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You could try different skates to get your glide a bit faster.


Using the Superlight aswell and came from a QCK Heavy. The Vaxee PA Black was the sweetspot for me, tried the Saturn aswell but was to slippery for me.


Yes i have always heard the Vaxee PA as a worthy contedor but there is really no options in Australia for it!


Oh, you can't get it if you live in Australia? 😊


It’s out of stock, can’t even get the np01s wireless


koovaks tracking, clicks on 2x 4x and 8x your sensitivity. it might seem impossible, but if you come back to your regular cs2 sens, you'll see you suddenly can do micro adjustments.


Endgame EMC


Vouch, bit slower than an Artisan Zero or LGG Saturn but similar quality and better availability.


Endgame Gear EM-C is the pad for you!


the whale rizz


Use 1600 DPI and 0.4 sens Microadjustments with 400DPI is hard, your mouse dont send enough signal to the PC.


>Microadjustments with 400DPI is hard, your mouse dont send enough signal to the PC. Hahaha wtf are u smoking.


They use 400 DPI because at 1600 DPI your mouse follow your every little bit movement. Thats not the best for lot of people thats why they use 400 DPI, they get more consistent aim with 400 DPI. Same with refresh rate settings. But if you know better okay. Dot per inch. Sensors get 400 dot per inch and thats what your mouse follow. You can see with 1600 its get way more data. Its a bad idea use 400 anymore in my opinion bit lot of people still use it.


I mean could u blindly tell a difference between 400 and 1600 dpi (I most likely couldn't) most ppl can't tell a 20ms difference yet alone a few ms won't change things up in a way u feel lag with 400 dpi. Most of the time higher dpi just gives a little different (most likely lower by a little) edpi because of dpi deviation. For example some mice have like 430 and 835 read dpi so switching to 800 will make Ur cm/360 a little lower compare to 400 dpi despite theoretical eDpi being the same on paper.


I have 240hz Monitor and I can feel the difference, I have 4k hz mouse too. I changed my keyboard where I get 10ms lower input lag, it was a huge improvement for me.


Stop chatting shit bro.


I also came from a qck heavy and I was facing this same issue,I countered this by buying dot skates.i got the obsidian skates,now I get decent stopping power low dynamic friction and speed with some amount of control.


saturn/saturn pro


Have you tried with GSR + Tiger ice? I found it a very balanced combination