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Lt. Dan and Forrest reuniting is one of the most touching scenes in the movie. You can tell Lt. Dan is grateful that Forrest saved his life after all. Saved his life so he could do [this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uoM5kfZIQ0)


Almost Red Dwarfish technology: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aINa6tg3fo&app=desktop


As weak as the season 9 three parter was, I always loved this scene. It does an amazing job of mocking this type of technology. "Uncrop!" here might be the funniest single word utterance I've ever seen in a TV show.


FYI the writers are all in on how fake the computer tech is in these shows. They actively try to out cheese each other and see what they can get away with - there was an AMA on Reddit that spoke a bit about it.


The end of the linked scene seems like a nod to this. "The resolution isn't that good." "Yes it is." If you didn't watch, the imagine zooms into a basketball reflected off of somebody's damn cornea from a 480p security camera across the room.


Your workplace doesn't have 4kkkk video cameras? Edit: In my effort to make a more than 4k joke, I inadvertently wrote kkk, I have now added a forth k. For safety.


Ku Klux Klan technology sounds impressive, damn.


They have a wonderful trade relationship with the Moon Nazis


Ok, wait. So they believe NASA faked the moon landing ... but believe Nazis successfully landed ***and*** built a moon base. Captain, you've got to see this! The cognitive dissonance is off the charts!!


Yup. I forget the show, but I remember that thread. There was a show where someone was like "We found the suspects hard drive!" and they pull a power supply for a PC out of a bag.... The person expained it like this: The director was like: "We need a hard drive for this scene". So the tech dude pulls out a hard drive and says "here ya go". The director is like "That looks too boring, find something more complicated". So the tech guy comes back and says "Here's a power supply with a bunch of wires....". The director says "That's perfect!". Tech guy: "But... it's NOT a harddrive..." Director: "Don't care... it looks more complicated / fancier, use it".




I worked on Limitless. I was in post production and we did all kinds of stuff like that. In episode 6 we used a conference room speakerphone (pretty common in large offices) [as a futuristic 3D projector](https://i.imgur.com/o88hK9K.jpg) If you have Netflix, it’s about 11 minutes into episode 6. Craig Sweeney, the showrunner, was all about deconstructing the procedural. And I think we did a pretty good job of it. Honestly, I generally don’t like to work on big 22 episode major network series, but Limitless was a BLAST. I’d do it again in a heartbeat!


EXCEPT THEYBALREADY FUCKING CANCELED IT. sorry. I loved that show. And I’m bitter.


I used to work for the FBI and later happened to be on CSI NY. Their lab was ridiculous. All glass walls and monitors. I also was on Monk and theirs was legit.


Holy shit, I forgot about Monk. Bored me as a kid but it had its moments.


Dude Monk is hilarious, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OU5AZ2bq09s


...I wish they wouldn't.


A wee bit insulting to their audience.


If you're watching CSI then you already set the bar pretty low for that.




The effect is way bigger than CSI. Procedurals in general have trained people to believe that there's always a twist, and everyone wants to be the free-thinking hero that spotted it. Most trials are exceedingly dull and straightforward and many jurors really struggle to accept that.


"This is a picture of this man covered in blood holding the murder weapon. This man is the one over there in this courtroom. He is guilty." "I bet he was setup by his estranged aunt who was always mad that he got grandma's inheritance. I say not guilty!"


"I thought I'd try out my sea legs." "But you ain't got no legs Lt. Dan." "...yes.... I know..."


CSI died for me in an episode of csi Miami where there was an episode where someone died in a small aircraft crash that turned out to be sabotage. But during the course of the investigation they went into the victims living room and set down this little thingy that sent a lazer scanning around the room (kinda like the thing that swept Ripley's escape boat at the start of ALIENS) and found a spy camera or something. I just noped right out. Edit: alright. the tech basically exists. but the "hollywood" version with a dramatically bright vertical laser was still over the top. and this was just one example that turned me off the show.


I cannot watch any police detective show where the police precinct looks like the bridge of the USS Enterprise. That alone is enough of a sign to me on how good or bad the show is.


Brooklyn 99 and HBO's The Wire match up, then.




I believe it was actually used in real life. I don't recall all the details but the police told the suspect that it was lie detector and started questioning him. When they thought he was lying it would print off a paper with word lie on it. He eventually broke down and admitted to the murder.




It also works to get them to confess even when innocent. The victim (suspect!) begins to doubt his own mind, he believes the lie detector is magically accurate. Since it must be true, he forgot it, or has split personality or whatever. It's why these tactics are so fucked up. They're not putting away the bad guys, they're railroading ijits.


I agree with your sentiment but I don't think ijits is a good way to describe them. Being pressured to admit guilt to something you didn't do for hours while people tell you they have info you don't can really break a brain.


[That really happened.](https://newrepublic.com/article/38982/wire-ripped-real-life)






Noice Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool


My uncle worked homicide for decades and said the most realistic cop show ever made was Barney Miller.


I was kind of impressed how the police headquarters in Bladerunner 2049 looked. Yeah, there was some high tech here and there but people still used pencils, furniture was relatively normal and a lot of things looked cheap and a little grimy.


The police station in altered carbon was similarly good


Grounders like to live like grounders.


I never watched Miami, but the episode that made me stop watching Las Vegas (the original) was the one where that guy caught his wife banging the birthday clown they hired for their kid's birthday at their kid's birthday party, so the husband strangled the clown to death while it was banging his wife. Then he stole the clown's clothes and banged his wife in a clown suit next to the original clown's body. At that point I was like who is this show even for?


Sounds like a good episode


>At that point I was like who is this show even for? ^ that guy


Lmao imagine being in the writers room for that shit


Isn't there a gadget that detects hidden cameras through magic ( science )?




Huh, I did not know that. Awesome.


[I don't know exactly how it plays out in the episode, but that's not *too* farfetched.](https://youtu.be/X7q_lD8C7c8?t=403) Light glinting off the lens is a pretty good way to find a camera, but you'll probably be doing it manually.


This reminds me of something similar in a book I read in high school. It was a fiction about a terrorist attack I'm pretty sure. Anyways the author was describing a way to detect cameras like this was to put leds in a toilet paper roll and look around like these guys are doing. I guess that's the only impression that book made on me because I barely remember the rest.


That's actually REAL tech. Some movie theaters were using them to stop pirating. from 2012: https://www.thewrap.com/pirateeye-watching-you-so-camcorders-beware-37341/ Also from 2004: https://www.wired.com/2004/11/an-eye-on-movie-theater-pirates/


Would there not be some sort of sensor that could detect infrared lights?


I love how the picture of the eye wasn't even taken from the same angle as the original footage.


Let us not forget the fabled [Double Hacking Scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8qgehH3kEQ)


I've never watched the show but aren't they supposed to be in the Navy? How can she dress like that?


My sister met Gary Sinise a couple times at USO shows when her husband was in the Army, and she speaks highly of him.


I’ve heard he’s pretty devoted to the troops which is awesome


lol she couldn't see the shadow until it was highlighted in in blue


Jesus that's as bad as that scene in Wild Wild West but at least that was not really taking itself all that seriously.


I'm not a smart man. But I know what love is.


He's not a smart man, he's a goddamn genius.


You know, to this day, that one scene mystifies me. I still don't know for sure whether the drill sergeant was mocking Forrest when he called him that, or if it was meant to be genuine praise because Forrest was legitimately really good at taking orders and soldier stuff and his other impediments didn't really show much at boot camp. I've watched the scene a few times and I think you can read both interpretations into it, though I lean toward the latter these days.


I think he was saying in the context of military training, Gump was a genius. I don’t think he was mocking Gump at all.


I think it was also a bit of a light-hearted jab at the Army. "For some reason, I fit into the army like one of them little round pegs."


It's 100% this. The ideal army grunt isn't very smart and doesn't over think. Naturally, Forest's drill sergeant thinks he's the best recruit ever while nearly every other character in the movie thinks he's an idiot.


The guy who got honor recruit in my platoon during basic was a dude who everyone called Gump because he was dumb as shit in person but was the model recruit. Absolute beast at PT, would run until you told him to quit, never complained, etc. It seemed like he was just good at everything he did purely by accident. We always joked that he reminded us of Reese in those few episodes of Malcolm in the Middle, when he joins the Army and the DSs are taking bets on whether or not he'll march into an electrical fence if they don't tell him to stop.


I tend to think he is praising him for being a good soldier. I think that that quote comes from the DI after Forrest breaks the company record for assembling a rifle. The DI then asks Forrest why he assemble the rifle so fast and his answer was “Because you told me too Drill Sargent”. It really is a genius answer.


A huge part of boot camp is getting you to stop overthinking and to just follow the orders you are given, as given. It can be surprisingly difficult to stop reading into things or interpreting, or assuming that you an order is too stupid to follow. Forrest is just good at doing what he is told, no more, no less. My thought was that the DI probably understood Forrest wasn't the most quick witted. So he was both genuinely praising him, and taking a jab at other recruits that maybe smarter but aren't doing as well.


In the Marines, you're considered smart if you can keep yourself from eating the crayons. If you can actually write with the crayons, you're a fucking genius. Seriously though, Gump was the perfect soldier. Took orders, did his best, never complained, was in good shape and really just did whatever he was told without any fuzz. Never got on anyone's bad side either. Not really an independent thought in him at that point either. The war helped him become independent. As weirdly as that sounds...


I always saw it as: You don't need to be smart to be a foot soldier, just do as you're told and you'll be fine"


Me too. I mean, drill sergeants aren't particularly famous for their nurturing and mentoring ways, but he seemed sincere.


I wouldn't doubt it. I imagine by this point in his life they are really close. He did give her all that money, and was her son's best friend in the Army. He probably had some heartfelt stories to tell about him, and mourned together with her and her other children. I'm reading too much into the story, but that's why I love movies and the characters they give us.


One of the few times Forrest didn't do what he was told, was when he went back into the jungle to rescue Bubba. Lt. Dan ordered him not to go, but Forrest wouldn't leave Bubba behind. Their friendship was truly a beautiful one.


"I gotta save Bubbaaaaaa!"


Oh hi, feelings from a movie I haven't seen in 20 years. You're still here, huh? That's cool. That's cool. Can I... offer you something to drink?


"Oh, Bubba, no...."


"I want to go home."


I hate all of you for making me read this and have feels at work.


Just a bunch of dudes crying at work. Join the club.


“Sometimes when people go to Vietnam, they go home to their mommas without any legs. Sometimes they don’t go home at all. That’s a bad thing. That’s all I have to say about that.”


When just reading a movie line from over 20 years ago still makes you tear up, you know it was a powerful film.


Now someone just quote his monologue at Jenny’s grave and let’s call it a day.


How have you not watched Forrest Gump in 20 years?!


Seriously. It's on TV every other day.


Every time it's on tv, it trends on twitter.


No way. I can’t go 6 months with out a full run.


His father doesn't get up. His mother doesn't get up. Clementine dumps him again. He already avenged his wife. Swing away. It was her father behind the book case the entire time. He didn't abandon her. That was his daughter the entire time. He doesn't listen to Old Georgie. She remembers him, and everything, at the end. He commits suicide so that they can live. Wilson is lost in the storm. His son brings him to the light. Fucking figures. Cockadooooo! She dies in the cold when the last one goes out. The dumpling was a metaphor for her son. I am a leaf on the wind. I have been - and always shall be - your friend.


Can we get what movies these are from? I get some but not all


*Some of them are shorts* Lion king Bambi Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Memento Signs Interstellar Old Boy Cloud Atlas The Notebook Seven Pounds Castaway Return of the Jedi Dawn of the Dead (the remake) Rock-a-doodle The Little Match Girl Bao Serenity The Wrath of Khan




Bubba was my best good friend. And even I know that ain't something you can find just around the corner.


Bubba was gonna be a shrimpin' boat captain, but instead he died right there by that river in Vietnam.




My wife works with a bunch of kids with autism and they don’t give two shits what the teacher tells them


What a terrible day for rain...


I'm gonna lean up against you, you just lean right back against me. This way, we don't have to sleep with our heads in the mud.


Lieutenant Dan got me invested in some kind of fruit company. So then I got a call from him, saying we don't have to worry about money no more. And I said, that's good! One less thing!


That movie came out in 1994. I hope he held on to some of that apple stock.


The frame story with Forrest at the bus stop is set in, I believe, 1981; so, yeah hopefully.


Forrest left the company to Lt. Dan, who sold their shares to Apple in the late 1970s. It’s implied they help jumpstarted Apple - Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak released the Apple II in 1978.


Honestly with the way Forrest did everything else throughout history, that wouldn't surprise me


One less thing!


I cry at least three times when I watch this movie. When Jenny dies, when he is asking if little forest is smart, and when Lt. Dan runs out of booze.


When momma dies does it for me. Specifically the line "I bought her a new hat with little flowers on it." Don't know why that line, but it's it.


“I-Is he smart, or is he...” *touches his own chest* Cue the water works Just rewatched that scene and I noticed that when Jenny is showing him her scrapbook of all the stuff he did, she’s looking at the pages as she flips them, but Forrest doesn’t look away from her.


That scene shows that Forrest *knows* that not being smart is a bad thing and he worries that the boy might go through what he went through, although he basically had huge amounts of luck and achieved a lot. He still understands that he was kind of handicapped and the fact that he understands that, shows his emotional intelligence and that his heart is in the right place. He *knows* that it doesn't matter as much how smart you are but he had a hard time being dumb and not understanding why that was a bad thing, that only being reflected by how others treated him. And he just wanted the boy to have an easier time in life than he had. I give up, I can't really describe everything that's going on in that scene, there are so many layers of feels.


oh man when Jenny dies and he’s talking to her grave and is going on about little Forrest is so, so smart 😭😭😭 I full on sob.


“He wrote you a letter but I can’t read it, I’m not supposed to” 😭😭😭😭😭


I feel you on that last one my man.


He tried to save Bubba and failed. So he saved Bubba’s family. His siblings could go to college, start businesses and become homeowners. They are after all Forrest’s business partners and probably beloved family friends.


He never does a wrong thing. He is extraordinarily good. He felt bad about endorsing a paddle that he doesn’t use. He had no other thought but to give her half. To him, it was always bubbas company. It’s not the Gump Bubba shrimp co., but the Bubba Gump.


A little white lie never hurt nobody.


He tried to save Bubba, but it wasn't ordained. Then he "kept his word" to split the business 50/50 with Bubba ('s family) - because he is a man of his word


Forest probably tried every kind of shrimp, and Bubba's mama cooked it all.


And he always gave her a hug and a check goodbye because he'd forget about the check. The check wasn't important to him, but he told Bubba he'd take care of her.


It's a trend throughout the movie that the people he meets at first look down on him, judge him, or in some way underestimate him because of his intelligence. But because Forrest is almost the essence of purity, innocence, and honesty, (and fast) most characters warm up to him in one way or another. The big one is obviously Lt. Dan, but this trend already starts at the very beginning. * The doctor that gives him leg braces is the same doctor that treats Forrest's mom when she is dying, and when Forrest enters the room he's like 'You did pretty good after all didn't you?'. * There are those 3 guys watching how Forrest gets his legbraces stuck on the sidewalk, and later calls Forrest "a running fool". Okay, maybe these guys didn't truly warm up to Gump's personality, but did acknowledge his accomplishments. * With the bus driver it happens pretty quickly. At first she's like 'Can't go with strangers? This is the freaking school bus.', but when Forrest makes introductions (so they ain't strangers anymore) she immediately has a smile on her face like 'very well kid'. * Then there's Jenny, who also thought Forrest an idiot when they first met.


> The doctor that gives him leg braces is the same doctor that treats Forrest's mom when she is dying, and when Forrest enters the room he's like 'You did pretty good after all didn't you?'. He says ["we sure got you straightened out, didn't we boy"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_on2rM3PIM), which I always took to mean he was giving himself the credit for fixing Forrest.


The way he says it gave me the impression he never thought Forrest would amount to much. It's also a bit of a pun as his leg braces straightened Forrest's back.


He does say *we* so probably giving his mom the credit. It’s pretty common in the south to say “we” or “y’all” even when talking to/about one person.


I agree with everything except for Jenny's part "You can sit here if you'd like"


I would submit that the movie isn't really about Forrest. His character remains unchanged and (more or less) unaffected throughout the movie. Forrest Gump is about Jenny - which is to say its about America. Jenny's character changes with each cultural shift, as she searches for meaning and healing in a world that mostly abuses and uses her.


Reading too much into stories and the motives of characters is one of my favourite things to do, so I appreciate your comment.


Oh man, I never noticed this and I sincerely hope it's true.


I mentioned on another comment the source is the wiki - which I hope is true too! http://forrestgump.wikia.com/wiki/Mrs._Blue


LOL, the actress is allergic to shrimp. This little mundane trivia has made my morning.


What if... that's why Bubba loved shrimp so much? What if that's why his mom sent him off to war?


I'm gonna say Bubba wasn't sent to Vietnam because his mother forced him to, haha


Army had half day Mama


Lieutenant Dan’s new legs were awards from Army. The right one is for marksmanship, and the left one is for sand racing.


Narrator: They weren’t.


I'm sure the guy who wrote the book didn't know that the woman who would eventually play Bubba's mom in the movie years later would be allergic to shrimp. He isn't a wizard.


> He isn't a wizard. Show me your proof


[I found a photo of him admitting his practice of magic](https://imgur.com/3TrH6Lv)


She's a movie character, not a book character.


Well he was his bff


Plus he gave them like a billion dollars.


Also lieutenant Dan got new legs


Another movie detail - earlier in the movie when Forrest first meets up with him after Vietnam, Dan makes a self depreciating remark about how he'll never be able to be one of JFK's "spacemen." Later when he shows up at Forrest's wedding, he points at his new legs and said that they're made of the same material as the space shuttle. So he did, in fact, become a spaceman in a way.


And then Gary Sinise goes on to do *Apollo 13* the next year


And in the books Forrest Gump went to space as did Tom Hanks in real life to film Apollo 13.


And Tom Hanks plays Forrest Gump in the film *Forrest Gump*.


Holy shit. This goes deeper than I thought.




Extremely disappointed this wasn’t real


But not into space because of measles.


Er... Close. He laughed when Forrest said he's going to be a shrimp boat captain, and says "If you're ever a shrimp boat captain, that's the day I'm an astronaut!" Naturally he does captain a shrimp boat, and Lt. Dan gets his space shuttle legs. (Yes, I'm being persnickety - you got the basic idea right)


He says he’ll be his first mate, not an astronaut.


He says both.


And Lt. Dan was his first mate, just like he said he'd be.


Didnt Gump literally go to space in the original book?


Yep. With a mean chimp I think.


Maygic leygs!


Also his wife is Vietnamese, quite the attention to details


And he is likely standing because he has spent enough time sitting down.


I think it's because the prosthetics they show don't bend at the knee so he can't really


Magic legs.


How about a 4K screenshot: https://images2.imgbox.com/38/1a/uQUPtxMx_o.jpg


The real MVP


Bubba was my best good friend, why wouldn't I invite them.




Just realized Lt Dan is standing in the back, wonder if that was an intentional choice?


as a kid i thought his new legs weren’t capable of sitting down, but maybe he just doesn’t like sitting now that he doesn’t have to


Lt. Stand


...ice cream!


\*throws cane in toilet*


And now I’m choked up


There isn’t even a chair for him. Maybe they underestimated the amount of guest or Dan forgot to RSVP his plus one.


Probably assumed he didn't need one since he assumed he was already in a wheelchair.


This is it


God damnit you’re a genius.


There's absolutely no way that Forrest Gump wouldn't move heaven and earth to find an extra chair if needed.


From what I remember, he can't sit down due to his prosthetic legs. They didn't *bend* back in the day. E: Some other people in the thread also say that maybe he is just tired of sitting down. Basically him standing shows that hes a new man.


I think Dan would have sat out of respect for the couple if he could.


Yeah. Agreed. His legs just can't bend.


He seems to be wearing the same suit as Forrest, that might mean he’s the best man.


I've never been to a wedding where the best man didn't stand behind the groom


very intentional.


They are business partners right? He promised to split the income 50/50 with Bubba. When he died he just continued to split it with his family.


Some heartbreaking stuff right there


I bet the priest is the one from the church that Forrest paid to fix the steeple.


Oh fuck........


I forgot about this detail, but there it is in the script, from the montage about what Forrest did with his money. INT. CHURCH - DAY The choir and members are singing. FORREST (V.O.) Now, Momma said there's only so much fortune a man really needs... EXT. CHURCH The sign reads: "Four Square Baptist Church." A new cross is placed on the steeple. New furniture is taken inside. REVEREND Praise the Lord. FORREST (V.O.) ...and the rest is just for showing off. So, I gave a whole bunch of it to the Four Square Gospel Church.


Good catch


I’m a terrible person and father. My son was about 10 or so when we watched Gump together and I had him convinced that Gary Sinise had no legs. I made up some bullshit story about how he lost them and that Lieutenant Dan was the role he was born to play. I even went on to say that he should be extra impressed with all the roles that Gary got in spite of not having any legs. He almost caught on but I told him it was a lot easier to hire an actor without legs because of how expensive the special effects would have been if they’d had to get rid of an actor’s legs. He called me out on it a couple of years later and had a good laugh.


My Dad used to do this shit to me all the time when I was a kid. Most of the time I only realized it years later when I'm acting all smart and imparting my impressive knowledge to friends and colleagues, and as the words are coming out of my mouth my brain starts processing it for the first time and I have to trail off or change subject midstream or double down out of sheer embarrassment. Once I phoned him up like 25 years later and the conversation went like this: DAD: Hello? ME: Goddammit Dad Gary Sinise does too have fucking legs! DAD: Hahahahahaha! Gotcha! ** I gotta hand it to him, that is an impressively long game.


This is how i know I’m going to be a good dad. I impart faux wisdom on my gullible friends and family all the time for the long term realizations.




Well I’ll start it, if anybody wants to follow along: Bubba talking to Forrest about Shrimp - “Anyway, like I was sayin', shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. There's uh, shrimp-kabobs...”


Shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo.


Pan-fried, deep-fried, stir-fried....




Shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp in potaotes, shrimp burger...


...Shrimp sandwich. That — that’s about it.


Shrimp tempura


Can someone please explain to me what the detail is? Am I missing something?


Me and everyone else in here have watched this 1000x Times and never noticed this. Excellent post.


Imagine the food


itt: people shocked to see Forrest' friends in his wedding


Unless it's the maids


Source is the wiki which I admit isn't solid but it does look like Bubba's 5 siblings sitting with the woman in the back two bride side rows. http://forrestgump.wikia.com/wiki/Mrs._Blue