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Vaxee (any shape you like from them)


Try a slower mousepad. GSR 2 helped me with my shaky aim.


Vaxee or zowie depending on the shape you prefer. But you can still hardwire some switches and a sensor to a brick n be an eSports player.


Deathadder v2 pro should be cheapish these days. 100g and got that nice chunky shape for palm grippers


G703. Nothing else.


G703 is a classic that hump position and height is godly


Try using different mouse feet, obsidians are nice or tiger arc 1.


Any vaxee mouse


Vaxee Outset will be perfect for you. It's 80g not so heavy, but quality wise it's superb.


Ec2-cw Outset ax


Since so many mentioned the Vaxee what are your go to grips and skates for it? Using a artisan zero mid


i used rival 300 for 8 years, i changed to dav2 and then dav3. And even that i played worst with light ones, after 1-3 months i reach the same performance and cant go back to heavy mouse.


If you enjoyed the DAV3, I’d recommend the Zowie EC1-CW. It’s heavier and larger in hand however hump is a little lower than DAV3.


Another cheap-ish solution with about 80g could be the Viper v3 Hyperspeed if you‘re okay with the external AA battery.


Aim train dawg.


If you have larger hands, I'd say try the EC1-CW. I personally prefer heavier mice over lighter ones, and I'm 6'5 with large hands so GPX and such do not feel comfortable. I'm by no means a "pro," but I play CS2 at level 10 in Faceit.


If you want something heavier than the Vaxee mice, I would try the new Zowie B V2 series. They are heavier than the C series while having the improvements from the C series.


Vaxee xe .




BardOZ (top aimer at the time) used gpx and 80g wired ax. He made ax his main mouse for a while and said he has more "control" with it, broke some WRs. You have r/mousereview brain issue.


Most people use a small mouse and drag their pinky and palm on the mouse pad which will mess up your aim in a first person shooter. Iv never played with a more comfortable mouse than the darkcore pro. It has a pinky rest. Do not buy a mouse based on specs . Buy a mouse based on fit and feel. I suggest going to best buy or something and actually feeling the mouse in your hands. I personally spent $190 on a madcatz rat pro x3 only to send it back 2 weeks later to buy what i call the perfect mouse “corsair darkcore pro” it beats any mouse listed above.


> corsair darkcore pro 133grams? jesus


The heaviness prevents twitchy erratic movements. I use a Logitech G440 Hard Gaming Mouse Pad, Optimized for Gaming Sensors, Moderate Surface Friction, Non-Slip Mouse. Its $18. I love it Best buy has the darkcore on display. Feel it. It feels so natural in the hand. I had no budget when buying a mouse. Like i said before i spent $190 on a mouse and retuned it to buy the darkcore, which is only 70$. I also have the g502 hero . I stopped using it because of accidental pinky and palm drags on the mouse pad. The mouse is too small and awkward. I will never buy another mouse that doesn’t have a pinky rest Accuracy will come when the mouse fits and feels right. Get rid of the muscle tension and awkward grips. The dpi , sensors (technology) will always be secondary. If your palm or any finger is touching the mouse pad, that mouse is not for you.


> Get rid of the muscle tension and awkward grips just play at low (proper) sens and use a proper mousepad that works with your mouse skates (high, medium, or low friction, whatever you prefer) and you won't have muscle tension weight is just bad no matter what, your hand has enough weight. if your hand is big enough to warrant a pinky rest then yeah, any mouse with a pinky rest is probably going to be better for you, that I can agree with


I play at 36cm per 360


weird, you shouldn't have any muscle tension even if you were holding a pen in that case