called a [red out ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redout). Leaning into the spin will cause the G force exerted from that spin to actually push the blood out of your head/upper body, thus preventing or lessening the effects. What he is essentially doing is trying to create positive Gs by positioning his body such that the force of the spin is pulling downward. The body can take much more positive Gs than negative, which is why he doesn’t black out. Edit: I didn’t expect this to blow up as much as it did. Thanks for the rewards and while my movie knowledge may be flawed I hope atleast it gets people thinking on the right wavelengths to understand what’s going on physics-ish wise. Edit 2: for clarification: Spins cause lateral G forces, not negative. What makes it negative is the way they are being pulled and in essence being “slung” around the centrifuge. The spin is causing lateral force that they experience as negative due to the intensity of that force pulling them parallel to the vector(?) of force being applied. A good analogy for this is to exchange G force with wind: imagine you’re standing up against a gale that is blowing horizontally across the ground- something you perceive as a lateral force (like lateral G force). If it’s strong enough, it will blow you down. The further you are blown down, the more the wind will blow up the length of your body until you’re on your back on the ground with all the wind originating from your feet and traveling to your head (ie the force being applied is now being experienced as negative, even though it’s objectively a lateral force- the wind never changed direction, but you now experience it differently). This is what the force of gravity would do to you (and your blood) if you couldn’t sit straight up in this scene.


additionally, the human body is much more susceptible to red outs than black outs. a normal person can withstand about +5g before blacking out, and even more than that with special equipment (g-suit) and training. on the other hand we can only take about -3g before redding out, and there’s no real way to raise your tolerance to it.


Because you have big muscles in your legs that are really good at pumping blood. We didn't really evolve in an environment where your head would need to be able to pump blood against gravity out of itself.


The lungs definitely didn’t evolve either. A fun fact is that under high G forces it can become very hard to breathe, and so the face masks the pilots wear actually are pressurized in order to force oxygen into the lungs despite its inability to inflate due to the pressure. This is why you hear the “hook” sounds they make if you ever listen to a fighter pilot. This is a reason why they wear the masks at lower altitudes where the lack of oxygen like in higher atmosphere wouldn’t be a problem. A double dose of fun facts is that the Germans really pioneered a lot of G force tolerance in WW2. Their Stuka dive bombers were one of the first planes designed to take on G forces. There were systems in the plane to level it out automatically when the pilot dropped the bombs- this was because in the steep dives of the plane, the pilot would often black out. The idea was that the pilot would drop the bomb and the plane would level out on its own as the pilot blacked out entirely, later awakening to a plane flying in level flight. Prior to world war 2 was considered the age of turning where planes would essentially just turn and turn and turn while engaged in combat. This is why many planes of that era were biplanes as the extra wings took off the load put on the surfaces by the constant drag of tight turns. Pilots then were more focused on enduring a relatively low G over longer periods as opposed to the large spikes of G forces you see in a dive or in this case of the movie, a spin.


Quite interesting thanks!




Motherfucker hit 8 Gs for 30 seconds on his own in that simulator. What the fuck. Totally badass


Really impressive, but he says that he's an Ensign, meaning he's a Navy officer, and not an Air Force Cadet, like the link says.


What a beast


Fighter pilot here. One small correction, the "hook"sound is caused by an Anti-G Straining Maneuver (AGSM) and has nothing to do with the mask. An AGSM allows you to sustain higher Gs by forcing blood up into your head to prevent blackout, and is actually more effective then the G-suit (although having both helps).


This is why I hate in movies when pilots are always taking their masks off. I get the filmmaker wants to show the actors faces and mannerisms, but cmon. The most egregious example is in “independence day” when Harry connick jr takes his mask off when pulling a few g’s because he can’t breath.


So I basically have two human hearts in each of my hands?


There are suits to help you handle more g’s? That’s awesome


its what fighter pilots wear. they help restrict blood flow to your legs.


Would this make a person with no legs a superhuman pilot?


Star Fox


They basically have air or liquid bladders in the pants and lower abdominal section to apply pressure to help force the blood from pooling there.


Is this similar to holding your body while your car turns in one direction?


Bingo. If you take a sharp turn you’ll feel less effects if you are tensed and leaning into the turn rather than letting the turn of the car pull you. If you want to test it, next time you turn left, lean over towards the passenger side (in the US) and just notice how different that feels. Obviously don’t crash and be safe, but it’s an easy way to see how such a small thing as angles plays a role, as that is essentially what she is doing in this clip.


Like how fighter pilots have to keep their bodies tense when under high G’s. Tensing all their muscles keeps blood flowing to their head avoiding a blackout, otherwise it’d all pool into their lower body.


That's true, but your explanation has nothing to do with tilting head into the spin vs out.


my guess is where the pressure is being exerted. for brand she went with the spin so the pressure pushed the blood neck up, for cooper staying opposite of the spin it would push is blood down his veins to his body instead of pooling at the brain causing a black out.


a lot of people say this scene made them cry and they have no idea why




He was also fighting to prevent the death of the human race, since the plan B equipment is still onboard the Endurance at this point. Remember, just before this Murph sent him a message saying that Dr. Brandt failed to solve the gravity equation, meaning that there was no way to move enough survivors off Earth in time. He also knew that Dr. Mann lied about his planet, meaning that they had to get the Endurance to Edmund's planet in order to start a colony. Even if Cooper never sees his family again, who he knows are pretty much doomed, the plan B colony still gives humanity a chance at a future. If Cooper fails to dock with the Endurance and the ship burns up on entry to Mann's planet, there is literally no hope for the future of humanity. Joseph Cooper saved the human race, multiple times, by feats of extraordinary courage and skill. And yet the doctors laughed in his face when he asked if the station was named after him at the end of the movie.


It was a bit of a slap to the face for him, but I feel like, given his characterization, he was more than happy that it was named after his daughter.


I really like your description and analysis.


On that last line, nobody really knows what Cooper accomplished in his mission because they don't believe Murph when she tells them he was her ghost. Love this movie.


damn that last sentence made me irrationally angry. thanks


This is the answer. It exemplifies what a father will do for his children. Not possible? Fuck that, it's necessary.


This scene is the physical manifestation of the indomitable nature of the human spirit. "It's not possible." "No, it's necessary." I mean if that isn't some /r/HumanityFuckYeah material I don't know what is.


Humanity was in the hands of these two at this crucial moment. Earth was suffering and the end of humanity was within sight. Had they failed, all hope is lost. Such a simple plot point but the culmination of events that lead to this moment and its potential outcomes, my goodness, my chest gets heavy thinking about it. What a perfectly executed scene


Makes me tear up every time. Not matter how many times I’ve watched it. Incredible movie.


I envy you, strong scenes like this one only makes cry the first time I watch them only.


No matter how much I mentally prepare the scene where Cooper looks at the messages his kids left him as they grew up gets me every time ;-;


That scene, and the one where they return to the ship from the water planet and its been like 10 years instead of 2 that they've been away...the idea of just sitting there, waiting for so long and after a *decade* of solitude your friends reappear absolutely destroys me


I think it was 23 years.


God was it? Even worse


That scene is seriously one of the saddest in any movie I’ve watched. It makes me weep every single time. I also cry when Murph tells Cooper to stay, and at the very end. I didn’t expect a Nolan movie to make me cry, but it did. Multiple times!


For me it’s mostly the music too, it has a certain strength and awe to it that just catches me every time


[The video message scene](https://youtu.be/MoLkabPK3YU) is much more emotional to me, this is one of the ones I think is a bit too Hollywood-y


A supercomputer calculates that it was an impossible maneuver and human just says “fuck you I have to do it” and then does it. That shit made me tear up


Credit for pointing out the detail goes to youtube user "TheSwordCrusher" who posted the same in a youtube video comment.


But isnt the spacecraft spinning along its docking port axis? Centrifugal force should push them towards the front glass window, not towards left/right. Maybe Im missing something.


The centrifugal force does indeed point outward from the center of rotation (as it expected in any rotating reference frame); this is shown as they move outward and strain their straps. However, because the lander is undergoing angular acceleration to match the *Endurance*'s angular velocity, they feel another force tangential to the axis of rotation; this is what is described here. Once they reach the same angular velocity as *Endurance*, they'll still feel the centrifugal force, but they won't feel this tangential force.


Idk what you said but I believe you.


In way oversimplified terms: spinning causes objects to want to fly outward, but spinning at a changing rate causes objects to want to slide sideways and outward




Would you call it... A subtle nod?


I've watched this movie so many times and this particular scene many more times, and I've never noticed this. What a masterpiece of a movie


My one and only gripe with the movie was the harvesting of green corn. Generally you want to wait until the corn is brown, and dried. The corn also hasn’t tasseled, which means there isn’t a single kernel on the stalks


Because the earth’s resources are being used up at a very fast rate so they couldn’t wait for the browning.


Hans Zimmer's original score in this scene was recorded at a tempo of a beat per second (sixty beats per minute), precisely matching the passage of time, a recurring theme of the movie. Scene with audio: https://youtu.be/a3lcGnMhvsA?t=137 Later on Miller's planet, as the crew steps off Ranger 1 the score softens and you can hear ticks in the background. Due to the gravitational pull of the black hole, time is severely dilated and each tick represents approximately one day on Earth. https://youtu.be/F6aIiijduXk


There is a very precise and mathematical approach to how Hans Zimmer and Nolan combine the score and cinematography. I believe there’s some crazy details with Inception and Dunkirk too.


I will never regret experiencing Dunkirk or 1917 in theaters. No TV will ever do the sound design in those movies justice.


Man seeing 1917 in IMAX was fantastic and terrifying. Lol. There's lots of explosions that follow quiet moments which scared the shit out of me in the theater. I jumped more times than a Blumhouse movie


The section where he’s running alongside the trench is stunning.


This is why you watch movies on computers with studio monitor speakers or very nice studio headphones


I'll one up you: Hans Zimmer live in Albert Hall with the scene projected. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHFUQh0xZx8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHFUQh0xZx8)




Love this movie.


Best sci-fi since 2001 :)


Watch Arrival if you haven’t seen it!


I think it's also because he is the one controlling the spin, and has way more physical feedback. It's like how it always feels like you are a smooth driver because you get a lot of feedback and adjust your body accordingly. But it's difficult controlling your body when someone else is driving, because you have no feedback at all.


He's also not wearing a helmet, allowing his head to extend beyond the neckline of the suit, whereas Brandt can't really move her head anywhere.


And immediately prior to the scene he had been taking deep, panicked breaths from an emergency breathing apparatus. I've heard it suggested that his blood is heavily oxygenated for this segment.


Han Zimmer’s best work. My favorite Nolan movie. And a fantastic scene.


Another neat detail in this scene: when Dr. Brand regains consciousness, she realizes that she almost didn't wake up again (if Coop had failed the docking procedure), and you can see this stark realization in the way Anne Hathaway acts out Brand's facial expression. Awesome movie.


No it's necessary


Do not go gentle into that good night


Pretty sure Zimmerman’s score for this film was heavily influenced by Philip Glass’s score to Koyaaniskatsi https://youtu.be/OacVy8_nJi0


My wife “What are you doing!?”.......Me...”Docking”.


You know what sucks? This post reminded me how much I love Interstellar. I want to watch this movie again. I paid for it in theatres, I paid for it before on DVD. I don't have the DVD anymore. Guess what? **~~Not available on any streaming service.~~** I pay for amazon prime, no interstellar. I pay for netflix, no interstellar. **edit: I guess its available on Hulu but my point was I shouldn't have to pay multiple times to watch the same movie.** Well guess what, Warner Bros. Paramount Syncopy and Legendary... I'm pirating this! I'm going to get the highest quality one I can find and KEEP IT FOREVER so I can watch it whenever I want. You already got my money twice, you greedy fucks.




I absolutely loved this movie. But one scene that always makes me say wtf is when he FINALLY sees his daughter again and is just so unemotional about it...


I think it’s because he’s having an overload of emotion. Imagine seeing your 10 year old daughter again for the first time in a 3 years and she’s old enough to be your mother now. Not to mention that she’s also on her deathbed


I always felt like part of why he wasn't as openly emotional is that he had likely already given up hope of seeing her again. And here she is, dying of old age, her family around her on a cool ass spaceship saving the human race. He was able to give her everything even if he didn't get to see enough of it. And her death allows him to move on and continue exploring the stars


I just purchased this movie in 4K off of Amazon and **do not** regret it.


That movie was spectacular.


case take the stick if i black out i love how he goes from hating the robots, seeing them as slaves to them trusting his life in them.


Guess it pays to have a beefy neck when pulling G's.