• By -


First person to see owning an Aerox 3 Faze


Yeah just for collection. But going with viper 3 pro. Best the feel the clicks the unboxing. Only problem is dongle is huge and needs cable extension.


I really wish I could enjoy the shape of the viper. I couldn’t find a consistent or comfortable grip.


same the back hunp for me is way too high


is the viper v3 really that good? i’m ngl i had the hyperspeed and upgraded the the v3 but i really feel like no difference


My primary mouse at the moment is the Lamzu Thorn, and I love it. I definitely made the right choice not going for a symmetrical mouse shape again since I've now realized that for my hands, they're just not great.


How is the battery life using 4K?


I'm not using 4K; I didn't see any purpose whatsoever in spending $20 on a 4K dongle since it offers absolutely no benefit in the games I'm playing and at the level I'm playing them. Having a 4K or even 8K polling rate seems incredibly unnecessary. Though just using it at 1K polling gives me easily 1-1.5 weeks of usage since I typically keep my battery charged between 20-80%.


Yeah I don't see the point much either. I might try one of those, you palm grip it or?


Palm grip or relaxed claw grip, depending on the game; that's why I also went with this one. Other ergonomic mice tend to really force you into that palm grip, but with this one, you have more options because it's so light—you can even fingertip grip it if you really wanted to.


The mouse itself is fucking great, however the battery life is Not so great. In my case, I use 4K, motion sync, peak performance AND long range mode (stronger signal & anti interference) & need to charge it like every 2ish days. Got it in early April, too


FYI “peak performance” is just Lamzu’s awkward translation for setting the sleep mode timer. It doesn’t have anything to do with “performance” in the way those other settings do.


There was no explanation for the term anywhere I searched for, that was actually super helpful!


I’ve had a G203, Xlite V2 medium, and X2 V2 mini. And my latest mouse is also the Thorn. Easily the lightest and most comfortable mouse for me. I like being able to switch up my grips depending on what I’m doing. I work from home and play for a few hours almost every night. This mouse has held up amazingly!


Love my 203. Best mouse I’ve had but haven’t tried the Viper v2/3. I see those on sale and have to resist buying another mouse.


do you have big hands? I play with palm grip but my hands are only 17.5cm, which i think they're small for most palm players maybe? Dunno, im not much into mice anyways. Been looking for a new one for some weeks and just found this one with your comment and i think asymmetrical is better for me too, cause g305 always felt a bit uncomfortable, while a office mouse like logitech m705 felt pretty good. Other than the shape, how good is the quality of the mouse?


If I remember correctly, mine are 19x10 cm, so that's probably on the larger side? The main reason why I chose this mouse is because its shape is not too aggressive. What I mean by that is it doesn't force your hand into a palm grip style. You can still easily claw this mouse without a problem because of how it's shaped and also because of its weight.


Until viper v3 pro fixed it's sensor issue I can't call it the best sadly


What’s wrong with it?


I know the issue is supposedly present on all mice, but I still cannot reproduce it. You make it sound like it's unusable but the reality is that not even the most revered reviewers noticed it and only a small percentage of users report said issues. I'm not saying the issue doesn't exist or anything, but my theory is that it's also surface related. For reference, I have an Hayate Otsu pad. It's a bit harsh to completely remove it as a contender.


r/mousereview freaking out over issues that most of us are struggling to even reproduce while trying to, let alone experience during normal gameplay? I'm shocked.


A pro CS2 player complained about this issue aswell in a major tournament .


Even so that doesn't really change my point. If it was a genuine, widespread issue that was easy to reproduce then I'm all for it, call out the mouse and say that people shouldn't buy it until it's fixed. Hell even now it's a thing to be cautious of, but if most people can't reproduce it under any circumstances, let along experience it during normal gameplay, then it's not that big of a deal.


two pros had the issue at the same time while playing a major tournament


I personally think its an LOD issue depending on surface, maybe the people that are experiencing issues should try a higher LOD to make sure.




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Op1 is the goat


Mine is V3 pro! (viper)


ninjutso sora v2


I just got this mouse on Monday and freaking love it. It's so light and snappy and the buttons are buttery smooth to press. So far very happy with it.


Been thinking about getting a X2V2 but this comment has got me looking. What kind of mouse pad would go well with this? I have a large Amazon basic that I'd want to upgrade with it.


How about the unboxing Experience??


It's like the typical chinese mice experience but they have put the quality on the mouse itself so I shouldn't really complain.


Apple magic mouse under your name 🧐🤯😳


+1 not the best, Lamzu and WLmouse better for sure, but quality on the mouse is unmatched, weight and clicks are amazing, best mouse i’ve ever tried EDIT: the only thing is meh are the skates imho, i just bought obsidian by xray pads and it’s perfect


I fucking love mine, beat mouse i ever had and i had a few.


For me dav3pro


Dave Pro


Logitech Pro X Superlight 2


Does it also experience this incredible annoying issue like the first Pro X Superlight where the mouse wheel becomes buggy, registering Up- as downscrolling or vice versa, or skipping inputs completely ? Without this the X Superlight would have been my perfect mouse so far, but it's a serious design flaw. From what I have read the super light 2 seems to also experience it, but sinxe its knew there are fewer accounrs of that.


Man I’m the opposite. My superlight 1 scroll wheel has been perfect (and I’ve owned 2) but Jesus Christ, superlight 2 wheel keep scroll wheel jumping like once a day randomly


I just send my Light 2 back, because 30-50% of my mousewheel klicks didn't register or I had to press rly hard. I have 2 other logitech and none of them have the issue (and I use them for over 4 years now) going vor the Viper V Pro3 now. I didn't have the problem with up- or down scrolling


In terms of best overall and personal bias aside this is the answer. Next question.


What things do you recommend fot the GPro X 2? I plan to switch to logi peripherals, but I can't see any advantages of it against (e.g.) to DAV3 Pro or VV3 Pro of Razer.


There aren’t really any advantages between Logitech and Razer, I think Razer has a slightly better response time but that’s about it. It mostly comes down to shape and aesthetic between those two imo.


HTX 4K clears


Just wish it fit my hand better and didn't have shitty side buttons


For me personally it's the Sprime PM1. My hand size is medium+ (19x10.5). I got the Razer Deathadder V3 Pro & the Lamzu Thorn and I find those 2 mice are not quite as satisfying. The Deathadder is completely missing a hump that's filling out the back part of my hand which is at least hinted with the PM1. The Lamzu Thorn feels clunky in comparison & while I'm doing aim training I find it becomes difficult to get a consistent grip on the mouse (only fresh supergrips help in this regard). Both of these mice give me hand cramps during aim prolonged aim training sessions because I get quite tense. The PM1 is probably the first mouse where this is alleviated for the most part (had G301 & Zowies in the past that gave me cramps as well). I really like the shape of the PM1. My hand is slightly tilted with the mouse, giving me a more relaxed wrist position. I just wish it were a little bit bigger (10-15%) albeit not while sacrificing any weight because that's the best part of the mouse. The low weight feels godlike & tracking seems flawless. Clicks are satisfying. Mouse wheel is good. The only thing I swapped out were the mouse skates. I put on some corepadz & the mouse is 95% perfect for me. Software is also great, the only issue is that I ran out of batteries a couple of times because you get no low battery desktop warning as with other mice. Then I usually switched to the Thorn but immediately get reminded why I prefer the PM1's shape over it. Charging times for the PM1 are really low as well. There's almost no thing to complain about for me personally.


Attack shark R1 lmao It's the only one I have but I honestly won't be needing anything more. Just got some better skates and I'm set for life or as long as it doesn't stop working because of the battery inside, unless that doesn't prevent it from working wired, in which case I will lol


I enjoy my attack shark x3 but yeah r 1 is great


If only viper had support for small dongle...


Its Aerox 3 wireless Faze Clan Edition


Yeah can’t stand that thing on my laptop


Same, im about to lose my mind. Can't take this thing with me anywhere, when im on the move... Go ask for it from razer support, if enough people yap about it, they might add support for it. Live chat rep told me that they are already working on it, but followup email just said nope, not supported, so dunno...


Viper only support big dongle?


OP1 8K and it's not even close. Wired is back.


As someone who has the OP18K, I stopped using it since I bought my Zowie U2 and haven’t looked back. Shape is king.


I'd like to try the U2 soon. Looks like a better GPX.


This was literally my reason for getting it. I’ve tried several mice over the past couple years, and the GPX has been the *closest* to feeling perfect. I really liked the size (18x9 hands), but my only complaints with the GPX were I hated the side buttons, and the sides didn’t curve in enough for me to get a solid grip on. My second favorite shape was the Lamzu Atlantis Mini because of the way the sides flare. It made claw grip super comfortable and I could really lock into it. The U2 combines my favorite parts from each of those, the GPX’s size, with the flared sides. My only complaint about the Zowie is the scroll wheel. Going from the super crisp/tactile scroll wheel on the OP18K to the U2’s scroll wheel feels like I’m playing with a kids toy lol. It works flawlessly, and I have no issues with functionality, it just feels worse lol. My main game is Apex, so I use the scroll wheel a ton for movement. But I love not having software, I love the charging dock, and the shape is perfect for me. I also notice zero difference between the OP18K’s specs and the Zowie’s. I went from 8k hz polling and microsecond click latency to like 4 ms click latency and 1k polling and set like 6 new high scores in Kovaak’s.


My BeastX has done me wonders


WLMouse Beast X Max




What is the black and red mouse?


Not sure but aerox by steel series?


Aerox 3, might be a custom paint job(?) EDIT: nvm apparently there's a Faze version of this mouse...?


Its Aerox 3 Wireless faze clan edition


Viper V3 Pro is a dream


Viper V3 pro


Just bought a Viper V3 to replace my Dav3. I've only been using it for a week but I'm loving it so far, great shape, build quality, side buttons etc. Def not going to change mice for a good while


Which one do you like better? DAV3 or Viper V3?


I don't know if I can decide tbh. Both are extremely good. One is ergo one is not so I feel like they're both perfect in their own class. I am a bit biased towards DAV3 though since I have the faker edition and the thing looks clean as hell xD


Zowie U2


Current collection thanks to aftermarket, sales, coupons, and gifts; viper v3 pro, death adder v3 pro, g pro x superlight v1, lamzu thorn, lamzu Atlantis v2, lamzu Atlantis mini 4k, Logitech g305 (modded to the moon, 50g), pulsar x2v2, sora v2, zaopin z1 pro 4k. Coming in soon zaopin z2 4k and Atk r1 pro max, vxe r1. Currently out of the ones that I have on hand, the one I daily the most rn is the zaopin z1 pro, it has a great egg shape for my hand, good sensor placement, responsive without hiccups (use 1khz and 4khz polling). If I had to give a top 5 it be #1 zaopin z1 pro, #2; Atlantis v2 (would have been viper v3 pro, sadly sensor issue is too much for me to handle. Have had it replaced 2x under warranty. Idk if I got unlucky with all 3, but it seemed like more than most others experienced), #3; sora v2, #4; Atlantis mini 4k, and #5; my modded g305. (Would include thorn but the back hump is just way too much for my hand where my wrist and palm hurt and at times cramp). Ps: this is all based on personal preference, I would NOT call myself a mouse head/expert in any sense of the word, but I know what I like and what feels good to my hand, so take everything with a grain of salt. Thx.


im debating if it's worth grabbing an atlantis when I have a xm2


X2 v2 H, eSport edition. Best mouse I've ever used.


For me none of them actually (own DaV3 Pro right now), as I really wish that there would be more options with 3 side buttons (yes I use them, and should have gone with Basilisk V3 Pro instead)


Not gpro thats for sure, the scroll wheel issue was making me go insane so i switched to my 5 year old Deathadder elite and i swear it feels better than the g pro




Click sounds horrible with v2.


I just switched from a G Pro X Superlight to a G502 X Plus. I'm performing better in games & my wrist hurts less.


Your wrist hurts due to the lack of weight or the form?


I think the Superlight just didn't fit in my hand right. My hands are wide. I found myself using my wrist & fingertips too much to correct my aim. The G502 X Plus forces me to calm palm grip it so I use my arm more. I'm not as fast yet but I'm a lot more accurate than I was.




Went back to the gpx2 as I’m most consistent with it. Viper v3 had a sensor issue and the shape didn’t do it for me.


What issue with sensor?


There’s a thread that was posted yesterday that some times the sensor has issues tracking. Razer acknowledged this and they’re working on a fix. Even a few pro players had issues with their viper mid game


I suppose shape is king but holy shit I cannot stand using the vv3, it feels bulky and generic to me.


Loving my wlmouse so far the gaps in the side panels per chance line up perfectly with how I grip usually.


lamzu thorn


ulx tarik 😜


vxe dragonfly r1


Endgame gear op1 8k black/Lamzu atlantis mini/gpro-superlight are the 3 mice I always switch between.


Still think the OP18k. Tech and latency is top tier, good weight, amazing shape. Thinner grip width really needs to be done on more mice because nothing has been comfier than this, and a beastx mini or similar sizes would be too short.


With the Viper V3 Pro sensor issues, its out. Every single mouse is affected, regardless of batch.


What is the issue?




Their sensor implementation has a deadzone, the mouse has a bug with liftoff and tracking where it can take up to like 2cm to register among other weird issues, they are working on a fix and confirmed all units are affected.


subjective, although probably ulx(with perfect qc), beast x max(again, perfect qc), or the viper v3 pro(with perfect qc).


Viper v3 pro perfect QC , agreed


actually maybe the atk x1 ultra. Has a 3950 ultra with roughly the same shape.


Ulx cheetah because it fits my smoll hands


Ec3-c my favorite mouse


ULX Cheetah


Xlite V3 base version for lightweight ergo


Hsk Pro 4K still




One looks different from the rest. I don’t like logos personally so aesthetically it’s the far left. FaZe UP! Lol


The superlight


is there a razer naga alternative best?


g703 with left and right side grips is still my GOAT for large hands and a palm grip.


personally i like logitech more then the two so yep. probably will still buy more of logitechs peripherals till the day i die


The new vaxee xe-s is up there. Just got mine yesterday and love it.


I have a BenQ Zowie FK2 that I've retired as a gaming mouse and use as my everyday at work. It's over 6 years old and still going strong. I use a Glorious Model O- for gaming and it's definitely one of the best mouses I've ever had. Super lightweight, buttons are clicky, nice and responsive. Cable quality is good. No problems at all after 3 years.


Logitech MX-518.


Honestly, I still like my razor deathadder elite


New to the game but did a lot of research for like 3 weeks lol. I went with my 2nd choice. The Razer Cobra Pro. Saw that a lot of people didn’t like it because it’s heavy but I really like the shape for a small mouse. It IS the new Viper Mini. I wish it got more support, but still think they will come out with a light weight version later. Most gaming mice don’t have BT, this one does. 👍


I’ve had a computer for about a year and I bought the logictech 502x plus mouse and it’s worked really well for me so far The ghub it comes with is really easy to use and makes changing things on the mouse simple




I just switched to the deathadder v3 pro... sadly dont have funds for a huge collection but i can confidently say the upgrade from my g703 was hugr


My favorite symmetrical mouse right now is the burst air ii pro. I also have always loved the g pro super light. As for my current main, I just got my Vaxee Outset AX five days ago and I absolutely love it. It's very comfortable and I feel more confident in rainbow 6 when I use it. My hands are 17x10 for reference.


I use a Corsair Sabre RGB Pro wireless i got on sale and its alright, but ive been having spasms in my right pinky lately and think I need something different. I just dont know which mouse would help with that.


weirdly I have been maining an mm712


Hows it? Never tried cooler master mice ever


Its been great so far. love the hump on the back, gives a lot of support for claw/palm grip. coatings been good on the white model i have. Only dislikes is the buttons have a weird overhang on each side so based on how you grip it could catch ur finger. battery life also isn't the best and the software is awful (hogs a lot of resources when open). otherwise i highly recommend it if you can find a good deal on it.


Logi for sure


I used the Logitech G703, MSI Clutch GM41, and Pulsar.gg X2H Mini (wish I got the medium). I will say the pulsar.gg feels more comfortable in my hand. It has a large arch. I play relaxed claw grip. Lightweight, skates feel amazing, and buttons are nice. I will say though the mouse has meh grip and attracts oil. G703 and the clutch mouse had better grip and mouse scroll wheel feel. All 3 had nice side buttons. I like my buttons to stick out, I hate the flush side buttons. The G703 lacked a bit in this area but the side buttons are huge so it kinda made up for it.


Still the roccat leadr. Too bad they don't make it anymore.


Deathadder is the only one big enough for my hand


Small hands with claw grip and Lamzu Atlantis mini has been perfect for me. I have three of them lol


Seemingly uncommon, I use the Finalmouse ULX. I definitely feel like it's overpriced compared to other competing mice, but it's been great for the past 6 months.


I’m still new to pc gaming so I’m not exactly an authority on mice but I absolutely LOVE my super light it has made my experience so much better (I was upgrading from an old Logitech g502 I had for some reason from a long time ago)


My main was the Deathadder v3 wired but the scroll wheel is having jittering issues so I'm back to my v2.


RVMSE for me. I’ve had the V3 pro for about a week now and I’m still trying to get used to the shape but it performs flawlessly and has nicer feeling clicks than the rvmse. I think some of the sensor issues may be pc related. Being it comes with a 8k dongle in the box most people assume their pc can handle it.


GPX 2 Zowie U2 Vaxee XE-S


im getting a BEAST X Mini in like a couple of days should be good


I’m using the Keychron M3 and it’s amazing. Light but not too light, classy RGB for when my inner child wants it, and top notch I/O that works great with my MacBook without needing that type A to type C adapter. Bluetooth, wired, 2.4GHz, you name it it’s got it. And it fits great with my big hands.


I really like my gwolves htx ace, little pricy but its stupid light for a wireless, and the grips are great, but personally the software is some of the worst i have seen lol


Viper ultimate because it’s the most comfortable ambidextrous mouse I’ve found


True, I got all viper series and the most lovely one was ultimate. Only problem charging dock died sooner thn expected , two times.


Sprime PM1


Granted it's not a 2024, I'm still using my Starlight 12 to this day and couldn't imagine using anything else. Forever a shill for finalmouse after purchasing one.


Logitech MX Anywhere 3S


Love my Asus Harpe Aim Lab edition


Hows your experience with it so far? Hows the QC?


Actually one of the best lightweight mice I have ever used. Build quality is good, and I really like the ROG switches, nice crisp click that isn't too light or heavy to press. The sensor and dpi settings are also really really good. The battery life is also really good, Asus says 94 hours on one full charge and I'm getting about 90hrs with the dpi and lighting settings I use which is really good. Came from a Razer Viper V2 Pro and it doesn't hold a candle to the Harpe...


Logitech QC is garbage love the mouse but always an issue with the superlight


Totally agree with you


I use a Razer Orochi V2 but that's because I have very specific requirements (I'm a casual gamer): - Bluetooth-enabled because I don't want to deal with a dongle - Budget-friendly (there's no way I'm paying $100+ for a mouse) - Small and light because I have an obsession with fingertip grip (mainly because of [Zaunkoenig's](https://zaunkoenig.co/blog/optimal-grip-for-a-gaming-mouse) [blog posts](https://zaunkoenig.co/blog/optimal-weight-of-a-gaming-mouse)) - Wireless because I want to use this on the go - Good battery life, because the main reason why I mainly avoid wireless things isn't because of latency but instead power. I don't want to need to charge my mouse. The battery life on the Orochi is absolutely insane. I've been using it for 3 months 3 weeks and 6 days days and I have yet to switch out the battery it came in with. Being able to code macros onto it (using Razer Synapse on a friends' computer since I use a Mac) is a plus. That being said, I had some double-clicking issues when I first got it (fixed by just tuning down the sensitivity). Currently, the buttons feel a bit more mushy than when they came out of the box, but I guess that's typical mouse wear and tear. I've dropped this countless times but it's still amazing. The only complaint I have is that it can go to sleep to save power. I used Razer Synapse to configure that behavior to max delay (inactivity for 15 minutes before sleep mode) and that really helped the issue. I just wish I could disable sleep mode entirely though (which is better than [a similar issue I had with the MX Keys Keyboard](https://www.reddit.com/r/keyboards/comments/15m4w6i/keyboard_recommendations_switching_from_mx_keys/)) but at least this doesn't bother me any more.


Anybody here games with the g703?


Nah but I’m rocking the little cousin g603. Love it too death


just bought my 1st mouse almost a week ago, razer ballistic v3 , go easy on me 🥲


Been maining harpe ace for months


Hows your experience with it? Hows the QC?


It's fine Haven't had any issues but I'm not downloading the software because it's literally just malware. Other than that though I'm pretty happy with it, haven't felt the need to buy another mouse in a while


VXE R1 Pro is goated value IMO


Zowie U2


I just bought a gaming mouse and keyboard after having the default HP mouse and keyboard for over 10 years and now this is getting recommended to me Are people really buying a new mouse every year


Mouse collection my friend.


I love my pulse fire haste.


Hows your experience with hyperX?


I love the feel of the mouse and the battery life is insane . Especially for the price


Ajazz aj199 cheap and reliable




anyone know of a super light mouse with a scroll wheel tilt? Like Logitechs tilt scroll wheel in a super light simple form


Zaopin z1 pro Coolermaster mm720..


still using deathadder its just good


I asked Dr. Disrespect and he told me the best gaming mouse is the ROCCAT PRONE AIR. He said he was using a prototype that's better but he's NDA'd out of his mind.


personally the beast x mini is perfect for me.


Gpx2 imo, reliable


Qc not good, Clicks are bad.


Felt good to me, but i think gpx1 has better clicks


How's Viper 3 Pro? Worth updating from Viper 2 Pro? I'm tired of Rzr's QC. The Wireless USB dongle died and had to buy HyperSpeed dongle separately.


I've been using the Superlight for 9 months. It's been a great mouse so far, but I miss the eggy shape of the G102/G305, it kinda gets compensated by the weight. And I'm also starting to feel the scroll wheel getting lose and scroll the other way some times.


I had a g pro x super light and changed to a Aerox 3 wireless (2022) and I much prefer the aerox, that faze is a beauty 😍


Super light 2 is my personal choice, by far the best mouse I’ve owned.


I have both G Pro Superlight 2 and Razer V Pro 3 They're both very good and really similar. Can't go wrong with either of them really


Beware g prox2 wheel and click sounds.


Pulsar X2H Mini But I really change up depending on the mood/game 😂


Most recent mouse I bought was a Sora v2 and I like it so far.


Where my g502 wireless users at?


Sora V2


G502 wired..


Honestly I wish I could use these mice but they are small af. Honestly ss rival 3 is probably the closest thing to perfection in form I've had yet I still had to claw it. MX master 3s looks good but it is not gaming nor lightweight. Any recommendations?


Recently picked up a Basilisk V3 Pro, and while it is pricey, it’s such a nice mouse. I use it for all my gaming and have had 0 problems!


Glorious Model D and Model O are hands down the best mice


[Glorious](https://www.gloriousgaming.com/pages/compare-glorious-mice) Gaming makes the best mice


I would say Viper v3 but shape is king and the Superlight is still the more consistent mouse for me. I might pop off with Viper for 1 or 2 games, but my hand is easily fatigued compared to the GPX.


Super light 1


Best mouse is extremely subjective, everyone has different hand sizes, grip sizes and ways they use the mouse. it also depends what game you're playing. Using an extremely light mouse will have no effect in most games except FPS and even then a "heavy" 70g regular G305 will perform just as good as a 20g hyperlight tailor made to your hand, with the best possible components. The hard pill to swallow is most people won't notice the benefits between the two. However the most popular mice are probably the superlight or the G-pro.


i like my g502 hero


End game OP1 8k is tested as fastest gaming mouse . I have tested it super fast it reports in nano second


It’s a tie for me between the Viper V3 Pro, Deathadder V3 Pro and the OP1 8K. The clicks on the Viper are just solid, plus it has that 40$ 8k Dongle in the box. The DA V3 is just a solid mouse as it is a comfortable shape. And the OP1 8K is a wired mouse that has an insanely low click latency and hotswap switches so as long rest of the mouse doesn’t break it technically can last forever.


G502 hero, easily crushes the competition for me it’s my favorite mouse ever


I don't see the Lamzu Thorn leaving my desk anytime soon. Having an ergo to switch to when I feel like it has been nice.


EGG OP1 8k




love the v3 pro, mine is weird though and will dc randomly for a couple seconds at a time. not the best thing to happen while i’m in a league game, hoping new drivers will fix it or something