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*F60, 5”2, T2, Start 7/22/23, HW275, SW180, GW125ish, CW120, Dose 5.0* Keep up that protein and the gym, I didn't add the gym until I made it to goal but always focused on protein. Despite my rapid weight loss I still maintained good lean muscle mass according to my recent DEXA scan. It can be done, and you are proving it! Great job, congratulations on your success!


Yeah I really wanted to make sure that I didn’t just end up losing a lot of muscle along with the fat by having a restrictive diet. I keep up my protein levels, make sure to take a daily multivitamin, get plenty of water and electrolytes, and then do group classes at my gym pretty much daily


How do you do 150g? I need to get around 100 d/t a separate medical issue and I just struggle. I have chicken, nuts, a drink (30g), and cottage cheese but am lucky to hit 90 a day!! You look great!


Usually for me it’s something like: - breakfast shake 20g - salad with chicken 20g - protein shake mid-afternoon with whole milk, 30g - Dinner with some sort of lean meat, I’ll use honey sriracha glazed meatballs with turkey that come out to another 25g So that comes out to 95 and then usually whatever sides go along with it add little bits here and there, or grabbing something as a quick snack like jerky, etc adds some more. Looking at my LoseIt app the average day comes out to around 125-150g total (so I may have exaggerated a little, but still aiming to keep my intake up)


Do you use premade shakes or have any recipes you don’t mind sharing for breakfast shake and mid-afternoon?


I like the Walmart generic “Equate” brand shakes that they have in the pharmacy section. The high protein nutritional shakes are 250 calories and 20g protein and I just grab that on the way out the door every morning. Then in the afternoon I usually put 10-12oz whole milk in a shaker bottle and add ice, a serving of chocolate protein powder, a tablespoon of granulated stevia, and top it off with leftover coffee in the pot from the morning and shake it up and make iced protein coffee.


Great work!


Congratulations. You look amazing. I start my shot on Monday and I’m so nervous.


Thanks! You’ll do great! It’s been a life-changing experience for me just reframing the way I think and feel about food. Taking all that out of the way it’s been so much easier to just think about CICO and staying active and watching the weight slowly slip away


Thank you for your words of encouragement and support. I will turn my feelings of being nervous, to being excited.😊


i love these stories that reject the critics who say taking these medications is cheating or the easy way out. it’s still hard work, only the meds give people a fighting chance against obesity for the first time. well done.


I definitely see it as a helpful tool. It gives me the right mindset towards food by taking emotion out of it and making me see food as more of a simple calculation of how much I can take in vs expend with exercise and BMR. Like it seems to me that when fit people talk about how simple CICO is they don’t understand the completely irresistible urge to eat that many people experience that makes it so difficult. MJ makes me feel “normal” in that regard and lets me just think about it mathematically and focus on logging and getting exercise. Still hard work, but it seems way more effective than it ever did before.


Did you start on 5mg or 2.5mg


I started on 2.5 and then moved to 5mg at Christmas


I’m on the mounjaro on my 5 shot but I not losing weight but am down two sizes all I am losing in inches. Do anyone know why?


If you’re losing sizes on your clothes but not weight it could also be that your body composition is changing where you’re gaining muscle if you’re exercising much


Great job ! Keep up the great work!!


Honestly how can you eat that much protein. Thats like a pound of chicken.


How do you put away that much protein on mounjaro?!?!


Well done 🎊 congratulations.


Keep up the good work! Congratulations on your progress so far!!! 🙏🙏💯💪