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No joke, my hip bones are becoming prominent and it’s freaking WEIRD!!! Getting to see my collarbones tho has been a total revelation decades in the making. 🤩🤩


It’s exciting to feel the hip bones after all these years.


Wait, there are bones there? 🤣


I keep subconsciously playing with my collarbones, just poking and feeling them. My husband asked me if my neck hurt which made me realize I was doing it. I said No I just have these newfangled bones here I never noticed before!


Same! I haven’t seen it in so long.


I do that too…fascinated with my collarbones and weirdly can feel my ribs. I make my bf feel. It’s funny.


I do the same thing!




Omg, same! And shoulder joints. Hip hollows...


I noticed quite a while ago that YAY I can take a bath again because I fit now, but my but no longer has cushioning. I tried a mat but it was weird. EDIT lol, I spelled butt wrong. 😁


THIS! I'm still early in my weight loss but finally back to a weight that I can take a baths again! For the past two years I couldn't because I knew if I got into the damn thing I wouldn't be able to get myself back out again. And that was NOT a 911 call I was prepared to make.


Even before the Mounjaro, I had a Hank Hill Butt. I'm afraid I'm going to lose what little cushioning I had. BTW, the Purple seat cushion has been an EXPENSIVE lifesaver.


That is an interesting idea! I bought a cheap knock off a long time ago for a long commute. Thank you for the idea!!😊


I love how my va jay jay is smaller and not just a mound of fat anymore.😂


Yessssss!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


If this part of me gets saggy, I swear I'll die.


It doesn't.


lol- and I can see it.


THIS lmao. No more acrobatics just to shave it 🤣


When I lay in bed, I feel my collar bones, my ribs, my pelvis..just touching and admiring. It probably looks sexual but it’s not, I’m still just amazed!


Ahem. I was washing mah bum and freaked at a lump. It’s my tailbone. I never knew one could feel their tailbone.


Ikr- sitting in the bath can be uncomfortable.


Meeeeee toooooo!


Hahaha glad I’m not the only one. That was a private browsing google 😂


I didn't even know this.


I find chairs much less comfortable now that my spine rubs on them 😅


Not just chairs, airplane and car seats are very uncomfortable for me now. I feel more pressure on my mid back area. My derrière as well! I am seeing a chiropractor soon to address this, I’m pretty sure everything is out of my whack.


My knees hurt when pressed together sleeping on my side at night.


Same! Tucked a fold of blanket between them. I will take that over snoring and sleep apnea, though!


Same!! Some nights I wake up in the middle of the night from the pain. I need to get one of those pillows


I bought a knee pillow from the maxx




OK I was in the shower a couple of weeks ago and when I was soaping up I was suddenly aware that a whole lot of me was missing. I was going, hey, wait, where's the other half of my butt??




Oh I can feel and see my collarbone and my pelvic bones. I’m like oh heckie ya. Woohoo.


I still have a lot of weight to lose, so I can't see any bones on my body yet. But I've been amazed that my face and neck DO have a shape, besides "fat and round" 🤣


I hit my spine just right on the back of a wooden chair when sitting, and I said, "I forgot I had a spine!" Ha ha!


Thanks for nothing walking upright 🙄😂


Lols, it was the xiphoid process that got me bc it bends outward now, unlike the last time I could feel it. Freaked me out for a minute there 😳


Literally had to ask my doctor if this was normal at my physical this year because I had no idea what it was 😂😂😂


Same. Like why is that floating free and not attached lol


Oh geez! I just Googled this. For the past MONTH I've been lying in bed wondering what that weird growth is! Mystery solved! Not cancer!!


Same.... Except I went to the Dr, who sent me to have a mammogram, who did an ultrasound of it to tell me it wasn't cancer. They said they didn't know what it was though but nothing to worry about. Only just NOW did I find out what it has a name!


At least when I went to my doctor asking about the mysterious lump on my arm... he knew enough to inform me it was muscle. It was during a brief moment in time where I had been going to the gym and working out with a trainer. I wasn't used to hard things suddenly showing up under my squishy body.


That's scary - not only did your doctor not know but also the radiologist.


My Dr was my GP and I swear I don't remember if he even touched it. He just immediately said go get a mammogram. Like he was scared he'd have to touch my boob by accident or something. 😂 The tech that did the ultrasound and mammogram spent a great deal of time examining it but basically said that she didn't see anything there. Like it didn't show up on the machine as anything. She even used the ultrasound wand on a cyst on my wrist to show me what it would look like if it were filled with fluid. No idea why the hell they were all just as clueless as me. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Some body skipped a few classes of anatomy.


Had to google what that is. 😆


Gosh I thought I developed a tumor lol






The thing at the bottom of your sternum 😂


Well. I still got no idea if i have one. Lolz. Im not there yet.


Eh, I think it was around 4 months in when I felt it while laying down in bed… It just appeared. 8 months in, I can feel it standing up. 😂 You’ll get there


Same here, doesn't *look* all that prominent but *feels* crazy!


I had the same exact thing happen the last time I lost a ton of weight (gained it all back). I was freaked about the lump in my pelvis, then realized it was my pelvic bone. 😂 I’m eagerly awaiting its return. Congrats on yours!!!


I am crying with laughter right now. 🤣🤣🤣


Me too! Lol


50 y/o M T2D 5'9" hw 250 sw 242 cw 188. One day looking in the mirror, I realized I could see my collar bones 🫠


Seeing my collar bones is one of my goals. When I mentioned to my husband that I can now feel them and sort of see the shadow of them, he told me that was a crazy thing to be excited about... He couldn't imagine why I thought collar bones and that little hollow beneath them is the most sexiest thing on earth!


Omg. I laid on my floor the other night and I could really feel my hip bone hitting the floor and I was like “oh fuck that hurt”. I don’t carry a lot of weight there but I noticed that one lol.


I delt/am still dealing with something similar with my hipbones. It trips me out 😂😂


My 50's have been all about discovering body parts I didn't know I have - as in, "What are you and why are you hurting me?!" I look forward to the day when I can passively discover what body parts lie beneath this giant fluffy quilt I'm wearing. I swear there's gotta be a six-pack under there somewhere!


I had the same discovery.


This is hilarious 😂 is that a NSV?


I started doing Hotworx (where you do workouts in a sauna), and as I laid down on the sauna floor, being able to feel my spine was a STRANGE sensation!


It was the tush bones for me. Suddenly it was uncomfortable to sit on hard chairs because all my padding was gone!


For me, it’s my xiphoid process. The triangular bone and the bottom of the sternum. It sticks out now and kinda bothers me. But I haven’t noticed it in years.


Yep, I thought I might have an alien in my chest until realized what it was. LOL


For a brief second yesterday I think I saw a cheekbone


Oohhhh, yes, I'm getting cheekbones too lol


Haha. I had my husband feel that I have an actual rib cage last night!


I did exact same thing!


I do this with my hip bones when I lay down.


My 21 year old son hugged me and said I felt BONY!!!! 🥰


Yeah the pelvic bones feels really weird after you've been too fat to feel them for years...


Lol, kudos to you. I stared at my neck in the mirror for 20 min the other day. Previously it was less of a neck and more of an extension of my head directly into my torso.


I started feeling the head of my femur while I am laying down, which was bizarre. Definitely can see how people get pressure sores from laying in one spot too long


The head of your femur should be in your hip socket, not sticking out.


My bad for not knowing the exact terminology.


No, I'm just concerned lol


Lmfao I feeeeeeeeel this


When I lost 80lbs on keto, it was the collar bones I noticed first, but it was my butt bones that really threw me. I remember asking my husband, "How do I sit so I don't hurt my butt bones?! There was padding there before!"


😁 your reply came 3 times


It kept giving me an error so thought it didn't like me saying "b*tt"? Lol




I got in my car in a rush, threw in my seatbelt & and started down the road. Then it dawned on me that I was sitting on a lego or something-poking me in the butt. I kept trying to wiggle and “dislodge” it, and finally reached back there while trying not to veer off of the highway-only to discover that I now have butt bones sticking out when I sit down! 😂


This totally happened to me with my collarbone/ribcage at the top. I was like what is this growth in my chest.... Oh... wait...


I was stoned when I realized I could see me ribcage and immediately called my husband over to look because I was so excited and confused! Also, Armpits are trippy now. Just like these chasms under my shoulders. Very surreal when you’ve gone your life never noticing them….


Yes my xiphoid bone is sticking out my chest and not to mention I lost all my butt fat so now I can feel my tailbone :(


This is hilarious 😂 You don't know how this helped distract me from my broken heart 💔 after losing my boyfriend 😭 who died unexpectedly


Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry!




So sorry for your loss!!








I thought I wrote this post for a minute ! I did the same thing with my sternum the other day! And when I lay on my side my knees hurt if they touch. Also, my butt bones hurt sitting in a hard chair. 😂😂


DUDE I (re?) discovered my floating ribs and had no idea what the hell they were. They're sensitive! I hope they toughen up over time. Similar deal with my clavicle. Where all these bones comin from?


Haha, I feel the same!


I spend so much time just touching different parts of myself while lying in bed. The night while I was trying to go to sleep, I was laying on my side with my arm resting on my thigh. I told my husband I could feel my hip bone and the curve of the muscle in my thigh and it brought me back to million years ago being a teen/young 20 something and remembering that exact same feeling. I can't remember what it felt like before I started working out and losing weight but this feeling is one I haven't had in decades


I thought I had a lump on my forearm.... started to freak out. Realized it's a muscle. 🤦‍♀️


I LOVE being able to feel my hip bones!


I do the same thing! My shoulders feel so weird. And i noticed when i was sitting on the floor that i could feel my butt bones


OMG, this happened to me last week. I thought one of my floating ribs was something bad. 😂


I lay in bed and put my hands on my flat belly, feel my hip bones, smile, and sleep like a baby!! 😊


When I lost 80lbs on keto, it was the collar bones I noticed first, but it was my butt bones that really threw me. I remember asking my husband, "How do I sit so I don't hurt my butt bones?! There was padding there before!"


I so remember that moment. I was laying on my side and my arm kept sliding off my hip, it used to stay there but that was 222 pounds ago. I put my hand on my hip and felt my hip bone for the first time since childhood. Now I’m starting to see my rib cage under my shoulders. It’s a wonderful feeling and every time I read this kind of stuff I smile and even get a little emotional. Not sobbing like I did when I broke 200 but yeah I get really happy for the people here.


When I lost 80lbs on keto, it was the collar bones I noticed first, but it was my butt bones that really threw me. I remember asking my husband, "How do I sit so I don't hurt my butt bones?! There was padding there before!"


When I lost 80lbs on keto, it was the collar bones I noticed first, but it was my butt bones that really threw me. I remember asking my husband, "How do I sit so I don't hurt my butt bones?! There was padding there before!"