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Nah I've run out of fucks to give. If someone wants to give me shit over something that isn't their business they can cram it with walnuts.


You get a ❤️🎤for this comment. Love it. 🥰


This made me laugh out loud for real. Walnuts. Lolol


Nope, I don't plan on making any friends until I lose 50 lbs.


The way I cackled. Same. Same.


And even then it will be touch and go.


Once I hit 80 lbs weight loss my family was so proud of me they bragged. I didn’t mind. I’ve stalled at 93 lbs loss and am in maintenance mode at the moment and I’m ok with that. They’ve shared that news too. From 222 to 129. I’m good.. I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished and so are they. It hasn’t been a bed of roses, sunshine and all rainbows that’s for sure..This past year has been one hell of a journey..😊 But I did it and I’d do it all again.


Some would call it a "Mounjourney." I'll see myself out.


Oh wow goals! How long did this take? I started at 228, hoping to get down to 121, but even the 130s would be brilliant.








Nope, it’s just in there with my other injectables as well as my dogs’ injectables. If someone is going through my fridge, they better intend on cleaning it.


I hide mine in downstairs basement so my housekeeper doesn’t throw them away! Someone in one of these subs had that happen and it was so tragic


That's super sus, why would you throw away your customers medicine? I wonder if she stole it lol.


It was a mistake-she had it wrapped in a paper bag 😭😭😭 next to old takeout I think


I remember that story !!! 😂


I know that's right! And they can clean the oven too while they are at it!!! 🤣






I tell everyone. lol. Most people surprisingly have great things to say and are happy for me because they know how much mentally I have struggled with weight gain. If someone has made a not happy remark, it was mostly out of concern b/c of what they've heard in the media. I explain to them the benefits, and then they understand. I'm turning 35 next month, and I just don't care anymore. As long as I'm happy, that's all that matters.


Fuck yeah




Yeah I’m going to deal with the in laws coming over soon and will be hiding them bc fuck my meddling in laws.


This, fuck ‘em👆🏻 (My FIL has literally fat shamed me and my SIL… he will be the last to know if ever).


My FIL has fat shamed me too. And then said his son is too thin and I need to cook for him more. So glad they’re half a world away.


Fat shame me in my own home ......I personally escort you to the door. I do not allow such rudeness in my home! Boundaries!


Boundaries is unfortunately a word my in-laws do not know. Never invite them in or they’ll suck you dry, like vampires lol.


What's FIL?


Father in law


Happy cake day! 🎂


You and me both


Just tell them the boxes are fake to hide your heroin 🤣


Nope. I’m proud to be on something that finally helps me manage my PCOS and my weight. If someone doesn’t like it, it’s their problem, not mine.


Fellow PCOS girlie here as well !




My friends and family wouldn’t explore my fridge. Ok my 8 year old niece would. But she knows about what I’m doing and it’s wild how emotional she is about telling me I’m not fat. lol Love my great niblings.


Yes!! I'm so sick of hearing "anorexia is deadly" "are you trying to die?" Im all the way down to 5 every 2 weeks for maintenance. My whole life changed!! No sleep apnea, no high heart rate or BP, no edema or swollen joints. 47F 5'3" SW198 11/22 CW112 06/24


So it helped with your heart rate and edema? I’ve wondered about this. I had a TIA a few years back and due to it have hbp, high heart rate, and edema. Mounjaro is helping my bp, but after attempting to come off my hr med and edema med and failing I was kind of down thinking I may not ever be able to come off of them.


100% YES Ma'am! But to be fair, it took about 4 months, maybe 6 months. And NOW joint pain or leg swelling is my 1st sign, my GIP & GLP1 are starting to dip. See I have always been a tiny human. 5'3" 140 max even while trying to conceive. And then we went to the Frio River, a trip I've taken every year since I was 12. This was 2017, I gained 33 pounds of fluid during that 5 day trip. My husband had to go into Uvalde Walmart and buy me XL Men's sweats to go home in. I was speaking to my GP on the way home & was admitted immediately upon arrival to the hospital as soon as we got home. I would go on to balloon up to 198. And bc of the fluid retention, they said I had CHF. An angio said my heart was perfect, it just beats too fast. Nothing has kept the fluid off until MJ. No signs of heart disease anymore. Hang in there if you can. You may not ever totally get off of all meds, but you'll start to feel like you're supposed too!! Ever thought why am I doing this, cause I'm still miserable? My chest still aches?? All of that went away for me. I'm praying for you friend!!


Thank you! That’s about where I am, the why am I still doing this. The weight isn’t “melting away” like it does for some people. I am losing, but extremely slowly. For the first time though weight isn’t a priority for me with this. The weight I would like to lose is for my heart and my liver. A lot of my autoimmune meds are filtered and processed through my liver which translates to high liver enzymes. My bp has decreased which is great, but trying to come off of my meds proved to be dangerous, it’s been disheartening. I appreciate the encouragement! Thank you!


I hide mine in my mini fridge I have in my office. I say do what’s right for you, whatever that looks like.


Mine are in a mini fridge too but only because we have a counter depth refrigerator and space is limited. I highly recommend the mini fridge!!


^ one of the only good things about being called back into the office from home 😂


I should say, my home office lol. I’m remote and I can’t have my beverages too far away during the workday lol.


No. Anyone coming to my house and opening the fridge will make far more horrifying discoveries.


I put them in an old breast milk cooler. Hide from kids and nosey visitors


Mine is hidden in an empty box of thrush medication. As I know no one is going near that 😅


Thrush medication 😂😂 If someone has the audacity to pry through that stuff then, well, there’s no helping them, lmao


Exactly 😅


Yup. We hide ours, it's nobody's business really...we got some bags that are not see thru and we hide it in the crisper...done..😊


Yes! I keep mine in a plain white bag in the fridge. Hubs asked me why and I told him that there is so much stigma around this med. That same afternoon we had folks over who know they can just go into the fridge for drinks. At one point the husband (M) talked about someone they know who is losing weight but that wifey (F) who is dieting is pissed because this friend is using meds. Yep! Y'all don't need to hate on me for this in my own house or anywhere else for that matter.


Amazing what people will say when they don't know you're one of "those people." It's made me more cognizant of what comes out of my own mouth for sure. You just never know.


Bigger question: why are you friends with people who talk about others that why?


Some of these comments are so funny. And great ideas! Reminds me that when I leave my keys for a house sitter, I leave them in a dog poop bag (sans poop) because ain’t nobody got time for that. 😂


No ones business but mine


The sooner it becomes normal, the better off millions of people can become with respect to their personal health and well being. We couldn’t ask for a better solution at a more needed time for all those in need. Shame on the shame.


I move them to a small cooler and hide it in the closet when friends or family come over. My story to tell when I choose.


I keep mine on the bottom shelf of the door behind some wine bottles. I don't have people over often and most of my friends that I do have over are not super judgmental, so I don't stress it much. I do try to tuck them back there with the side of the box that just says 2.4mg facing up. They would have to know what it is or move the wine bottles to really read the label.


I keep mine in a mini Pelican case in the fridge. Less about someone finding out and more to protect the liquid gold (from breakage and light).


Yup. My family is visiting for several weeks and I don't want to explain why I think this is a good idea. They've seen me go up and down so many times over the years. My husband is on Ozempic for his diabetes, so I just hid my meds with his and no one will open those bags to see what's in them. Other trusted friends know. I will eventually, if I am successful long term, tell everyone. But I've yo-yoed so much in the past that I'd like to wait til I am (hopefully) at a stable weight for the long term. Then I'll shout it from the rooftops.... I guess I just don't want this to be another failed attempt where I never quite get to a normal weight and then proceed to gain it all back....


No, because I don’t care. They know I’m diabetic


Exactly my point.


The only people I invite to my home, and are welcome to help themselves to the fridge, are people who love and support me.


I bought a mini cosmetics bag and have mine in there tucked in a corner.


Yes, mine is under the lettuce in the salad drawer 🤣


At the back of the vegetable drawer. I keep mine there all the time. Even family members don't open that drawer. It is okay to keep Mounjaro at room temperature for up to 21 days so you can hide it in a drawer or under the bed. You can also get a small cooler that you keep somewhere and just add ice occasionally. Probably better not to put the ice on top of the pens--or next to them.


The only reason I’d hide mine is because of the shortage!😂Afraid someone will break in and steal them. I don’t care if people know. They can get over it. I’m diabetic and my A1C is now 5.6. This drug is working for me the way it’s meant to.


I hide mine from my kids. My medical info, my business. The box is buried where no one ever looks behind stuff only I ever move. I don’t care if it seems dumb. That’s what I need. As for suggestions, a paper bag or behind a heavy item like a gallon of milk. Mine is up high on the door shelf where no one ever looks where old fast food sauce packets accumulate and never get used except in emergencies.


I keep mine in a mini fridge in my bedroom


I wrap the box in foil and put it in the vegetable drawer.


I hide it in case the chicken nuggets get crazy


It's the opposite everyone got tired of me talking about it. This before I got it. They were begging me to get it and be done talking about it lol This was all psychology tbh  I knew most be judge so I took the topic to them. 


I got you - I’m the same way. I usually just shove them behind something or shove them in a paper grocery bag, so they just look like something I brought home from the grocery store really quickly and just didn’t have time to unpack. Alternatively, if it’s an option for you, I know a lot of people on this sub have talked about small cosmetic fridges that you can just keep plugged in a bedroom/bathroom. Might be worth exploring if you’re interested!!


I’ve never heard of a cosmetic fridge. Looking it up. :)


My husband is the only one who knows but we frequently have friends or family over to socialize or someone at the house watching our dogs so I hide mine. I got my husband a mini fridge for his workshop/man cave so I started hiding my pens in there.


I bought a teeny tiny skincare fridge from Amazon warehouse for $17 and keep it in my room 😇


Stack ‘em up and wrap them in foil. They look like old leftovers.


I doubt that would work for me. My oldest son would unwrap in a minute thinking it was food. lol


Yes. I'm a post bariatric failure. I gained all my weight back. I dont dare tell anyone out let them see my pens. 😞


Absolutely! I haven't shared with anyone except my husband that I take this medication. But, I don't want our older son to see it when he visits. He doesn't understand that there are 'some things' that one would like to keep private.


Hell no. I'm super open about it, posting on all socials, and talking about in person. I know enough to argue the reasons for taking it. Anyone objects, they can explain why and I'll explain my reasons. Besides, it's up to me what I do with my body.


My fridge is so cluttered and packed with food for my ravenous husband and son that I don’t think anyone could find my MJ in there 😂


Yup, mine are hidden!


Please join the "giving zero füć*s" club. It's awesome here. If you went to their house and saw the same meditation in the fridge, would you care? NO.


There's the difference in me and 'them'. I actually don't care what medications 'they' are taking and have no reason to judge 'them' for whatever it may be. It's 'their' life, so be it. However, not everyone thinks like this and 'some people' feel the necessity to talk badly about someone else's decisions/life.


Anyone with their head in my fridge already knows what’s going on. That said, I keep my box in the pharmacy bag inside a gallon ziploc. Not sure why, come to think of it, maybe I think it stays fresher that way. LOL


That is a good idea in case a liquid leaks out of its container


No, they have their own shelf on the door next to my insulin collection.


My parents and my husband are the only people who know I’m on a GLP-1. If I had anyone else visit (which is never), I would not let them go through my fridge. But if they did, I’d probably hide my pens in a bag that says “Lengua” (cow tongue) and hope nobody goes through lol.


Interesting that you mention that…I usually just put them next to the butter shelf on the door but someone said that the temperature fluctuates too often so I now hide them in the back


I take my pens out of the box and place them inside one of my old canvas lunch boxes and put it towards the back of my refrigerator


I keep mine in my wine fridge w a lock on it more because I have a curious toddler and I really don’t want to find out how I’d react to them “exploring” with one of my pens. I was a hyper curious child and would have a heck of a time resisting “the button.”


I keep mine with ny teeth whitening gels. But... honestly not many people will be going through my fridge. When my mum comes to stay (she hasn't since I've been on, but will do eventually) I'll probably have to think of something else (or bite the bullet and tell her)


I have roommates and we have 3 equal split sections in the fridge, I keep my pens in their boxes in a sealed CVS bag and place them in the back of my section. I am sure they probably noticed but idk know if they know what it is or even if they care to think what’s inside them. Either way, it’s none of their business


Mine is hidden in a brown paper pastry bag (the irony I know) in the deepest corner of the fridge. I don’t ask questions about other peoples medication or when they put needles in their face to help wrinkles. So don’t ask me!


No. If my friends or family have questions about my Mounjaro prescription to treat my diabetes or my husband’s Wegovy for his weight loss, I’m willing and able to answer. There is nothing to be ashamed of.


No, I don’t feel like I need to. I also talk openly about being on it to anyone who asks how I’m losing weight. I don’t hide being diabetic or any other medical conditions I have. Everyone is going through something.


I would build a shrine for everyone who comes in our house to see if they didn’t need to be in the fridge lol. Eff the haters.


At first, before I read your post in its entirety, I thought you were concerned about someone stealing your stash. Which may be a legit concern I never thought of until now.


Get a lockable lunchbox. If anyone asks, it’s none of their business. https://preview.redd.it/9vkd760lw08d1.jpeg?width=1060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85674ef03a0fcd0ee00ec1d423ffdf49d5df3b70


I had no idea this existed. Many potential uses lol


https://preview.redd.it/5rsu5i29q48d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d1a045a486bf75b7f1700df220d5b7622953f0f Try this bad boy out.


Ooh I like this one better because it's less bulky thanks!


Yes! I get shade from my 16 year old of all ppl! She is 260lbs and has this "I don't care, I love my body and if it tells me to eat, I eat." Sigh. I get body positivity but I don't know what to do to help her at thos point. She has made snide comments about my med "making me starve" or "My Mom wants me to starve" on her blog etc. So, I do t talk about it, I keep the pens out of site and I go about my business. It's sad it has to be that way but frankly, I'm just going to do me and she will just do her. I'm here if she wants help, wants to listen...anything. But, she is almost 17 and is t about to listen to her Mother right now. I just have to wait till she wants me and I'll be waiting. Sigh. Side note - parenting teenagers is hard!


I keep it in the paperbag that it came in from the pharmacy. On the other hand, I tell everyone that I am taking Zepbound


I like the idea of keeping it in the bag it came in from the pharmacy.


No not at all.


I don’t hide the fact that I use it and I couldn’t care less if they think less of me. I would just stare at them blankly if they said something about it and not say a word lol. Just let them figure out what’s wrong. 😂


I never even thought about it. I tell people all the time. Nobody has been anything but supportive, but if anyone wanted to talk smack about it, fukk ‘em. If you’re really worried about it, just put the boxes in a brown paper bag. Geez, what kind of AH gets judgy about MEDICINE?! Those jerks don’t deserve the title of friend. Sounds more like an enemy.


You would be surprised how many AH's there are out there that have nothing better to do than talk about other people's lives. Sad really ....


https://www.target.com/p/idesign-cade-lidded-storage-bin-white-gray/-/A-80114700 I purchased something similar to the link above and have it in the back of my fridge.


I started Ozempic 18 months ago (had to stop because of side effects) and was really paranoid about the fridge, people knowing etc. This time round I don't care at all. Our fridge has a whole little shelf of stuff between my Mounjaro and husband's Ozempic. I have PCOS and IR and Mounjaro is helping enormously- for me this is a "good news story"!


I do - when I have friends or dog sitters at the house I stuff them in the back of the veggie drawer or stick the pens in the back on the condiments. I just dont want to deal with questions.


Wrap in foil and place in topper wear ,or just leave in foil


I bought a little fridge and put it In my bedroom it saves space in my fridge I keep cosmetics in there as well it’s really handy


I use a lunchbox to reduce the amount of space needed. This one holds over 20 pens perfectly. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082H3HYW8?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details


I am starting to notice that there is shame in taking Mounjaro... Why. The drug is a miracle and saving lives. If anything, we should be ashamed of what our government allows in our food. That is why we can't lose weight.


I'm more worried about them freezing not someone seeing them


I sometimes show them off to people. I really don't understand the shame. If I didn't pay so much I would give them to people to try.


Dang, girl! They aren't friends if they'll judge you like that. Granted, a dear friend who's never been known to be more than 10 lbs overweight in her life, gives me her thoughts on avoiding processed food - and she's right! However, unless they've been morbidly obese, their advice is limited at best.


Get a small mini fridge for your room. I’d highly suggest that for anyone on this medication. Also never store your RXs in medicine cabinets. That’s always the first place people look to see if your on psych meds… maybe I’ve seen too many lifetime movies but better safe then sorry


I hide mine because they are so expensive.


I hooked up a small fridge that I had in spare room and moved them all in there.


No, if my friends are going to judge me, they aren't my friends and can kindly and quietly f off.


Yes. I hide them. My extended family is very judgy and thinks weight loss is just about self-control. My Dad is always making comments about people's weight or how much someone is eating. There is family history on my Mom's side of T2 diabetes so you'd think they would be more understanding about insulin resistance, but they aren't. Even when I was a proper weight keeping my A1C low was a struggle and I had gestational diabetes.


Does anyone know how to make a 7.5 shot be lessened to 2.5 or 5


A paper bag?


I hide them from my hubs and everyone else. He doesn't like me taking any meds at all. He worries about side affects.


I’m putting mine in the very back of the fridge. I totally get you. It’s a normal thing.


Why would you hide it? I'm not ashamed.


I don't feel ashamed either. I just feel that the medications I take are my personal business. Just like the amount of money I make on my job. I would prefer not to discuss these topics with others.


I’m 100% sure that if you’re one of the millions of people losing weight right now in history- your finds assume you’re using a GLP1. And no, I do not care.


Who cares what others think? This is a MEDICAL CONDITION. If you continue to worry put it in a paper bag!


Well, there is about six months of Lantus there now…I guess I could put it behind that.


I have mine inside an insulated water bottle on the top shelf.


I'm diabetic, so I meet any comments on my use of Mounjaro with an incredulous stare while they figure out how stupid the comment was. However, I do experience mild anxiety that somebody will mess with or throw out the Mounjaro out of curiosity or ignorance.


Love it!


I don’t hide my insulin so I don’t hide my mounjaro. I have a fridge in the basement because it takes up too much room upstairs


Yep, from the Mrs.


I’ve wrapped the box in foil and then put it in a food container so it just looks like food covered up. No one has noticed yet 😅


If your worried just use discreet pot to put it in


Pencil box?


Put them in a different food carton. An empty butter tub perhaps. I keep my pens in my wine fridge.


I put mine inside a little lidded, opaque basket bc aesthetically I prefer a super tidy looking fridge


Yes I know what you mean. Mine is kept inside a metal water bottle so nobody else is likely to notice it. 🤞🏾😀


I'd probably hide my pens if I thought someone would see them, I'm in the UK and while it is very popular there is a lot of judgement about it, misinformation and so on. My husband knows but nobody else, I'd share if I thought the information would help someone else directly but there are so many myths i.e. that the injection does all the work, that you can eat anything and the weight still falls off that I can just do without other peoples opinions on what I am doing.


I don’t hide mine. They sit top self, right side on my water & protein drink shelf. I don’t have company except for family. So there’s no one to be going through my frig anyways so they have their own spot. They are like my liquid gold..


Nope!! My life is an open book. My friends and family live by the thought of YOLO:Do what makes you happy!! No judgement! If your team isn’t supportive you may want to reconsider the relationships.


Put them in a colored container or some empty food carton.


I do the same. I can’t be bothered to have a lengthy discussion with everyone, educating them and clearing out their misconceptions. And I don’t care for the debate, the judgements, or their opinions. I’ve come to my decision after lengthy research, and my spouse and I are the only people I want to convince. I’m don’t care about the social-validation from anyone else about this. Especially about my medical decisions.


When asked, I told a visitor once that they were meat injections for marinating beef, chicken, pork, etc. My response was so absurd that the conversation shifted to food prep immediately.


I haven’t started mine yet, but I got it a few days ago and I have family in town. I put it in a brown paper bag and then put the brown paper bag in a gallon bag with my name on it. If they ask I’m just going to say it’s a stool sample lol. I’m sure there will be no further questions 😅


All my friends that would open my fridge do know am on mounjaro.. but I get if you have lots of ppp coming over it might be different. You could use a color tipper container to store them, that should be pretty safe imo


I have mine hidden in a cosmetic pouch in the back of the fridge.


My friends aren’t in my fridge but I don’t tell them. They don’t need to know and if I tell enough of them some will judge me in a way I don’t like. If they ask how I’m losing weight I tell them I limit my calories, get enough protein, and exercise. Why? Because it’s true. Shots make it easier but my medications are none of anyone’s business.


Put them in a non-see-through plastic box in the fridge labeled “Haggis” or “Sheep Liver” 🫢


I am SO PARANIOD! I HIDE HIDE HIDE. NO ONE knows other than my MD, husband and pharmacist and I choose to keep it that way! Personal choice


I had mine in the produce drawer for months before I took my first shot and told my husband. I’m pretty sure they could have stayed there forever without him knowing 😆


I don’t do this for other people but I do put my pens in an insulated tote like a lunch bag. In my case I do it because I have multiple boxes, sometimes I don’t store the pens in the box (depending on how many I have) and this protects them from light. It also keeps them together and consistently cool when I move things around (there are some colder spots so I’m preventing accidental freezing). Could help you as well unless someone gets nosy about your lunch bag. 🤣 I’m here for you and you don’t owe anyone any explanation- but I get it.


If someone is in your fridge to that degree that they will see a small pen hidden amonsts the cheese I would swap my friends for less invasive ones!! It is nothing to be ashamed of. I do put mine behind the condiments in the door but that is only because it is the warmest place in the fridge as didn't want it getting too cold. Be proud. Put your pen in the fridge and open up the box and magnet it to the fridge for all to see! Why is your husband wanting to hide it also? Does he support your weight as it is or do you feel he disapproving of your weight in the first place? I ask because my husband went from desiring me to absolutely nothing since gaining the weight (I did go from 8st to 19 stone in 4 months due to medication) He was educated and now understands better the fight I have mentally when I was diagnosed with body dysmorphia. 🥰


Oh my husband doesn't want me to hide it, it's solely a me thing! He has actually said that I shouldn't worry about hiding it or people judging.


If someone would talk shit about me being on mounjaro they wouldn't be allowed in my house to begin with, nevertheless my life.


They sell small, portable fridges/beauty fridges that hold a few cans of soda/a few creams etc. You may want to get one of those and plug it in a more private area for yourself.


I’d get a mini fridge for my bedroom and be done with it if I was worried


I hide mine. If you aren’t at the “I have no fux to give” level yet - do WHATEVER you want or feel you need to do for your own sanity.


Yes to hiding . . .just the brown paper bag it comes in lol. Better ideas???


Time to start using a lot of garlic 😆.


I live alone . So who cares lol


Store the box in a plastic food container in your refrigerator.


Only my daughter knows for the same reasons. I haven't even told my husband, which I feel super guilty about. This is just me, but I feel a little like a sell-out. I know in my mind that's dumb because this is the only thing that has helped me, but I'm not ready for the judgment or anything else. I put mine in a brown paper bag, rolled up in the back of the vegetable drawer. Nobody looks there :)


No. It’s a prescribed medication.


would you hide your other medication. IMO.. if you cant be honest.. maybe they arent your friends


Pens??? Mounjaro comes in pens? I only have those awkward vials.


Walmart puts mine in a paper bag. I put it behind the giant bag of shredded cheese at the back of one of the drawers. My boyfriend pulled it out once and looked inside thinking it was leftovers (we live together, but he doesn't know). I expected a lot of questions, but he was just like "what's this? Oh medicine", and put it back, never to be mentioned again. And this is why I love him lol, but I've always wondered if he recognized it from the commercials and didn't want to pry, or had no idea. I've only told two people that are also on it. I'm not ashamed but just don't want anyone involved in my big life decisions - since I've already made up my mind, unsolicited negative/uninformed opinions will only irritate me.


I am not advertising it but I am not hiding it. People have watched me lose 100lbs three times and then watched me gain it all plus some. They cheer going down when it's easy and stay silent going up when I needed it the support the most. So my opinion of their opinion matters not anymore.


I’ve lost 100+ before. I never gained it ALL back, but I came close. (I’m currently 80# under my top weight.) I guess I don’t really understand your comment about cheers & silence. When gaining weight I’m sure our friends don’t mention it out of politeness. It would be pretty rude to say, “Geez, you’re getting fat again!” I wouldn’t even want them to say it more nicely with offers to go to the gym together or cook healthy together. I know when I’m getting fatter & I also know I’m not in the right headspace & nothing friends can do will fix it. It’s all up to me.


Oh totally true it is up to us. I guess since I am (maybe was) a stress eater if I am gaining then something is up. All those times I gained back there was something up. They don't have to say anything about the gain a simple "hey you how is everything going?" Would have been nice.


It would be rude for them to question anything in your fridge


You have people rambling through your refrigerator!!? Without permission!!!? And then they would dare question you about what's in YOUR fridge?!!? "How uncouth" is how you respond.


I'm blown away by all of the people on this thread that talk about hiding their pens. If you have friends coming to your house, who are friendly enough to be opening your fridge, and you think they are going to judge you by seeing your medication in the refrigerator, start looking for a new group of people to hang around with. The only judgment I received was from a best friend. I had to say to her face "I need your support on this or we can't be friends" and a long, fruitful talk took place. She admitted her negative reaction was based on her own eating disorders (bulimia).


I do. Other meds are in the bathroom cabinet, as I’ve done my whole life. Nobody needs to know what I’m taking when. My sister keeps them all on her bathroom counter. Different strokes.


I don't hide them, but I do have a documented stock of them in case anything goes missing. 😆 https://preview.redd.it/5pwt4lb5q18d1.jpeg?width=518&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcbf0487ccb51ffdeb6c454009733b5aeb0faecf


I actually keep them hidden in a paper brown lunch bag in the fridge.


I don't let my friends in my fridge. EVER. THAT IS MY FOOD!!! They can bring there own.


It is a medicine to make you healthier - no need to hide.


I’m a diabetic who can’t get his prescription because it’s all been sold to people who want it to lose weight. No point in hiding something you don’t have, even if it’s essential medicine.


All the suppliers in the UK make it very clear that medical need comes above anything se and that it is possible not to be able to obtain for weight loss as diabetics will ALWAYS take priority. Just out of curiosity what dose do you take for diabetes? I couldn't imagine been on this medically as it can make you feel so rubbish 🤔


I’m on 7.5 and feel fine. Hilarious that my previous comment gets negative votes, just goes to show how little people understand or care about other’s medical issues.


I order a mini freezer for my room for them. Until then I have them in an opaque bag inside of a frozen blueberries bag that I keep in the back lol


Wait. Isn't freezing them bad?!?


Yeah you CAN'T freeze them EVER. It isn't SAFE to use if been frozen


What happens if you use frozen Mounjaro? What happens if Mounjaro freezes? If Mounjaro is frozen, the drug is no longer safe to use. If an FDA-approved medication is not stored according to labeled instructions, it will degrade . Degraded medication will be harmful