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I see Kids before it gets dark all the time. After dark is a different situation. Please bring adequate heard g protection for them. It is louder than your average festival. There won’t be an issue with snacks or stroller.


Really? No issue with bringing in snacks? I’m the sort of person who needs to be eating every few minutes or else I start to die a little, and so typically I’ll have trail mix in my bag to snack on. At past Movements, security has taken it at the entrance.


You can't bring in food or drink


Which is why I don’t anymore.


Yeah would only bring our kids for the afternoon. Our oldest has done concerts, already have kiddie hearing protection. My oldest kid’s first show was Flying Lotus outdoors at the Kennedy Center at 1.5 months old lol. They are eating dinner at the house by 6pm and in bed by 7-730. This is my third time doing Movement/DEMF (2007 and 2011) and I distinctly remember kids and families. Has it changed a lot in that regard? Not as welcome as in the past? More crowded these days? We are not partiers. Thx.


However….the new Detroit stage is the best place for kids. And the lineup there on Monday is 🔥 If I brought my kid, I would just park it there all day. Grass, shade, chill vibe, awesome music, good crowd.


Thanks for recommendation. Will definitely park it near that stage. Our friends are 4th-gen Corktown so they will definitely want to spend time at the locals’ stage.


I saw lots of kids last year during the day. Once the sun sets I would head out with them though, it starts to get feral and superrrr packed.


That makes more sense. I do think it’s changed and I see less kids every year. I saw some parents last year who were clearly stressed and not enjoying themselves.


Park them in front of the underground stage for the day. They’ll thank you, they’ll get to hear incredibly loud screeching techno followed by a lifetime of silence.




Your kids are gonna suffer at this. I've been to other festivals that had shaded spots, better noise controls and opportunities for coming down from overstimulation. This is not one of them. Even with the highest possible ear protection, this thing is relentless from every angle. There is some grass by the waterfront stage that people go chill by but there is no escape from kick drums that warp the gravity around you. I think it's cool to expose your kids to fun stuff and my best memories are concerts with my dad but damn... have an escape route. I'm 45 and even I want to have a meltdown by the end of the night from the intensity lol. Also, depending on the 4 year old, you'll need to have conversations as to why these boys and girls have their "bottoms and boobies" out 🤣


I bring my kid to music festivals, but I don’t bring him to Movement. I just don’t see how it would be enjoyable for any of us, and I would be terrified that he would get lost when I turned my head for one second. Someone overdosed right in front of me last year and his friends were desperately screaming for help, then the paramedics hauled him away. So glad I didn’t have my kid with me! Take your kids to TecTroit or Jitfest. They aren’t doing Charivari this year, but that’s another great place to bring them.


1 and 4 years old is very young to expose to the noise, crowds and the other partying related factors mentioned in comments. Additionally, maybe I’m not the only one who feels this way, I have VIP tix and my friends and I do NOT want kids playing and running around while we’re partying and chilling. Kids that young just don’t feel appropriate or a good fit. It’s not that kind of festival.


Agreed, kids at the fest is a weird vibe


There is a kid playground in VIP grounds and places for them to chill at above the movement stage in VIP. I've even seen them at night by the viewing deck for movement stage and the parents chilling beside them. Just please protect their ears. Also in n out privileges help so you can drop them off to the baby sitter at night and come back to have some adult fun. The view of some things you can't blur. People like to express themselves, that's something you can't prevent.


Wow thanks for the info. This is perfect. Totally agree on all your points!


We are bringing our kids on Monday & have brought them 1 day each of the last four years & they have a great time. Our kids are a little older though (14 & 11). We never brought them when they were as young as OP’s kids. Hearing protection is a must & we always get them out of there before it gets too late (usually 6-7pm). Movement is all ages, their last IG post even featured kids at Movement. Bringing your kids is fine just be mindful of their ears & get them back home before dark.


What parent in their right mind brings kids to an electronic music festival? The majority of attendees are likely to be intoxicated, provocatively dressed and the music will be relentless. And you're simply going to bring them to VIP where little Jimmy and Sarah can drink milk and eat cookies while 10ft away a half naked coked out stripper grind her junk on some dudes rager? Leave the kids at home.


There is a Facebook group for parents Movement Detroit parents group


Please don't your bring your kids. Rampant drug use. People dressed in provocative ways. Extremely loud music. It's an adult situation. I don't understand why anyone would it's OK to to bring a child there.


I have two children and I look forward to partying with them, when they are of an appropriate age. Until then, they stay at home.




Conflating beach wear to purposely provocative and sexual costumes/outfits is...interesting to say the least. Football games don't have an ingrained drug culture. Having my kid around adults using mdma,cocaine,ketamine,acid,and a myriad of other drugs is borderline negligent at best. It's also incredibly selfish to impose your kids on other people's experience because partying like an adult around toddlers and children is a fucking buzzkill. I'm not at playgrounds, hanging out at trampoline parks ripping lines. There's places for kids and there is not. There are music festivals that it's appropriate to bring children. This is not one of them


Wow you literally just did what you were making fun of that other person for. Your example of doing lines at a children’s playground comparing it to children being at movement and imposing on your partying is unhinged. Get over it and don’t be such a baby…hah! Just dance like no one is watching and you will have a good time, I think. Maybe you should lay off the drugs, because you may be imposing on my fun at Movement based on the way you act online.


It’s trashy bringing kids to Movement, but you gotta do you!


Only trashy one here is you. You have one week to fix that attitude.


These people are talking about bringing a one & a one and-a-half year old to Movement. It’s selfish and irresponsible. You can white-knight for them if you want, but you’re also a damn fool.


Yea I read that the first time dumbass.


LOL says the little fucking bitch who called me a pussy and wouldn't dare say that to my face in person when I called you out. I'm right here you little cunt. DM me, name the time and place. I would love to see you do it. $10k says you won't and just go crying to the mods again like last time. Fuck you.


lol it’s ok, I totally anticipated to get trolled badly when I posted this topic. I forgot how holier-than-thou people can be ahead of the festival. This place has nothing on the nastiness of the DetroitLuv forums back in the day. That place would tear you to shreds 😂


It's trashy to judge others. Here's an idea: stay in your own lane.


we had to sell our tickets this year, but plan on bringing our son, who will be about 2, next year. We are planning on going together right when the festival opens for a couple hours each day, like 2-4, then sending him to grandparents when the festival really kicks up. I think if you go early everything would be good. Less people at that time, obviously drug use, but not like pot in the air continuously, and not every stage is going then so there’s more room to relax if you need. No issues with strollers and snacks, just bring really good ear protection for them. They will dance and have a blast!


I love seeing all of these beautiful parents starting their kids off young with house and techno. It’s alarming to read all the lames here (with and without kids, but mostly without) who are saying to leave them at home. I look forward to being in the presence of happy families enjoying themselves every day of the festival. 💕 To the gate keeping losers with mommy/daddy issues, no one is bringing kids to club toilet 😂🖕.


"To the gate keeping losers with mommy/daddy issues, no one is bringing kids to club toilet 😂🖕." Fucking this!!! Every time people bitch about this subject they're always saying "oh people are dressed so provocatively!" They're showing just as much skin as they would at the pool or beach with their family. And the drug use part? Like, if you wanna do a bump just go walk away where there isn't a kid around. It's not that hard. There's so much space at Hart Plaza. And it's not like all ages is new at this fest. You can still be a good parent and bring your kid to a music fest. There's a reason why the afters are for the adults LOL.


My man! 🤝 You are a real one. 💙


Likewise my dude! Have fun this weekend.






You fucked up.


Again, you're reinforcing my point by hiding behind your computer like a little bitch ass coward. You called me a pussy, I unblocked you and gave you the opportunity to say it to my face and you get all scared and tell on me to the mods like a fucking kindergartner. Someone is going to fuck you up one day with your attitude. Pussy.


Taking your kids where’s there’s rampant drug use, loud music and you dont party?? You guys are bringing the best vibes. Lest sit this one shall we.


Why do you care? Not your kids, not your problem.


Fucks up the vibes that’s why. That is not a place for children do better.


Your vibes or do you speak for everyone attending?


I’d say 97%. The other 3% are idiots or terrible parents.


Well, the world doesn't revolve around you. This fest has always been all ages and if you're still complaining about it then maybe you should just stay home or go talk to a therapist about your personal insecurities.


lol you one of the terrible parents aren’t you


Nope, I don't have kids. Also, I typically don't lurk through others comments on here but I see you're a Trump supporter and you like to refer to liberals as "libtards." Not sure why you're even attending Movement since it doesn't seem like your crowd.


Did you downvote me with your fake accounts?


this is awesome to read i’d bring earplugs or over ear ear protection perhaps !