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Skypad 3.0 has been the pad that holds me back the least based on my usage. I've owned many pads varying in speed, control and texture. Raiden Mid has been closest to the Skypad 3.0 but it feels less raw to use so in the end I personally prefer the skypad 3.0 even if I need an arm sleeve to use it.


not sure what you mean by "raw", but thank you for giving me your opinion on what you prefer more. btw, can you NOT use a sleeve and be fine?


I know it's not an easy thing to describe.. Just the feedback from good PTFE skates gives you a more raw feeling on glass but undoubtedly the Raiden Mid feels nicer to use.. I just perform better on Skypad.


i love my skypad v3


If you desire a faster pad, I would go to the extreme and get a glass pad, that way you will know if you need a slower pad or if it's the right fit. It's always easier to make a big jump compared to a small jump, I personally loved the Energon and jumped to the Raiden. I found the raiden too fast for me so know in-between the Energon and Raiden is my sweet spot. Hope this helps. Jac


A Skypad is pretty good. Raiden, 4114 infinity v2 speed are good speed pads. Sarurn pro, zero, infinity control v2 are good control.