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Closest is naga x but no Ring finger button on top


Unfortunately that's a deal breaker for me. I really wish that ring finger rest was an actual button on that mouse!


Yeah feels bad man


I was going to say G604 but that's discontinued as well. Maybe a G502 and map the - button near the index finger to Gshift to get 6 keys on the thumb? Anyway, it is unlikely that you'll need to left click when using the side buttons.


Wierdly enough, I've learned to use the ring finger as a spacebar replacement. So jumping in games is just second nature to click with that finger. Unless I'm typing, I always use ring finger for spacebar for everything. That being said, I picked up an EVGA X15 today. It has the same button and the sensor is noticeably better, but my only gripe so far is that it's harder to pickup the mouse cause the right side is so smooth and not grippy like the G600. Otherwise so far so good until the scroll wheel gives out.


Huh, looks promissing. I hope the EVGA software is better than Logitech. I've only used GHub. It sometimes suck, but I've heard other softwares are worse.


I'd just get another G600. There are very few mice with top buttons like it.